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对经甘肃口岸进境的30批菜豆Phaseolus vulgaris种子进行了普通细菌性疫病菌的检测,利用选择性培养基MT从波兰进境菜豆种子上分离到1株细菌597,对该分离物进行菌落形态特征观察、致病性测定、16S rDNA及16S-23S rDNA ITS序列分析和特异性PCR检测。结果表明,该分离物在MT培养基上菌落呈黄色、圆形、黏稠、表面光滑向外隆起、菌落周围有水解圈。分离物597接种菜豆幼苗后导致叶片枯萎,接种点干枯。结合菌落形态、16S-23S rDNA ITS序列、特异性PCR检测结果,将分离物597鉴定为地毯草黄单胞杆菌菜豆致病变种Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.phaseoli。  相似文献   

柑桔溃疡病菌存活期的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李云锋  李祥 《植物检疫》2002,16(2):69-72,77
本文对鄂东南地区生态条件下柑桔溃疡病菌在不同场所的存活期进行了研究 ,并对其能否作为侵染源进行了评价。证实在病株病斑内的病菌存活时间可达一年以上 ,是此病发生最主要的侵染源。病菌在田间条件下的土壤、落叶、落果、果皮及自然水中的存活期均相当有限 ;其中以冬季病落叶中的病菌存活期最长 ,也不超过 3个月 ;故年前存在于这些场所的病菌均不能成为第 2年的初侵染源  相似文献   

菜豆普通细菌性疫病菌在土壤和植株残体中的越冬能力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为评估菜豆普通细菌性疫病菌地毯草黄单胞杆菌菜豆致病变种或褐色黄单胞菌褐色亚种在土壤及植物残体中的越冬能力,对采自黑龙江、内蒙古、山西、河北及新疆的18块菜豆生产田的20份土壤及14份植物残体样品进行病原菌分离和鉴定。在MT选择性培养基上有12个土壤样品和13个植株残体样品提取液产生典型的类似黄单胞菌菌落。选取29个分离物进行致病性测定,有27个分离物对菜豆品种"英国红"致病。利用地毯草黄单胞杆菌菜豆致病变种和褐色黄单胞菌褐色亚种的特异性引物X4c/X4e及褐色黄单胞菌褐色亚种特异性引物Xf1/Xf2对29个分离物进行多重PCR检测,其中17个分离物为地毯草黄单胞杆菌菜豆致病变种,10个分离物为褐色黄单胞菌褐色亚种。结果表明,菜豆普通细菌性疫病菌可以在黑龙江、内蒙古、山西、河北的一些菜豆种植区的土壤及植株残体中越冬存活。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 6月 ,湖北省长阳县火烧坪高山反季节蔬菜基地大面积萝卜田突发一种叶片黑斑病。病情发生迅速 ,危害严重 ,仅 6月份发生面积约 6 6 6 7hm2 ,其中毁茬约 5 3hm2 、损失 50 %以上产量的约 1 33 3hm2 ,损失 2 0 %~50 %产量的约 2 0 0hm2 。 8~ 9月该病又再次流行 ,面积成倍增加。春夏两季发病面积约2 6 6 6 7hm2 ,损失萝卜产量 3万余t。因萝卜细菌性黑斑病危害直接经济损失 2 0 0 0万元以上。针对当前蔬菜生产中出现的新问题 ,笔者对这一新的危险性病害进行了初步观察 ,并请有关专家进行病原鉴定 ,现将结果报告如下。1 症状病斑初…  相似文献   

芒果细菌性黑斑病生防菌的筛选及防效测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对芒果细菌性黑斑病生防菌进行了筛选,共筛选到6个生防菌,初步鉴定均为芽孢杆菌。抑菌圈测定表明:B3的抑菌效果最明显,抑菌圈直径为25.7mm,其次是B2和B4,抑菌圈直径分别为23.7mm、20.0mm;B1、B5和B6的抑菌效果一般,抑菌圈直径在16mm和19.3mm之间。田间试验结果表明:6个生防菌对芒果细菌性黑斑病均具有明显的防治效果,其中B2和B5的防治效果最明显,达75%。其次是B4和B3,防治效果分别为65.9%和52.8%。B1和B6较差,防治效果约为30%。  相似文献   

