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以病叶率、病情指数和鲜重抑制率为评价指标,研究生防真菌的接种体和杂草的发育阶段对草茎点霉菌SYAU-06侵染鸭跖草的影响。以浓度为1.03×109 cfu/m L菌丝体悬浮液接种,鸭跖草的发病率、病情指数、鲜重抑制率分别为91.16%、74.26和53.35%;相同浓度的分生孢子和厚垣孢子接种引起鸭跖草发病率为56.62%和41.58%,病情指数25.76和21.02,鲜重抑制率为15.39%和11.96%。菌丝体的接种浓度要高于107 cfu/m L,培养时间控制在7~9 d,寄主植物鸭跖草处于3叶期前,可以利用草茎点霉菌SYAU-06成功控制鸭跖草危害。  相似文献   

草茎点霉Phoma herbarum SYAU-06菌株分离自罹病的鸭跖草叶片,可高度侵染鸭跖草导致其死亡,但对大多数农作物安全,具有开发成真菌除草剂的潜能。通过载体和助剂与草茎点霉生物相容性研究,在确保载体和助剂对菌株SYAU-06安全的基础上,比较了各种助剂及其不同用量下的理化性能,确定了草茎点霉SYAU-06水分散粒剂 (WG) 最佳配方 (质量分数) 为:草茎点霉SYAU-06发酵菌丝体15%,润湿剂拉开粉 (BX) 6%,分散剂亚甲基双萘磺酸钠 (NNO) 4%,崩解剂硫酸铵6%,黏结剂聚乙二醇 (PEG 4000) 4%,稳定剂碳酸钙5%,载体白炭黑60%。由此配方制备的草茎点霉WG各项指标均合格,其活菌含量为2.55 × 108 cfu/g,润湿时间28.16 s,崩解时间70.50 s,悬浮率88.90%,pH值6.97,含水量1.47%。采用茎叶喷雾法测定了所制备草茎点霉WG对大豆田鸭跖草的田间防效。分别以制剂用量1305、1740、2175 和3480 g/hm2 的剂量茎叶喷雾施药3次,21 d后鲜重防效分别为50.89%、55.97%、60.67%和69.88%。  相似文献   

环境的温湿度变化对昆虫病原真菌侵染害虫造成直接的影响。本文研究了在不同温湿度变化下,球孢白僵菌Bb2352对梨网蝽和东亚飞蝗侵染率的变化动态与趋势。结果表明,在1.0×107孢子/mL悬浮液接种、25℃饲养条件下,2种不同昆虫的死亡率均随着湿度的增加而增加。经检验湿度效应对死亡率的数量影响吻合时间-剂量-死亡率模型(TDM模型),拟合得到的新的时间-湿度-死亡率(THM)模型能准确地描述球孢白僵菌Bb2352侵染的湿度效应。THM模型显示,当相对湿度达到85%以上时,梨冠网蝽的死亡率增速明显快于蝗虫;梨冠网蝽死亡率随湿度变化的时间效应参数γ在第8 d(γ8)达到最大,而东亚飞蝗死亡率随湿度变化的时间效应参数γ在第11 d(γ11)达到最大,显示出球孢白僵菌Bb2352侵染不同昆虫的湿度效应有所差异。在温度效应研究中,当环境相对湿度>95%时,菌株Bb2352侵染2种目标昆虫的累计死亡率均在25℃达到最大,增加或降低温度均会降低菌株Bb2352的侵染效率。Logistic模型拟合显示该模型能准确反映球孢白僵菌Bb2352侵染目标害虫的温度效应。本文中湿度THM模型和温度Logistic模型的构建是数学描述昆虫病原真菌对害虫侵染温湿度效应的有益尝试。  相似文献   

