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呼伦贝尔沙质草原风蚀坑地表风沙流结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在呼伦贝尔沙质草原北部沙带中段风蚀坑集中分布区内,选取不同发育阶段的风蚀坑,通过同步观测风蚀坑地表(0~200 cm)风速及输沙通量,分析并比较风沙流结构特征,为呼伦贝尔沙质草原风蚀坑治理提供理论依据。研究表明:在裸地沙斑、活跃发展、固定阶段及重新活化阶段的风蚀坑,风速廓线基本遵循对数分布规律;而在未风蚀草地、消亡阶段的风蚀坑,气流受下垫面扰动,呈"S"形分布。风蚀坑各发育阶段输沙量与高度的最优拟合模型为负指数模型,不同发育阶段风蚀坑内部风沙流输沙量差异较为明显;超过95%的输沙量均在地表0~30 cm高度内,且63. 97%~90. 96%的输沙量集中分布在距地表10 cm高度内。风沙流跃移高度与风速正相关,依次为:活跃发展重新活化裸地沙斑固定阶段消亡阶段未风蚀草地。通过分析风沙流通量系数,可知在裸地沙斑、活跃发展及重新活化阶段,输沙量有向高层移动的趋势;而在其他阶段,由于植被盖度较高,使得风沙流多集中在近地层。  相似文献   

研究了荒漠草原土壤有机碳的特征及其与植被之间的关系。结果表明:0-10cm和10-20cm土层土壤有机碳含量随着放牧强度的增加而降低,未放牧区(CK)>轻度放牧区(LG)>中度放牧区(MG)>重度放牧区(HG),中度放牧区和重度放牧区分别显著低于未放牧区(P<0.05);0-10cm土层土壤有机碳含量与草地地上生物量和植被盖度具有极强的相关性,与草群高度具有较强的相关性;10-20cm土层土壤有机碳与草地地上生物量和植被盖度具有极强的相关性,而与草群高度的相关性较弱;根据相关性的强弱,建立了土壤有机碳与草地地上生物量和植被盖度的线性回归模型。  相似文献   

在科尔沁典型沙质草地,设置不同放牧强度的4块样区:重牧区、中牧区、低牧区和封育对照区。连续放牧4年后,通过统计学分析及方差均值比、秩相关系数和分维数等方法,分析了植被平均盖度、多样性指数和土壤颗粒组分、土壤养分含量(有机碳和全氮)在各样区的变化及其空间分布。结果表明,(1)沙质草地的植被平均盖度、多样性指数均随放牧强度的增加而降低,植被平均盖度对放牧的反应比多样性指数更为敏感,变化幅度更大;植被在各样区均为聚集分布,但随聚集程度随放牧强度的降低而降低;(2)不论放牧强度大小,植被平均盖度在4个样区均受到土壤养分的制约作用,而土壤颗粒组分对植被的影响随放牧强度的降低逐渐减弱;(3)通过比较植被平均盖度和土壤某些指标在4个样区的分维数值认为,在科尔沁沙质草地,放牧强度应保持在低牧水平,更高的放牧强度将导致植被和土壤特征的空间分布格局产生大的改变,可能导致沙漠化。  相似文献   

通过对新疆准东地区沙地、裸地、戈壁、耕地和草地进行土样采集,分析了土壤~(137)Cs和有机质的分布特征,估算各土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀量并对其进行验证,同时探讨~(137)Cs与有机质之间的关系。结果发现:非耕地土壤~(137)Cs基本分布在地表15 cm以内,耕地土壤~(137)Cs主要分布在犁耕层;非耕地~(137)Cs均随土壤深度的增加呈下降趋势,耕地呈现均匀分布;草地土壤有机质随土壤深度增加呈减少趋势,戈壁和裸地有机质含量变化不明显,耕地有机质含量呈均匀状态分布;各土地利用类型下~(137)Cs含量总体表现为:草地固定沙地戈壁耕地裸地半固定沙地,而有机质含量呈现为:草地和耕地戈壁固定沙地半固定沙地和裸地。各样点利用~(137)Cs示踪法估算土壤侵蚀速率之间的差异,~(137)Cs示踪技术在风蚀地区测定的土壤风蚀并不可靠。准东土壤~(137)Cs与有机质呈现为弱相关或不相关,在准东风蚀区用~(137)Cs监测土壤有机质动态的效果并不明显。  相似文献   