香料烟细菌性斑点病病原鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 2004~2005年在云南保山香料烟上发现一种由细菌侵染引起的新病害,称为香料烟细菌斑点病。该病主要危害叶片,初为黑褐色水浸状圆形或多角形小斑点,以后病斑扩大、连片,形成不规则的较大坏死斑。从病叶上分离到了28株细菌菌株,菌株接种于香料烟上,发病症状与田间自然症状一致,并从回接病株上重新分离得到此病病原细菌。经过革兰氏染色反应、菌体形态、培养性状、LOPAT试验、生理生化特性分析和16S-23S rDNA序列分析,以及病原菌寄主范围测定,确定该病原菌为丁香假单胞菌烟草致病变种[Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci(Wolfet al.)Young et al.]。  相似文献   

树生黄单胞菌李致病变种Xanthomonas arboricola pv.pruni(Xap)是一种危害桃树的植物病原细菌,会导致桃树发生细菌性穿孔病。本文主要对该细菌性穿孔病菌的分布、命名、遗传多样性、致病机理和防治技术的研究进展进行了总结,重点阐述了桃细菌性穿孔病的不同防治方法,以期能提供新的防治思路,提升防治水平,保障桃果的安全生产。  相似文献   

引起糖甜菜细菌性叶斑病的萎蔫短小杆菌新致病变种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 1995年在内蒙古临河市新发现了糖甜菜细菌性叶斑病,从病斑所分离的10个细菌菌株经柯赫氏法则验证,均确系该病的病原菌。采用形态观察、表型特征和生理生化特性测定、数值分析、血清学反应、细胞化学成分分析、DNA G+C mol%和DNA-DNA同源性测定进行了鉴定,并与植物病原棒形细菌15个标准菌株进行了比较。该病原菌为革兰氏阳性细菌,不规则短杆状,有一根鞭毛、亚极生或侧生,结合其生理生化特性、细胞化学成分和DNA G+C mol%和DNA-DNA同源性测定结果,认为应属于短小杆菌属(Curtobacterium)的萎蔫短小杆菌(Cur. flaccumfaciens),数值分析也支持这一结论。此外,据血清学反应结果及其对短小杆菌属的其它植物寄主的致病情况,认为该病原菌应是萎蔫短小杆菌种下的一个新的致病变种,定名为Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. beticola pv. nov. Chen et al.,2000(萎蔫短小杆菌糖甜菜致病变种)。  相似文献   

广东南瓜细菌性叶枯病及其病原鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 在广东省雷州市发生一种南瓜(Cucurbita moschata)叶枯病,病株叶片边缘开始出现水渍状病斑,逐步发展成大病斑,后期病斑焦枯;在叶片上也可形成近圆形水渍状病斑,伴有黄色晕圈,后期病斑联合形成不规则大枯斑;叶柄和匍匐茎被侵染后呈水渍状腐烂。从病斑上分离到一种细菌,在KB培养基上,菌落为椭圆形,乳白色,半透明,边缘参差不齐,紫外灯照射下产生荧光反应。致病性测定结果表明,该病原细菌可侵染6个南瓜品种引起与田间症状相同的叶枯病。生理生化试验结果表明,该病原细菌与丁香假单胞丁香致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)的特性一致。应用假单胞菌属特异引物Ps-for/Ps-rev和丁香假单胞丁香致病变种组群特异性引物Group III-F/Group III-R,可从该病原细菌中扩增出预期大小分别为1 018 bp和750 bp的目的片段。应用丁香致病变种syrB基因特异性引物B1/B2,可从该病原菌中扩增出预期大小为750 bp的丁香霉素基因片段。基于16S rDNA与gyrB基因序列系统进化分析均表明,南瓜叶枯病菌株与已报道的P. syringae pv. syringae菌株HS191(CP006256)亲缘关系最近,二者聚类在一起形成一个小分支。人工接种条件下,该病原细菌还可侵染西葫芦、丝瓜、茄子、番茄、菜豆、扁豆等植物。这些结果表明,引起广东省南瓜叶枯病的病原为丁香假单胞丁香致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae)。这是首次在中国发现丁香假单胞丁香致病变种引起南瓜叶枯病。  相似文献   

猕猴桃溃疡病菌的分子检测技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 猕猴桃溃疡病是猕猴桃生产上的主要病害,为建立该病的快速诊断技术,本实验通过RAPD分析获得一条1 300 bp左右的致病菌的特异片段,对该片段进行克隆测序,在测序的基础上设计并合成一对特异引物F7/R7,优化特异引物扩增条件,并验证引物的特异性和灵敏性。利用该特异引物对包括猕猴桃溃疡病菌在内的14个菌株基因组DNA进行PCR扩增表明,只有猕猴桃溃疡病菌能扩增出1条约为950 bp的特异条带,其他菌株及对照均未扩增出特异条带。对采自果园的染病枝干组织和接种致病菌的枝干组织的检测表明,该特异引物能特异性地检测到猕猴桃溃疡病菌的存在,其在组织中的检测灵敏度为100 fg/μL。因此,利用设计合成的特异引物F7/R7,参考优化的体系和程序,结合简单的试剂盒法提取猕猴桃溃疡病菌或植物组织DNA,可以在短时间内完成对该病原菌的分子检测。  相似文献   

