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李国刚  吴敏 《广西植保》2006,19(2):29-30
桂林市有不少稻田是属山区、半山区,历年早稻穗瘟都普遍发生,近3a早稻稻瘟病发生面积都在5·33万hm2左右(其中叶瘟约1·33万hm2,穗瘟约4万hm2),2005年桂林市种植早稻13·13万hm2,穗瘟发生面积3·86万hm2,占早稻面积的29·40%,发生程度3(4)级。面积与往年相似,总体不是很严重,但是部分品种穗瘟严重。2005年全市早稻穗瘟成灾面积上千亩,其中失收面积有数百亩。1 2005年早稻穗瘟发生有几个特点:1·1部分品种穗瘟严重造成失收,主要有以下几个品种:①协优997、协优998。全州种植13·33hm2,穗瘟最轻也有40%,一半以上面积失收。②优Ⅰ402。灵川一个…  相似文献   

<正>新罗区位于福建省西南部,水稻是主要粮食作物,全年种植面积1.23万hm2,早稻种植面积3 333.3 hm2。近年来,新罗区早稻部分田块穗颈瘟暴发成灾,严重影响早稻产量,造成很大的损失。2011年全区穗颈瘟发生面积约46.7 hm2,一般田块病穗率1.5%~18.3%,病穗率大于70%即绝收的田块约2.7 hm2;2012年穗颈瘟发生面积40.0 hm2,一般田块病穗率2.2%~20.4%,绝收面积约1.7 hm2;2013年发生面积80.0 hm2,  相似文献   

营山县水稻常年种植面积2.53万hm^2,稻瘟病是水稻生产上的重大流行性病害,该病的发生轻重直接影响全县粮食生产的丰欠。近年来,稻瘟病在营山县大发生频率增加,特别是2004年大流行,叶瘟发生0.62万hm^2,穗颈瘟发生0.69万hm^2,损失稻谷1.42万t。2005年入夏以来,受阴雨寡照天气较多和水稻品种抗性较差等冈素影响,水稻叶瘟发病早、来势猛、病点多、分布广,穗颈瘟呈大流行态势,  相似文献   

陈景成 《广西植保》2005,18(1):33-33
稻象甲往年主要在晚稻零星发生,但近年来,逐渐在早稻开始发生为害,每年发生面积一般为666.7~2000hm^2幅度。而2004年发生比往年早,为害比较普遍,呈大幅度上升趋势,是历年来未见有的,初步统计发生面积达2.24万hm^2,占早稻种植面积16.78%。博白、陆川、北流、福绵等县(市)区有相当部分乡镇成虫密度较大,  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟是广西全州县水稻主要害虫之一,在早稻发生为害重,晚稻发生为害轻,常年晚稻为轻发生,个别年份中等偏轻发生,发生面积在1万hm^2以内,占种植面积的35%以下。2003年全州县晚稻发生了历史罕见的稻纵卷叶螟,全县晚稻种植面积2.12万hm^2,发生面积1.31万hm^2,占种植面积  相似文献   

鹰潭市位于江西东北部,以双季稻为主,早稻种植面积约466667hm2,是早稻常发性主要病害之一,但其发生程度在年度间差异较大,1984~1998年,早稻穗颈瘟发生最重的年份是1985年,发生面积为11440hm2,其中绝收2400hln,损失达30500t;发生较重的年份是1984、1986、1990、1997、1998年,其发生面积为1533.3~6320hm2,其余年份发生较轻,发生面积为8.0~853.3hm2。本文根据早稻穗颈瘟发生的历史资料简要分析重发生原因,提出防治对策。1早稻穗颈瘟重发生原因浅析1.且品种抗病性是决定德颈瘟自发流行的主要因素水稻品种的抗病性是决定是…  相似文献   

李华  范铁兵 《广西植保》2000,13(4):39-40
20 0 0年早造 ,经多方的共同努力 ,北流市早稻增产形势良好。但后期出现较重的穗颈瘟为害 ,严重田块甚至颗粒无收 ,其中杂交水稻特优 5 5 9组合农民反映最强烈 ,在该市多年来这是少有的。1 发生实况1 .1 发生面积 根据调查统计 ,全市穗颈瘟发生面积共 2 36 0 hm2 ,占早稻播种面积的8.0 3% ,其中成灾面积 480 hm2 ,占发生面积的 2 0 .5 6 % ;绝收面积 33hm2 ,占发生面积的1 .41 %。1 .2 为害程度 该市早稻大面积在 6月 1 0日开始抽穗 ,6月 1 5日前后齐穗 ,此后进入灌浆黄熟期。正是这一阶段 ,陆续出现稻穗颈瘟为害 ,发生来势猛 ,蔓延迅…  相似文献   