不同干扰对高寒草原群落物种多样性和生物量的影响   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
通过对新疆巴音布鲁克高寒草原天然草地进行灌溉、围栏(2年、7年、13年)和自由放牧处理,探讨不同干扰类型对草地植物多样性和生物量的影响。结果表明:灌溉使草地植物群落的高度、盖度和地上、地下生物量达到较高的水平,物种多样性也有一定程度的增加;而在自由放牧制度下,由于干扰过于剧烈,草地已呈退化趋势,物种多样性和生物量均较低;在围栏草地中,随着围封年限的增加,群落高度、盖度、地上、地下生物量逐渐增加,物种丰富度、多样性指数、均匀度指数呈现先增加后减小的趋势。在5种干扰类型中,物种丰富度、Shannon-W iener指数(H′)的排列顺序为:放牧草地<围栏2年草地<灌溉草地<围栏13年草地<围栏7年草地;P ielou均匀度指数的排列顺序为:围栏2年<放牧<灌溉<围栏13年<围栏7年;地上生物量的变化趋势为:放牧草地<围栏2年草地<围栏7年草地<围栏13年草地<灌溉草地;地下生物量的变化趋势为:放牧草地<围栏2年草地<灌溉草地<围栏7年草地<围栏13年草地。  相似文献   

西北风蚀区种植甘草对地表微环境和土壤物理性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实验以风蚀区甘草植被为研究对象,采用空间序列代替时间序列的研究方法,对不同生长年限甘草地的地表微环境和土壤物理性状进行了研究。结果表明:甘草植被的盖度、植株高度和地上生物量随生长年限的增加而增加;与裸地相比,甘草植被的地表粗糙度提高12-55倍,表层土壤(0-5cm)含水率增加27%-148%,而土壤容重和粒径分别降低0.7%-19.4%和33.1%-48.8%。种植甘草不仅能使地表粗糙度、湿度、土壤含水率和孔隙度随甘草地上生物量(或生长年限)的增加而提高,而且还能使表层土壤的容重和平均粒径随甘草地上生物量的增加呈减小趋势;西北风蚀区若能在沙化耕地中推广种植甘草,不仅能改善当地生态环境,而且还能提高耕地经济效益。  相似文献   

围栏封育对新疆蒿类荒漠草地植被及土壤养分的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以新疆封育3年的蒿类荒漠草地为对象,研究干旱区封育对草地植被及土壤养分的影响.结果表明:封育后荒漠草地群落的盖度、产量明显增加(P<0.05),分别比对照提高了11.0%,51.6 g/m~2,且盖度、产量的增加主要是由藜科草类引起;荒漠草地80%以上的地下生物量集中在0~40 cm土层中,且封育促进了0~10 cm土层内生物量的增加(P<0.05);与放牧地相比,封育后土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾及速效氮、磷、钾含量均有所提高,且在0~10 cm的土层中差异显著(P<0.01),而pH值略有上升.  相似文献   

草原灌木带空气动力学粗糙度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了定量研究灌木带修复退化草原的机理,采用集沙仪和风速廓线仪野外采集了不同高度灌木带及退化草原的风蚀物及风速廓线,利用最小二乘法对风速廓线数据进行计算得到了相应的空气动力学粗糙度。结果表明:灌木带对草地的防护机理在于提升了地表的空气动力学粗糙度,降低了近地表的风速,从而导致灌木带相对退化草原的抗风蚀能力增强,大量风蚀物集中在近地表30 cm范围内;距灌木带的距离越远,空气动力学粗糙度呈现下降趋势;同时对不同高度灌木带的研究发现,0.3 m、0.7 m和1.5 m高的灌木带分别在距背风面3 m、5 m和6 m处的空气动力学粗糙度与退化草原的值趋于一致,此距离为该灌木带的有效防风蚀范围,空气动力学粗糙度及有效防护范围均随灌木高度的增加而增大。  相似文献   