湿度调控对番茄灰霉病菌侵染的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytes cinerea)的分生孢子萌发需要高湿的环境,一般要求相对湿度在80%以上或水滴中萌发最好。在适温下,随着湿度的增加,病菌致病性增强,孢子在相对湿度85%以上、菌丝在相对湿度80%以上的高湿环境能够发生侵染,并形成危害性的软腐斑。在一天中高湿的时间直接影响番茄灰霉病的发生,高湿(相对湿度超过85%)时间8h以上病菌才能够连续侵染。  相似文献   

大叶黄杨叶斑病在恩施地区5月上旬开始发病。5月下旬至7月上旬病害发生较重,6月中旬为第一个发病高峰,10月上旬为第二个发病高峰。该病由坏损尾孢Cercospora destructive Ravo引起,病菌分生孢子在10-30℃、相对湿度70%以上和酸性条件下均能萌发,以25℃、相对湿度100%、pH值为5时萌发最好。病害发生与温度、光照、湿度等有关。可用50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂和70%甲基托布津可湿性粉剂800倍液防治。  相似文献   

枯萎病是红花龙胆栽培中发生最普遍,危害最严重的病害之一。为明确引起红花龙胆枯萎病的病原种类及其侵染特性, 本研究采用组织分离法获得2个菌株, 结合形态学特征以及ITS和Mcm7序列鉴定, 2个菌株被鉴定为Clarireedia jacksonii, 这是该菌在龙胆科植物上引起枯萎病的首次报道。致病性测定表明, 该菌在15~35℃可侵染红花龙胆健康叶片, 最佳侵染温度为25℃。生长特性研究表明, 该菌最适生长温度为25℃, 最适pH为5, 菌丝致死温度为50℃处理10 min。  相似文献   

 研究温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,可为病害的发生规律和生态防控措施的研究提供依据。本研究测定了温度对假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长、孢子萌发、对寄主小麦侵染以及在植株体内扩展的影响,结果表明,假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长的温度范围为4℃~30℃,其中28℃最适于菌丝的生长,孢子萌发的温度范围为4℃~35℃,其中12℃~30℃较适宜分生孢子萌发,17℃~28℃为假禾谷镰刀菌侵染小麦的适宜温度范围,假禾谷镰刀菌在小麦植株体内扩展的适宜温度范围在22℃~30℃;通过不同温度培养试验以及田间小麦不同生育期接种试验测定温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,结果表明,播种期、起身期接种的小麦茎基腐病发生高于越冬苗期接种处理,而此期的温度较越冬苗期利于假禾谷镰刀菌的侵染和小麦茎基腐病的发生。  相似文献   

 研究温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,可为病害的发生规律和生态防控措施的研究提供依据。本研究测定了温度对假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长、孢子萌发、对寄主小麦侵染以及在植株体内扩展的影响,结果表明,假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长的温度范围为4℃~30℃,其中28℃最适于菌丝的生长,孢子萌发的温度范围为4℃~35℃,其中12℃~30℃较适宜分生孢子萌发,17℃~28℃为假禾谷镰刀菌侵染小麦的适宜温度范围,假禾谷镰刀菌在小麦植株体内扩展的适宜温度范围在22℃~30℃;通过不同温度培养试验以及田间小麦不同生育期接种试验测定温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,结果表明,播种期、起身期接种的小麦茎基腐病发生高于越冬苗期接种处理,而此期的温度较越冬苗期利于假禾谷镰刀菌的侵染和小麦茎基腐病的发生。  相似文献   

对2006-2014年峨山县3个主栽玉米品种灰斑病的发生流行规律进行了调查,并研究了同一品种不同播种期对病害发生流行的影响。结果表明,不同玉米品种开始发病及进入暴发流行期时间存在差异,病害发生严重度也不同。表现为发病越早的品种,受害的严重度越高。总体看,本县玉米灰斑病于7月上、中旬进入喇叭口期开始发病,当温度适宜、降雨量偏大、相对湿度偏高时,有利于灰斑病的发生与流行,8月中、下旬进入抽雄期至灌浆期时迅速暴发流行。播种期的早晚与病害的发生流行轻重和最终玉米产量的高低关系密切。株发病率、病情指数随播种期的推迟而上升,最后,导致的产量损失率随之也逐渐上升。玉米灰斑病发病始期在7月上旬,抽雄期至成熟期玉米灰斑病病情发展最快。  相似文献   

