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由辣椒胶孢炭疽菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides导致的辣椒炭疽病是辣椒生产上最为严重的真菌病害之一。本文以辣椒胶孢炭疽菌CSLL11为供试菌株,采用PEG-CaCl_2介导的原生质体转化法,将含有潮霉素B抗性基因和eGFP表达基因的DNA片段成功转入辣椒胶孢炭疽菌的原生质体中,获得了稳定表达绿色荧光的转化子,从而成功建立了辣椒胶孢炭疽菌的遗传转化体系。试验结果表明,可有效筛选阳性转化子的潮霉素B浓度为500 mg/L;PCR及Southern blot结果显示,eGFP表达基因已单拷贝整合至辣椒胶孢炭疽菌转化子的基因组中;使用荧光显微镜观察第一代及继代培养后的转化子,菌丝与分生孢子均表现出强烈的绿色荧光信号,说明GFP能在转化子中稳定遗传;将转化子与野生型菌株相比,菌落形态、生长速率及致病力水平无明显差异。本研究建立了辣椒胶孢炭疽菌遗传转化体系并获得了稳定表达绿色荧光蛋白的转化子,对辣椒炭疽菌与寄主互作的研究及病害防治具有重要意义。  相似文献   

建立并优化了农杆菌介导转化拟康氏木霉(Trichoderma pseudokoningii SMF2)获得T-DNA插入突变体的体系,在木霉孢子浓度106个/mL、农杆菌A600=0.15~0.20、乙酰丁香酮浓度为250μmol/mL的条件下共培养36 h转化率最高,转化子可达60~120个/106个孢子。共获得转化子1 000多个,连续转接5代能够稳定遗传,部分转化子表现为生长和形态异常,PCR验证潮霉素B抗性基因已整合进转化子基因组DNA中。该转化体系的建立为开展其生防机理研究和探索菌株改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

一种农杆菌介导稻瘟病菌的遗传转化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以农杆菌C58C1及携带潮霉素抗性的质粒pBIG2RHPH2为介导,以广泛不致病的野生型稻瘟病菌CY2为出发菌株,开展稻瘟病菌T-DNA插入转化条件的研究。农杆菌OD600为0.1条件下,乙酰丁香酮(AS)200μmol/L,用IM培养基(pH5.2)共培养。结果表明,在潮霉素、头孢噻肟钠和壮观霉素为200μg/mL,2mm滤纸条筛选培养,转化效率最高,平均可获得329.0个转化子/1×104个孢子。通过对转化子的继代稳定性和PCR检测,证明转化子均获得了T-DNA插入片段,且能稳定遗传。采用接种法,在不同遗传背景的44个抗稻瘟病的水稻近等基因系接种8000个转化子,获得20个致病突变体。  相似文献   

由辣椒尖孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum acutatum)侵染引起的炭疽病是辣椒生产中最具有破坏性的真菌病害,严重影响辣椒的品质和产量。本研究以辣椒尖孢炭疽病菌HHDL02为对象,采用1 mol·L-1 NH4Cl 2%的酶裂解液裂解分生孢子萌发2 h的芽管,裂解2~3 h可以高效制备原生质体,结合PEG介导转化法成功将GFP基因导入,其转化菌株菌落形态、菌丝生长速率、分生孢子形态、孢子萌发、附着胞形成、产孢量和致病性与野生型菌株无明显差异,且后代荧光信号遗传稳定。PEG介导的原生质体转化适合辣椒尖孢炭疽菌遗传操作,有助于其致病机理的研究。  相似文献   

基因敲除技术日益成为基因功能研究的重要手段,为了深入研究甘蔗梢腐病菌致病基因的功能,构建了梢腐病菌YN41菌株的基因敲除体系。本研究构建了基于线性DNA的同源重组基因敲除技术,融合PCR构建敲除盒即带有潮霉素基因标记的线性DNA融合片段,配置0.05 g·mL-1溶壁酶+0.01 g·mL-1崩溃酶的复合酶液28℃酶解3 h获得了高产量的原生质体,利用聚乙二醇(PEG)介导的原生质体的转化,PCR鉴定技术和酶切鉴定技术对转化子进行鉴定,荧光定量PCR分析和Southern Blot方法进一步对基因缺失突变体进行验证,生物学表型(菌落形态、生长速率、产孢量、生物量和致病力)验证了PK基因敲除体系的成功构建。28℃酶解3 h获得了2×107个·mL-1原生质体;对编码丙酮酸激酶的PK基因进行了基因敲除验证,获得了纯合敲除突变体;荧光定量PCR检测转录水平无表达;Southern Blot结果显示使用PK基因探针杂交,基因缺失突变体无条带,野生型杂交到目的条带;生物学表型验证了PK基因敲除突变体对比野生型...  相似文献   

建立高效、稳定的甘蓝枯萎病菌REMI转化体系,为进一步获得特定表型突变体及基因功能研究建立技术储备.利用REMI(restriction enzyme mediate intergration)转化方法,将线性化的含有潮霉素抗性基因的pUCAT-PH质粒转化甘蓝枯萎病菌A6菌株的原生质体,摸索获得转化子最适的潮霉素筛选浓度以及不同限制性内切酶和酶量对转化效率的影响;利用PCR(polymerase chain reaction)技术对潮霉素抗性转化子进行验证.结果表明转化子的最适潮霉素筛选浓度为50 μg/mL;转化效率较高的限制性内切酶为HindⅢ,并且转化效率最高时的酶量为20 U.利用该转化体系构建了含1 050个转化子的甘蓝枯萎病菌转化子库,对转化子进行Southern验证,证明该转化体系是可行的.  相似文献   

