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玉米不同密度下间作大豆控草效果及对产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以贵州主要种植的玉米品种黔单16和大豆品种黔豆2号为材料,开展不同密度下玉米间作大豆控草效果及对产量的影响研究。研究结果表明:玉米种植密度在4.2万~5.55万株/hm~2按1∶1间作大豆对杂草的株抑制率为37.43%~50.30%,鲜质量抑制率47.79%~52.96%,在该密度范围内,抑制效果随着玉米种植密度的增加而增加。玉米单作下田间杂草冠层平均光合有效辐射(PAR)为330.07~698.13μmol/(m~2·s);间作模式田间杂草冠层平均光合有效辐射(PAR)为73.27~108.33μmol/(m~2·s);随着玉米种植密度的增加,各种植模式田间光合有效辐射(PAR)逐渐降低,间作模式光合有效辐射(PAR)普遍高于玉米单作模式,这可能是抑制田间杂草生长的主要原因。在产量上,玉米单作产量随种植密度增加而增加;玉米-大豆间作模式下玉米产量相对稳定,大豆产量随玉米密度增加而增加。在玉米种植高密度下玉米单作产量高于间作模式,但间作模式经济效益高于玉米单作种植模式,以玉米-大豆5.55万株/hm~2密度下田间作物产量经济效益最高。因此,作物合理间作和适当增加种植密度是控制杂草生长,提高作物产量的有效措施。  相似文献   

使用农艺措施调控农田杂草的发生和生长是生态控草的重要研究内容,为明确玉米种植密度、耕作模式和水分管理对田间杂草的影响,将玉米种植密度分别设置为6.0万、7.5万株/hm~2,耕作模式分别设置为翻耕、免耕,水分管理分别设置为玉米播种前浇水、玉米播种后浇水,在玉米大喇叭口期调查杂草的数量和鲜质量。结果表明,与种植密度为6.0万株/hm~2时相比,玉米在7.5万株/hm~2的种植密度下杂草的密度和杂草地上部鲜质量均有下降的趋势。翻耕模式下,水分管理对杂草密度的影响不显著,玉米播种后浇水处理比播种前浇水处理的杂草鲜质量减少26.4%;免耕模式下,玉米播种后浇水处理的杂草密度和鲜质量均显著低于玉米播种前浇水处理(P0.05),前者杂草密度、地上部鲜质量分别比后者减少36.7%、30.9%。研究表明,玉米播种密度增加,田间杂草密度和鲜质量均有减少的趋势,但不显著;无论是翻耕还是免耕,玉米播种前浇水均有利于杂草获得竞争优势,杂草鲜质量显著高于玉米播种后浇水。  相似文献   

施氮时期对夏玉米生长、干物质转运与产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探索不同施氮时期对陕西关中地区夏玉米生长和产量的影响,通过桶栽施氮试验,研究了施氮总量相同的情况下,不同施氮时期对夏玉米的生长、产量和干物质分配转运的影响。试验设置7个施氮处理:N0不施氮(对照);N1拔节期一次性施入;N2大喇叭口期一次性施入;N3吐丝期一次性施入;N4拔节期、大喇叭口期分次施入;N5拔节期和吐丝期分次施入;N6拔节期、大喇叭口期和吐丝期分三次施入。结果表明:N4处理植株的产量显著高于其它处理,相对于拔节期一次施肥的N1处理增加了5.56%;N4处理的叶面积、成熟期干物质较其它处理高,相对于N1处理分别增长了8.03%和8.29%;N2、N5和N6处理的产量和干物质量无显著性差异,相对于N1处理产量分别增长了4.0%、4.7%和4.1%,N1、N3处理的产量和干物质量较其它处理低,说明分次施肥可以提高玉米的产量和干物质量,最佳施肥方案为拔节期、大喇叭口期分次施入;N3、N5处理的干物质转运率相对较低,相对于产量较高的N4处理转运率分别降低5.5%和8.6%,但其花后同化物累积量相对于N4处理分别提高4.1%和7.8%,绿叶面积相对于其它处理较高,表明吐丝期追施氮肥可以延缓叶片衰老,从而提高玉米的产量。  相似文献   

