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生防菌EN5的定殖能力及其对根际土壤微生物类群的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
[目的] 明确生防菌EN5菌株在番茄根、茎及根际土壤中和在黄瓜、烟草体内的定殖情况,及对根际土壤微生态的影响,为细菌性青枯病的生态治理提供理论依据。[方法] 采用抗生素抗性标记法测定生防芽胞杆菌EN5的定殖能力;以平板培养及ERIC PCR法分析菌株EN5对番茄根际土壤微生物种群的影响。[结果] 菌株EN5在番茄根、茎及根际土壤中均能稳定定殖,当菌株EN5处理植株15 d时,其在番茄茎内的定殖量可达5.6×104 cfu/g;此外,菌株EN5在烟草和黄瓜体内亦可定殖,其在烟草体内的定殖量较大。菌株EN5处理使根际土壤中细菌、真菌和放线菌的数量明显高于对照土壤,对氨化细菌、固氮菌、纤维素降解菌等微生物群体有促进作用,对反硫化细菌群体有抑制作用。同时,菌株EN5处理还改善了根际土壤中细菌群体的多样性。[结论] 菌株EN5可以在其自然寄主番茄的根、茎及根际土壤中稳定定殖。同时,菌株EN5处理有助于改善根际土壤微生态环境,抑制病菌繁殖。  相似文献   

内生枯草芽孢杆菌B47菌株入侵番茄的途径及其定殖部位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
番茄内生枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)B47菌株对番茄青枯病有较好防治作用。本研究对该菌株入侵番茄的途径及其定殖部位进行检测。用浸种、浸根、淋根、注射、喷雾、针刺伤茎和针刺伤叶等方法将B47菌的抗链霉素突变菌株从不同部位接种到番茄植株上,一个月后进行接种菌回收,结果发现除喷雾接种法外,用其他方法接种B47菌的番茄植株体内都有B47菌株存在。说明该菌能通过番茄根、茎、叶的伤口入侵番茄植株。将B47菌株接种到番茄苗上,20d后切取茎段,经固定、脱水、渗透、包埋、聚合等处理后,进行半薄切片,光学显微镜检测,结果表明:B47菌株入侵番茄植株后主要定殖在维管束的导管中。  相似文献   

通过抗生素抗性标记法结合室内拮抗和小区防效试验,研究生防菌株SW11在番茄植株及其根围土壤中的定殖能力,及其对番茄灰霉病的防控效果.结果显示菌株SW11在番茄根、茎、叶和根围土壤中均能够较长时间定殖寄生,施药后5d在番茄植株内定殖量达到最高值,在根围土壤和植株表面则呈先多后少、逐渐下降的动态变化趋势,施药30 d后,菌株SW11抗Rif标记菌株在根面的存在量为1.31×104 cfu/g,根围土壤中为4.88×102 cfu/g,叶面为1.84×102 cfu/g,茎外为0.87×102 cfu/g,根、茎和叶内为20~65 cfu/g.当菌液浓度为1.57×108 cfu/mL时,施药7d后对番茄灰霉病的预防效果可达88.15%,治疗效果可达70.50%.研究结果证明生防菌株SW11可以成为番茄植株微生态环境中的有益微生物之一,能够有效控制番茄灰霉病的发生和为害,为其开发应用和番茄灰霉病的生物防治提供了理论依据和有效途径.  相似文献   

Zhihengliuella aestuarii B18是一株对十字花科根肿病菌Plasmodiophora brassicae具有抑制作用的优良生防菌株。为探明其生防潜能,本文通过抗生素抗性标记法、盆栽试验和田间小区试验研究了B18在不同土壤pH、土壤温度、土壤含水量、初始接种浓度、蔬菜作物以及不同土壤类型中的定殖动态。灭菌土试验结果表明:调节土壤pH 7.5~8.5,含水量10%~30%,放置于10~25℃,70 d后B18定殖菌量保持在105~107 cfu/g。盆栽试验结果表明:初始接种菌液浓度为109 cfu/mL时,45 d后根际土中定殖菌量可稳定在104~105cfu/g。将50 mL浓度为2×109 cfu/mL的生防菌菌液接种于田间不同类型土壤后,第30天定殖菌量分别为病田8.7×105cfu/g,病土1.02×105cfu/g,健田8.5×104cfu/g,健土2.6×104cfu/g,即定殖能力由强到弱依次为:病田>病土>健田>健土。且病田中B18在根际土中可存活至45 d且菌量保持在104 cfu/g,根内可存活至31 d且菌量保持在104 cfu/g。田间调查结果显示B18在病田和病土中对榨菜根肿病的防效分别为42.01%和47.53%,增产率分别为37.24%和40.22%。  相似文献   

