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诱集植物在不同有害生物的防治应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有害生物的综合治理在农业发展中越来越受重视,诱集植物作为有害生物综合治理的一部分,受到了越来越多的关注。本文介绍了诱集植物的防治原理,利用植食性昆虫的取食和产卵特点,诱集植物比主载作物更具吸引力,可将害虫集中引诱在一种植物上,方便集中灭治或减少害虫对主栽作物的为害;简述了诱集植物在防治四种(鳞翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目、植物线虫)有害生物的应用现状,并对诱集植物的应用过程中的问题与前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

王维华 《植物检疫》2008,22(2):116-118
本文结合国内外相关研究对诱集植物的概念、利用原理和利用诱集植物对害虫进行诱集防控的相关研究实践进行了阐述,并由此分析了利用诱集植物进行疫情监测在理论上的可行性,初步探讨了其在植物检疫疫情监测中可应用的几个方面及该方法的局限性和应用前景。  相似文献   

油茶害虫植物源引诱剂筛选及其诱集的昆虫种群动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘俊  周德明  周国英 《植物保护》2017,43(5):174-179
通过16种植物提取物对油茶林昆虫进行诱捕,筛选出2种对油茶害虫引诱效果较好的植物提取物,并在油茶林进行引诱效果及诱集昆虫种群动态的研究。结果表明,2016年4月-8月的引诱试验中,共诱集到昆虫7 455头。其中油茶叶片水提粗提物诱集到昆虫数量最多,达4 368头,诱虫谱较广,诱集到23种昆虫,可以诱集为害油茶林的害虫主要有假眼小绿叶蝉、琼凹大叶蝉、大青叶蝉、白痣广翅蜡蝉、茶角胸叶甲等;其次为油茶乙醇粗提物,诱集到2 078头昆虫,且对八点广翅蜡蝉、小蠹类害虫的诱捕效果最佳。植物提取物作为引诱剂,可为油茶林害虫的发生期、发生量的监测预报提供直接的、客观的依据。  相似文献   

诱虫作物在害虫治理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诱虫作物主要从物理特性和化学特性两个方面形成比主栽作物更强的引诱力,使主栽作物得以保护。诱虫作物在生产中主要用来诱集害虫、给天敌提供避难和繁殖场所,其作用效果与诱虫作物的品种、播期和田间管理、害虫行为、对天敌的调控、与其他害虫防治方法的有机配合等有重要关系。采用引诱-排斥多策略相结合的方法,研究利用对害虫同时具有诱集和杀灭作用的植物作为诱虫作物,将大大增强诱虫作物在害虫治理中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

利用性诱剂干扰交配或诱杀钻蛀性蛾类害虫是果园害虫生物防治的重要途径之一,研发既诱雄蛾也诱雌蛾的新型诱剂近年来颇受关注。本研究在苹果蠹蛾性信息素基础上,加入寄主植物挥发物——梨酯、苯乙酮、香叶醇、冬青油和苯乙醇等制成若干配方,在南疆两地(库尔勒与阿克苏地区)梨园中于蛾类害虫发生的早期和中期进行诱捕试验。对苹果蠹蛾诱集结果表明,虽然与仅含性信息素配方相比,添加植物挥发物的配方可诱集到雌蛾,但诱集虫量较少。对梨小食心虫的诱集结果表明,在库尔勒,大部分配方诱到的虫量多于商品诱剂(对照),其中,在性信息素中添加少量植物挥发性物质的配方诱集的虫量总体较多;在阿克苏,所有配方诱集的虫量均多于对照,在性信息素中是否添加植物挥发物质对诱集效果总体上没有影响。对优斑螟的诱集结果表明,仅含2种性信息素物质的配方诱集的虫量最大,与加入少量梨脂的配方接近。果园诱集试验结果说明,在苹果蠹蛾性信息素中添加梨脂等多种寄主植物挥发物的供试配方诱集雌蛾效果不理想,但对多种混合发生的夜蛾害虫雄性具有较好诱集效果。  相似文献   

为明确瓦楞纸板诱虫带对梨园越冬害虫与天敌的诱集效果, 探究了瓦楞纸板类型对诱集效果的影响, 并比较了该诱虫带对同一品种不同绑扎部位?相同品种不同树形以及不同品种梨树越冬害虫与天敌的诱集效果?试验结果表明, 不同宽度瓦楞纸诱虫带对害虫的诱集效果无显著差异?瓦楞纸诱虫带不同绑扎部位对天敌诱集效果无显著影响, 但将其扎绑至距离梨树第一分枝处10~20 cm处时, 对梨木虱诱集效果最佳?不同品种梨树间瓦楞纸诱虫带诱集到天敌的数量差异较小, ‘雪花’梨树上诱集到的梨木虱数量显著多于‘南果’梨?不同树形间诱集结果显示, Y字形与纺锤形梨树的瓦楞纸板诱虫带内梨木虱诱集量多于倒伞形梨树诱虫带内诱集量, 但不同树形梨树上瓦楞纸诱虫带内天敌的诱集数量并无显著差异?试验结果为瓦楞纸在果树害虫防治和天敌保护中的应用提供理论指导?  相似文献   