正由条形柄锈菌小麦专化型Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici(Pst)引起的条锈病是小麦生产上的重要病害。条锈病的流行多受环境中温度、湿度、光照等因素的影响。目前,在条锈病标样接种和病菌繁殖中常重视接种后的光照条件,而忽视接种前繁菌苗的光照条件。de Vallavieille-Pope et al.(2002)在建立小麦条锈病流行模型时,发现小麦在接菌前增加光量能够提高条锈菌的侵染效率。本研究以感病小麦品  相似文献   

Dew is an important water source for plants in arid and semi-arid regions. However, information on dew is scarce in such regions. In this study, we explored dew formation, amount, and duration of rain-fed jujube(Zizyphus jujube Mill) trees in a semi-arid loess hilly region of China(i.e., Mizhi County). The data included dew intensity and duration, relative humidity, temperature, and wind speed measured from 26 July to 23 October, 2012 and from 24 June to 17 October, 2013 using a micro-climate system(including dielectric leaf wetness sensors, VP-3 Relative Humidity/Temperature Sensor, High Resolution Rain Gauge, and Davis Cup Anemometer). The results show that atmospheric conditions of relative humidity of 78% and dew point temperature of 1°C–3°C are significantly favorable to dew formation. Compared with the rainfall, dew was characterized by high frequency, strong stability, and long duration. Furthermore, heavy dew accounted for a large proportion of the total amount. The empirical models(i.e., relative humidity model(RH model) and dew point depression model(DPD model)) for daily dew duration estimation performed well at 15-min intervals, with low errors ranging between 1.29 and 1.60 h, respectively. But it should be noted that the models should be calibrated firstly by determining the optimal thresholds of relatively humidity for RH model and dew point depression for DPD model. For rain-fed jujube trees in the semi-arid loess hilly regions of China, the optimal threshold of relative humidity was 78%, and the optimal upper and lower thresholds of dew point depression were 1°C and 5°C, respectively. The study further demonstrates that dew is an important water resource that cannot be ignored for rain-fed jujube trees and may affect water balance at regional scales.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地凝结水动态变化及其影响因子的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于2002年5~10月间运用直接称重法对毛乌素沙地臭柏(Sabina vulgaris Ant.)群落林间空地的0-1.5cm表层土壤凝结水连续观测资料,分析讨论了凝结水的日变化和季节变化特征以及影响凝结水形成的环境因子。结果表明:毛乌素沙地天然臭柏群落内各月均有凝结水发生,并且可从午后持续至翌日清晨,但各月间凝结水量和凝结持续时间有所不同。5月份凝结水持续时间最短,凝结水量也最少;而9月份凝结水持续时间最长,凝结水量也最多。影响毛乌素沙地凝结水形成的主要环境因子有风速、大气相对湿度、气-地温差及其相互作用。其中,风速与凝结量间存在较高相关性,而气温能否趋近或降至露点产生土壤凝结水是决定夜间水分凝结量的一个关键因素。  相似文献   

