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Although behavioral resistance remains enigmatic, an examination of the literature firmly supports the existence of behavioral resistance in both the presence and absence of the better understood and accepted physiological and biochemical mechanisms. Studies of pyrethroid resistance in the horn fly and the tobacco budworm have identified several resistance mechanisms, including behavioral adaptations, in addition to target-site insensitivity and enhanced detoxification. The coexistence of physiological and behavioral responses neither precludes a common mechanism nor requires one. Even if a common mechanism such as knockdown resistance or enhanced detoxification is involved, this does not negate the survival benefit of either avoiding the toxicant or reducing movement to avoid exposure. Thus, behavioral resistance may be much more ubiquitous and important than previous interpretation of the literature suggests.  相似文献   

In arid areas,ecological degradation aroused by over-exploitation of fresh water,expansion of artificial oasis and shrinkage of natural oasis,has drawn attention of many scholars and officials.The water and ecological footprints can be used to quantitatively evaluate the water consumption of social-economic activities and their influence on the eco-environments.In addition,increase of the water footprint indicates the expansion of artificial oasis,and the influence on the natural oasis could be reflected by the variation of the ecological footprint.This study was conducted to answer a scientific question that what is the quantitative relationship between the expansion of the artificial oasis and the degradation of the natural oasis in the arid environments of Xinjiang,China.Thus,based on the social-economic data,water consumption data and meteorological data during 2001–2015,we calculated the water and ecological footprints to express the human-related pressure exerted on the water resources and arid environments in Xinjiang(including 14 prefectures and cities),and explore the relationship between the water and ecological footprints and its mechanism by using the coupling analysis and Granger causality test.The results show that both the water and ecological footprints of Xinjiang increased significantly during 2001–2015,and the increasing rate of the ecological footprint was much faster than that of the water footprint.The coupling degree between the water and ecological footprints was relatively high at the temporal scale and varied at the spatial scale.Among the 14 prefectures and cities examined in Xinjiang,the greater social-economic development(such as in Karamay and Urumqi)was associated with the lower coupling degree between the two footprints.Increases in the water footprint will cause the ecological footprint to increase,such that a 1-unit increase in the consumption of water resources would lead to 2–3 units of ecological degradation.The quantitative relationship between the increases of the water and ecological footprints,together with the intensities of water consumption both in the natural and artificial oases of Tarim River Basin,have approved the fact that the formation and expansion of 1 unit of the artificial oasis would bring about the degradation of 2 units of the natural oasis.These conclusions not only provide a technical basis for sustainable development in Xinjiang,but also offer a theoretical guide and scientific information that could be used in similar arid areas around the world.  相似文献   

人类活动对亚洲中部水环境安全的威胁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要依赖河流出山口的径流量维系山地-绿洲-荒漠间脆弱生态平衡的亚洲中部干旱区,其水分循环过程完全不同于湿润区。平原区不产生径流,地表水和地下水同源于山区,一个流域就是一个以地表水和地下水相互依赖的生态功能单元,其中河流是纽带,连接山区径流形成区与平原径流散失区或消耗区,以水分循环为主体,并与生物、生态系统紧密相联系,构成一个独特而又完整的內陆水分循环体系。自然要素的变化,特别是人类的参与或介入,改变了水分循环的规律,对亚洲中部干旱区水和环境的形成具有很大的威胁。用多年的观测数据来讨论人类活动的影响,并提出维系和保持干旱区水环境的建议。  相似文献   

Water is a restrictive factor for plant growth and ecosystem stability in arid and semiarid areas. The dynamics of water availability in soils and water use by plants are consequently critical to ecosystem functions, e.g. maintaining a high resistance to the changing climate. Plant water use strategies, including water-use efficiency(WUE) and the main water source that a plant species utilizes, play an important role in the evaluation of stability and sustainability of a plantation. The water use strategies of desert plants(Tamarix chinensis, Alhagi sparsifolia, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Sophora alopecuroides, Bassia dasyphylla and Nitraria sphaerocarpa) in three different habitats(saline land, sandy land and Gobi) in Dunhuang(located in the typical arid area of northwestern China) were studied. The stable isotope of oxygen was used to determine the main water source and leaf carbon isotope discrimination was used to estimate the long-term WUE of plant species in the summer of 2010. The results suggest that: 1) the studied desert plants took up soil water below the depth of 80 cm; 2) T. chinensis in the three habitats used deeper soil water and T. chinensis in the Gobi site had higher WUE than those in the saline land and the sandy land. The results indicated that desert plants in Dunhuang depended on stable water source and maintained high WUE to survive in water limited environments.  相似文献   