为明确海洋细菌解淀粉芽胞杆菌BA-3在兰花根际的定殖特性,本研究采用抗生素标记法筛选出对利福平和卡那霉素稳定的菌株BA-3-K。平板对峙试验证明,菌株BA-3-K对兰花茎腐病抑菌率达86.91%,与原始菌株BA-3抑菌率87.69%无明显差异。采用灌根法和涂茎法证实了标记菌株BA-3-K能在兰花植株体内定殖达60 d以上。灌根处理表明,生防菌BA-3-K的定殖数量为土壤 > 根 > 茎,呈先升后降的趋势,第21 d在根部和茎部达到最大分别为2.54×105和1.47×105 cfu/g,在土壤中第15 d达到最大6.50×105 cfu/g,但叶部未检测到标记菌株BA-3-K;涂茎处理生防菌的定殖量茎>叶,第17 d在茎部达到最大2.33×105 cfu/g,随后呈下降趋势,根部和土壤未检测到标记菌株BA-3-K;通过扫描电镜定性观察,发现BA-3-K可在植株茎部定殖。盆栽试验表明,菌株BA-3-K施用后,根际土壤中细菌、真菌和放线菌的数量明显高于对照处理。本研究表明海洋细菌BA-3有较强的定殖能力,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

枯草芽胞杆菌PTS-394的GFP标记及其定殖能力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探明枯草芽胞杆菌PTS-394在番茄根围的定殖能力,采用电转化法获得绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)标记菌株PTS-GFP,构建其生长曲线,采用对峙生长法评价其室内抑菌活性,并应用抗生素平板回收结合激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察标记菌株在番茄根围的定殖数量。结果显示:与原始菌株PTS-394相比,标记菌株PTS-GFP的生长、对青枯病菌和4种病原真菌的室内抑菌能力无明显差异。标记菌株PTS-GFP和青枯病菌菌液单独或混合处理番茄苗,灌根当天标记菌株初始菌量接近108 CFU/g,处理3 d后种群数量迅速下降,约106 CFU/g,随后缓慢下降,处理10 d后种群数量约104 CFU/g,处理30 d后,标记菌株仍然能被检测到,约20 CFU/g。表明枯草芽胞杆菌PTS-394在番茄根际土壤中具有一定的定殖能力。  相似文献   

抑菌圈-定殖力双重测定法筛选青枯病生防细菌   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 本研究首先用平皿抑菌圈法筛选出55个拮抗青枯菌的细菌菌株,将番茄幼苗在各菌菌悬液中浸根12h后栽种于温室未灭菌的土壤中,结果发现,有22个菌株在幼苗根部的定殖能力较强(终定殖密度大于104 cfu/g根),其中革兰氏阴性土壤细菌占同类菌的86.3%,革兰氏阳性土壤细菌占同类菌的13.0%,10个无致病力产细菌素的青枯菌菌株在根部的终定殖密度均低于104 cfu/g根,其定殖能力弱于致病青枯菌。有17个拮抗菌菌株在番茄幼苗根部的定殖密度超过所有致病菌。温室生防结果证明,抑菌圈-定殖力双重测定法对于筛选生防菌株是一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌Bs916防治番茄青枯病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用室内MS平板植物组培法、温室盆栽试验和微生物特异性平板分离检测技术,评估了枯草芽孢杆菌Bs916对番茄的促生、防治青枯病的作用,研究了菌株Bs916对番茄根表及茎内青枯菌种群数量的影响和对番茄根围可培养微生物含量的影响。在植物组培MS平板中,枯草芽孢杆菌Bs916对番茄植株鲜重具有促生作用,播种15 d后,其鲜重达79.8 mg,比未处理对照增加9.61%。盆栽试验显示,枯草芽孢杆菌Bs916灌根处理番茄后14 d,对番茄青枯病的防治效果达55.6%;菌株Bs916处理番茄后,番茄根表、茎内青枯菌含量和未处理对照的青枯菌含量变化趋势一致,均呈现随着时间的改变而逐渐下降的趋势,菌株Bs916处理的根表青枯菌含量约为未处理对照的1/100~1/10,而茎内青枯菌含量为未处理对照的1/50~1/2。此外,菌株Bs916的施用对番茄根围土壤中细菌种群具有先抑制后促进的作用,对真菌具有先促进后快速抑制的作用,而对根围放线菌则无显著性影响。以上结果表明,芽孢杆菌Bs916具有潜在的防治番茄青枯病的田间应用前景,也为其田间应用提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

