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油菜菌核病是油菜的主要病害。近几年来本县油菜菌核病一般病株率为20~50%,病情指数为10~35。油菜因此病减产6~26%,该病严重流行后感病品种要减产30~50%。笔者在1987~1989三年间开展了油菜菌核病对油菜产量影响的调查研究,为进一步搞清油菜菌核病发病程度与油莱产量损失之间的关系,以便为防治油莱菌核病提供依据。  相似文献   

防治田埂子囊盘控制油菜菌核病研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对稻油连作区油菜菌核病的控制,采用大面积连片喷药防治田埂子囊盘的方法,可有效地降低初侵染菌源量,从而降低发病程度。该法对油菜菌核病控制效果:在防治区内,离防治边缘100、200、400及1000m分别为69.4%、85.6%、91.8%和97.2%。本文还对油菜菌核病病原子囊孢子的传播距离作了探索性试验。  相似文献   

油菜菌核病药剂防治技术研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜是南通市的丰要油料作物,种植面积在190万亩左右。油菜菌核病是油菜生长过程中的主要病害,其为害程度直接决定着油菜的产量和品质。2001—2003年南通市油菜菌核病连续3年偏重至大发生,产量损失一般在20%左右,重者损失50%~60%。  相似文献   

薛根祥 《植物保护》1996,22(4):52-52
东台市油菜菌核病近年连续大发生油菜是我市主要油料作物,近年油菜种植面积不断扩大,已稳定在1.3万hm2左右。自1991年以来,油菜菌核病在我市已连续3年大发生,一般田块自然枯秆率30%~50%,减产30%~40%,重茬油菜田枯秆率达80%,减产50%...  相似文献   

浅谈油菜菌核病发生规律及防治效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浅谈油菜菌核病发生规律及防治效应浠水县植保站(436200)马清明油菜菌核病在我县流行频率高,危害严重,是油菜生产上的重大障碍,常年造成20%左右的产量损失,重的年份达32.3%。为了有效地防治菌核病,我县植保工作者多年来进行了大量的观察和试验,现将...  相似文献   

岳池县油菜菌核病的发生规律及防治对策伍佐君,王朝升(四川省岳池县植保植捡站)油菜菌核病是岳池县油菜的主要病害,常年发生7万亩左右,特别是近几年随着种植密度的增大,偏施迟施氮肥,致使油菜菌核病发生危害逐年加重。据调查,一般损失10~30%,个别年份损失...  相似文献   

油菜是湖北省主要油料作物,常年种植面积1 206hm2左右.菌核病是油菜上的主要病害,做好油菜菌核病防控工作对油菜产量具有重要意义.本文对全省2014年油菜菌核病的发生流行规律进行了系统归纳,结合菌源、气候、品种、栽培等多因素对全年油菜菌核病发生重、发生区域特性强等特点进行了分析,并将今年全省油菜菌核病防治中所采取的有效防控措施进行归纳总结.  相似文献   

油菜菌核病的防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜是我国主要的油料作物,油菜菌核病是油菜生产中的重要病害之一。常年株发病率高达10~30%,严重的达80%以上;病株—般减产10-70%。  相似文献   

东台市地处长江下游苏北沿海地区,是全国重点油菜籽生产县(市)之一。油菜菌核病是我市油菜上的一种常发性病害,据1993年至1998年调查,除1995年中等发生外,其余均为大发生,最终自然茎秆发病株率在60%以上,病指在40%以上,一般田块减产20%左右,重发田块减产50%以上。菌核病已成为我市夺取油菜籽高产优质的主要障碍,为此,笔者通过近6年的调查,分析油菜菌核病重发的原因,并通过试验研究,提出相应的防治对策。一、菌核病重发的原因分析1.旱地连作面积大,累积了大量菌源,为菌核病的重发提供了基础。我…  相似文献   

油菜菌核病药剂防治新方法油菜菌核病是油菜3大病害之首,根据各地发病情况和自然栽培条件,在全国划分为7个发病区,汉中地区属长江中游重病区,中度发病年份病株率为32.4%,产量损失在10%以上,严重发病年份,病株率达50%以上,损失超过20%。关于该病的...  相似文献   