干旱地区植物结构与水的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨戈 《干旱区研究》1992,9(3):16-21
新疆域内大多为干旱、半干旱地区,这些地区内,土壤基质以及地面上分布的植被,总的趋势是旱化、沙化及盐渍化。“三化”中主导因素是干旱化,水是其中的关键。因此,人们普遍认为:干旱地区最主要的特征就是缺水。对生长在这些地区众多种植物而言,关键也是水,即水的吸收,水的利用及防止过多水分丧失。这是植物体适应干旱、半干旱地区恶劣环境的关键所在。  相似文献   

新疆哈密石城子河流域水文水资源分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
不同地区的自然地理环境塑造了不同特征的河流,同时,河流的活动也在不断改变着与自身有关的自然环境。我国暖温带干旱区除塔里木河流域的水文特征、水资源及其合理利用有较多的研究外,其余中小河流的研究甚少。哈密石城子河的水文特征基本反映了我国暖温带干旱区众多中小河流域的水文特征。利用石城子河流域水文气象站1956-2001年资料,对该流域径流形成、洪水、泥沙、水质等进行分析,以揭示我国暖温带干旱区中小河流域的基本特征,为科学利用该地带中小河流域水资源提供理论依据。  相似文献   

干旱区荒漠景观植被自然更新机制初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据实地调查和参阅资料,依山前洪积扇、河流沿岸阶地、沙丘及丘间低地、戈壁、盐沼的景观斑块,探讨干旱区荒漠植被的自然更新机制。干旱区的高温干燥、温差强烈、风蚀沙埋已变为植物繁衍后代的动力;萌孽、劈裂、地下茎萌生等多种繁殖方式,使荒漠植物在严酷的条件下实现自然更新,形成以母株为中心的母系居群。地貌形态和种子传播动力决定了群落外形。在干旱区,繁殖植物的种子成熟期与年内的丰水期相吻合,有利于植被更新:只有在连续2a降水较大时(超过多年平均降水量),沙丘和丘间地、戈壁植被的自然更新才有可能发生。河流沿岸植被的自然更新受地下水影响最明显。湖盆盐碱地植被带有水生植被的痕迹,自然更新相对较难。景观斑块镶嵌分布,形成微环境均一的廊道,有利于植被的自然更新。  相似文献   

亚洲中部干旱区的湖泊   总被引:20,自引:8,他引:12  
采用系统论的观点,对亚洲中部的干旱区湖泊(包括咸海、巴尔喀什湖、博斯腾湖、艾比湖、玛纳斯湖、艾丁湖与罗布泊等)的水分循环与其他物质循环进行综合研究,其结果不仅丰富了生态循环的理论,而且深刻地揭示了干旱区湖泊与湿润区湖泊截然不同的特征;表现出水分循环的独特性、形态测量学的复杂性、风生湖流的奇特性与泥沙运行的规律性以及内陆湖水化学特征和别具一格的水生态循环系统等。干旱区湖泊作为陆地水圈的组成部分,他是一个完整的生态系统。他由湖泊中的生物和水两大亚系统组成,相互作用而又相互联系。尽管大陆性气候严酷和强烈,风生湖流强劲(有时还多亏他的作用),蒸发量大,但内陆湖能生存数千年,即在现代时间尺度上是无IL尽的。  相似文献   

中国干旱区的湖泊   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
湖泊作为地表水的重要载体,参与自然系统的水分循环,这在世界干旱地区显得格外突出和重要.应用浏览软件(Google Earth),对2001-2005年中国干旱区湖泊进行判别,并结合有关实地调查资料得知,我国干旱区有大小湖泊近400个,其中,10 km2以上的有29个,10 km2以下的有334个,在我国3大自然地理区域中位居第二.开展干旱区湖泊的研究,对破解干旱区的气候变化和湖泊演变过程、形成特征,以及湖泊水生生物资源的科学开发利用和保护具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