为了筛选出对番茄青枯病具有较好防效的生防菌,采用皿内测定法从上海地区的番茄青枯病自然衰退土壤中,分离到一株对番茄青枯病有很强抑制作用的菌株SN15-2,并进行了分子鉴定和对荧光假单胞菌SN15-2产抗生素能力和定殖能力测定。结果表明,菌株SN15-2为荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)。其菌株能产生2,4-二乙酰基间苯三酚(2,4-DAPG)、硝吡咯菌素(PRN)、藤黄绿脓菌素(PLT)。同时,可以产生HCN、噬铁素,能够形成生物膜。SN15-2在施入番茄根际后的前20 d定殖数量减少,20 d后基本稳定,60 d时,在干土中的定殖数量可达3.67×105cfu/g。盆栽防效分析表明,荧光假单胞菌SN15-2对番茄青枯病防效达到46.58%。  相似文献   

为筛选防治番茄青枯病的优良生防菌株,本研究以弱化指数、胞外多糖含量和盆栽苗番茄发病率为指标确定20株经形态初步判定为无致病力的青枯雷尔氏菌Ralstonia solanacearum Tn5突变菌株的致病性,测定其在番茄根部的定殖数量,并于显微镜下观察其定殖特性。结果表明,供试的20株青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株的弱化指数均大于0.75,胞外多糖含量介于1.59~16.68 μg/mL之间,显著低于强致病力菌株FJAT-91,接种40 d番茄植株未出现青枯病症状;20株青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株均能在番茄根部定殖,定殖数量呈先上升后下降的趋势,其中菌株T659的定殖数量最大,定殖时间最长,分别为2.86×106CFU/g和35 d;透射电镜观察发现,青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株T659从番茄植株根部表皮细胞中侵入,然后进入维管束厚壁细胞,并在维管束细胞中大量繁殖和定殖,但未引起番茄根部细胞结构病理变化。表明供试的青枯雷尔氏菌无致病力突变菌株T659的定殖能力最强,具有良好的生防潜力。  相似文献   