受小麦抽穗扬花期暖湿天气的影响,2009年我县小麦赤霉病大发生,发生面积2.83万hm2,占小麦种植面积的97.3%,早熟品种病穗率一般在8%左右,迟熟、感病品种高达30%~40%,造成损失1636.3t,是2006年大发生以来发生最为严重的一年.  相似文献   

随州市中稻病虫综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随州地处鄂北,是一个以农业生产为主的地级市,所辖的曾都区是全省第1个单季中稻过吨粮的县市,主要的栽培模式是中稻小麦,无早稻和晚稻。全市常年中稻种植面积为11万hm2左右,产量达90余万t,中稻产量占粮食总产量的70%。病虫危害是我市中稻生产中的重要障碍因素。受气候、作物品种布局和管理等多种因素的影响,中稻病虫害出现一些新的变化:二化螟成为螟害之首;纹枯病成为病害之首;穗颈瘟、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟、稻曲病几乎是连年暴发。全市每年中稻病虫害发生面积在35~40万hm2,虽经广大干群的大力防治,实际损失仍可达4~6万t。在中稻病虫害的防治…  相似文献   

陈景成 《广西植保》2005,18(2):36-36
玉林市2004年早稻稗草为害较重,是多年来未见过的。据在水稻后期组织各地普查后推算。全市稗草发生面积5.46万hm^2。占种植面积40.91%,为害面积1.66万hm^2,占种植面积12.45%;其中为害较重的(有稗草20株/m^2以上)面积0.31万hm^2。为害重的田块有稗草53~88株/m^2;一般有5~20株/m^2,一些不及时除稗的田块损失产量达5%~100局。由于稗草发生较重,杀稗王、灭稗净等二氯喹啉酸的除草剂销售好,并曾一度出现脱销现象。  相似文献   

The four main wild rice species are: Oryza rufipogon Griff, embracing a wide range of “red rice” types closely related to O. sativa L.; O. longistaminata Chev. & Roehr, a rhizomatous perennial; O. barthii Chev. the annual wild rice of West Africa; and O. punctata Kotschy ex Steud, a small seeded annual. The distribution and importance of these species are discussed in relation to the different systems of rice growing. Annual wild rice problems are favoured by dry sowing followed by flooding. For cultural control, soil puddling and direct sowing into water are recommended. In a series of pot experiments with O. punctata and rice, 18 herbicides were shown to be at least partially selective, including: alachlor, butachlor, S-4-chlorobenzyl diethyldithiocarbamate (B-3015), 4-(2,6-dichlorobenzyloxymethyl)-4-ethyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan (WL 29226), 3-(α α-dimethylbenzyl)-1-methyl-1-phenylurea (K 1441), isoproturon, metamitron, molinate and perfluidone. B-3015 was the most selective of these but the selectivity of alachlor and molinate could be greatly increased and became comparable to B-3015 when the crop seed was dressed with the protectant 1,8-naphthalic anhydride (NA). Other herbicides for which NA provided a protective effect were: butachlor, metolachlor (CGA 24705), epronaz, ethofumesate, perfluidone and 4,4,4-trichloro-2-phenylbut-1-ene (Dowco 221).  相似文献   

稻田杂草稻发生趋重水稻生产受到威胁   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杂草稻,一般认为是栽培稻和野生稻的天然杂交种,但目前尚未肯定杂草稻的真正起源.杂草稻以易落粒、能休眠以及与栽培稻的竞争性等特征使其成为一种杂草.杂草稻在大部分种植水稻地区均能生长.在泰国、越南、马来西亚等水稻生产国发生危害较重.近年来,在我国的江苏、湖南、广东、辽宁、上海等省(直辖市)的一些稻区发生越来越重,严重影响水稻的产量和品质.  相似文献   