中国草蛉科天敌昆虫及其生防应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖艳  刘星月 《植物保护学报》2020,47(6):1169-1187
草蛉是一类重要的捕食性天敌昆虫,在蚜虫、介壳虫、粉虱、蓟马和螨类等农业害虫的生物防治中发挥着积极作用。虽然利用草蛉进行生物防治在我国已有近50年的历史,但针对不同农业生态系统及不同害虫物种,有关草蛉优势天敌物种的精准开发利用仍受到分类鉴定、生物学习性和捕食潜能等基础科学问题研究不足的制约。本文总结了草蛉科的基础生物学习性、地区优势物种与栖境选择、捕食潜能、草蛉与猎物及植物的互作关系和田间应用现状,提出了改善草蛉生防应用成效中的关键问题,对我国具有生防应用前景的草蛉种质资源发掘进行了评述,以期为推动我国草蛉天敌物种的发掘及其在生物防治中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Sandy soils in arid,rain-fed environments have low and limited water content,which is a principal factor limiting vegetation development,and a key constraint controlling the structure and functions of the ecological systems in arid areas.The spatial heterogeneity of soil water content is a major soil property,and a focus of soil science and hydrology.On the southern edge of the Tengger Desert,sample plots were selected from mobile sand dunes in desertified lands that had been enclosed for 5,15 and 25 years,respectively.This study explored the dynamic and spatial heterogeneity of soil water content in these different layers of soil that were also in the reversion process of desertification.The results showed that the soil water content of the mobile sand dunes was highest when in the initial stages of the reversion process of desertification,while the soil water content in the 0-20 cm,20-40 cm and 40-60 cm layers of soil was 1.769%,3.011%,and 2.967% respectively,presenting a restoring tendency after 25 years of enclosure.There were significant differences,as a whole,in the soil water content among different restoration stages and different soil layers,respectively.Changes in soil water content,in different soil layers,at different restoration stages,exhibited exponential or spherical patterns.The spatial distribution of soil water content exhibited a mosaic patch pattern with obvious spatial heterogeneity.The ratio of the heterogeneity of spatial autocorrelation to gross spatial heterogeneity was greater than 50%.The gross spatial heterogeneity of the 0-20 cm layer of soil improved gradually,while those of the 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm layers improved initially,then weakened in the reversion process of desertification.This study revealed that restoration with sand-binding vegetation reduced soil water content,and increased its spatial heterogeneity in arid areas.However,after 25 years of vegetation-soil system restoration,the soil water content started to increase and its spatial heterogeneity started to weaken.These results will further benefit the understanding of the ecological mechanism between soil water and sand-binding vegetation.  相似文献   

干旱区的平原湖泊,不仅是该区域重要的水资源,而且是举足轻重的环境资源,它的"冷岛效应"比绿洲更强,这对于西北干旱区的社会、经济、环境可持续发展至关重要.但干旱区平原湖泊的生态环境非常脆弱,人为扰动对其影响较大.随着近年来干旱区平原湖泊旅游资源开发的增多,如何保证这些旅游资源的可持续发展,尽可能保护这些生态环境脆弱地区可...  相似文献   

Urban development in arid and semi-arid regions is largely constrained by fragile physical environments.The characteristics of an urban settlement are different from those in other regions of China.This paper analyses the coupling characteristics and spatio-temporal variations for oasis urban development and water-land resources at the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains by principal component analysis and a coupling degree model.The result shows that the degree and change in regional use of water and land resources are different among the studied cities/counties during their development.The built-up areas of these cities/counties have changed little with increasing populations and urbanization levels,which well reflects that the urban development in arid and semi-arid regions is limited by oasis areas.Per capita amount of water supplied,however,presented a trend of slowed growth with increasing levels of urbanization.Water consumption gradually increased with urban development and the improvement of people's living standards,accompanied by enhanced water use efficiency. The level of urbanization can be assessed through the coupling degree between oasis urban development and the use of water and land resources.A high coupling degree represents a high level of comprehensive urban development and use of water-land resources.Alternatively,a low coupling degree denotes a low level of urban development and water-land resource use.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity, which confers a fitness advantage under heterogeneous and novel environments, has been commonly suggested to contribute to the success of invasive plants in their introduced range. For example, plasticity in response to changes in light availability could facilitate invasiveness by allowing plants to both rapidly establish in unshaded, disturbed habitats, and tolerate shaded or crowded environments. The plastic responses of invasive plants to shade were mostly studied in morphological traits. However, plasticity in physiological traits might provide more rapid and reversible responses and thus be more effective in environments with rapid temporal variations. Here, we compared plasticity in a range of morphological and physiological traits that provide shade avoidance or tolerance between two native and six introduced populations of Impatiens glandulifera. In a common garden, we subjected second-generation siblings of native and invasive plants to two light availability treatments and measured their morphological, physiological and performance responses. Impatiens glandulifera from invasive populations exhibited greater phenotypic plasticity in response to light availability in four out of 12 measured traits. Moreover, this greater plasticity was mostly limited to physiological traits associated with photosynthetic acclimation. These results suggest high phenotypic plasticity in response to light availability could have facilitated I. glandulifera's spread in both disturbed habitats and woodlands or under intense light competition. The results of this study highlight the importance of considering physiological traits when studying the role of plasticity in the success of invasive plants.  相似文献   