A bacterial leaf spot disease was observed on Hedera helix (English ivy) and H. canariensis (Algerian ivy) in Japan. The causal agent was identified as Xanthomonas campestris pv. hederae (Arnaud 1920) Dye 1978. Received 13 May 2002/ Accepted in revised form 3 July 2002  相似文献   

A RAPD PCR-based method was used to differentiate between isolates of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli var. fuscans. Using random primer OP-G11, a single, high intensity band of 820 bp was amplified from DNAs of all X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans isolates, while multiple amplification products of varying sizes were generated from X. c. pv. phaseoli DNAs. Whereas RAPD PCR differentiation gave an unambiguous result in under 4 h, standard differentiation by recording the production of a brown pigment by X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans isolates took up to 7 days and showed variation both between isolates and between media. The unequivocal nature of the RAPD PCR method was demonstrated when isolate 408, originally classified as X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans, failed to produce the 820 bp band typical of X. c. pv. phaseoli var. fuscans isolates, and after also failing to produce a brown pigment, was re-classified as X. c. pv. phaseoli.  相似文献   

木薯细菌性萎蔫病菌的检疫方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对木薯细菌性萎蔫病菌的致病性测定、细菌的分离、细菌的培养条件和培养基选择、细菌的生理生化测定、分子生物学鉴定方法等方面进行了系统研究,确定了该病菌的菌落鉴定特征,建立了从木薯繁殖材料上进行病原菌检测的快速、灵敏、准确的PCR检测方法。  相似文献   

两种植物病原黄单胞菌基因组中同义密码子使用的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱韦 《植物病理学报》2004,34(2):97-106
 根据已释放的基因组序列,对野油菜黄单胞菌野油菜致病变种(Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris,Xcc)和地毯草黄单胞菌柑桔致病变种(X. axonopodis pv. citri,Xac)的密码子使用进行了分析。相对同义密码子使用值(relative synonymous codon usage,RSCU)的计算表明,它们具有高度相似的密码子使用模式。2个基因组密码子第3位的GC含量(GC3s)平均达0.806±0.077(Xcc)和0.791±0.075(Xac),倾向于使用GC含量较高的密码子。对有效密码子数量和密码子适应指数的分析表明,XccXac基因组中,高表达基因具有较高的GC含量,倾向于使用少数种类的密码子,而低表达基因具有较高的AT含量,倾向于随机地使用密码子。对密码子使用绝对次数进行的对应分析也证明了上述结论。同时,计算也证明了基因在基因组中的位置不影响密码子使用的模式。因此,基因组的GC含量、基因的表达水平和基因的种类与起源是影响这2个基因组密码子使用的主要因素。  相似文献   

辣椒细菌性疮痂病病原菌分类、检测及综合防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辣椒细菌性疮痂病是一种世界性分布的细菌性病害,该病能引起辣椒严重的产量损失和品质下降。国外特别是美国对该病害研究较早且较深入,国内相关研究几乎是空白。本文主要围绕病原菌的分类、检测和病害综合防治等研究进展做一概述。  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians , the causal agent of bacterial leaf spot of lettuce (BLS), can be seedborne, but the mechanism by which the bacteria contaminates and/or infects lettuce seed is not known. In this study, the capacity of X. campestris pv. vitians to enter and translocate within the vascular system of lettuce plants was examined. The stems of 8- to 11-week-old lettuce plants were stab-inoculated, and movement of X. campestris pv. vitians was monitored at various intervals. At 4, 8, 12 and 16 h post-inoculation (hpi), X. campestris pv. vitians was recovered from 2 to 10 cm above (depending on stem length) and 2 cm below the inoculation site. Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians was also recovered from surface-disinfested stem sections of spray-inoculated plants. Together, these results are consistent with X. campestris pv. vitians invading and moving systemically within the vascular system of lettuce plants. To investigate the mechanism of seed contamination, lettuce plants at the vegetative stage of growth were spray-inoculated with X. campestris pv. vitians and allowed to develop BLS. Seed collected from these plants had a 2% incidence of X. campestris pv. vitians external colonization, but no bacteria were recovered from within the seed.  相似文献   