The effects of metham-sodium (MES) soil treatment, a varying number of benomyl foliar sprays (two, three and six) and combined treatments on control of lettuce drop disease were studied at two sites in Israel naturally infested with the pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. MES killed 85% of the S. sclerotiorum sclerotia in the top 10 cm of soil where initial populations were 0.6 and 1.6 viable sclerotia per kg soil at the two sites. Of the remaining viable sclerotia. only 30% produced apothecia. MES treatment alone reduced numbers of apothecia to 5% of those counted in the unsprayed control treatment. Numbers of ascospores deposited on the crop in the MES-treated plots were 7-20% of those deposited on control plots. Lettuce drop decreased the total yield by 30% in unsprayed control plots; MES application reduced the loss to 4% and also increased the number of marketable plants. Benomyl sprays alone also significantly reduced numbers of apothecia and disease development and consequently increased yield, although not to the extent observed with the MES treatment alone. Combined treatments produced the best disease control, but this improvement was not accompanied by any major increase in yield compared to that with MES treatment alone.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effect of the fungal mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans applied as a spray to crops infected with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (causal agent of white mold) on contamination of soil with S. sclerotiorum sclerotia was studied in a 5-year field experiment. Sclerotial survival also was monitored during two subsequent years, when the field was returned to commercial agriculture. In a randomized block design, factorial combinations of four crops and three treatments were repeated 10 times. Potato (Solanum tuberosum), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), carrot (Daucus carota), and chicory (Cichorium intybus), which are all susceptible to S. sclerotiorum, were grown in rotation. Plots were treated with C. minitans or Trichoderma spp. or were nontreated (control). Crops were rotated in each plot, but treatments were applied to the same plot every year. After 3 years during which it showed no effect on sclerotial survival, the Trichoderma spp. treatment was replaced by a single spray with C. minitans during the fourth and fifth years of the trial. The effect of treatments was monitored in subsequent seasons by counting apothecia as a measure of surviving S. sclerotiorum sclerotia and scoring disease incidence. Trichoderma spp. did not suppress S. sclerotiorum, but C. minitans infected at least 90% of S. sclerotiorum sclerotia on treated crops by the end of the each season. C. minitans lowered the number of apothecia compared with the other treatments during the second year after the bean crop. C. minitans reduced the number of apothecia by approximately 90% when compared with the control and Trichoderma spp. treatments and reduced disease incidence in the bean crop by 50% during the fifth year of the trial, resulting in a slightly higher yield. In 1993, but not 1994, a single spray with C. minitans was nearly as effective at reducing apothecia as three sprays (monitored in 1995). The final population size of sclerotia in soil at the end of the 7-year period was lower in all C. minitans plots than at the beginning of the trial, even in plots where two highly susceptible bean crops were grown during the period. The results indicate that the mycoparasite C. minitans has the potential to keep contamination of soil with sclerotia low in crop rotations with a high number of crops susceptible to S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

吉林省向日葵菌核病综合防治措施研究及大面积应用效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在重茬4年的重病地块晚播(5月20日—25日)向日葵,其花腐型菌核病比正常播期(4月25日)减少90%以上,而产量提高13%—30%。在农村扩大示范,晚播(5月19日)减少病害59%—75%,产量提高35%。在盛花期—成熟期喷2—3次50%速克灵500倍液可大大减轻花腐型菌核病的发生(防治效果65.9%—92.3%)。经筛选以速克灵(0.5%)拌种防治根腐型菌核病效果最好,在温室中对土壤和种子中的病菌防治效果达83%以上,小区试验和农村示范防治效果达55.8%—100%。土壤中增施钾肥可提高植株抗病力,减轻发病。1990年在吉林省农安、长岭2县8533ha采用晚播、轮作2年以上、种子处理、增施钾肥、盛花期—成熟期喷药的一套综合防治措施,重点调查10块对比田,花腐型菌核病平均防治效果为87.62%(63.38%—100%),对根腐型菌核病防治效果平均为66.77%(50.0%—82.57%)。1991年在长岭、农安等6个主产区推广6.37万ha,重点调查134块对比田,花腐型菌核病防治效果平均为75.86%(46.37%—100%),根腐型菌核病平均防治效果为65.11%(33.33%—100%),增产增收显著。  相似文献   