低温胁迫下春玉米生长参数及产量影响分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以先玉335为材料,对玉米拔节期和大喇叭口期分别进行了15℃低温胁迫及对照试验。结果表明:低温胁迫导致植株株高、生物量及叶面积明显下降,并且拔节期受低温的影响要大于大喇叭口期;低温导致玉米蒸腾速率的降低及光合速率下降,光合速率下降10%左右,蒸腾速率下降58%~64%;不同发育期玉米光谱反射率对低温胁迫的响应基本相同,可见光波段,受低温胁迫的玉米冠层光谱反射率均有所增加,近红外波段(780~1 350nm),受低温胁迫的玉米冠层反射率降低;低温导致产量明显下降,拔节期减产率为34%,大喇叭口期减产率达到38%,大喇叭口期低温对产量的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

本研究旨在比较盆栽与大田试验条件下不同覆盖材料的土壤调温保湿效果,为选择农业环保型覆盖材料提供理论依据。2014和2015年分别设置盆栽试验和大田试验,覆盖塑料地膜(DM)、液体地膜(YM)、麻地膜(MM)及秸秆(JM)等4种材料,以不覆盖处理为对照(CK),分析了不同覆盖材料对土壤水温状况及玉米前期生长的影响。结果表明:麻地膜覆盖对玉米生育前期0~20 cm土层土壤的保水保墒效果最好,秸秆覆盖处理次之,麻地膜覆盖和秸秆覆盖处理玉米出苗至大喇叭口期平均土壤贮水量分别较对照显著提高29.0%和26.6%。覆盖不同材料的调温作用:2014年盆栽试验玉米拔节期各处理升温效果表现为MMDMJMYMCK,大喇叭口期其降温效果表现为MMJMCKDMYM;2015年大田试验玉米拔节期各处理升温效果表现为CKDMMMYMJM,大喇叭口期其降温效果表现为CKDMMMJMYM。麻地膜覆盖处理促进了玉米前期的生长,比不覆盖处理提前10~11 d进入大喇叭口期,玉米株高、茎粗、叶面积及生物量分别较对照显著提高48.3%、27.5%、158.2%和63.5%。  相似文献   

为探究不同施氮量对北疆滴灌超高产春玉米根系生长时空分布特征的影响,采用土壤剖面取样法大田研究了0、150、300、375和450 kg·hm~(-2)5个施氮水平对春玉米0~60 cm土层根系生长及产量的影响。结果表明,滴灌超高产春玉米根干重和根长度主要集中在0~20 cm土层,且生育期内表现为先升高而后降低变化,吐丝期达到峰值。增加施氮量显著提高各土层根干重密度和根长密度。大喇叭口期配合吐丝期施氮可明显延缓春玉米各土层根系衰老,特别是显著提高灌浆期20~60 cm土层根系活力。当施氮量在300 kg·hm~(-2)左右时,春玉米根系长势相对较好,此时农学利用率为13.8 kg·kg-1,籽粒产量为17 117 kg·hm~(-2),较缺氮处理增产32.10%。若继续增加施氮量,各土层根系参数表现为降低变化趋势,且增产不显著,农学效率明显降低。综合考虑,该地区春玉米获取超高产的适宜施氮量可确定为拔节期结合大喇叭口期配合吐丝期施氮300 kg·hm~(-2)。  相似文献   

针对内蒙古河套灌区干旱缺水的实际情况,以春小麦间作玉米、春小麦间作向日葵复合群体为研究对象,以不同生育期的非充分灌溉为试验处理,进行间作模式下的非充分灌溉试验。结果表明:间作下小麦分蘖期每多灌溉15 mm有效分蘖数提高5.4%~15.07%,而乳熟期随着水分胁迫加剧间作模式下的小麦穗粒数、千粒重、产量均呈现出先升高后降低的规律。对于间作下的玉米产量构成,适当减少小麦分蘖与拔节期的灌水量,相应增加小麦乳熟与玉米灌浆吐丝期的灌水量,有利于大幅提高缺水地区间作模式下的玉米产量,且随着灌水总量的升高,穗粒数以1.27~2.47粒·mm~(-1)的速度递增,产量以62.24,94.93,29.73 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)的"S"型曲线逐渐升高。而对于间作下的向日葵产量构成,其主要受小麦乳熟期与向日葵现蕾期水分处理的影响,且随灌水总量的提高间作向日葵的单株粒数呈先升后降的规律,而百粒重和产量则呈"N"型和"M"型规律变化。对于不同水分处理下各间作作物对水分的敏感指数表现为小麦的敏感指数最高,玉米次之,向日葵最低。不同水分处理对各间作作物收获指数的影响表现为间作模式下的小麦受水分胁迫后其收获指数普遍提高,间作模式下玉米的收获指数随灌水总量上升而逐渐上升,而间作模式下受水分胁迫处理的向日葵收获指数反而下降。  相似文献   

