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通过观测沙区两种土壤类型春小麦产量和产量构成因素(单穗粒数、单位面积穗数、千粒重)对全生育期不同灌溉量、灌溉次数和土壤含水量处理(单次灌溉量)的响应,分析该区春小麦稳产、高产的最佳经济灌溉量。结果表明:(1)干旱沙区全生育期总灌溉量、灌溉次数及土壤含水量处理与春小麦产量和产量各构成因素间有强正相关关系(P<0.01);(2)风沙土春小麦全生育期总灌溉量约为4312m3/hm2,单次灌水定额相当于30.8mm水层厚,总灌水次数约以14次最佳;(3)灌淤土春小麦全生育期总灌溉量为4590m3/hm2,单次灌水定额相当于45.9mm水层厚,总灌水次数以11次左右为宜。  相似文献   

通过宁夏引黄灌区田间小区试验,研究施磷量分别为0、60、120、180 kg/hm2对春小麦产量、磷肥利用率、吸氮特性和土壤中硝态氮累积的不同影响,旨在明确该区合理施磷量.结果表明:合理施用磷肥(60~120 kg/hm2)能提高春小麦籽粒产量和生物量.当施磷量为120 kg/hm2,小麦籽粒产量最高,为6 215 kg/hm2.春小麦氮素累积动态呈先增加后降低的趋势,增施磷肥能增加小麦吸氮量,但到成熟期春小麦地上部氮素累积出现损失,损失量达7.7%~13.4%.当施磷量分别为60、120、180 kg/hm2时,0~150 cm土层中的NO3--N累积量分别比对照减少了50.6、58.5、62.9 kg/hm2.综合考虑磷肥利用率、小麦产量和降低土体中NO3--N残留等方面的因素,磷肥当季施用量应该控制在60~120 kg/hm2.  相似文献   

灌溉对粮饲兼用玉米根系分布及产量影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过大田试验,在灌溉量2700m3/hm2、3600m3/hm2、4500m3/hm2条件下,对粮饲兼用玉米根系分布特征及产量影响进行了研究。结果表明:1)3600m3/hm2的灌溉量在0~40cm土层的土壤含水率较充分灌溉显著提高4.78%~19.3%;2)各灌溉条件下,根系随生育进程不断向下发展,随灌溉量的减少,根系有向深层发展的趋势;3)3600m3/hm2的灌溉条件下,粮饲兼用玉米籽粒产量较充分灌溉显著提高11.3%;4)秸秆产量在充分灌溉条件下较高,尤其在抽雄至乳熟期达到最高。  相似文献   

为探讨不同灌溉方式对苹果园土壤含水率、生育期耗水量、产量及水分利用效率的影响,于2005年4~11月在密云水库上游地区新城子蔡家甸有机苹果基地布设了3种灌溉方式(管灌、滴灌和微喷灌)及对照(不灌溉)共4个处理、3个重复的对比试验.分别在苹果树开花期、枝条速长期、成熟期和封冻前灌水,依据不同灌溉方式的灌溉效率以及田间土壤实际含水率等因素确定灌水量.结果表明:(1)在3种灌溉方式处理中,微喷灌、滴灌处理的0~60 cm土层土壤含水率较高,入渗深度在80 cm以内,未产生水分深层渗漏.管灌向下入渗深度大于微喷灌和滴灌,达到120 cm.(2)在整个生育期内,微喷灌和滴灌处理比管灌节约灌水量分别是31.99%和49.83%;微喷灌和滴灌条件下果园耗水量较管灌分别减少11.52%和12.49%.(3)从产量来看,微喷灌、滴灌、管灌产量分别比对照高25.74%、9.99%和0.78%;微喷灌产量达到51 000 kg/hm2;其水分利用效率最高且达到9.288 kg/m3.总体看来,微喷灌是相对较好的节水增效灌溉方式,值得在果园灌溉中应用.  相似文献   

垄作和灌水量对河西绿洲灌区啤酒大麦的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在甘肃河西绿洲灌区,通过田间试验研究了不同栽培模式与灌溉量组合对啤酒大麦产量、水分利用效率(WUE)和土壤肥力的影响.结果表明:当灌溉量为330 mm时,垄作沟内覆草模式产量较对照增产695 kg/hm2,增产率为10.2%;在灌溉量为270 mm时,垄作和垄作沟内覆草处理较对照没有减产,可节水60 mm;不同栽培模式...  相似文献   

