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伊犁野果林植物多样性及其保护   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
在中国仅分布于新疆伊犁,塔城等地的天山野果林是苹果,核桃,杏,李等多种果树的起源地之一,新疆野苹果,野核桃,野巴旦均已被列为中国濒危二级保护植物。根据多年的调查和采集,初步统计分布在伊犁野果林中仅种子植物就有430余种,其中野生果树植物有7科17属48种,此外还分布有许多苔藓类,地衣类以及大型真菌等丰富的微生物资源,野果林又是多种鸟类和动物活动,繁衍的优良栖息地。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁地区野果林的群落特征及保护   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
新疆伊犁地区是我国野果林分布的主要地段.通过野外调查和资料收集,共获得67个野果林群落样方,分析了新疆伊犁地区野果林的群落结构及其分布特征.结果表明:野果林林下物种丰富,共记录维管束植物46科141属207种.群落分类将野果林划分为野核桃林、野苹果林、野杏林和野生樱桃李林4种类型.野杏林和野生樱桃李林的物种丰富度显著高...  相似文献   

伊犁野果林包括霍城县的大西沟、小西沟、新二台,向东到新源县的交托海、铁木尔勒克以及巩留县的核桃沟。85年和86年我们用两年时间,对伊犁地区野果林及其附近的植物进行了调查,通过鉴定、整理分类,共采集植物标本1005号。经统计野果林的野生种子植物有59科,219属,399种。其中裸子植物3科,3属,5种。被子植物56科,216属,394种。组  相似文献   

近年笔者参加了新疆伊犁野果林病虫害的调查,1986年6月首次在伊犁霍城大西沟野果林发现樱桃李果实有李袋果病发生,同年在新源阿里马里赛发现欧洲李果实也有此病。1990年春,经新疆八一农学院植保系赵振宇教授鉴定,其病原菌确认为李囊果病菌Taphrina pruni(Fuck.)Tul.。 伊犁野果林区李袋果病的寄主有:樱桃  相似文献   

祝怀发 《植物保护》2003,29(2):60-60
巩留位于伊犁中部 ,海拔 775 6m ,南靠伊什格力克山和那拉提山 ,北临伊犁河 ,年平均气温7 4℃ ,降水量 4 90mm ,2 0 0 2年 5月下旬巩留莫河地区大片野果林遭苹果小吉丁 (AgricusmaliMat sumara)危害。该虫除严重危害野苹果、野杏树外 ,还危害海棠树、野酸梅、野樱桃和珍贵野生树种紫叶李树。凡被苹果小吉丁危害的果树 ,树势明显衰弱 ,落叶早 ,结果少 ,受害严重的果树有半数枝条枯死。经调查 ,枝条直径 1~ 4cm ,长 15cm内有幼虫 7~15头 ,最多达 2 0头。目前伊犁野苹果林成灾面积达 30 0 0多hm2 ,占野果林总…  相似文献   

中国伊犁野生果树及近缘种研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
侯博  许正 《干旱区研究》2006,23(3):453-458
中国伊犁河谷地野果林由新疆野苹果(Malus sieversii (Ldb.) M. Roem.)、野杏(Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.)、野生樱桃李(Prunus divaricata Ldb.)、野生欧洲李(P.domestica L.)和野核桃(Juglans regia L.)等组成.它们的存在是独特的生境条件综合作用的结果.它们分布于天山山区环境最优越的地段,是我国特殊的温带落叶阔叶林森林生态系统类型,也是我国面积大、种类组成丰富的原始野生果树林.其野生果树种质资源十分丰富,现已查明的野生果树及近缘种9科21属58种,是多种温带落叶果树栽培种的重要起源地之一.  相似文献   

