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烟草丛顶病(tobacco bushy top disease,TBTD)是一种由烟草丛顶病毒(tobacco bushy top virus,TBTV)及其卫星RNA(tobacco bushy top virus satellite RNA,TBTVsatRNA)和烟草扭脉病毒(tobacco vein distorting virus,TVDV)及其伴随RNA(tobacco vein distorting virus associated RNA,TVDVaRNA)共同侵染引起的危险性病害,曾在云南很多烟区造成严重损失。本研究对烟草丛顶病及其相关病原物在云南烟草上的发生情况进行了多年的调查研究,力图对烟草丛顶病及其相关病原物的发生与分布进行追踪和分析。结果表明,2012年-2022年,烟草丛顶病在云南各大烟区仅零星发生,2019年以来已很难发现。烟草丛顶病的相关病原物主要在曾经暴发流行过病害的楚雄、保山和大理发现,且TBTV、TVDV、TBTVsatRNA和TVDVaRNA在烟草上并不总是同时被检出,其中引起烟草丛顶病典型症状的TBTV+TVDV+TBTVsatRNA+TVDVaRNA检出率在5%以下,TVDV的检出率最高,达30.44%,TBTVsatRNA的检出率最低,为7.68%。TBTV、TVDV、TBTVsatRNA和TVDVaRNA不能同时感染同一烟株可能是当前烟草丛顶病很少发生的主要原因。  相似文献   

烟草丛顶病研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 烟草丛顶病是一类在局部地区产生严重危害的烟草病害,由烟草丛顶病毒和烟草扭脉病毒复合侵染引起。目前该病在我国仅云南有发生的报道,烟草丛顶病也是国内第一个报道的由幽影病毒属成员引起的病害。本文较为系统全面地综述了烟草丛顶病的发生与分布、病害症状学、病原物、与病害相关的dsRNA、病组织超微病变以及病害的流行及控制等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

 烟草丛顶病主要由烟草丛顶病毒(Tobacco bushy top virus ,TBTV)和烟草扭脉病毒(Tobacco vein distorting virus ,TVDV)复合侵染引起。其中,TVDV的CP蛋白可分别包装TBTV和TVDV形成病毒粒子;但也存在TVDV单独侵染不携带TBTV的病样。本文利用RT-PCR对自然状态下携带TBTV的TVDV(采自云南弥渡)和不携带TBTV的TVDV (采自云南保山)的cp基因进行序列克隆,发现TVDV弥渡分离物的cp基因为618个核苷酸,而TVDV保山分离物的cp基因为621个核苷酸,二者的核苷酸序列一致性为90.02 %,氨基酸序列一致性为89.81 %;而长度相同的TVDV cp基因序列一致性为98.5 % ~ 100 %。表明这2个cp基因属于2种不同类型。系统发育树分析也表明这2个cp基因属于进化距离较远的2个群。利用SWISS-MODEL进行同源建模,发现2种类型的TVDV CP蛋白的主要空间结构域基本一致,存在细小的结构域及结构域之间无规则卷曲角度的差异,整体空间结构没有发生明显改变。推断TVDV保山分离物CP蛋白中关键氨基酸的序列突变是导致CP无法包装TBTV,从而在病害传播过程中丢失TBTV的主要因素。  相似文献   

烟蚜Myzus persicae Sulzer 是为害烟草的重要害虫之一,分布范围广,寄主种类多,在我国各烟区发生普遍。蚜虫作为一种刺吸式口器的害虫,常群集于烟株叶片、嫩茎、花蕾、顶芽等部位,刺吸汁液,使叶片皱缩、卷曲、畸形,严重时引起枝叶枯萎甚至整株死亡,直接影响烟叶的产量和质量。烟蚜还能携毒传播,造成烟草黄瓜花叶病毒病、烟草蚀纹病、烟草丛枝病的发生和流行。蚜虫个体虽小,看似为害不大,但繁殖能力很强,有有性生殖和无性生殖两种方式,孤雌生殖可以很快产生新的蚜虫个体,若条件适宜,蚜虫会迅速繁殖为害,给烟株带来很大的损失。  相似文献   

