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广东稻瘟病菌的遗传宗谱与致病性的关系   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
不同病圃同一套寄虫主的田间表现及其穗颈瘟分离菌株的遗传宗谱和致病性分析试验结果表明,不同生态稻区稻瘟病菌的小种分布类型不同,对品种的致病性也存在差异。将已经过RFLP和PCR技术进行DNA指纹分析,并划分为不同遗传宗谱的稻瘟病菌株进行致病性测定。结果表明,菌株的致病性与其遗传宗谱类型、生理小种类型、寄主及采集地点存在密切的关系:(1)同一遗传宗谱、分离自相同寄主、鉴定出来的生理小种类型又较接近的菌  相似文献   

稻瘟菌致病力变异初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
 从保存的4个单孢分离菌后代再分离若干单胞菌株,接种子国内7个鉴别品种上,又可以分成不同的小种。从6个单孢分离菌再分离的后代单孢菌株,分别对13个抗病品种作致病力测定,各后代单孢菌株仅对少数品种的致病力是一致的。从27个品种的小病斑或个别大病斑上分离的病菌,回接原品种后,有11个分离菌对原品种不致病。这些结果说明大多数分离菌对许多品种的致病力是易变的,只对少数品种的致病力保持相对稳定性。作者认为进行抗性遗传和抗性机制研究需要的致病力稳定分离菌,只能根据其对供试品种致病力的稳定性来选择,而不能按一组鉴别品种来选择。  相似文献   

稻瘟病菌稳定菌株筛选研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筛选一套致病谱各异的稻瘟病稳定菌株,对水稻品种的基因分析和抗谱测定等研究将起重要作用。自1985年以来,从不同类型稻区采集的大批稻瘟病标样中分离出179个单孢菌株。经初筛和复测得到Li204、Li354、Li271、Li564、Li532和Li67等6个致病性稳定,且分属于不同小种群的代表性菌株。初筛结果表明,各菌群虽都有部分菌株表现明显的变异性,但有些菌群是较为稳定的,如ZD群菌株的群稳定率高达84%,其小种稳定率亦达68%;ZB群菌株与之接近。此外,试验中还发现,某些菌株的致病性变异情况相当复杂,即不仅表现群内及群间变异,而且还会发生籼、粳菌型间的互变(即籼型菌株 粳型菌株)。  相似文献   

稻瘟病菌稳定菌株筛选研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
筛选一套致病谱各异的稻瘟病稳定菌株,对水稻品种的基因分析和抗谱测定等研究将起重要作用。自1985年以来,从不同类型稻区采集的大批稻瘟病标样中分离出179个单孢菌株。经初筛和复测得到Li204、Li354、Li271、Li564、Li532和Li67等6个致病性稳定,且分属于不同小种群的代表性菌株。初筛结果表明,各菌群虽都有部分菌株表现明显的变异性,但有些菌群是较为稳定的,如ZD群菌株的群稳定率高达84%,其小种稳定率亦达68%;ZB群菌株与之接近。此外,试验中还发现,某些菌株的致病性变异情况相当复杂,即不仅表现群内及群间变异,而且还会发生籼、粳菌型间的互变(即籼型菌株 粳型菌株)。  相似文献   

应用稻瘟病菌种群消长动态监测四川省杂交稻抗瘟性变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据1986-1990年应用稻瘟病菌种群消长动态,监测杂交稻抗瘟性变化,并进行初步分析。(1)近年来经测定川东南稻区稻瘟病菌生理小种有7群42个,其中ZB群出现频率59.38%,为优势种群,ZC群和ZA群分别为17.99%、16.20%,其余种群在3%以下;(2)优势种群ZB群出现频率逐年下降,由1986年的72.17%下降为1990年的47.85%;(3)对我省主栽品种汕优63致病力较强的ZA群和ZB13小种明显上升,汕优63分离菌株回接致病率逐年上升,而抗谱逐年下降。  相似文献   

 本研究从源于6穗稻曲病穗的48个稻曲球中分离获得稻曲病菌(Ustilaginoidea virens)48株,从3个稻曲球的不同部位分离获得稻曲病菌23株。用注射接种法将菌株分别接种到水稻品种两优培九(感病品种)、淮稻5号(中抗品种)和武育粳3号(抗病品种)上,结果显示分离的菌株致病力分化较大,而菌株在水稻品种上的致病力强弱与已知水稻品种对稻曲病菌的感、抗性趋势基本一致。相同孢子量接种水稻,不同分离菌株之间仍有致病力分化,生长速率测定也发现菌株之间可能存在差异。利用REP PCR (repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence PCR)技术进行菌株遗传多样性分析表明,同穗不同稻曲球分离的菌株中,1号穗分离的4个菌株聚在同一簇群,其余5穗的菌株分别聚在3~5个簇群;同一稻曲球不同部位分离的菌株中,一个稻曲球分离的8个病菌聚在同一簇群,而其余2个稻曲球分离的病菌则分别聚在2~3个簇群。由此推测同一稻穗上不同稻曲球可能是由来源不同的稻曲病菌侵染所形成;而一个稻曲球可以由同一稻曲病菌引起,也存在多个侵染源共同侵染的可能。  相似文献   