In June of 1998, a new bacterial disease was observed on Welsh onion in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. Infected plants in nursery boxes were stunted with tip dieback, and heavily infected plants died. In fields, the disease appeared on leaves as irregular gray spots or elliptical spots with creases in the center. These spots enlarged and spread rapidly continued cloudy or rainy weather, and formed blight lesions on outer leaves. Yellow mucoid bacterial colonies were consistently isolated from these lesions. The causal bacterium was identified as a pathovar of Xanthomonas campestris on the basis of bacteriological properties. The bacterium was pathogenic to Welsh onion, onion, but nonpathogenic to chive, Chinese chive and hyacinth. Of Liliaceae plants, which contain Welsh onion and onion, only hyacinth has been reported as a host for the genus Xanthomonas, namely X. campestris pv. hyacinthi. However, strains of X. campestris pv. hyacinthi were not pathogenic against either Welsh onion or onion. From these results, the bacterium isolated from Welsh onion is considered to be a new pathovar of X. campestris, and the name of X. campestris pv. allii pv. nov. is proposed. A strain MAFF 311173 is designated as the pathotype strain. Received 29 March 2000/ Accepted in revised form 4 July 2000  相似文献   

Strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignicola (Xcv), isolated from cowpea leaves with blight or minute pustules and collected from various geographic areas, were selected on the basis of pathological and physiological features. All strains were analyzed for genotypic markers by two methods: ribotyping with EcoRI endonuclease, and RFLP analysis with a plasmid probe (pthB) containing a gene required for pathogenicity from Xanthomonas campestris pv. manihotis. Ribotyping revealed a unique pattern for all the strains that corresponded to the previously described ribotype rRNA7. Based on polymorphism detected by pthB among Xcv strains, nine haplotypes were defined. The observed genetic variation was independent of the geographic origin of the strains and of pathogenic variation. Some haplotypes were widely distributed, whereas others were localized. In some cases, we could differentiate strains isolated from blight symptoms and pustules according to haplotypic composition. However, in most cases, no significant differences were observed. Our results and the previous pathogenic and biochemical characterizations suggest that the strains isolated from leaves with blight symptoms or minute pustules belong to the same pathovar. We provide information on pathogen diversity that can be used to identify and characterize resistant germplasm.  相似文献   

Three amicarthiazol-resistant mutants (Xuv10, Xuv20 and Xuv40) were obtained by UV induction and used in this study. Minimal inhibition concentrations (MICs) of amicarthiazol against the growth of mutants and wild-type isolate were 400 and 100 microg ml(-1) respectively. Inhibition by amicarthiazol of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities of Xanthomonas campestris pv. citri (Hasse) Dye wild-type isolate (Xcc) and three resistant mutants derived from this isolate were assayed using triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). The SDH activities of these mutants were significantly lower than that of Xcc. The complete nucleotide sequences of four subunits (SdhA, SdhB, SdhC and SdhD) of succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) were cloned by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. An amino acid mutation (His229--> Leu229) in sdhB was found to confer resistance of X. campestris pv. citri to amicarthiazol. It is suggested that this mutation alters the SDH complex in some way that prevents binding of amicarthiazol.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) is the causal agent of black rot in Brassicaceae. It is widespread in Italy and severe outbreaks occur under conditions that favour disease development. In this study a multilocus sequence typing approach (MLST) based on the partial sequence of seven loci was applied to a selection of strains representative of the main areas of cultivation and hosts. The aim was to investigate whether the long tradition of brassica crops in Italy has influenced the evolution of different Xcc populations. All loci were polymorphic; 14 allelic profiles were identified of which 13 were unique to Italian strains. Based on the seven loci, the most common genotype within the Italian Xcc strains (AP1) was also the most representative genotype found in worldwide Xcc strains. This genotype was included in a new clonal complex in addition to three other clonal complexes already identified in Xcc populations. The phylogenetic reconstruction using a concatenated dataset of four conserved protein-coding genes, dnaK, fuyA, gyrB and rpoD, showed that the Italian strains belonged to two genetic groups. Physiological races were also investigated for the first time in Italy. The race structure of Xcc was determined by inoculating eight differential Brassica lines belonging to five species and showed that, in Italy, race 4 is the most widespread, followed by races 1 and 6. No correlation was found between allelic profiles, host of isolation, geographical origin and races, although a prevalent race was identified within the same clonal complex.  相似文献   

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