枯草芽胞杆菌NJ-18对油菜菌核病的防治效果及其定殖动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 菌株NJ-18是从油菜田土壤中分离筛选到的一株具有抗真菌活性的枯草芽胞杆菌。试验结果表明菌株NJ-18与油菜菌核病菌对峙培养能形成3.4 cm的抑菌圈;能抑制油菜菌核病菌菌丝生长发育;强烈影响菌丝生长量,NJ-18发酵滤液稀释62.5倍时对菌丝生长量抑制率高达96.7 %,稀释1 000倍时抑制率16.7 %。油菜离体叶片试验表明,NJ-18发酵液原液对菌核病的防治效果高达100 %,原液稀释200倍后防效10 %。大田试验结果表明,NJ-18发酵液稀释500倍对油菜菌核病的防治效果高达57.4 %,明显高于用量为150 g a.i./hm2的醚菌酯48.1 %的防治效果。采用浸根法研究NJ-18在油菜上的定殖动态表明,菌株NJ-18能够在油菜体内定殖,并能从油菜的根部向叶子扩散。  相似文献   

本研究从内蒙古包头市萨拉齐向日葵根围土壤中分离得到1株生防细菌 S-16,拮抗试验表明,菌株S-16能够显著抑制向日葵核盘菌的菌丝生长。显微镜观察发现,核盘菌菌丝生长点附近出现明显的异常分枝和囊泡状畸形,并且在距菌株S-16一定范围内核盘菌不能形成菌核。培养基内添加1%的菌株S-16发酵滤液能够有效抑制向日葵核盘菌菌核的形成。室内生测表明,2×106 cfu/mL浓度的菌株S-16菌液在离体叶片及幼苗上对向日葵菌核病的防效分别为94.62%和94.21%。通过细菌形态特征和生理生化反应,并结合API鉴定和16S rDNA序列分析,将菌株S-16鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis。  相似文献   

北京地区花生病毒病及流行规律研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1985—1987年研究表明北京地区花生上流行的病害主要有黄瓜花叶病毒CA株系(CMV-CA)引起的黄花叶病害和花生轻斑驳病毒(PMMV)引起的轻斑驳病害。血清鉴定451份花生病害样品,黄花叶病害样品受CMV-CA侵染占95.7%,轻斑驳病害样品受PMMV侵染占91.3%,中后期病害样品受CMV-CA和PMMV复合感染较普遍。CMV种传率2%左右,种传病苗在花生出苗后开始出现,6月病害进入高峰。三年CMV-CA流行程度明显不同,主要取决于苗期蚜虫发生早晚、发生量及苗期降雨量。PMMV种传率低于1%,病苗出现稍晚,但病害扩散快,6月上旬进入高峰,7月上、中旬发病率达100%。三年流行程度差异不明显。  相似文献   

不同核盘菌菌株及其近缘种的RAPD分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
 本文利用随机引物扩增多态性DNA (RAPD)技术分析了7个生物学性状差异较大核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)的遗传多样性,并同三叶草核盘菌(S.trifoliorum)、小核盘菌(S.minor)的代表性菌株和莴苣上的一种产菌核病原菌的代表菌株Let-19进行了比较。结果表明40个引物中8个引物能稳定地从供试菌株中扩增出多态性DNA片段。通过分析这些多态性片段可以看出7个供试核盘菌菌株之间的遗传相似系数变化幅度为0.505 2~0.793 1,而核盘菌、三叶草核盘菌,小核盘菌和Let-19之间的遗传相似系数的变幅则为0.194 2~0.385 3。莴苣上的菌株Let-19的RA PD图谱同供试其它种的菌株既存在明显差异的DNA片段电泳带,又显示出一些位置一致的DNA片段电泳带。因而Let-19同核盘菌属真菌的亲缘关系较近。供试的引物中OPL14既能介导从供试的7个核盘菌菌株和3个近缘种的3个菌株的DNA样品中扩增出相同的DNA片段,又能扩增出种或菌株特异性DNA片段。因而RAPD技术适于研究核盘菌的遗传多样性及分析核盘菌属真菌的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