干旱区山地生态格局与可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
我国干旱区以山地-绿洲-荒漠组成的独立的内陆自然体系为重要特征。在这个体系中,山地为绿洲区提供了几乎所有的水资源;山地是干旱区最主要的林业及牧业基地;山地是干旱区绝大部分矿产、旅游资源所在地;山地是干旱区生物多样性、文化多样性集中地。没有山区的生态稳定,就没有干旱区的可持续发展。但是,多年来干旱区山地遭受森林破坏、草地退化、污染等影响,正侵蚀着干旱区可持续发展的根基。特别是干旱区在研究和政策上,重绿洲轻山地,使山区没有受到应有的重视。本文概括出干旱区山地的四种生态格局:基本格局、草原-草甸优势格局、草原-荒漠优势格局及内部湿地中心格局。简要论述了干旱区山地森林稀有资源管理的“奥依塔克模式”、山地保护与发展相协调的“巴音布鲁克模式”、中国西部山地发展的一般模式,并首次提出了中山带发展战略,使干旱区形成绿洲-中山立体双带发展模式。  相似文献   

A combination of dune-scale observation to distinguish psammophyte distribution, field experiments to determine gradients of soil moisture and physicochemical properties, and controlled quantitative manipulation for psammophytes water use traits was employed to study an arid desert margin area in China. This study aims to: (1) interpret the survival mechanisms of plants in arid desert ecosystems, especially for pioneer species; (2) interpret the links among distribution pattern, stress-gradients, and water use traits; (3) discuss the mechanisms and probable succession processes under natural fixation for artificial ecosystem rehabilitation; and (4) discuss the possibility of recognizing quantified water use traits as a predictor to compare the variations in adaptability among different species. We classified seven psammophytes into three major types in terms of water use: prodigal, moderate, and frugal plants. Results showed that vegetation cover of all the dominant species, including shrubs and herbs, was negatively correlated with diurnal transpiration at rhizosphere moisture (P < 0.01, R2 = 0.94). Herbaceous pioneer species (e.g., Agriophyllum squarrosum) survive harsh environments (shifting, hot and arid surface of dunes) by prodigal water use (high transpiration rate), low species cover, and fast production (high water use efficiency, which peaks at low soil moisture). By contrast, intrusive species (e.g., Eragrostis poaeoides) behaved as frugal plants to survive drought, thereby maintaining high vegetation cover and biomass, as well as soil water equilibration.  相似文献   

草蛉是多种农林害虫的重要捕食性天敌昆虫,在生物防治中具有重要作用。滞育是昆虫应对不利环境条件时,生长发育停滞的一种生理状态,许多草蛉种类存在滞育现象。深入开展草蛉滞育的研究,不仅有助于明确其滞育特征和内在调控机制,也有助于提高草蛉的生物防治效果,促进草蛉的商业化生产和应用。本文归纳总结了1910年以来国内外草蛉科种类的滞育研究文献,介绍了目前已开展滞育研究的草蛉种类及其滞育特征,分析了影响草蛉滞育调控的环境因子,论述了草蛉滞育期间的形态和生理生化变化、分子机制及其滞育后发育生物学,并就滞育在草蛉规模化生产中的应用以及目前草蛉滞育研究中存在的问题进行了讨论,以期为深入草蛉滞育的基础理论研究和促进草蛉的规模化生产应用等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

绿洲形成条件与良性演替调控研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
我国干旱区域面积辽阔,蕴藏着丰富的自然资源,应该为国家的社会经济发展做出贡献。文章认为:干旱区的建设方向是建设持续发展的高效益绿洲体系。文章在分析干旱区资源环境特点基础上,认为绿洲的形成条件是具有“绿岛”、“泽园”、“沃洲”和“盆原”于一体的综合优越条件。文章认为要实现绿洲的良性演替必须从结构分析入手,搞好自然要素、社会经济、以及发展时序上的结构调控,才能实现绿洲资源、环境、人口与经济协调发展的目标。  相似文献   

新疆博斯腾湖水污染特点分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过实地调查和对监测资料的分析 ,对博斯腾湖水质污染的特点进行了讨论。结果显示 :(1)造成博斯腾湖水质污染的主要原因是大量农田排盐水入湖 ,导致湖水污染 ;(2 )博斯腾湖污染最严重的区域是黄水区 ,主要超标物是可溶盐、COD和氨氮 ;(3)污染物入湖量最大的时间是 7~ 9月 ,入湖污染物约占全年入湖量的一半 ;(4 )博斯腾湖水质的污染主要是几个大排水渠引起的 ,它们的排放量占全部排水渠排放量的 80 %以上。同时 ,根据博斯腾湖水污染的特点 ,提出了农业发展和水环境保护的具体措施。  相似文献   

荒漠生物结皮研究中的几个问题   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
宋阳  严平  张宏  孟祥亮 《干旱区研究》2004,21(4):439-443
生物结皮在干旱区生态系统中扮演着一个关键的角色,它可以影响干旱区土壤的结构、功能、生产力,包括土壤稳定性、土壤保水力、碳、氮的固定和土壤的肥力等。结合国内外生物结皮的研究,提出生物结皮的影响因子、生物结皮与周围植物的关系、生物结皮形态的变化与分布的异质性等几个问题并进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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