采取随机区组试验,根据农田杂草群落的生态学原理 ,运用生态学方法,通过玉米苜蓿间种与玉米清种相对照,探讨了间种抗旱植物苜蓿对玉米田杂草群落与生长发育的影响.结果表明:清种玉米田中稗草和红蓼的重要值较高,为优势种,间种苜蓿田中的优势种有红蓼、稗草、苘麻、反枝苋、龙葵、藜;在玉米各生育期,间种苜蓿田中的杂草生物量均低于清种玉米田处理,杂草株高大部分低于清种玉米处理;间种苜蓿穗长、穗行数、行粒数、穗重、穗粒重、百粒重和产量较清种玉米分别增加了6.6%、7.6%、2.2%、 12.28%、9.9%、7.8%和4.3%.认为间种苜蓿能够控制杂草数量,抑制杂草生物量增加,苜蓿有抗旱保水的作用,使玉米产量有所提高.  相似文献   

为探究肥料减施下玉米-大豆间作对作物产量和昆虫群落组成及多样性的影响,在玉米、大豆单作及二者间作下施以标准肥料750 kg/hm~2和减半肥料375 kg/hm~2,于作物生长期调查田间昆虫群落组成及多样性,并在收获期对玉米和大豆进行测产。结果表明:与单作玉米相比,间作玉米在施用标准肥料下的百株生物量、百株籽粒重和千粒重分别显著增加78.33%、85.35%和38.71%,而在施用减半肥料下则分别显著增加90.91%、135.73%和33.33%;相同种植模式下,与施用标准肥料相比,减半肥料使单作玉米百株籽粒重显著降低22.45%。与单作大豆相比,在施用标准肥料下,间作大豆的百株籽粒重和千粒重分别显著降低49.47%和11.54%,在施用减半肥料下,间作大豆的百株生物量、百株籽粒重和千粒重分别显著降低73.94%、50.51%和17.39%;相同种植模式下,与施用标准肥料相比,减半肥料使大豆在单作和间作下的百株籽粒重分别显著降低65.02%和65.73%,使间作下大豆的百株生物量和千粒重分别显著降低73.14%和17.39%。与单作相比,间作均显著降低了标准肥料和减半肥料处理下玉米和大豆害虫群落的物种数、多样性指数和均匀度指数,还显著降低了标准肥料和减半肥料处理下玉米天敌昆虫群落的物种数和优势度指数以及大豆天敌昆虫群落的物种数和均匀度指数。表明玉米-大豆间作能有效提高玉米产量,降低虫害发生,但对大豆生产不利,而间作条件下减施肥料对玉米产量的影响更小。建议在田间生产中可将夏玉米和大豆间作种植,更有利于通过生态学方法控制田间害虫发生和增加作物总体产量。  相似文献   

玉米与豆科作物复合种植是河西走廊地区重要的粮经作物栽培模式,杂草危害是该复合种植体系中普遍存在的重要问题。本文采用田间裂区试验设计的方法研究了5种除草剂(或配方)对玉米与3种豆科作物-大豆Glycine max、赤小豆Vigna umbellata和菜豆Phaseolus vulgaris间作田杂草的防除效果和对两类作物的安全性。结果表明,除草剂对杂草的防效为81.67%~91.55%,显著高于当地常规玉米单作的化学除草处理(P<0.05),5种药剂处理对苗期玉米无明显药害,而对3种豆科作物幼苗均有不同程度的不利影响。玉米收获期900 g/L乙草胺EC、900 g/L乙草胺EC+87.5%2,4-滴异辛酯EC和900 g/L乙草胺EC+10%唑嘧磺草胺SC 3种药剂处理条件下三种间作组合的玉米+豆科作物总产量均高于空白对照,且与各自的人工除草处理相当或更优;本试验5种药剂处理条件下玉米与3种豆科作物间作组合的玉米+豆科作物总产量均与玉米单作常规化学除草处理相当或更优。研究结果可为西北河西走廊地区玉米与豆科作物间作模式下田间杂草的安全、高效化学防除提供技术参考。  相似文献   