庞博  刘何春 《植物保护》2018,44(2):94-99
防治油菜菌核病的有效方法是培育抗菌核病的油菜品种。多聚半乳糖醛酸酶阻遏蛋白(polygalacturonase inhibiting protein,PGIP),是植物体内一种重要的抗真菌蛋白。本研究根据NCBI中发表的PGIP基因序列设计引物,从芥菜型油菜‘藏油6号’中克隆得到全长1 048bp的PGIP基因序列。其核酸序列与NCBI数据库中登录的PGIP基因序列同源性为99%。该序列翻译后得到的氨基酸序列与NCBI上公布的油菜PGIP序列同源性为99%。该蛋白质序列中包含8个亮氨酸重复区(leucine-rich repeat,LRR)。过去研究结果显示芥菜型油菜比甘蓝型、白菜型油菜对菌核病的抗性普遍较高,但是未能搞清楚具体的原因,只是提出抗菌核病基因主要分布在芥菜型油菜中,其次是甘蓝型油菜中。通过研究证实了芥菜型油菜上PGIP基因具有保守性、疏水性,而且结构稳定,具有多个信号肽,能够高效地发挥其抗核盘菌的功能。今后在油菜育种上应利用芥菜型油菜的优势,发挥其抗病育种的潜力。  相似文献   

The effect of soil solarization on the viability of plant pathogens and disease was evaluated in Victoria. The treatment was tested in NW and S Victoria with natural soil inoculated with high inoculum levels of Eusarium oxysporum, Plasmodiophora brassicae, Sclerotium cepivorum, Sclerotinia minor, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Verticillium dahliae and the nematodes Meloidogyne javanica and Pratylenchus penetrans. Other experiments were established at sites with a previous history of disease.
Solarization of artificially inoculated soils reduced inoculum levels to at least a depth of 10 cm and effectively controlled diseases caused by P. brassicae on broccoli, and S. minor and S. sclerotiorum on lettuce. The treatment reduced inoculum levels but not disease of carnations and watermelons affected by E. oxysporum , tomatoes affected by M. javanica , celery affected by P. penetrans , and onions affected by S. cepivorum. Results were inconclusive for tomatoes affected by V. dahliae.
Experiments in naturally infested soils established that solarization reduced disease and increased yields of Chinese cabbage affected by P. brassicae , celery affected by P. penetrans , lettuce affected by S. minor and watermelon affected by root rot.
Solarization reduced disease of onions affected by S. cepivorum but did not significantly increase yield. At all sites the treatment reduced the number of viable propagules of the pathogens to at least a depth of 10 cm.  相似文献   

盾壳霉控制油菜菌核病菌再侵染及其叶面存活动态的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
 本文评估了施于油菜(Brassica napus)叶片上的盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)控制油菜菌核病菌再侵染能力,探讨了其作用机理,并测定了盾壳霉分生孢子在油菜叶面上的存活动态。结果如下:叶面上的盾壳霉对油菜菌核病菌的初侵染影响较小,但在高剂量(> 106孢子/ml)时可以控制病斑的扩展。所有供试剂量的盾壳霉均可不同程度地控制再侵染。盾壳霉分生孢子可在叶面病部迅速萌发,48 h和72 h时孢子萌发率分别为51%和95%,而在健康叶面上6 d未能检测到萌发的孢子。自携带盾壳霉的叶面病部不能分离到核盘菌,表明叶面上的盾壳霉已寄生并破坏了核盘菌再侵染菌丝。自油菜叶面上分离到的盾壳霉菌落数随时间延长而降低,但其分生孢子至少可以在叶面上存活28 d。这即表明,在叶面上适时适量地添加盾壳霉可以控制油菜菌核病的为害。  相似文献   

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