直播稻田自生稻的识别与防除   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻直播具有省水、省田、省工、节本的优点,加之直播稻推迟了水稻播期,可以避开灰飞虱迁移高峰,减轻灰飞虱及其传播的条纹叶枯病的发生为害,深受广大稻农喜爱.  相似文献   

丙草胺防治直播稻田杂草稻的技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探寻对栽培稻安全的杂草稻防除技术,采用整株测定法研究了丙草胺对杂草稻的毒力及解草啶减轻丙草胺对栽培稻药害的应用技术,并通过田间试验检验了这一技术的安全性。结果表明:丙草胺在450g/hm2时,可显著抑制杂草稻和栽培稻的生长;采用30mg/L解草啶浸种48h,可显著减轻丙草胺对栽培稻的药害,随着丙草胺施药量的增加,解草啶的保护作用逐渐减弱。田间试验结果说明:用30mg/L解草啶浸种栽培稻48h,丙草胺的施药剂量在450~675g/hm2时对栽培稻安全;当丙草胺剂量为900g/hm2时,栽培稻产量显著下降。  相似文献   

烯啶虫胺在水稻和稻田环境中的残留及消解动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用高效液相色谱-紫外检测器(HPLC-UVD)测定了烯啶虫胺在稻田水、土壤、水稻植株和糙米样品中的消解动态及最终残留。田水样品用二氯甲烷萃取;土壤样品用水提取后经二氯甲烷萃取;水稻植株和糙米样品依次用水、丙酮提取,提取液经液液萃取及柱层析净化;HPLC-UVD检测。当烯啶虫胺在田水和土壤中的添加水平为0.1~5 mg/L和0.1~5 mg/kg,在植株和糙米中的添加水平为0.2~5 mg/kg时,其平均添加回收率在77.2% ~100.3%之间,相对标准偏差 (RSD)在1.9% ~12.9%之间。烯啶虫胺在稻田水、土壤、植株和糙米中方法的定量限(LOQ)分别为0.1 mg/L和0.1、0.2、0.2 mg/kg,检出限(LOD)分别为0.04 mg/L和0.04、0.08、0.08 mg/kg。温室模拟消解动态试验结果显示,以推荐使用高剂量的20倍(有效成分1 500 g/hm2) 施药,烯啶虫胺在稻田水、土壤以及水稻植株中的消解动态规律均符合一级动力学方程,其半衰期分别为0.58、3.31及2.70 d,消解速率较快。最终残留试验表明,于大田分蘖期按推荐使用高剂量的1.5倍(有效成分112.5 g/hm2)分别施药3次和4次,间隔期为7 d,距最后一次施药7 d后采样,糙米中烯啶虫胺的残留量均低于LOD值(0.08 mg/kg)及日本规定的最大残留限量(MRL)值(0.5 mg/kg)。  相似文献   

In Cambodia, the planting of rice lines with a competitive and/or allelopathic ability would be a very useful way to supplement weed management in the rain‐fed, low‐input production systems. The present study examines a wide range of rice germplasm, mainly from Cambodia, and uses a series of bioassay techniques to identify those that might have a weed growth‐suppressing, allelopathic trait. A laboratory bioassay study that involved 359 rice lines showed that there were 15 that could significantly reduce the growth of awnless barnyard grass seedlings. In a second laboratory bioassay, involving the best 96 rice lines that were identified in the first study, 14 were shown to suppress the shoot growth of awnless barnyard grass, 11 could suppress the shoot growth of barnyard grass, six could suppress the shoot growth of small umbrella sedge, four could suppress the shoot growth of two‐leaf fimbristylis, four could suppress the shoot growth of water primrose, and three could suppress the shoot growth of gooseweed. Of the 13 rice lines that were able to suppress the growth of at least two weed species, there were three lines that could suppress the growth of three weed species, one line that could suppress the growth of four weed species, and one line that could suppress the growth of five weed species. In a third soil‐based, pot bioassay that studied the 18 best lines coming from the second laboratory bioassay, all showed a significant weed growth‐suppressive ability. A linear regression analysis showed that there was no correlation between their weed growth‐suppressive ability and their physical seedling size, supporting the idea that the growth suppression was allelopathic in nature and not a physical competition effect. In summary, the results indicate that an allelopathic trait does exist in some Cambodian rice lines and that this trait is effective in the growth suppression of a number of major rice weeds.  相似文献   