The cereal–legume cropping system is a common practice across the tropical world. However, there are limited quantitative data on the effect of cereal–legume intercropping on weed species diversity. A study was conducted in the Guinea savanna zone of Ghana to evaluate the effect of maize–soybean intercropping on yield productivity and weed species control. The treatments used include three maize maturity types (extra‐early: Abontem, early: Sammaz 27 and medium: Obatanpa) intercropped with soybean at three intraspacing (10, 20 and 30 cm), and their sole crop treatments were laid in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Results showed that the land equivalent ratio (LER) for the intercrops was above 1, indicating better intercrop productivity than the sole crops. An average of 40% land was saved for the intercrops compared with the sole crops. Intercropping Sammaz 27 maize with soybean significantly increased LER by 9% compared to the other types. Intercropping maize with soybean significantly reduced weed biomass at 6 and 9 weeks after planting (WAP) and at harvest relative to the sole maize. The weed biomass at 6 and 9 WAP and harvest increased (p < .05) with increasing soybean intraspacing. The grass and broadleaf weed species count at 6 WAP and harvest from the sole crops were significantly higher than that of the intercrops. The results suggest that intercropping early maize maturity type with soybean at 10 cm intraspacing could be used to increase grain yield, LER and control of grass and broadleaf weeds in a maize‐based cropping system in the Guinea savanna zones of West Africa.  相似文献   

Understanding drivers of weed density and diversity is essential for the development of weed management strategies. Here, we compared temporal changes in weed density and diversity under no-till (NT) and conventional (CONV) tillage systems in cotton–maize rotations on loam, clay loam and sandy loam soils immediately after transition to NT in Kadoma, Zimbabwe. The effect of tillage system on weed density varied through the growth season and was dependent upon soil type and species composition of the weed community. Although weed responses to tillage system varied amongst species, we identified general trend effects on weed density on specific soils. At 3 weeks after crop emergence (WACE), weed density on loam soils was 76% and 96% higher in NT than in CONV during the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons, respectively, and on clay loam soils it was 37% and 33% higher in NT than CONV, respectively. Weed densities in NT and CONV were similar across all soil types at 6 WACE during the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons and at 9 WACE in 2009/2010. Tillage system did not affect weed density during the growth season on sandy loam soils. Weed diversity (Shannon index) was at least 75% higher in NT than CONV on loam and clay loam soils at 3 WACE during both seasons. It is likely these increases in weed densities following conversion to NT will exacerbate already prevalent weed management problems in the smallholder sector. Earlier weeding is recommended to suppress weed emergence and reduce likely associated crop yield losses.  相似文献   

不同稻田综合种养模式下杂草长期控制效果的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为明确稻田综合种养模式是否可以长期有效控制杂草危害,通过对江苏省48个样点共6种综合种养模式(稻鸭、稻蟹、稻虾、稻鱼、稻鳖和稻鳅/鳝共作)农田的杂草群落和土壤种子库进行调查,比较分析杂草群落综合草情优势度、物种多样性以及杂草群落和土壤种子库的组成和变化。结果表明,在综合种养模式实施1~3年,杂草群落综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度均明显下降,其中稻鸭共作模式下两者均下降最多,其次是稻虾共作模式下杂草群落综合草情优势度下降较多,而稻鱼共作模式下土壤种子库密度下降较多。实施4~5年,各种养模式下杂草群落综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度均上升,草害加剧,杂草防控效果下降;其中稻鳅/鳝共作模式下杂草群落综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度与常规稻田相比升幅最大,分别上升28.8%和25.3%;由于稻鳖、稻鳅/鳝共作模式实施均未超过5年,在实施4~5年时整体上杂草危害最为严重,禾本科杂草、阔叶杂草以及莎草科杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田分别上升42.4%、12.3%、0.7%和31.5%、27.7%、38.1%。实施5年以上,稻鸭共作模式下阔叶杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田下降65.0%,但禾本科杂草的综合草情优势度和土壤种子库密度较常规稻田分别上升80.5%和66.6%,成为杂草群落和土壤种子库的优势种群;稻虾共作模式下莎草科杂草和阔叶杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田分别上升17.8%和45.0%;稻蟹共作模式下莎草科杂草、阔叶杂草和禾本科杂草的综合草情优势度较常规稻田分别上升22.7%、35.3%和29.0%。表明当长期实施同种稻田综合种养模式时,杂草群落在单一的选择压力下会加快演替,杂草危害均呈先降后升的变化趋势,不利于田间杂草的长效防控,建议实施针对耗竭土壤种子库的综合技术措施。  相似文献   