天山野生果树主要病害及其分布   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
在对新疆天山山区的野生果树资源进行研究的同时,根据资料和野外调查,报道了在新疆野苹果(Malus sieuersii),野杏(Armeniaca vulgaris)、野扁桃(Amygdatus ledebouriana)、野核桃(Juglans regia)、野生樱桃李(Prunus cerasifera)、野欧洲李(Prunus domestica)、稠李(Padus racemosa)、欧荚Mi(Viburnum opulus)、准噶尔山楂(Grataegus songarica)、茶蔗子(Ribes spp.)、黑果悬钩子(Rubus caesius)、黑果小檗(Berberis heteropoda)等十余种主要野生果树中常发生的29种病害以及分布等特征。  相似文献   

野生樱桃李(Prunus cerasifera)为国家Ⅱ级重点保护物种,中亚地区仅新疆有小面积分布。为防止该物种外流,满足口岸快速查验需要,本文对野生樱桃李的4条候选DNA条形码基因ITS,matK,rbcL和trnH-psbA进行PCR扩增测序,并从序列组成,种内及种间遗传距离及NJ树等几个方面进行比较分析。结果显示matK基因最适合进行李属野生樱桃李的种类区分,rbcL基因可以作为DNA条形码鉴定的有效补充。  相似文献   

采取野外调查、网筛分选和温室萌发相结合的方法,对新疆霍城县大西沟山区野生樱桃李天然林的土壤种子库物种组成、密度和生活史型、垂直空间分布、物种多样性及其与地上植被间关系进行了研究。结果表明:① 试验鉴定出的幼苗共有48种,隶属于19科,且一年生植物多达20种(41.7%),地下芽植物为15种(31.3%);② 种子库中种子的数量自上而下呈先增加后减少的特征,有超过90%的种子分布在距地表5 cm以上的表层土壤及枯枝落叶层中,近90%的樱桃李种子分布在距地表2 cm以上的表层土壤及枯落层中;③ 土壤种子库中草本层物种的Margalef指数、Shannon-Wiener指数均为最高,其次为乔木层和灌木层,种子库物种多样性主要受草本层丰富度的影响;④ 野生樱桃李天然林土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性系数为0.315,表明地上植被对土壤种子库的贡献较大。但是,由于过度放牧,使得种子库的物种多样性在垂直空间上的分布规律受到干扰。  相似文献   

野外调查表明:中国帕米尔高原分布有珍稀濒危植物18科20属38种。其中,中国植物红色名录收录12种,国家重点保护野生植物15种,新疆重点保护野生植物28种;区内分布新疆特有植物15科37属51种,占新疆特有种总数的19.03%,是新疆特有种的重要分布中心;研究区珍稀濒危及特有种水平分布以塔什库尔干县为中心,自南向北渐少。垂直分布集中于山前带与亚高山草甸草原带,生活型以多年生草本为主,兼具灌木和乔木类型。  相似文献   

青海蔷薇科野生果树种质资源的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查并结合有关文献和植物标本研究表明,青海省蔷薇科野生果树有60种(含2个变种、1个变型),隶属于10属,占全省野生果树总数的53.6%。其中以蔷薇属(Ro-sa)和栒子属(Cotoneaster)最为丰富,分别有13种、12种,其次悬钩子属(Rubus)和李属(Prunus)分别有9种、8种,这4个属的种类占青海蔷薇科野生果树的70%;果实类型有梨果、聚合果、核果3种类型,其中梨果类、聚合果类占有较大比例,分别占总种数的45%和40%。青海省蔷薇科野生果树不少种类具有抗寒耐旱等特性,可作为砧木或抗性育种材料,一些种类果实营养较为丰富。青海蔷薇科野生果树主要分布于东部的黄河、湟水河及大通河流域,并划分为西倾山区、祁连山区和青南高原区3个分布区域,分析了各区的种类和分布情况;垂直分布在海拔1800~4000 m之间。另外,对几种重要野生果树资源进行了评价,并提出了开发利用的建议。  相似文献   