参考台湾所用的鉴别品种,采用鉴别寄主法对从广西甘蔗主产区采集并分离获得的18个甘蔗黑穗病病菌菌株,分别接种F134,NCo310,NCo376和ROC22 4个甘蔗品种,开展致病力分析。结果表明,不同菌株对同一品种甘蔗的致病力存在显著差异;同一菌株对不同品种甘蔗的致病力也不同,广西蔗区甘蔗黑穗病病菌的致病力出现了变异;生理小种2是广西蔗区的优势小种,次要优势小种与生理小种1接近,但有明显区别,还出现了一些具有新致病力的菌株。这表明,在今后的甘蔗黑穗病防控工作中,除了继续加强监测该菌的致病力变异动态之外,还需要加强不同蔗区间甘蔗调种的检疫工作,防止蔗种转播病菌。  相似文献   

2002年黑龙江省部分稻区稻瘟病菌生理小种鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用中国7个统一鉴别品种对2002年在黑龙江省部分地区采集的57个单孢分离菌株进行了生理小种鉴定。共鉴定出6群10个生理小种,即ZA17、ZA49、ZB1、ZB19、ZB25、ZC9、ZD1、ZD5、ZE1和ZF1生理小种,其中ZD1为优势小种,出现频率为36.8%。生理小种的组成由1996年商世吉报导的4群7个生理小种发展到6群10个生理小种,优势小种也由ZE1转变为ZD1。其中ZA17、ZA49强致病型的生理小种开始出现。所鉴定出的10个生理小种对4个粳稻鉴别品种有较强的致病力。地域较近的地区稻瘟病菌的生理小种群体组成也有较大差异。  相似文献   

河北省棉花枯萎菌遗传多样性及致病力分化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为明确河北省棉花枯萎菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.vasinfectum, FOV)变异及致病力分化情况,利用AFLP技术对采自河北省的75株FOV和3号、7号、8号生理小种的标准菌株进行遗传多样性分析,并比较了不同AFLP类群菌株对棉花品种冀棉11号的致病力差异。结果表明,78株FOV可划分为4个AFLP类群(AFLP groups, AGs),AGsⅠ为3号生理小种,AGsⅡ为8号生理小种,AGsⅢ包括7号生理小种和67株田间采集菌株,AGsⅣ包括8个田间采集菌株,该类群菌株与3号、7号、8号生理小种遗传差异较大。致病力初步测定表明,3号、7号、8号生理小种的标准菌株属中等致病力水平,而田间采集的75株枯萎菌菌株致病力存在明显差异,其中强致病力菌株占66.67%,中等致病力菌株占21.33%,弱致病力菌株占12%。表明河北省FOV群体遗传结构复杂,有遗传差异较大的新菌株出现,而且同一生理小种菌株之间存在显著的致病力分化。  相似文献   

采用针刺接种法,在水稻孕穗期接种3个不同致病型的细菌性条斑病菌,鉴定134个不同类型的水稻品种对细菌性条斑病的抗感性,并使用6个鉴别品种测定江苏徐淮地区82个细菌性条斑病菌的致病力.结果表明:粳稻品种对细菌性条斑病的抗性明显高于籼稻,常规稻和杂交稻对细菌性条斑病的抗性没有明显差异;根据病菌与鉴别品种的互作反应,将供试菌株区分为8个致病型,大多数菌株和鉴别品种表现为弱互作关系,少数菌株与鉴别品种存在强互作关系;第1致病型的菌株致病力强,6个鉴别品种均呈感病反应,并占供试菌株总数的40.2%.  相似文献   

广东水稻品种抗性与稻瘟病菌生理小种变化动态的关系   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
1991 ̄1995年对广东稻瘟病菌生理小种及部分主栽品种抗性的研究结果表明,广东稻瘟病菌小种分布及发生动态相对稳定,优势种群为ZB群,ZC群;优势小种为ZB13、ZB5、ZC13和ZB1,不同生态稻区优势小种有差异。品种间具有不同的抗性水平,本省育成推广的主栽品种对稻瘟病属中等的抗性水平,个别品种抗性偏低,属于中感至感。粳籼89等的抗病性逐年下降,这些主栽品种抗性丧失的主要原因,一方面是原有小种的  相似文献   