Microclimatic variables were monitored in cucumber crops grown in polyethylene-covered, unheated greenhouses in Israel during the winter of 1987/88. The winter was characterized by a relatively large number of rainy days. The relative humidity (RH) in the greenhouses was high (>97%) during most of the day, resulting in long periods of dew persistence. Dew point temperature and duration of dew deposition were calculated for the plant canopy. Disease incidence was monitored in 2-m-high plants, both on senescing female flowers (‘fruits’) and on stems. Multiple linear correlations were calculated for gray mold incidence and duration of air temperature and RH at specific ranges, and of leaf wetness (LW). Disease was characterized by two stages, according to the rate of its development and the microclimatic conditions influencing it. In the first phase of the epidemic a high correlation was found between infected fruits and air temperature in the range of 11–25°C, and RH in the range of 97–100% or LW. In the second phase, disease incidence was better correlated with air temperature in the range of 11–16°C and RH above 85% (R2 = 0.681); there was no correlation between disease and LW at this stage. Development of stem infections was correlated with air temperature in the range of 11–16°C during the first phase of the epidemic. By contrast, the second phase was characterized by a close correlation between stem infections and RH in the range of 80–100% but also with air temperature in the range of 11–16°C, or with air temperature in the range of 11–25°C and RH 80–100%, and LW.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Four linear regression methods and a generalized regression neural network (GRNN) were evaluated for estimation of moisture occurrence and duration at the flag leaf level of wheat. Moisture on a flat-plate resistance sensor was predicted by time, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, and precipitation provided by an automated weather station. Dew onset was estimated by a classification regression tree model. The models were developed using micrometeorological data measured from 1993 to 1995 and tested on data from 1996 and 1997. The GRNN outperformed the linear regression methods in predicting moisture occurrence with and without dew estimation as well as in predicting duration of moisture periods. Average absolute error for prediction of moisture occurrence by GRNN was at least 31% smaller than that obtained by the linear regression methods. Moreover, the GRNN correctly predicted 92.7% of the moisture duration periods critical to disease development in the test data, while the best linear method correctly predicted only 86.6% for the same data. Temporal error distribution in prediction of moisture periods was more highly concentrated around the correct value for the GRNN than linear regression methods. Neural network technology is a promising tool for reasonably precise and accurate moisture monitoring in plant disease management.  相似文献   

系统比较了云南省石林县(‘红地球’)和弥勒县(‘水晶葡萄’)葡萄园采用避雨栽培和露天栽培对葡萄霜霉病Plasmoparaviticola(Berk.Curtis)Berl.de Toni.的防治效果,监测了田间葡萄园内避雨栽培和露天栽培处理中葡萄霜霉病的发生流行与植株冠层气象因子的变化情况,并结合适宜葡萄霜霉病病害循环的温度、相对湿度、叶面持露时间及田间葡萄植株冠层微气象因子的变化对避雨栽培有效防治葡萄霜霉病的气象原理进行了分析。结果表明,避雨处理可有效控制葡萄霜霉病的发生和危害,石林县和弥勒县两地葡萄园的防治效果分别达到97.84%和66.29%。弥勒县‘水晶葡萄’对霜霉病的抗性较强,霜霉病发生较轻,但在避雨栽培条件下霜霉病的病情指数也显著低于对照。植株冠层微气象因子变化分析表明,避雨栽培可以减少决定霜霉病菌能否成功侵染的叶面水膜持续时间,创造不适宜霜霉病菌萌发和侵入的条件,还可以显著减低棚内植株冠层适宜孢子囊产生的相对湿度的持续时间,减少霜霉病菌的侵染菌量,从而有效地控制了霜霉病的发生和危害。  相似文献   

对于降雨稀少的内陆干旱区,露水具有重要的生态学意义.在黑河中游的张掖市临泽县平川镇,于2008年6~9月利用人造面板法对露水进行了连续90d的观测,发现:①只有当露水收集板的温度低于露点时,露水才能生成;②观测期间河岸带共生成露水52次,总生成量为4.26 nn,绿洲内共生成34次,总生成量为1.52 mm,戈壁共生成...  相似文献   