植食性害虫食诱剂的研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
植食性害虫主要取食植物的茎叶、果实、花蜜等,并且常对某些食物表现出明显的偏好性。植物挥发物在害虫食物偏好选择行为中发挥着重要作用。基于害虫偏好食源或其挥发物研制的食诱剂(也称"植物源引诱剂"),是一类重要的害虫绿色防控产品。20世纪初人们就开始利用发酵糖水、糖醋酒液等传统食诱剂进行害虫诱集防治。随着对害虫食源挥发物中信息物质认识的不断深入,通过组配天然提取或人工合成的挥发物组分,先后研制出实蝇、夜蛾、蓟马、甲虫等多类害虫的新型食诱剂。这些食诱剂大多对雌、雄害虫均有效,已在橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis、地中海实蝇Ceratitis capitata、棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera、苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella、西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis、西方玉米根萤叶甲Diabrotica virgifera virgifera、纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda等重要害虫的监测和防治中发挥了重要作用。本文总结了已有食诱剂研发与应用过程中的经验和教训,并对今后食诱剂的发展方向与重点方面进行了分析和展望,以期促进植食性害虫食诱剂及其田间使用技术的创新发展。  相似文献   

不同颜色色板对梨园昆虫的诱集效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为筛选对梨园害虫诱集效果较好的粘虫板,选用黄色、红色、绿色、紫色、蓝色、灰色、白色和黑色8种颜色的粘虫板对梨园内昆虫进行诱集。结果显示,黄色粘虫板的诱集效果最好,诱集害虫种类8科10种,对中国梨木虱和小绿叶蝉的诱集效果较好;其次为绿色粘虫板,诱集昆虫种类7科7种,对中国梨木虱和小绿叶蝉也表现出较好的诱集效果。半翅目昆虫的趋色性较强,诱集数量最多,适合选择色板诱集防治。黄板和绿板对梨园天敌有一定影响,在梨园使用时应适时适量选择性使用。本研究为利用粘虫板在梨园进行害虫防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为明确不同材料诱虫带对苹果园树干越冬害虫的诱集效果及适宜的绑扎时间、绑扎部位,本研究采用瓦楞纸、聚乙烯珍珠棉、布条等3种诱虫带进行了苹果树干越冬害虫的诱集试验。结果表明,3种诱虫带在苹果树干上共诱集到5目9科的越冬害虫,主要类群为蛾类、螨类、蝽类、象甲、叶蝉等。瓦楞纸诱虫带诱集鳞翅目蛾类幼虫和山楂叶螨的平均诱捕量分别为7.95和11.15头/株,显著高于聚乙烯珍珠棉和布条诱虫带;9月上旬绑扎的瓦楞纸诱虫带诱集数量最多,分别为8.25和12.25头/株;同时,距离苹果第一分枝处越近,诱集数量越多。在诱集茶翅蝽和大灰象甲方面,3种诱虫带之间以及不同绑扎时间和绑扎部位之间均无显著差异。因此苹果树干越冬害虫可通过绑扎瓦楞纸诱虫带诱集,绑扎适期为9月上旬,且距离苹果第一分枝越近诱集效果越好。  相似文献   

水稻害虫危害严重,长期化学防控导致米质下降、环境污染。为有效减少水稻田害虫虫口密度,提高稻米品质,减轻环境污染,本试验于2020年在荆州水稻田内以水稻抽穗期为参照物设置0 cm、10 cm、20 cm、30 cm、50 cm共5个不同高度的黄板来探究不同高度黄板对水稻田害虫的诱集效应。结果显示,黄板诱集的主要水稻田害虫为大青叶蝉、二化螟、白背飞虱,其中0 cm、10 cm是诱集大青叶蝉的最佳选择高度;20 cm是诱集白背飞虱的最佳选择高度;但5种不同高度对二化螟诱集效果无差异。研究表明,黄板的不同设置高度对水稻田害虫的诱集效果有一定影响,为发展水稻田害虫黄板防治技术提供理论指导和依据。  相似文献   