通过对锡林郭勒荒漠草地种子植物的组成特征、区系地理成分的分析,结果表明:该区有种子植物55科180属348种,被子植物占优势。科属组成分析表明,区系优势现象较明显,优势科、大属和较大属均以温带分布占优势;属种的地理成分分析表明,温带分布属、种占优势,热带分布的属、种所占比例很小,表明温带属性是该地区植物区系的基本属性,...  相似文献   

新疆鄯善种子植物物种多样性及区系分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
文中在形态分类学研究的基础上,对鄯善野生种子植物物种多样性与区系地理进行了分析。鄯善共有种子植物48科177属,296种2亚种1变种。科的组成中,就属水平而言,寡属科与多属科构成科结构的主体,所含属数占74.01%,而就种水平而言,则大科和寡种科为主体,所含种数占81.94%;属的组成中,单种属和寡种属构成属结构的主体,所含种数占88.63%。该区新疆特有种与中国新疆仅分布种占26.09%,比例较高。生活型以地面芽植物与一、二年生植物为主;生态型以旱生植物与中生植物占较大优势,占种数的77.92%,与其区系的温带干旱性质相吻合。属的分布区类型表明,该区系地理成分多样,有11个分布类型和10个变型,温带性质明显,约占72.3%,以北温带为主。  相似文献   

What occurs when virus infection is spreading within a mixed plant species population? This question is important not only for economically significant, mixed species managed systems but also for environmentally significant mixed wild species populations. It received attention in recently published ecological studies on wild plant species, but these, and recent general pasture research publications, rarely mention earlier virus studies involving mixed species managed pasture. This review seeks to rectify that situation. It describes 10 diverse examples of past research on mixed species managed pasture done over two decades on three continents that demonstrated plant species balance changes arising from virus infection. These examples showed that plants belonging to susceptible pasture cultivars sensitive to systemic virus infection are sufficiently weakened that their ability to withstand competition from nonhost plants of other pasture species, or weed species, was diminished sufficiently to alter the plant species balance. Also, a similar alteration occurred when they were competing with virus-resistant or virus-tolerant host plants of the same or other pasture species, or a virus-resistant weed species. Such competition also diminished seed production, which decreased their ability to regenerate. Notably, as reported subsequently with wild plant species populations, when two different pasture species infected by the same virus compete with each other, growth of the more sensitive species is suppressed. Because managed mixed species pastures constitute an important component of regenerative agriculture, retaining an optimal balance of pasture species and delaying pasture decline from weed invasion both require effective management of virus diseases.  相似文献   

为了解准噶尔盆地南部农区野生饲用植物资源,调查研究了该区域野生饲用植物的科属组成及其生活型和生态型特点,并对其适口性和营养价值进行了分析。结果表明:该区共有野生饲用植物34科145属214种,优势科有禾本科(38属71种)、藜科(18属22种)、菊科(15属21种)、豆科(14属19种)、苋科(8属11种)、十字花科(8属10种);生活型植物以草本植物(1~2年生124种,多年生62种)为主,占86.92%,木本植物有28种,占13.08%;生态型植物以中生为主(183种)。依据适口性可将该区野生饲用植物划分为优、良、中、低4个等级,其中优等95种、良等77种、中等36种、低等6种。营养成分丰富且适口性较好的饲用植物主要集中在禾本科(21种)、豆科(17种)和藜科(13种)。  相似文献   