Echinochloa colona and Trianthema portulacastrum are weeds of maize that cause significant yield losses in the Indo‐Gangetic Plains. Field experiments were conducted in 2009 and 2010 to determine the influence of row spacing (15, 25 and 35 cm) and emergence time of E. colona and T. portulacastrum (0, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 days after maize emergence; DAME) on weed growth and productivity of maize. A season‐long weed‐free treatment and a weedy control were also used to estimate maize yield and weed seed production. Crop row spacing as well as weed emergence time had a significant influence on plant height, shoot biomass and seed production of both weed species and grain yield of maize in both years. Delay in emergence of weeds resulted in less plant height, shoot biomass and seed production. However, increase in productivity of maize was observed by delay in weed emergence. Likewise, growth of both weed species was less in narrow row spacing (15 cm) of maize, as compared with wider rows (25 and 35 cm). Maximum seed production of both weeds was observed in weedy control plots, where there was no competition with maize crop and weeds were in rows 35 cm apart. Nevertheless, maximum plant height, shoot biomass and seed production of both weed species were observed in 35 cm rows, when weeds emerged simultaneously with maize. Both weed species produced only 3–5 seeds per plant, when they were emerged at 55 DAME in crop rows spaced at 15 cm. Infestation of both weeds at every stage of crop led to significant crop yield loss in maize. Our results suggested that narrow row spacing and delay in weed emergence led to reduced weed growth and seed production and enhanced maize grain yield and therefore could be significant constituents of integrated weed management strategies in maize.  相似文献   

Weeds are both harmful for crop production and important for biodiversity, while herbicides can pollute the environment. We thus need new cropping systems optimising all cultural techniques, reconciling agricultural production, herbicide reduction and biodiversity conservation. Here, we show how to (i) develop models quantifying the effects of cropping systems on weed dynamics, (ii) integrate interactions between weeds and other organisms, (iii) predict the impact on production and biodiversity and (iv) use the model for multicriteria evaluation and multiobjective design of cropping systems. Among the existing weed dynamics models, we chose the one closest to our requirements to illustrate these different steps, that is, FlorSys which predicts multispecific weed dynamics as a function of cultural techniques and pedoclimate. We have illustrated the development of interaction submodels with the example of a crop pathogen whose propagation is increased when infecting grass weeds. To evaluate the weed flora impact, predicted weed densities were translated into indicators of harmfulness (crop yield loss, technical harvest problems, harvest pollution, field infestation, crop disease increase) and biodiversity (weed species richness and equitability, trophic resources for birds, insects and pollinators). Simulations were run over several years and with different weather scenarios (i) to optimise cultural techniques to control harmful weeds, (ii) to analyse the impact of changing agricultural practices (e.g. simplified tillage and rotations, no‐till, temporary crops) on weed density, species and trait composition and (iii) to evaluate cropping systems for their ability to reconcile agricultural production and biodiversity, thus identifying levers for designing sustainable cropping systems.  相似文献   

为明确小麦田不同杂草群落及防除时间对小麦产量的影响,于2013—2015连续两年在山东省聊城市高唐县小麦田中设无草对照区、禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区以及混合杂草自然发生区4种不同杂草群落以及不同的杂草防除时间,测定在不同条件下小麦产量及各项产量构成指标的情况。结果表明,阔叶杂草对小麦产量的影响大于禾本科杂草,冬小麦田杂草的最佳防除时间为4月1日之前,在此期间除草对小麦产量影响均不大,但之后防除或不除草会造成小麦严重减产甚至绝产,2014年4月15日除草可造成在阔叶杂草区和杂草混合生长区的小麦减产30.5%和32.6%,不除草可造成在禾本科杂草区、阔叶杂草区和杂草混生区的小麦减产8.6%、91.4%和94.3%,2015年趋势和2014年一致。从构成小麦产量的3个指标来看,杂草危害主要影响小麦的总穗数,其次为穗粒数,对千粒重影响最小。  相似文献   