噁草酮防除直播稻田杂草稻的施用技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨林  沈浩宇  强胜 《植物保护学报》2016,43(6):1033-1040
为确立噁草酮防除直播稻田杂草稻的施用技术,通过温室盆栽试验比较了噁草酮在不同土壤水分环境下对栽培稻的安全性及对杂草稻的防效,并在大田中比较了不同直播方式下其对杂草稻的防效及栽培稻产量的影响。结果表明,透气条件下,噁草酮对栽培稻的药害最低,但对杂草稻的防效也较差;饱和水分条件下对杂草稻防效较好,150 g(a.i.)/hm~2时其出苗率和鲜重的抑制率达89.61%和61.87%,超过450 g(a.i.)/hm~2时完全抑制出苗;但药后播种对栽培稻安全性较高,600 g(a.i.)/hm~2下对其出苗率和鲜重的抑制率仅分别为38.06%和39.96%,播后施药的药害较重,最低剂量150 g(a.i.)/hm~2时抑制率已分别达88.77%和45.52%;淹水条件下,虽对杂草稻有100%的防效,但也完全抑制栽培稻出苗。大田施用噁草酮300、450、600 g(a.i.)/hm~2,旱直播和水直播方式下杂草稻株防效分别为26.88%、43.54%、44.45%和84.88%、85.74%、90.92%;鲜重防效分别为11.58%、20.16%、27.33%和30.86%、53.68%、80.15%。旱直播和水直播方式下施用量分别超过450、300 g/hm~2时栽培稻产量显著增加。综合分析,推荐水直播整地后泥水状态施用300 g(a.i.)/hm~2噁草酮,水层落干后播种,保持土壤湿润且土表不出现水渍,栽培稻顺利出苗后及时上水且不淹没苗心为宜。  相似文献   

我国南方稻区水稻骨干亲本纹枯病抗性鉴定与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用改进的纹枯病菌接种法,对当前我国南方稻区17个骨干亲本纹枯病抗性进行了田间鉴定,测定和分析了各材料的纹枯病病级(RD)、相对病斑高度(HR)及株高(HP)。通过试验,将17个骨干亲本分为抗病、中等抗病、中等感病和感病4种类型;筛选出了3个抗病亲本(明恢63、蜀恢527、广恢128)和3个中抗亲本(绵恢725、珍汕97B和协青早B);供试亲本的平均RD为4.78,平均HR为0.52;通过分析,发现纹枯病病级(RD)和相对病斑高度(HR)呈极显著正相关(y=8.373x+0.435,y=RD;x=HR)、株高和病级相关不显著。  相似文献   

Alfalfa, rice by-products and their incorporation for weed control in rice   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Two alfalfa varieties, namely Rasen and Yuba , and rice by-products of Koshihikari ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Japonica ), including hull and bran were used for weed control in rice. Rasen and Yuba were sequentially evaluated to have the strongest allelopathic potential among eight common alfalfa varieties in Japan. Rasen , Yuba and rice by-products in a laboratory experiment exhibited suppression of emergence of lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.), barnyardgrass ( Echinochloa oryzicola Vasing.), and monochoria ( Monochoria vaginalis Presl var. plantaginea Solms-Laub.). In a paddy field experiment, at 15 days after application, a dose of 1 ton ha−1 of alfalfa, rice by-products and the incorporated alfalfa-rice by-products significantly inhibited weed growth and reduced weed species, except for rice bran. However, at 40 days after application, the greatest weed control was sequentially recorded with Yuba (95.2%), Rasen (90.5%) and the incorporated Rasen -hull (88.3%). Rice hull exhibited stronger (51.7%) weed control than the negligible weed control of rice bran (25.1%). Inhibition of both Rasen and Yuba on weed emergence after application became more vigorous, whereas those of rice by-products were gradually devitalized. Rasen had a maximum increase of rice yield (80.6%) compared to the control and it was slightly higher (9.6%) than the herbicide treatment. Findings showed that Rasen was the most promising material for weed control among those studied. Results denoted that weed control capability of allelopathic materials had an impetuous effect on rice growth and yield.  相似文献   

绿色水稻生产中种植香根草诱杀螟虫技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据近几年有关利用香根草治理水稻螟虫的研究结果及相关经验,总结介绍了绿色水稻生产中利用香根草诱集诱杀水稻螟虫的技术要点。  相似文献   

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