番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV)和烟草花叶病毒(tobacco mosaic virus, TMV)是2种重要的植物病原病毒, 对多种经济作物的产量和品质均造成严重影响。2021年-2022年, 在云南省丽江市烟草种植区不同烟区采集叶片黄化、皱缩以及无症状的青蒿Artemisia caruifolia样品共计14份, 利用免疫金标速测卡和RT-PCR对其病原病毒进行检测。利用免疫金标速测卡检测结果显示, 在所检样品中有9份样品检测出TSWV, 检出率为64.28%, 有3份样品检测出TMV, 检出率为21.43%, 2种病毒复合侵染的检出率同样为21.43%;利用RT-PCR对复合侵染的3份样品进行分子检测, 结果显示, 在3份复合侵染青蒿样品中获得3条TSWV N基因序列、3条TMV cp基因序列和2条TMV RdRp部分序列。TSWV青蒿分离物与分离自云南的TSWV-2分离物相似性最高, 为99.6%;TMV青蒿分离物与分离自辽宁的TMV-Shenyang分离物和分离自云南的TMV-Yongren-1相似性最高, 均大于99.4%。这是首次发现TSWV和TMV 2种不同属病毒复合侵染青蒿。  相似文献   

在温室中培育烟苗幼苗,至9叶一心时,在第9叶片上用微量注射器处理上不同浓度的杀虫剂茚虫威和氯虫苯甲酰胺100μL,24h后测定烟草幼苗叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的含量。结果表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺和茚虫威对烟草幼苗具有生态安全性。  相似文献   

烟草病毒病害是烟草的主要病害.发病普遍严重,在我国部分烟区造成严重的损失,威胁着烟叶生产的可持续发展,已经成为烟叶优质、高效生产的限制因素.烟草病毒病的种类很多,已报道的有20多种,病原的个体很小,其基本形态为粒体,大部分植物病毒的粒体为球状、杆状和线状,少数为弹状、杆菌状和双联体状等.烟草植物病毒没有主动侵染寄主的能力,自然状态下主要靠介体和非介体传播.病毒的介体生物主要有蚜虫、叶蝉和飞虱,土壤中的线虫和真菌以及杂草等.病毒的非介体传播途径主要是通过机械、有性和无性繁殖材料、嫁接等方式.  相似文献   

我国水稻上一种类似条纹叶枯病的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 为了弄清我国类似水稻条纹叶枯病的病原及其生物学特性,自1984年起,选用我国的病株进行了有关测试.人工接种,该病原物能侵染水稻、早稻和小麦,不能侵染玉米、高粱和苏丹草.在大量的病组织超薄切片和分离提纯液的电镜观察中,均未见到分枝丝状体病毒,病株汁液和提纯液与日本的RSV抗血清均为阴性反应.此外,本实验还从类菌原体、类病毒和虫毒等方面进行了测试,除虫毒拟有一定的可能性外,其余都可以排除在真正病原之外。  相似文献   

烟盲蝽传播云南烟草丛枝症病害研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用生物学测定方法对烟盲蝽传播云南烟草丛枝症的规律进行了研究。结果表明,烟盲蝽能够传毒的最少头数为1头,传毒效能随带毒虫数量的增加而增加,单株虫量为1-3头时,传毒效能为50%,单株虫量为5-10头时,传毒效能为60%-80%,单株虫量达15头以上时,传毒效能达100%;烟盲蝽成虫或若虫能够获毒的最短取食时间为1h,在1-6h范围内,相同时间内的若虫获毒率高于成虫,获毒时间在6h以上时成虫与若虫的获毒率相同,达90%以上,获毒时间在12h以上时,获毒率达100%;烟盲蝽若虫传毒的最短取食时间为0.5h,成虫传毒的最短取食时间为1h;当取食时间超过最短时间时,传毒率随取食时间的增加而升高。若虫取食时间达12h以上,成虫取食时间达24h以上时,传毒率达100%。  相似文献   

云南省烟草上双生病毒的发生与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 已报道云南省烟草曲叶病(Tobacco leaf curl disease, TLCD)由3种菜豆金色花叶病毒属(Begomovirus)的双生病毒引起。它们是烟草曲茎病毒(Tobacco curly shoot virus, TbCSV)、云南烟草曲叶病毒(Tobacco leaf curl Yunnan virus, TbLCYNV)和中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus, TYLCCNV)。为了了解这3种病毒的分布, 2000~2005年, 从云南省4个市(州)采集了109个烟草曲叶病样品, 利用3种病毒的特异引物对采集样品进行了PCR检测。从保山市的烟草曲叶病样品中检测到3种病毒, 并且存在TbCSV+TbLCYNV、TbCSV+TYLCCNV和TbCSV+TbLYNV+TYLCCNV的复合侵染, 从大理州、文山州和红河州的烟草曲叶病样品中仅检测到TYLCCNV。对39个分离物部分序列的系统进化分析结果表明, 病毒分离物依据病毒种类和地理位置聚成几簇。对烟草曲叶病的流行和病害控制策略进行了讨论。  相似文献   