Weeds have negative impacts on crop production but also play a role in sustaining biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. This trade‐off raises the question of whether it is possible to promote weed communities with low competitive potential but high value to biodiversity. Here, we explored how weed communities respond to different vineyard management practices in South Africa's Western Cape, aiming to identify whether any specific practices are associated with more beneficial weed communities. Eight weed community characteristics representative of abundance, diversity and functional composition were used as indicators of competitive potential and biodiversity value. We explored how these responded to farm management strategy (organic, low input or conventional) and weed management practices (herbicides, tillage, mowing or combinations of these) using ordination and mixed models. Mown sites were associated with weed communities of high biodiversity value, with higher weed cover in both winter and summer, higher diversity and more native weeds. Mowing also promoted shorter weeds than either tillage or herbicides, considered to be less competitive with grapevines. However, high summer weed cover may be problematic where competition for water is critical, in which case tillage offers a method to limit summer weed cover that did not adversely affect diversity or native weeds. In contrast, herbicide‐treated sites had characteristics indicative of a lower biodiversity value and higher potential for competitiveness with few native weeds, lower diversity and relatively tall, small‐seeded weeds. Mowing in winter combined with tillage in spring may thus optimise the biodiversity benefits and production costs of Western Cape vineyard weeds.  相似文献   

在陇东旱塬区杂草严重发生条件下,试验测定了3种地膜在不同覆膜方式下的控草效果及对玉米生长发育的影响。结果表明,化学除草地膜和黑色地膜以全膜双垄沟播、半膜平作和半膜垄作方式覆膜,对阔叶杂草的株防效和鲜重防效均在93%以上,对禾本科杂草的株防效和鲜重防效均在76%以上;白色地膜以半膜垄作和半膜平作方式覆膜对阔叶杂草有一定的控制作用,但对禾本科杂草作用微弱或无效,以全膜双垄沟播方式覆膜可引起杂草大量发生。化学除草地膜和黑色地膜以全膜双垄沟播方式覆膜,均可明显改善玉米主要农艺性状,显著提高玉米产量及效益,玉米产量较半膜垄作分别增产22.17%和24.78%、较半膜平作分别增产9.23%和5.74%,纯收益较半膜垄作分别增加3 553.13元/hm~2和3 828.78元/hm~2、较半膜平作分别增加1 343.46元/hm~2和736.30元/hm~2;白色地膜以全膜双垄沟播、半膜平作和半膜垄作方式覆膜,玉米主要农艺性状、产量及经济效益均较覆盖化学除草地膜和黑色地膜有明显下降。因此,在杂草严重或较重发生的地区,推荐采取化学除草地膜和黑色地膜全膜双垄沟播方式覆膜。  相似文献   

B Bukun 《Weed Research》2004,44(5):404-412
Field studies were conducted over 4 years in south‐eastern Turkey in 1999–2002 to establish the critical period for weed control (CPWC). This is the period in the crop growth cycle during which weeds must be controlled to prevent unacceptable yield losses. A quantitative series of treatments of both increasing duration of weed interference and of the weed‐free period were applied. The beginning and end of CPWC were based on 5% acceptable yield loss levels which were determined by fitting logistic and Gompertz equations to relative yield data representing increasing duration of weed interference and weed‐free period, estimated as growing degree days (GDD). Total weed dry weight increased with increasing time prior to weed removal. Cotton heights were reduced by prolonged delays in weed removal in all treatments in all 4 years. The beginning of CPWC ranged from 100 to 159 GDD, and the end from 1006 to 1174 GDD, depending on the weed species present and their densities. Practical implications of this study are that herbicides (pre‐emergence residual or post‐emergence), or other weed control methods should be used in Turkey to eliminate weeds from 1–2 weeks post‐crop emergence up to 11–12 weeks. Such an approach would keep yield loss levels below 5%.  相似文献   

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