干旱区杨树用材林土壤特性和林木生长对供水的响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
经过4年试验,结果表明,(1)供水对土壤水分调控作用明显,土壤各项含水指标均随供水量的增加而增加;(2)通过灌溉可改善土壤的三相比结构和土壤容重;灌溉对总孔隙度影响不明显;(3)灌溉对地下水位的影响显著,灌水前林地地下水埋深为3.46m,而灌水期内地下水埋深在2.36~2.87m之间,在7500m3/hm2.a灌溉定额以下时,不会造成土地次生盐渍化;(4)不同供水量对林木生长的效应是不同的,随灌溉量增加而造成不同程度的正增长;(5)人工林的蒸腾耗水量随供水量的增加而增加;(6)河套灌区杨树速生丰产林的合理灌溉量为7500m3/hm2.a。  相似文献   

河套灌区春小麦高产栽培水氮高效利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内蒙古河套灌区解放闸灌域沙壕渠实验站,通过田间试验,对节水灌溉模式(拔节+抽穗2水)和常规充分灌溉模式(分蘖+拔节+抽穗+灌浆4水)下,不同施氮量对春小麦产量形成、水分利用和氮素利用等方面进行了研究.结果表明:2水与4水处理间小麦产量及其构成因素均无显著差异,而水分利用效率(WUE)比4水处理提高7.8%.在较低施氮...  相似文献   

塔里木河孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌节水技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以合理利用和节约有限的水资源为目标,2002年在尉犁县孔雀农场进行了棉花膜下滴灌节水试验。得出:该区棉花膜下滴灌适宜的灌溉量为3 931.5 m3/hm2,最佳产量为皮棉2 997.75kg/hm2。与当地农民大水漫灌方式比较,节约水量8 070~14 070 m3/hm2,增产皮棉747.75 kg/hm2,膜下滴灌是该区目前最节水的棉花灌溉方式之一。  相似文献   

不同覆盖材料的保水效果及其对枸杞生长发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以景泰县黄河提灌灌区一年生宁杞1号为研究对象,定期定量灌水5 500 m3/(hm2.a),采用薄膜、细沙和秸秆三种材料进行行间覆盖;以大田漫灌定期定量灌水5 500 m3/(hm2.a)不覆盖为对照;对比分析不同覆盖措施对枸杞园保水效果及其对枸杞生长和结果的影响。结果表明:三种覆盖对土壤含水率和植株营养生长、单株干果产量的影响均表现为薄膜覆盖秸秆覆盖细砂覆盖对照。综合分析认为:采用薄膜覆盖,年灌溉定额为5 500m3/(hm2.a)能够达到使一年生宁杞1号丰产节水的目的。  相似文献   

塔里木河—孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌施肥量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木河—孔雀河中下游是我国最干旱缺水的地区之一,该区水资源95%以上为农业灌溉用水,主要灌溉方式为大水漫灌,水分损失量严重。为合理利用和节约有限的水资源,我们在2002~2003年进行棉花膜下滴灌用水量和氮、磷施肥量耦合试验。通过两年试验得出:在该区棉花膜下滴灌条件下,适宜的灌溉量为393mm(3931.5m3/hm2),施肥总量为301.6kghm2/标肥,最佳产量为3353.53kg/hm2/皮棉。比当地农民大水漫灌(生育期)节水8068-50683/hm2,节肥281.3kghm2/标肥,节肥率达48%。增产皮棉1103.53kg/hm2,证明膜下滴灌是一个节水、节肥、高产的灌溉方式,应该在塔里木河—孔雀河中下游地区推广。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to study the effects of deficit irrigation with saline water on spring wheat growth and yield in an arid region of Northwest China. Nine treatments included three salinity levels s1, s2 and s3 (0.65, 3.2, and 6.1 dS/m) in combination with three water levels w1, w2 and w3 (375, 300, and 225 mm). In 2008, for most treatments, deficit irrigation showed adverse effects on wheat growth; meanwhile, the effect of saline irrigation was not apparent. In 2009, growth parameters of w1 treatments were not always optimal under saline irrigation. At 3.2 and 6.1 dS/m in 2008, the highest yield was obtained by w1 treatments, however, in 2009, the weight of 1,000 grains and wheat yield both followed the order w2 > w1 > w3. In this study, spring wheat was sensitive to water deficit, especially at the booting to grain-filling stages, but was not significantly affected by saline irrigation and the combination of the two factors. The results demonstrated that 300-mm irrigation water with a salinity of less than 3.2 dS/m is suitable for wheat fields in the study area.  相似文献   