苏辽粳稻区稻瘟病菌群体多样性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用四套鉴别品种对苏辽稻瘟菌进行鉴定,结果表明:257株菌被中国鉴别品种分为7群23个小种,其中苏辽菌株分别为5群12个小种、7群21个小种,江苏优势小种ZG1占其菌株数的52.92%;辽宁优势小种ZG1、ZC15占其菌株数的30.84%、19.63%。苏辽菌株分别含37、46个日本小种,江苏优势小种011、011.2、000占其菌株数的25.33%、14.67%、12.67%,辽宁优势小种011.2占其菌株数的28.97%;LTH近等基因系将苏、辽菌株划分为27、23个反应型。利用Pot2-rep-PCR技术进行遗传多样性分析,在75%相似水平上可将参试菌株划分为13个系谱,江苏12个系谱中优势系谱L11、L12、L4分别占其菌株数的22.67%、16.67%、17.33%,辽宁6个系谱中优势系谱L12占其菌株数的55.14 %。苏辽相比,辽宁菌株毒力普遍强于江苏,两地稻瘟菌株的毒性多样性与遗传多样性的丰富度相反。综合分析显示,苏辽两地稻瘟菌是两个在致病型和遗传结构上相近而又异质性明显的不同群体。  相似文献   

Three evolutionary lineages of the tomato wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici were found among a worldwide sample of isolates based on phylogenetic analysis of the ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer region. Each lineage consisted of isolates mainly belonging to a single or closely related vegetative compatibility group (VCG) and a single mating type (MAT). The first lineage (A1) was composed of isolates VCG 0031 and MAT1-1; the second (A2) included VCG 0030 and/or 0032 and MAT1-1; and the third (A3) included VCG 0033 and MAT1-2. Race 1 and race 2 isolates belonged to the A1 or A2 lineages, and race 3 belonged to A2 or A3 lineages, suggesting that there is no correlation between race and lineage. However, for the isolates from Japan, race 1 (with one exception), race 2, and race 3 isolates belonged to A2, A1, and A3 lineages, respectively. These results suggest that the races could have evolved independently in each lineage; and in Japan the present races were likely to have been introduced independently after they had evolved in other locations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fusarium wilt of cotton is a serious fungal disease responsible for significant yield losses throughout the world. Evolution of the causal organism Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum, including the eight races described for this specialized form, was studied using multigene genealogies. Partial sequences of translation elongation factor (EF-1alpha), nitrate reductase (NIR), phosphate permase (PHO), and the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA were sequenced in 28 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum selected to represent the global genetic diversity of this forma specialis. Results of a Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Templeton test indicated that sequences of the four genes could be combined. In addition, using combined data from EF-1alpha and mtSSU rDNA, the phylogenetic origin of F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum within the F. oxysporum complex was evaluated by the Kishino-Hasegawa likelihood test. Results of this test indicated the eight races of F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum appeared to be nonmonophyletic, having at least two independent, or polyphyletic, evolutionary origins. Races 3 and 5 formed a strongly supported clade separate from the other six races. The combined EF-1alpha, NIR, PHO, and mtSSU rDNA sequence data from the 28 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum recovered four lineages that correlated with differences in virulence and geographic origin: lineage I contained race 3, mostly from Egypt, and race 5 from Sudan; lineage II contained races 1, 2, and 6 from North and South America and Africa; lineage III contained race 8 from China; and lineage IV contained isolates of races 4 and 7 from India and China, respectively.  相似文献   

浙中沿海稻区稻瘟病菌生理小种的种群消长和分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年至 1 998年 ,对分离来自浙中沿海台州各市县所获得的 1 76个单孢菌株 ,用全国统一鉴别品种共鉴定出 7群 2 2个稻瘟病生理小种。其中中 B和中 D群是台州稻区 2个主要的优势小种群 ,总的出现频率分别为 53.98%和 2 3.86% ,它们中的中 D1、中 B1 3、中 B1 5和中 B1这四个小种在我地分布范围广 ,出现频率分别高达 2 0 .4 5%、1 4 .2 0 %、1 4 .2 0 %和 1 0 .80 % ,且对多数栽种水稻致病 ,为优势小种  相似文献   