The effectiveness of the use of trap crops for reducing herbivorous Lygus spp. (Heteroptera: Miridae) in a lettuce agroecosystem was evaluated in a series of field experiments in two locations in Sweden. Trap crop efficacy was determined by comparing Lygus densities in plots of lettuce with densities in adjacent plots of the cover crops Melilotus officinalis, Vicia sativa, Trifolium pratense and Medicago sativa, and the weed Artemisia vulgaris . All of the trap crops tested were more attractive to Lygus than lettuce, with between five- and 30-times as many adult Lygus on cover crops and more than 100-times more on A. vulgaris. Lygus rugulipennis was the dominant species on all plant species. These results suggest that a wide range of trap crops, including nitrogen-fixing cover crops, may be suitable for reducing populations of Lygus spp. in lettuce cropping systems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Greenhouse whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), are notorious pests that, through the reduction of crop yields and excretion of honeydew, cause significant economic losses for sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) growers. Chemical and biological controls are the two most common forms of whitefly management in greenhouses. Consequently, insecticide resistance and inadequate control have rejuvenated interest in alternative tactics. In the present study, whitefly responses to trap crops (eggplant and squash) and yellow sticky traps were compared in order to identify the most effective traps for dispersing and resident adults. RESULTS: Results indicated that yellow sticky traps were most effective at trapping adult whiteflies. Significantly more dispersing whiteflies were recorded on eggplant than on squash trap crops. None of the traps significantly reduced adult populations on the main crops (peppers) compared with the control. However, yellow sticky traps did significantly reduce oviposition on peppers. CONCLUSIONS: Adult whiteflies were most effectively trapped on yellow sticky traps followed by eggplant trap crops. Further study of whitefly trapping using visual cues may enhance trapping management. Specifically, research combining yellow sticky traps with other control strategies is recommended. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) as a trap crop for diamondback moth [Plutella xylostella (L.)] on cauliflower [Brassica oleracea (L.) var. Lateman]. Moth behaviour on these plants and the importance of plant age and size in maintaining pest preference for trap crop plants were also investigated. RESULTS: Three times as many eggs were laid on cauliflower plants that were unprotected than on plants protected by a trap crop of white mustard. Moths remained longer on the mustard plants as a result of a doubling in the mean duration of information‐providing behaviours. Plant age had little effect on P. xylostella host preference. When plant age was constant, percentage oviposition on mustard was higher when these were larger (93%) than copresented cauliflower plants, compared with when they were smaller (68%). CONCLUSION: Trap cropping with white mustard may reduce the incidence of P. xylostella in cauliflower crops. The pest management benefits of trap crops may be maximised by using trap crop plants that are larger than the main crop plants, although relatively smaller trap crop plants may still be preferred as hosts for P. xylostella per se. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effectiveness of trap cropping as an integrated control strategy against western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), was explored in potted chrysanthemum, Dendranthema grandiflora (Tzvelev), greenhouse crops. The efficacy of flowering chrysanthemum trap plants, either treated with the insecticide spinosad or untreated, to regulate F. occidentalis populations was tested at different spatial scales (small cage, large cage and commercial greenhouse) and for different time periods (1 or 4 weeks). It was demonstrated that flowering chrysanthemums as trap plants lower the number of adult F. occidentalis in a vegetative chrysanthemum crop and, as a result, reduce crop damage. In the 4 week large-cage trial and the commercial trial, significant differences between the control and the trap plant treatments started to appear in the third week of the experiment. Larvae were only significantly reduced by the presence of trap plants in the 1 week small-cage trials. There were no significant differences between treatments with spinosad-treated and untreated trap plants in the number of F. occidentalis on the crop. This suggests that there was minimal movement of adult F. occidentalis back and forth between the trap plants and the crop to feed and oviposit. It is concluded that the trap plant strategy is a useful tool for integrated pest management against F. occidentalis in greenhouses.  相似文献   

S. Moran 《Phytoparasitica》1991,19(2):95-101
Modified Australian crow traps effectively protected crops, mainly in pecan orchards and watermelon fields, from the hooded crow, Corvus corone sardonius Kleinschmidt (Corvidae). The effects of modifications in trap construction and operation methods on trapping efficiency were studied. It was essential to use a lure crow, whereas the importance of bait was doubtful.  相似文献   

南美斑潜蝇成虫活动规律的观察   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
应用黄板法对南美斑潜蝇活动特性进行观测。结果表明,南美斑潜蝇在作物顶端层飞翔种群数较高,在此层面黄板诱集成虫数量最大。在干热季南美斑潜蝇的日活动高峰在8∶00~10∶00和18∶00~20∶00,成虫量与日气温呈负相关。  相似文献   

列当是一种根部全寄生恶性杂草,影响作物生长,对农业生产造成了巨大破坏。目前,列当防治措施主要包括轮作、种植诱捕作物、化学防治等,但尚无适用于大部分地区及作物的有效防治措施。本文综述了新疆列当种类、寄生特点、危害和目前采取的防治措施,并对列当的萌发刺激物、防治机理和化学除草剂在大田应用提出展望,以期为新疆相关防治工作提供参考。  相似文献   


Orobanche is the most debilitating plant parasite of tobacco in Andhra Pradesh. The crop suffers considerably for about six weeks before the parasite appears above the ground. In the absence of effective herbicides for controlling Orobanche especially in this pre-emergence phase, it was felt worthwhile to evaluate the effectiveness of various cultivated crops as trap crops. A preliminary pot trial was conducted with 17 crop plants and the results are presented.  相似文献   

Trap cropping is an environmentally friendly “alternative” pest management strategy. To maximize the efficiency of corn, Zea mays L. (Poaceae), as a trap crop for Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), we (i) tested the trap crop potential of corn varieties that are not a source of infestation, and (ii) determined the best corn planting time so as to concentrate H. zea in this trap crop and divert the pest from tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae). When corn silk emergence was synchronized with tomato flowering and fresh corn silk was present during the tomato flowering stage, H. zea infestation was lower in the tomato field with a corn border than in those without a corn border. Sugar Jean and Java corn varieties were good trap crops because few larvae persisted on the silks and their growth was low. These two varieties could reduce the risk of H. zea development and dispersion from corn borders.  相似文献   

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