控制性交替灌溉对玉米生长发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在沈阳地区潮棕壤土上,采用蒸渗仪对不同控制性交替灌溉处理下玉米生长发育、产量和水分生产效率进行分析。结果表明,控制性交替灌溉抑制了玉米地上部分生长,处理2(控制隔沟交替灌水,灌水定额为2/3M)的产量最高,比处理1(均匀灌水,灌水定额为M)增产4.8%,节水13.3%,处理3(控制隔沟交替灌水,灌水定额为1/2M)最节水但产量最低,确定处理2(2/3M)为最优灌溉制度。  相似文献   

通过对甘肃河西地区膜下滴灌春玉米种植条件下土壤水分、盐分的观测,分析了膜下滴灌春玉米生育期土壤水分、盐分动态变化及其产量和水分利用效率。结果表明:不同生育期,同一土层深度,土壤水分含量高低分布与土壤盐分含量高低分布相反,均表现出土壤不同深度盐分含量高的区域相应水分含量低,滴灌带之间土壤盐分积累较滴头之间显著;灌水定额480 m~3·hm~(-2)处理,灌溉水分在土层纵向运移显著,深层渗漏明显,灌水定额420 m~3·hm~(-2)处理,灌溉水在土壤不同深度横向层面运移显著,有利于作物吸收利用;膜下滴灌能够在滴水过程中明显降低土壤表层0~40 cm盐分含量,土壤下层40~100 cm为盐分聚集区域;灌水定额420 m~3·hm~(-2)处理,春玉米产量构成和水分利用效率较高。从作物生长水盐环境及高效节水的角度出发,灌水定额420 m~3·hm~(-2)处理的效益最优。  相似文献   

喷灌冬小麦农田土壤NO-3-N分布特征及作物吸氮规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以传统地面灌溉(畦灌)为对照,2002~2003和2003~2004两个生产年度田间试验分析喷灌对冬小麦农田土壤NO3^-—N分布和作物吸氮的影响。试验结果表明:喷灌与地面灌溉相比,土壤NO3^-—N含量蜂值迁移较浅,土壤NO3^--N主要分布在冬小麦主要根系分布层0~40cm土层内。与喷灌相比,在冬小麦根系层下部,地面灌溉土壤NO3^-N存在不同程度的累积。试验期间地面灌溉土壤NO3^-—N累积淋失量分别为8.68kg/hm^2和7.70kg/hm^2,喷灌条件下没有明显的土壤NO3^-—N淋失,最大累积淋失量只有地面灌溉条件下的3%。2003和2004年喷灌冬小麦地上部分吸氮量分别为235.7kg/hm^2和161,7kg/hm^2,分别比地面灌溉高7.0kg/hm^2和34.7kg/hm^2。与地面灌溉相比,喷灌有利于冬小麦后期吸收氮素,喷灌不同生育期冬小麦吸氮量年际之间的差异都小于地面灌溉。  相似文献   

In arid and semi-arid regions, freshwater scarcity and high water salinity are serious and chronic problems for crop production and sustainable agriculture development. We conducted a field experiment to evaluate the effect of irrigation water salinity and nitrogen(N) application rate on soil salinity and cotton yield under drip irrigation during the 2011 and 2012 growing seasons. The experimental design was a 3×4 factorial with three irrigation water salinity levels(0.35, 4.61 and 8.04 dS/m) and four N application rates(0, 240, 360 and 480 kg N/hm2). Results showed that soil water content increased as the salinity of the irrigation water increased, but decreased as the N application rate increased. Soil salinity increased as the salinity of the irrigation water increased. Specifically, soil salinity measured in 1:5 soil:water extracts was 218% higher in the 4.61 dS/m treatment and 347% higher in the 8.04 dS/m treatment than in the 0.35 dS/m treatment. Nitrogen fertilizer application had relatively little effect on soil salinity, increasing salinity by only 3%–9% compared with the unfertilized treatment. Cotton biomass, cotton yield and evapotranspiration(ET) decreased significantly in both years as the salinity of irrigation water increased, and increased as the N application rate increased regardless of irrigation water salinity; however, the positive effects of N application were reduced when the salinity of the irrigation water was 8.04 dS/m. Water use efficiency(WUE) was significantly higher by 11% in the 0.35 dS/m treatment than in the 8.04 dS/m treatment. There was no significant difference in WUE between the 0.35 dS/m treatment and the 4.61 dS/m treatment. The WUE was also significantly affected by the N application rate. The WUE was highest in the 480 kg N/hm2 treatment, being 31% higher than that in the 0 kg N/hm2 treatment and 12% higher than that in the 240 kg N/hm2 treatment. There was no significant difference between the 360 and 480 kg N/hm2 treatments. The N use efficien  相似文献   