典型草原禁牧条件下土壤水分对降雨模式的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐冉  张圣微  朱仲元  张鹏  高露 《干旱区研究》2019,36(6):1359-1367
通过在锡林郭勒草原设置禁牧和放牧试验点,对气象、植被、土壤要素和5 cm、10 cm、15 cm、30 cm层土壤水分进行监测分析,揭示典型草原禁牧条件下降雨和土壤水分的变化及转化规律,结果表明:禁牧3 a后土壤垂向异质性增强,降雨过程中各土层土壤含水量差异显著,放牧区则相反;土壤水分对降雨响应的滞后时间随土层深度增加而增加,相对于禁牧区,放牧区浅层土壤(5 cm、10 cm)持水性能较弱,入渗完成用时较短;5 mm以下的降雨对禁牧和放牧区土壤水分均无明显补给作用,当降雨连续均匀且强度不超过5 mm·h~(-1)时最有利于入渗,放牧区入渗深度达到15 cm和30 cm层分别需要7.9 mm和大于25 mm的降雨,而禁牧区大于5 mm的降雨就可以入渗到30cm土层;强度5~6 mm·h~(-1)的独立降雨只能入渗到表层土壤中(5 cm),强度大于15 mm·h~(-1)的降雨在禁牧区能通过大孔隙快速入渗到30 cm及更深层土壤,放牧区则表层入渗较快(0~5 cm),深层入渗较慢,会形成地表径流甚至洪水灾害。该研究的结果可以为草地生态水文过程研究和制定合理的放牧政策提供参考。  相似文献   

不同牧压强度对草原土壤水分、养分及其地上生物量的影响   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:34  
本文通过对不同放牧强度的研究表明 :随着牧压强度的增加 ,土壤表层 (0— 2 0 cm)水分含量明显下降 ,土壤容重与硬度增大、孔隙度减少 ;土壤全量养分下降 ,但速效养分则显著升高 ;植物群落高度降低 ,地表盖度下降 ,地上生物量较大幅度减少 ,特别是优质牧草生物量减少迅速。因此 ,放牧强度是影响草场退化的重要因素。  相似文献   

在东祁连山高寒草地,对围栏7年和不同放牧强度的草地进行了物种数、地上生物量、地下生物量、土壤理化性质等研究。结果表明,围栏7年的高寒草地鲜草产量为425.8 g·m-2,显著高于夏季中牧159.3 g·m-2和夏季重牧91.0 g·m-2,但与冬季轻牧、夏季轻牧差异不显著。围栏条件下的物种数为26.3种·16 m-2,显著低于其他放牧条件下的物种数,但显著高于夏季重牧条件下的物种数23.0种·16 m-2;轻度或重度放牧都会使物种数减少,夏季中牧下的物种数最高(33.5种·16 m-2)。在0~10 cm的表层土壤中,围栏7年的草地根系生物量显著高于其他放牧强度。随着放牧强度的增加,根系生物量在0~10 cm土壤中呈下降趋势,在30~40 cm土壤中则表现为升高趋势。围栏7年的土壤容重低于其他放牧强度下的土壤容重,但差异不显著;夏季重牧的土壤容重显著高于围栏7年和其他放牧强度的土壤容重。随着放牧强度的增加,0~10 cm土壤碱解氮增加,围栏7年草地最低。围栏封育可有效改善和恢复草地植被,但不能长时间禁牧不进行放牧利用。合理的放牧能够维护高寒草甸草地生态系统功能、促进物种丰富度和土壤营养的均衡。  相似文献   

为估算农田害鼠对作物的为害损失量,使用无人机拍摄甘肃鼢鼠Eospalax cansus为害的22块马铃薯样地正射影像图,首先目视解译标定各样地为害区域,计算为害率,并据此划分各样地鼠害为害等级;随后运用基于规则的特征提取法和监督分类法(支持向量机分类法和神经网络分类法)对各样地裸地和植被进行分类,结合对照区裸地率计算各样地的鼠害为害裸地率;通过构建鼠害为害裸地率与马铃薯产量的线性关系模型来评估不同分类法获得的鼠害为害裸地率的精确性;用拟合度最好的线性关系模型估算无鼠害及当前鼠害水平下的马铃薯产量,最终计算全部样地鼠害造成的马铃薯损失量。结果表明,基于规则的特征提取法、支持向量机分类法和神经网络分类法的地物分类精度分别为71.46%、99.33%和98.84%,3种分类方法获得的样地鼠害为害裸地率与马铃薯实际产量均呈显著线性相关,但神经网络分类获得的结果拟合度最好,R2为0.558。利用该方法估算的甘肃鼢鼠造成的马铃薯产量损失量为7 032.75 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