Ralstonia solanacearum, which consists of five races/biovars, is considered a “species-complex” and is an important phytopathogen that causes wilt disease in more than 200 plant species. R. solanacearum race 1 biovar 4 (R1bv4) has caused yield losses of 30–80 % in the vegetable sweet potato (VSP) in the last decade in Taiwan. To identify the source of the initial inoculum of R1bv4 in VSP fields, soil and cuttings from these fields were examined from 2009 to 2010. The results of the investigation indicated that the population of R1bv4 was generally distributed throughout the natural soil of VSP fields at a density ranging from 1.3?×?102 to 9.5?×?105 cfu/g soil; however, the incidence of bacterial wilt was not significantly associated with the density of the R1bv4 population in soils (R2?=?0.084). In contrast, densities of R1bv4 ranging from 2.3?×?103 to 5.9?×?105 cfu/g tissue were detected in the vine tissue of asymptomatic plants in the fields. Additional experiments demonstrated that R1bv4-free VSP cuttings without visible symptoms planted in infested soils in the greenhouse setting could carry approximately 3.1?×?105 R1bv4 cfu/g tissue, which suggests the existence of a latent period for R1bv4 in VSP plants. The results of a BIO-PCR analysis showed that R1bv4 was detected in 2.0 to 98.0 % of the VSP cuttings used for propagation in fields; in addition, the percentage of VSP cuttings carrying R1bv4 and the incidence of bacterial wilt in fields were positively correlated (R2?=?0.909). The inoculation experiments conducted in greenhouses and in fields showed that the cutting inoculum (CI) contributed more to the incidence of bacterial wilt in VSP plants than the soil inoculum (SI). In the field experiments conducted in 2010, an incidence of disease of 27.1 to 38.5 % was detected in healthy field cuttings 8 months after transplantation; in contrast, the incidence of disease in field cuttings carrying R1bv4 was 49.0 to 68.8 %. The incidence of disease was significantly lower in healthy cuttings than in cuttings carrying R1bv4 (p?=?0.05).  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the ability of DL-3-aminobutyric acid (BABA) to protect tomato against bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. This was combined with studies of accumulation of total phenolic compounds, free and total salicylic acid (SA), and activity of enzymes related to plant defence, i.e., polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and catalase (CAT). Under greenhouse conditions, tomato plants pre-treated by soil drenching with BABA profoundly reduced disease severity of bacterial wilt compared to plants receiving a soil drench with water. Thus, BABA reduced leaf wilting index by 75.3 % and vascular browning index by 69.9 %, without any in vitro inhibitory activity on the pathogen. BABA treatment significantly reduced the population of R. solanacearum in stems of tomato plants and additionally also significantly increased both fresh and dry weight of roots and shoots of tomato plants compared with the inoculated control. Application of BABA resulted in a high increase in PPO activity both in plants with and without inoculation. Compared to water-treated plants, treatment with BABA also induced a significant increase of total phenolic compounds as well as of free and total SA in leaves of both inoculated and non-inoculated tomato plants at all sampling times. CAT activity decreased in tomato plants treated with BABA in comparison with the water-treated control plants and the decrease in activity correlated with an increasing total SA accumulation. These findings suggest that BABA treatment resulted in induction of resistance to bacterial wilt in tomato.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the most devastating bacterial diseases of plants worldwide. Management of bacterial wilt in tomato and other crops has been difficult, and so novel but easily implemented control methods are being sought. To evaluate the effect of cold-water irrigation on bacterial wilt of tomato, four treatments were used in which CF (chemically fertilized) soil and CF + FYM (chemical fertilizer + farmyard manure [FYM]) soil were inoculated with a bacterial suspension (R. solanacearum strain YU1Rif43) at 106 colony forming units (CFU) g?1 soil. Tomato seedlings were grown in Agri-pots in a plant growth chamber. The soil was irrigated with water that was kept at the same temperature in each treatment: 4, 10, 20, or 30°C. Incidence and severity of wilt, counting of the colonies of the culturable population of pathogen, and dry-mass and height of the plants were examined. After 45 days and in both kinds of soil, most of the plants had wilted in soil irrigated at 30°C. Wilt incidence was substantially reduced when transplanted seedlings were irrigated at lower temperatures (4–20°C). Survival of R. solanacearum was also reduced after being irrigated with water at lower temperatures, indicating that the reduced incidence of wilt was linked to reduced survival of the pathogen. Dry-mass and plant height were slightly higher under control conditions than in soils irrigated at lower temperatures. This study suggests that cold-water irrigation could significantly reduce bacterial wilt of tomato and have an adverse effect on survival of the wilt pathogen.  相似文献   

X. Li  Y. Liu  L. Cai  H. Zhang  J. Shi  Y. Yuan 《Plant pathology》2017,66(8):1345-1356
Tobacco bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a serious disease affecting tobacco cultivation in southwest China. The response surface methodology was employed to evaluate the optimal conditions of tobacco bacterial wilt, and green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) labelling was applied to monitor the location and survival dynamics of R. solanacearum (Rs::gfp) on tobacco roots and in soil under these optimal conditions. The results showed that the highest wilt incidence was 91.13%, which occurred when the population reached 6.6 × 106 CFU/g soil, the temperature was 30.55 °C, and the humidity was >81.42%. The Rs::gfp densely colonized the root tips and root hairs, and cells of Rs::gfp were observed intermittently in the elongation zone or at the point of the emerging lateral roots. The Rs::gfp number in the rhizosphere soil was 10.75‐, 73.13‐ and 74.86‐times higher than that in the bulk soil at 10, 15 and 20 days after transplantation, respectively. Increased colonization by Rs::gfp was related to the population of the pathogen, the environmental temperature and the humidity in the soil. These three conditions determined whether R. solanacearum would induce tobacco wilt. This is the first study to investigate factors affecting the virulence of a tobacco wilt bacterial pathogen, which is important for conducting field diagnosis and biocontrol of tobacco bacterial wilt.  相似文献   

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IUMC7 and its culture supernatant, which we previously found to suppress Fusarium wilt, were found here to have antimicrobial activity against Ralstonia solanacearum. In in vivo experiments, mushroom compost inoculated with IUMC7 significantly reduced disease severity in tomato plants over that in control soils. The R. solanacearum population decreased in soil inoculated with IUMC7. A TLC–bioautography assay showed that one of the antimicrobial substances produced by IUMC7 is likely an iturin-like lipopeptide. These results suggest that these antimicrobial compounds are responsible for disease suppression and that mushroom compost containing IUMC7 has potential as a biocontrol product.  相似文献   