节水控盐滴灌对土壤盐分、红枣光合及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对灌溉定额为1 750、1 970、2 190、2 380m3/hm2的矮化密植红枣滴灌试验研究表明:红枣果实膨大中后期土壤积盐明显,且主要集中在0~30 cm范围内,1 750m3/hm2灌溉定额在红枣生育期使土壤积盐,2 380m3/hm2灌溉定额洗盐效果明显;红枣生育期需水有两个峰值阶段,第一峰值阶段为初果期,第...  相似文献   

小麦耐盐新品系“101”是利用冬小麦“红选501”和墨西哥春麦“唐努尔”杂交的F1作母本,“红选501”和墨西哥春麦“西埃代赛洛斯”杂交的F2的父本进行复交培育而成,具有耐盐好、抗倒伏、产量高的特点。在轻度盐渍地上小区对比试验,产量为5125.5kg/hm^2,比对照高57.47%,在中度盐渍化地上也有显著的经济效益,单产为5122.5kg/hm^2。  相似文献   

新疆北部阿勒泰草原的农牧业生产主要是在荒漠瘠薄的土地上开发和发展起来的,通过对联合国"2817项目"1990年-1992年春小麦和甜菜灌溉试验数据进行分析比较,初步得到该区域春小麦和甜菜土壤水分与生长发育及产量关系。结果表明:春小麦和甜菜的最优灌溉定额分别为433.7和251.2mm,需水系数为1.7和0.22。最大需...  相似文献   

Optimal use of water and fertilizers can enhance winter wheat yield and increase the efficiencies of water and fertilizer usage in dryland agricultural systems.In order to optimize water and nitrogen(N)management for winter wheat,we conducted field experiments from 2006 to 2008 at the Changwu Agro-ecological Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the Loess Plateau,China.Regression models of wheat yield and evapotranspiration(ET)were established in this study to evaluate the water and fertilizer coupling effects and to determine the optimal coupling domain.The results showed that there was a positive effect of water and N fertilizer on crop yield,and optimal irrigation and N inputs can significantly increase the yield of winter wheat.In the drought year(2006–2007),the maximum yield(Ymax)of winter wheat was 9.211 t/hm2for the treatment with 324 mm irrigation and 310 kg/hm2N input,and the highest water use efficiency(WUE)of 16.335 kg/(hm2 mm)was achieved with198 mm irrigation and 274 kg/hm2N input.While in the normal year(2007–2008),the maximum winter wheat yield of 10.715 t/hm2was achieved by applying 318 mm irrigation and 291 kg/hm2N,and the highest WUE was 18.69kg/(hm2 mm)with 107 mm irrigation and 256 kg/hm2N input.Crop yield and ET response to irrigation and N inputs followed a quadratic and a line function,respectively.The optimal coupling domain was determined using the elasticity index(EI)and its expression in the water-N dimensions,and was represented by an ellipse,such that the global maximum WUE(WUEmax)and Ymax values corresponded to the left and right end points of the long axis,respectively.Considering the aim to get the greatest profit in practice,the optimal coupling domain was represented by the lower half of the ellipse,with the Ymax and WUEmax on the two end points of the long axis.Overall,we found that the total amount of irrigation for winter wheat should not exceed 324 mm.In addition,our optimal coupling domain visually reflects the optimal range of water and N inputs for the maximum winter wheat yield on the Loess Plateau,and it may also provide a useful reference for identifying appropriate water and N inputs in agricultural applications.  相似文献   

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