建立了特异性检测百合X病毒(LVX)、百合无症病毒(LSV)及百合斑驳病毒(LMoV)的单一、双重及三重PCR体系并对各体系的灵敏度进行了研究。结果表明,单一PCR体系可检测的LVX最低浓度在1×10-7μg/mL,LSV最低浓度在1×10-8μg/mL,LMoV最低浓度在1pg/mL;双重PCR体系可明显检测的LVX、LSV最低浓度在1pg/mL,LSV、LMoV最低浓度在1ng/mL,LVX、LMoV最低浓度在1pg/mL;三重PCR体系可明显检测的LVX、LSV和LMoV的最低浓度为1ng/mL。  相似文献   

Samenvatting Met ratelvirus en mozaïekvirus vanAtropa belladonna, twee op elkaar gelijkende grondvirussen, werden proeven gedaan over een mogelijke overbrenging door aaltjes.Nematoden uit met virus besmette grond werden toegevoegd aan natuurlijke, onbesmette grond, aan tot 60°C of 120°C verhitte en aan gewreven grond. Door wrijven van de grond worden de meeste aaltjes en andere organismen van dezelfde afmetingen gedood. In de aldus behandelde en geïnoculeerde grond werden tabaksplanten geteeld. Bij de proeven met mozaïekvirus vanAtropa belladonna werden tien dagen na het planten de wortels uitgeperst en het sap met carborundum uitgewreven op bladeren van gezonde tabaksplanten. Bij de proeven met ratelvirus werd dit alleen gedaan met planten, die dertig dagen na het planten geen symptomen vertoonden.Virusinfectie trad niet op in de proeven, waar aaltjes niet de overbrengers konden zijn. Aaltjes uit besmette grond brachten in zeer veel gevallen virus naar onbesmette grond over (tabellen 1 en 2). Hoplolaimus uniformis enHemicycliophora sp. brengen het ratelvirus waarschijnlijk niet over. De proeven worden voortgezet met andere soorten aaltjes.  相似文献   

Two viruses were found in mosaic-diseased plants ofEucharis grandiflora in a glasshouse of the laboratory. One virus with a normal particle length of 733 nm caused local lesions onHyoscyamus niger and mosaic symptoms in leaves of healthy-lookingEucharis andHippeastrum plants. On the basis of its host range, physical properties and serology it was identified asHippeastrum mosaic virus, a member of the potyvirus group. This was confirmed by the presence of spherical nuclear inclusions and pinwheels in different tissues of diseasedEucharis plants. The second virus with a normal particle length of 598 nm was present in both healthy-looking and mosaic-diseasedEucharis plants, and it inconsistently induced local lesions onGomphrena globosa. According to its morphology and its reaction onGomphrena, it might be identical or related toHippeastrum latent virus. Crystal-like inclusions were observed in the cytoplasm of cells of both healthy-looking and mosaic-showingEucharis leaves. As no virus-free seedlings ofEucharis were available, the virus nature of these inclusions could not be established.  相似文献   

用甘蔗花叶病毒生物防治烟草蚀纹病毒病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 烟草是我国重要的经济作物,2004年种植面积达100万hm2,占全国耕地面积1%左右。  相似文献   

There still is confusion concerning the relationships between clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV), pea necrosis virus (PNV) and bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV). Therefore, three Swedish isolates of ClYVV and its type strain have now been compared with three isolates of PNV. A bean mosaic isolate and three pea necrosis isolates of BYMV have been used for reference. Based on host range tests, serology, and light microscope studies of inclusion bodies, ClYVV and PNV isolates are now considered to be strains of one virus, with the first name having priority. ClYVV (including the original PNV) especially differs from BYMV in its ability to infect white clover, to produce local lesions on cucumber cotyledons (at least two cultivars), to go systemic inChenopodium quinoa (the two local selections used at Wageningen and at Uppsala), to be rather virulent onNicotiana clevelandii, and to provoke extensive nucleolar enlargements in its host cells. Serologically the two viruses are more or less distinct.  相似文献   