Isolates of Venturia species isolated from pear in Japan, China, Taiwan and Israel were used in this study to analyze their molecular phylogenetic relationship. The nucleotides of rDNA-ITS, partial β-tubulin and elongation factor 1α genes were sequenced directly after PCR. Based on these sequence data two phylogenetic groups could be distinguished. Isolates collected from Asian pears such as Japanese and Chinese pears formed a distinct evolutionary lineage from those derived from European and Syrian pears. This result corroborated the early taxonomic separation of V. nashicola from V. pirina. In addition, trees from single-locus data sets and the combined data set showed that all isolates of V. nashicola were included in a monophyletic group and representative isolates of five pathological races originating from different locations and cultivars formed a single lineage. In contrast, two distinct evolutionary lineages were revealed in V. pirina and isolates of five races were scattered in two lineages. Israeli isolates of race 2 as well as two Japanese isolates of V. pirina formed a distinct lineage from other isolates of this species, while other Israeli isolates belonging to races 1, 3, 4, and 5 were closely related to each other and formed another lineage. It was indicated that the evolution of pathological races in V. nashicola might have occurred relatively recently as compared with V. pirina.  相似文献   

Cohen Y 《Phytopathology》2002,92(3):300-307
ABSTRACT In this survey, 799 isolates of Phytophthora infestans collected from potato crops in Israel during 1983 to 2000 were analyzed for mating type and sensitivity to metalaxyl, and 324 were analyzed for race structure. The A(2) mating type, first recorded in 1983, fully dominated the pathogen population from 1983 until 1991 (9 years). It was thereafter replaced by the A(1) mating type, which dominated the population during 1993 to 2000. Metalaxyl-resistant isolates were first recorded in 1982. During 1983 to 1991, the majority of the isolates were resistant. Isolates with intermediate sensitivity (I) to this fungicide were first observed in 1993, when both A(1) and A(2) mating types occurred in the population. The proportion of I isolates gradually increased, reaching 39 to 41% in 1997 to 1998, and then declined to approximately 15% in 1999 to 2000. Pathogenicity to nine potato differential cultivars was determined for 80 potato isolates collected in 1983 to 1991, to 11 potato differentials in 173 isolates collected in 1993 to 1998, and in 71 potato isolates collected in 1999 to 2000. The first population was composed of 5 races with race 1,3,4,7,8,10 predominating (76%), the second population was composed of 19 races with race 1,3,4,7,8,10,11 predominating (63%), and the third population exhibited 42 (34 new) races with no single predominating race. RG-57 DNA fingerprinting and allozymes loci assays of 23 isolates revealed that isolates collected during 1984 to 1986 belonged to the PO-57 lineage, whereas those collected during 1997 to 1999 belonged to the RFO-39 lineage. Among isolates collected during 1993 to 1995, two unreported DNA fingerprinting patterns were found. Severe late blight epidemics occurred in tomato crops during 1998 to 2000. Of 35 tomato isolates, 28 were A(1) and only 7 were A(2). Of these tomato isolates, 94% were sensitive to metalaxyl. Almost every isolate had a different race structure on the 11 potato differentials. When inoculated onto three tomato differential cultivars, tomato isolates showed a virulence much more enhanced than potato isolates. The data suggest the Israeli population of P. infestans has passed through three major genetic changes during the past 18 years: in 1983, 1993, and 1999. The recent change included host specialization to tomato.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were used to assess genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) among standard isolates of seven lineages of Fusarium graminearum. The mtDNA patterns within each lineage were very similar (>89%), whereas significant differences were observed between the isolates belonging to different lineages, with the exception of lineages 1 and 4 where strong similarity was found between the RFLPs. Analysis of different band patterns resulted in characteristic HhaI and HaeIII bands that were suitable for identification of members of lineages 7, 6, 5, 3 and 2. Investigation of lineage distribution of 144 European isolates revealed that 142 belong to lineage 7. These data, therefore, confirmed the hypothesis that members of lineage 7 are predominant in Europe. Further analysis of isolates belonging to lineage 7 resulted in five haplotypes. These haplotypes have arisen as different combinations of three RFLP patterns for both HaeIII and HhaI restriction enzymes. Two isolates from Hungary, however, shared the same mtDNA RFLP profiles with a standard isolate of lineage 3, indicating that members of lineage 3, at a lower frequency, may also occur in Europe.  相似文献   

广东省稻瘟病菌生理小种的消长动态   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
1990~1997年,用中国稻瘟病菌鉴别寄主鉴定了广东省稻瘟病菌单孢菌株1574份,共鉴定出8群43个生理小种。其中ZC群一直是广东省的优势种群,其出现频率平均为502%;ZC13一直是优势小种,其出现频率平均为274%,其次是ZG1(188%)、ZC15(145%)和ZB13(91%)小种。不同地区不同年份优势小种的类型及其组成不同。  相似文献   

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