流沙上乔木状沙拐枣的造林试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过在乌兰布和沙漠吉兰太试验区进行的造林田间试验,以根系沙层含水量,风蚀沙埋状况作为影响造林成活和保存的分析因子,得知,(l)乔木状沙拐枣裸沙造林的适宜根系沙层含水量应大于3%造林时可使成活率提高到90%以上。(2)当沙层含水量为2.5~3%时,在控制风蚀,加大造林密度的前提下,也可达造林目的。(3)吉兰太试验区自然沙体含水量多数在2.5%以下,少数可达2.5%~3%,所以此区种植乔木状沙拐枣治理流沙,应进行灌溉,冬春灌水皆可。(4)风蚀明显降低乔木状沙拐枣的造林成活率,但灌水可以在一定程度上达到抑制风蚀危害的作用;沙埋对造林成活率没有影响。(5)从造林成活率和翌年保存率看,乔木状沙拐枣抗风蚀沙埋的能力远较梭梭和花棒为高。试验表明,乔木状沙拐枣是吉兰太试验区比较适宜的固沙先锋灌木树种。  相似文献   


The effectiveness of seeding introduced species, with or without straw mulching, was tested as a measure of post-fire erosion control in gypsiferous (Xeric Haplogypsid) and calcareous soils (Xeric Torriorthent) in Central Ebro Valley (NE-Spain). Paired control, seeding, and combined seeding and mulching plots were established in four replicated plots for each soil tested. Seeding rate was 30 g m -2 and straw mulch was applied at 100 g m -2 in each plot. Plant projective cover (total and specific), plant biomass, bare soil cover and sediment yield were determined over a 2-year period. During the first year of sampling, species introduced by seeding increased plant cover (about 30%) without significant differences observed between soils. Plant cover was similar in seeding-only and seeding-mulching treatments, although the latter treatment significantly enhanced plant weight. During the second year these differences disappeared because species introduced by seeding practically did not survive. So, the introduced herbs did not interfere with native plants. Bare soil cover remained significantly lower in treated plots than on the control plots for both soils during both years of sampling. In the second year, the reduction of bare soil was attributed to both the straw mulch and litter from the seeding species. Soil protection was significantly higher in calcareous soils than in gypsiferous soils which is related to their physical and chemical properties. Cumulative sediment yield decreased significantly over time with both treatments on both soils. Soil losses from control plots were three times higher than seeding plots and 3.3 times higher than from seeding and mulching plots in gypsiferous soils. Soil losses from control plots were two times higher than from seeding plots and 2.7 times higher than the combined seeding and mulching plots in the calcareous soils. Cumulative soil loss was higher from the gypsiferous soils than from the calcareous soils due to the lower plant cover.  相似文献   

The rapid desertification of grasslands in Inner Mongolia of China poses a significant ecological threaten to northern China. The combined effects of anthropogenic disturbances(e.g., overgrazing) and biophysical processes(e.g., soil erosion) have led to vegetation degradation and the consequent acceleration of regional desertification. Thus, mitigating the accelerated wind erosion, a cause and effect of grassland desertification, is critical for the sustainable management of grasslands. Here, a combination of mobile wind tunnel experiments and wind erosion model was used to explore the effects of different levels of vegetation coverage, soil moisture and wind speed on wind erosion at different positions of a slope inside an enclosed desert steppe in the Xilamuren grassland of Inner Mongolia. The results indicated a significant spatial difference in wind erosion intensities depending on the vegetation coverage, with a strong decreasing trend from the top to the base of the slope. Increasing vegetation coverage resulted in a rapid decrease in wind erosion as explained by a power function correlation. Vegetation coverage was found to be a dominant control on wind erosion by increasing the surface roughness and by lowering the threshold wind velocity for erosion. The critical vegetation coverage required for effectively controlling wind erosion was found to be higher than 60%. Further, the wind erosion rates were negatively correlated with surface soil moisture and the mass flux in aeolian sand transport increased with increasing wind speed. We developed a mathematical model of wind erosion based on the results of an orthogonal array design. The results from the model simulation indicated that the standardized regression coefficients of the main effects of the three factors(vegetation coverage, soil moisture and wind speed) on the mass flux in aeolian sand transport were in the following order: wind speedvegetation coveragesoil moisture. These three factors had different levels of interactive effects on the mass flux in aeolian sand transport. Our results will improve the understanding of the interactive effects of wind speed, vegetation coverage and soil moisture in controlling wind erosion in desert steppes, and will be helpful for the design of desertification control programs in future.  相似文献   