齿兰环斑病毒与建兰花叶病毒分子检测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齿兰环斑病毒(Odontoglossum ringspot virus,ORSV)与建兰花叶病毒(Cymbidium mosaic virus, CyMV)是严重危害兰科植物的两种主要病毒。本研究根据病毒外壳蛋白基因设计特异性引物,应用ELISA、普通RT-PCR、巢式RT-PCR和免疫捕获RT-PCR4种方法进行了检测研究与比较。结果表明:普通RT-PCR与ELISA方法检测灵敏度相当;巢式RT-PCR检测灵敏度要比普通RT-PCR与ELISA方法高出104倍以上;免疫捕获RT-PCR检测灵敏度介于普通RT-PCR和巢式RT-PCR之间。采用巢式RT-PCR方法对我国台湾进境的蝴蝶兰植株样本检测,1号样本出现与阳性对照一致的特异条带。双向测序分析,扩增产物序列与ORSV外壳蛋白基因具有100%的同源性,表明1号蝴蝶兰样本携带ORSV。  相似文献   

Lettuce mosaic virus   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
S. DINANT  H. LOT 《Plant pathology》1992,41(5):528-542
Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) is an economically significant virus of lettuce and endive. The virus has spread world-wide due to the exchange of seed of lettuce varieties. A very high proportion of infected plants may result from a low level of infected seed, because of very efficient transmission by a number of aphid species. The symptoms are characteristic but the diagnosis can be difficult, particularly on lettuce, because numerous viruses may coinfect this species. A very reliable and sensitive method by ELISA has been established for diagnosis and detection, which gives a good estimation ofthe contamination level in a seed batch. The use of virus-free seed, preventive cultural practices and the use of tolerant varieties were shown to be good methods for control if rigorously applied. Up to now, strains able to overcome the genes g and mo, considered to be identical, were shown to be non-seed-transmissible. Studies carried out with several virulent isolates have shown that genes mo and g are different and probably allelic, and that one strain infects seed at a very high level on susceptible and tolerant genotypes. These features have necessitated the production of virus-free seed, including systematic checks on all cultivars, and have stimulated research on new sources of resistance. Recent molecular studies have provided clones for detection and strain differentiation. Assays to introduce different LMV genes into lettuce seem promising.  相似文献   

Screenhouse experiments conducted in Kenya showed that inoculation of cabbage seedlings with Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), either alone, or in combination with Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), reduced the number and weight of marketable harvested heads. When viruses were inoculated simultaneously, 25% of cabbage heads were non-marketable, representing 20-fold loss compared with control. By contrast, inoculation with CaMV alone had insignificant effects on cabbage yield. This suggests that TuMV is the more detrimental of these pathogens, and its management should be a priority. Early exposure to TuMV produced cabbages that were 50% lighter than non-infected plants, but later infection was less damaging suggesting that controlling virus infection at the seedling stage is more important. TuMV was far less damaging to kale than it was to cabbage; although high proportions of TuMV-inoculated kale plants showed symptoms (>90%), the marketability and quality of leaves were not significantly reduced, and no clear relationship existed between timing of infection and subsequent crop losses. Early inoculation of Swiss chard with Beet mosaic virus (BtMV) significantly impaired leaf quality (∼50% reduction in marketable leaf production), but the impact of disease was greatest in plants that had been inoculated at maturity, where average leaf losses were two and a half times those recorded in virus-free plants. Disease-management of BtMV in Swiss chard is important, therefore, not only at the seedling stage, but particularly when plants are transplanted from nursery to field.  相似文献   

 根据已发表的烟草花叶病毒(Tobacco mosaic virus,TMV)、黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)和马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)的外壳蛋白基因序列,设计特异引物,分别以提取的TMV、CMV和PVY侵染的病叶总RNA为模板,反转录PCR进行体外扩增,分别得到长度为0.44、0.77、0.80 kb的目的片段,并克隆到pGEM-T easy质粒载体上,以构建的重组质粒为模板,用PCR方法合成了相应的地高辛标记的双链DNA探针。以合成的探针通过斑点杂交技术检测烟草病叶总RNA和烟草病叶汁液。TMV、CMV和PVY的3种地高辛探针检测各自感染的烟草病叶总RNA的稀释低限分别为1:1000、1:10000、1:320,检测各自侵染烟草病汁液的最大稀释倍数分别为1:100、1:100、1:10,而每种探针与健康烟草和其它2种病毒的反应均为阴性。  相似文献   

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