FENG Ting 《干旱区科学》2022,14(7):753-770
Dew is an essential water resource for the survival and reproduction of organisms in arid and semi-arid regions. Yet estimating the dew amount and quantifying its long-term variation are challenging. In this study, we elucidate the dew amount and its long-term variation in the Kunes River Valley, Northwest China, based on the measured daily dew amount and reconstructed values (using meteorological data from 1980 to 2021), respectively. Four key results were found: (1) the daily mean dew amount was 0.05 mm during the observation period (4 July-12 August and 13 September-7 October of 2021). In 35 d of the observation period (i.e., 73% of the observation period), the daily dew amount exceeded the threshold (>0.03 mm/d) for microorganisms; (2) air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed had significant impacts on the daily dew amount based on the relationships between the measured dew amount and meteorological variables; (3) for estimating the daily dew amount, random forest (RF) model outperformed multiple linear regression (MLR) model given its larger R2 and lower MAE and RMSE; and (4) the dew amount during June-October and in each month did not vary significantly from 1980 to the beginning of the 21st century. It then significantly decreased for about a decade, after it increased slightly from 2013 to 2021. For the whole meteorological period of 1980-2021, the dew amount decreased significantly during June-October and in July and September, and there was no significant variation in June, August, and October. Variation in the dew amount in the Kunes River Valley was mainly driven by relative humidity. This study illustrates that RF model can be used to reconstruct long-term variation in the dew amount, which provides valuable information for us to better understand the dew amount and its relationship with climate change.  相似文献   


High temperature together with high rainfall favour infection and development of Erwinia stalk rot of maize (Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. zeae Victoria, Arboleda and Munoz). An attempt was made to correlate temperature, relative humidity, total rainfall and duration of bright sunshine with disease incidence in six maize cultivars during six crop seasons. Temperature and relative humidity did not fluctuate much during the flowering period at the time of disease appearance. Significant differences in total rainfall and duration of bright sunshine were observed. Longer duration of bright sunshine (8.2 h/day) along with moderate rainfall (81.7 mm) were recorded in high disease incidence years. Using these weather conditions a linear equation was derived to predict disease incidence.  相似文献   

沈阳地区葡萄霜霉病流行时间动态及其气象影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 通过2012-2014年田间小区试验,对沈阳地区葡萄霜霉病自然发病情况进行了系统调查和对比分析,并对影响葡萄霜霉病流行动态的气象因素进行了相关性分析。结果表明,沈阳地区葡萄霜霉病的季节流行曲线是典型的单峰S形曲线。应用SPSS19.0软件分析,明确了Logistic模型能够反映沈阳地区葡萄霜霉病流行时间动态情况。同时,推导了病害流行阶段:指数增长期为7月上旬至7月下旬,该时期为最佳药剂防治时期;逻辑斯蒂增长期为7月下旬至8月下旬;衰退期为8月下旬至葡萄生育末期。不同生长季病害发生日期、流行阶段天数和最大病情指数虽各不相同,但与Logistic模型推导趋势基本一致。各个流行阶段病害的表观侵染速率表现为:始发期>盛发期>衰退期。始发期和盛发期的是决定整个生长季葡萄霜霉病流行程度的关键时期。气象因素对葡萄霜霉病的流行有明显影响,其中表观侵染速率与7 d平均相对湿度、7 d累计降雨量和7 d叶面湿润时数成显著正相关,而与7 d平均气温呈显著负相关,以上4个气象因素是影响沈阳地区葡萄霜霉病流行的主导因子。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effect of weather conditions on the infection of peach shoots by Taphrina deformans was investigated both under orchard conditions and in controlled-environment experiments. Leaf curl incidence and severity were related to rainfall, length of wet periods, and temperature during wetness and during the incubation period, as well as to the development stage of shoots. Surface wetness was more important than rainfall for infection to occur. Minimum rainfall for infection was 3 mm, with a wet period of at least 12.5 h; higher amounts of rainfall did not cause infection when the wet period they triggered was shorter. Wet periods initiated by dew or fog were too short for infection to occur. Infection occurred only when air temperature was <16 degrees C during the wet period and <19 degrees C during incubation. Logistic equations relating relative disease incidence and either duration of wetness or temperature were developed under controlled-environment conditions, with asymptotes at >/=48 h of wetness and 相似文献   

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