Vegetation near-soil-surface factors can protect topsoil from erosion,however,their contributions to the reduction of soil erosion,especially under natural rainfall events,have not been systematically recognized.This study was performed to quantify the effects of near-soil-surface factors on runoff and sediment under natural rainfall events on grasslands dominated by Bothriochloa ischaemum(Linn.)Keng(BI grassland)and Artemisia gmelinii Thunb.(AG grassland)in two typical watersheds on the Loess Plateau,China in 2018.By successive removal of the plant canopy,litter,biological soil crusts(BSCs)and plant roots,we established five treatments including plant roots,plant roots+BSCs,plant roots+BSCs+litter,intact grassland and bare land in each grassland type.In total,twenty runoff plots(5 m×3 m)with similar slopes and aspects were constructed in the two types of grasslands.Results showed that plant canopy,litter and roots reduced runoff,while BSCs,which swelled in the presence of water,increased runoff.In contrast,all of these factors reduced sediment yield.In addition,the reductions in runoff and sediment yield increased with I30(maximum 30-min rainfall intensity)for each vegetation near-soil-surface factor except for BSCs.Among these factors,plant canopy had the largest contribution to runoff reduction,accounting for 48.8% and 39.9% in the BI and AG grasslands,respectively.The contributions of these vegetation near-soil-surface factors to sediment yield reduction were similar(21.3%-29.9%)in the two types of grasslands except for BSCs in the AG grassland(10.3%).The total reduction in runoff in the BI grassland(70.8%)was greater than that in the AG grassland(53.1%),while the reduction in sediment yield was almost the same in both grasslands(97.4%and 96.7%).In conclusion,according to the effects of different vegetation near-soil-surface factors on runoff and sediment production,our results may provide more complete insight and scientific basis into the effects of various vegetation related factors in controlling soil erosion.  相似文献   

A short visit to the Bayanbuluk Grassland in the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang, PRC, revealed a number of environmental and livestock production problems, including grassland degradation, loss of grassland biodiversity, soil erosion and flash flooding downstream, decreased pasture productivity, and poor livestock nutrition (especially in winter) leading to stock losses and flocks and herds of low productivity. This paper describes those problems and then suggests some solutions. Short duration, high intensity grazing could be one of the solutions to both improving grassland condition and improving livestock nutrition. Local production of fodder crops for feeding in winter and spring deserves testing, using adapted strains of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and trialling fodder root crop production. It is important to realise that the land management objectives of scientists, administrators, herders and farmers may be similar, and that there are opportunities for land improvement through working together.  相似文献   

内蒙古农牧交错带中部地区荒漠化与土地利用之关系分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用RS与GIS技术手段分析了内蒙古农牧交错带中部地区荒漠化情况,得 出结论如下:①研究区土地退化主要以草地、耕地退化为主。其中,草地退化严重。在2000 年,草地退化面积达3556516.9hm2,占总草地面积的75.3%;耕地退化面积为1905119.6 hm2,占总耕地面积的69.2%。②研究区土地荒漠化面积达5982412.2hm2,占研究区面积的 71.0%。其中风蚀荒漠化面积最大,占研究区总面积的38.6%;水蚀荒漠化面积次之,面积 2491597hm2,占研究区总面积的29.6%;盐渍化面积最小,为239296hm2,只占2.8%。  相似文献   

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