通过形态特征、生理生化特征和16SrDNA序列分析,对分离于番茄茎部能较强抑制番茄青枯病菌生长的内生细菌B47菌株进行了鉴定。结果表明,该菌为枯草芽孢杆菌,其最适生长pH5~6,最适生长温度为35℃。室内防治试验结果表明,用淋根法先接种B47菌后接种病原菌和用注射法先接种B47菌后接种病原菌的处理可取得81.25%和92.10%的防效,而用淋根法、注射法同时接种B47菌与病原菌的处理防效较低。  相似文献   

抗不同生化型青枯菌的生防菌筛选鉴定及其活性分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为更好地利用生防菌控制青枯病危害,从不同地区的土壤中分离到569株细菌菌株,筛选到3株对5种不同生化型青枯劳尔氏菌Ralstonia solanacearum具有较强拮抗活性的菌株,其中菌株BS2004的拮抗活性最强。以BS2004的菌悬液为对照,分别测定无菌滤液、蛋白酶K及高温热处理后拮抗物质抑菌活性的变化。结果显示,蛋白酶K及高温热处理后,该菌的抑菌活性显著降低,表明其主要抑菌成分为蛋白类物质。在设施栽培条件下用生防菌BS2004菌悬液处理番茄植株,能有效控制番茄青枯病的发生,防治效果达66.75%,同时还发现,重新分离得到的青枯菌菌体数明显受到生防菌的抑制。通过对BS2004的形态、生理生化特征、脂肪酸鉴定、16S rDNA序列等进行分析,该菌株被鉴定为解淀粉芽孢杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens。  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt is a serious problem affecting many important food crops. Recent studies have indicated that treatment with biotic or abiotic stress factors may increase the resistance of plants to bacterial infection. This study investigated the effects of magnesium oxide nanoparticles (MgO NP) on disease resistance in tomato plants against Ralstonia solanacearum, as well as its antibacterial activity. The roots of tomato seedlings were inoculated with R. solanacearum and then immediately treated with MgO NP; the treated plants showed very little inhibition of bacterial wilt. In contrast, when roots were drenched with a MgO NP suspension prior to inoculation with the pathogen, the incidence of disease was significantly reduced. Rapid generation of reactive oxygen species such as O2 radicals was observed in tomato roots treated with MgO NP. Further O2 was rapidly generated when tomato plant extracts or polyphenols were added to the MgO NP suspension, suggesting that the generation of O2 in tomato roots might be due to a reaction between MgO NP and polyphenols present in the roots. Salicylic acid‐inducible PR1, jasmonic acid‐inducible LoxA, ethylene‐inducible Osm, and systemic resistance‐related GluA were up‐regulated in both the roots and hypocotyls of tomato plants after treatment of the plant roots with MgO NP. Histochemical analyses showed that β‐1,3‐glucanase and tyloses accumulated in the xylem and apoplast of pith tissues of the hypocotyls after MgO NP treatment. These results indicate that MgO NP induces systemic resistance in tomato plants against R. solanacearum.  相似文献   

Ralstonia solanacearum, the causal agent of bacterial wilt of tomato, grows in infected plants and migrates from the roots into the soil. We investigated the effectiveness of bacterial wilt-resistant tomato rootstock in reducing the migration of R. solanacearum from susceptible scions into the soil. Rootstock stems were either 3–5 cm tall (low-grafted, LG) or ≥?10 cm tall (high-grafted, HG). After inoculation of scions of the susceptible cultivar (SC) with R. solanacearum below the first flower, there was no difference in disease progression among LG, HG, and ungrafted SC plants, and plants had wilted by 2 weeks. However, the rate of detection of R. solanacearum in the soil of wilted plants was reduced by grafting. The size of the R. solanacearum population in the soil of fully wilted plants increased in the order of HG?<?LG?<?SC. These results show that grafting onto resistant rootstock strongly suppressed the migration of R. solanacearum into the soil by the time of full wilting, and the effect was stronger with a longer rootstock. Migration of R. solanacearum into soil increased with increasing disease severity in SC, LG and HG. These facts suggest that early uprooting of slightly infected plants could control the spread of the bacteria into the soil.  相似文献   

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