QIU Dong 《干旱区科学》2022,14(12):1413-1439
Malus sieversii (wild apple tree), only distributed in the Tianshan Mountains in Central Asia, is a tertiary relic species and an ancestral species of cultivated apples. However, existing natural populations of wild apple trees have been declining. To date, spatiotemporal variations in the growth status of declining wild apple trees and influencing factors in the narrow valley areas in the Tianshan Mountains remain unclear. In this study, field investigation and sampling were carried out in three years (2016-2018) at four elevations (1300, 1400, 1500, and 1600 m) in the Qiaolakesai Valley (a typical longitudinal narrow valley in the Yili River Valley) of the western Tianshan Mountains in Xinyuan County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Projective coverage, dead branch percentage, and 18 twig traits (these 20 parameters were collectively referred to as plant traits) were determined to comprehensively reflect the growth status of declining wild apple trees. The values of dead branch percentage ranged from 36% to 59%, with a mean of 40%. Year generally showed higher impact on plant traits than elevation. In 2017 and 2018, projective coverage, leaf size, leaf nitrogen concentration, and nitrogen to phosphorous ratio were markedly higher than those in 2016. However, dead branch percentage and leaf and stem phosphorous concentrations showed the opposite trend. Most of the topological parameters of plant trait networks differed in the three years, but the strength of trait-trait association increased year by year. The mean difference between day and night temperatures (MDT), annual accumulative precipitation, soil electrical conductivity, and soil pH had the greatest impact on the plant trait matrix. The growth status of declining wild apple trees was directly and positively affected by MDT and leaf size. In conclusion, the growth of declining wild apple trees distributed in the narrow valley areas was more sensitive to interannual environmental changes than elevation changes. The results are of great significance for further revealing the decline mechanism of wild apple trees in the Tianshan Mountains.  相似文献   

Prunus mahaleb (Saint Lucie's cherry) is a fleshy‐fruited small rosaceous tree, native to the Mediterranean region that has been extensively used as a rootstock species for commercial orchard trees. It has been widely introduced in several countries, becoming invasive in many regions, including the Pampas region of southern Argentina. We studied the reproductive performance of trees spontaneously growing in natural grasslands inside a protected area, estimating age at first reproduction and analysing changes in fruit production, age, canopy volume and basal stem diameter associated with different soil types: rock crevices on hillsides, deep soils in valleys and deep soils in stream‐side habitats. Fruit production starts at the age of 3–6 years, and it can be abundant, even for young plants. We found evidence that fecundity is related to plant size, and that the age at which individuals reach a particular size and begin fruiting differs depending on the soil type where they grow. Trees in the study area show an order of magnitude increase in fruit production on reaching ages from 7 to 10 years for plants growing in deep soils at stream‐side habitats and 13–16 years for plants growing in rock crevices. Invasive trees should be felled before they reach a basal stem diameter of c. 9 cm to avoid this increase in propagule pressure. Considering that the age at which this stage is reached depends on soil type, the streams could act as dispersal corridors for the spread and invasion of this species.  相似文献   

种子是保存物种遗传信息的载体,保护种子资源是植物保护和生物多样性保护的重要内容。种子传播不仅对保护植物自身的繁殖和生存至关重要,而且对群落稳定甚至生态系统功能具有重要意义。该文综述了种子传播的方式、干扰因素以及种子传播通过提高生物多样性来促进植物保护的机制,即丰富的生物多样性降低了病虫害对植物的危害。种子传播易受人为活动和气候变化等因素干扰传播媒介和破坏生境;需要采取构建廊道等措施来降低因生境破碎化引起的负面影响。种子传播提高生物多样性的机制主要通过增加基因交流来提高遗传多样性,通过增加种子扩散效率和存活率等来提高物种多样性、稳定群落结构和通过连通生境斑块来提高生态系统多样性。因此,构建基于生态系统的种子传播网络对保护生物多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

内蒙古香料植物资源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对内蒙古香料植物进行了初步研究。通过统计分析,得出内蒙古香料植物共有245种,隶属于54科,132属,其中野生植物194种,栽植物51种。本文从香花资源、乔灌木香料资源、草本香料资源、辛香料和烟用香料资源四个方面进行了研究,并对其中分布较广、资源较多的香料植物的利用价值进行了阐述。  相似文献   

新疆野生花卉资源植物的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文对新疆维吾尔自治区境内的26种主要野生花卉资源植物的分布,生活环境生态习性等做了较详细的调查,并对其中的24种植物的种子进行人工温箱培养,测定种子的发芽率和发芽势,对有休眠现象的种做了不同的处理,分析了各因素对种子萌发的影响,最后讨论了野生花卉植物人工栽培的一些问题及其意义。  相似文献   

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