 为了揭示苜蓿轮枝菌Verticillium alfalfae的生物学特性及其致病机理,在室内条件下测定不同温度、pH值、碳源和氮源对菌株Ms198的生长速率和产孢量的影响,同时利用农杆菌转化法(Agrobactirium tumfacience-mediated transformant,ATMT)将带有潮霉素(Hygromycin,Hyg)抗性标记和绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)报告基因的双元载体转入苜蓿轮枝菌的分生孢子,获得147株阳性转化子,以野生型菌株为对照,对挑取的15株阳性转化子的菌落形态、生长速率、产孢量、孢子萌发率、粗毒素分泌量和致病力进行研究。结果表明,苜蓿轮枝菌具有较宽的温度和酸碱度适应范围,最适生长和产孢温度分别为25 ℃和20 ℃,最适生长pH值为6 ~ 9,最适产孢pH值为9。可以利用多种碳、氮源,最适生长的碳、氮源分别为可溶性淀粉和牛肉膏,最适产孢的碳、氮源分别为D-牛乳糖和胰蛋白胨。与野生型菌株相比,15株供试转化子中有66.67%的转化子在菌落形态方面与野生型菌株无明显差别,而其生长速率、产孢量和孢子萌发率均有不同程度的降低。在产毒能力和致病力方面,1株转化子的粗毒素分泌量显著高于野生型菌株,9株显著低于野生型菌株,其余5株与野生型菌株无显著差异;4株转化子的致病力显著低于野生型菌株,其余11株转化子的致病力与野生型菌株均无显著差异。研究结果表明,转化子的生物学特性以及产毒能力和致病力,随外源基因插入位点的随机性而有所变化。  相似文献   

为了明确江西瑞昌山药炭疽病病原菌种类归属,本文从当地采集呈典型症状的炭疽病叶片进行了病原菌分离鉴定.通过组织分离获得8个在培养性状和分生孢子形态大小均一致且均具有致病性的分离株,8个分离株在PDA平板上菌落初为白色,后变为灰色至深灰色,菌落中央产生橘红色黏质分生孢子团.分生孢子无色,长椭圆形至纺锤形,单胞,大小为(15.6~18.0)μm×(3.6~6.0)μm.对其中之一的分离株YRRC-1进行rDNA-ITS区段扩增和序列测定,获得长度为536 bp的rDNA-ITS序列,该序列与胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)的对应序列同源性达100%.根据分离病菌的培养特征、形态大小和序列鉴定结果,认为瑞昌山药炭疽病菌属于胶孢炭疽菌(C. gloeosporioides).  相似文献   

为揭示向日葵大丽轮枝菌Verticillium dahliae Kleb.的致病机理,利用农杆菌介导法将带有潮霉素抗性标记和绿色荧光蛋白报告基因的双元载体转入大丽轮枝菌的分生孢子中并获得阳性转化子,以野生型菌株为对照,对随机挑取的阳性转化子的菌落形态、菌丝生长速率、产孢量、粗毒素分泌量和致病力进行了研究。结果表明,共获得800株阳性转化子,随机选取的40株阳性转化子中有2株的菌落只产生白色气生菌丝,不能形成黑色微菌核。与对照相比,40株转化子的生长速率均有不同程度降低,其中转化子A1生长速度降低最显著,菌落直径仅为3.28 cm,比对照下降了38.92%。40株转化子中有3株的产孢量高于对照,其中转化子A9的产孢量最高,为3.50×10~7个/mL,比对照提高1.10倍;转化子A1的产孢量最低,仅为1.35×10~7个/mL,比对照下降了19.16%。40株转化子中有4株的粗毒素分泌量较对照显著升高,占测定菌株的10%,有24株较对照显著降低,占60%,其余12株与对照无显著差异。40株转化子中有3株的致病力较对照显著增强,占测定菌株的7.5%;有7株的致病力较对照显著降低,占17.5%;其余30株与对照无显著差异。  相似文献   

原生质体融合技术改良植病生防木霉菌株   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以产孢量大,对苯菌灵有抗性,对潮霉素B敏感的哈茨木霉菌株T9和产孢量少,对潮霉素B有抗性,对苯菌灵敏感的康宁木霉菌株Tk7a为亲本,进行原生质体融合,筛选获得抗最高浓度杀菌剂的融合子。所有融合子的产孢量均比亲本菌株Tk7a大。融合子按照菌落形态的不同分成4组,大部分融合子的几丁质酶、葡聚糖酶和内切葡聚糖酶的活性比亲本菌株高。融合子对棉花猝倒病菌和小麦全蚀病菌的寄生能力基本等同于亲本菌株;融合子对小麦全蚀病的防效比亲本菌株稍好,其刺激麦苗根部生长的能力与亲本菌株相差不大。两个融合子根际竞争能力比亲本菌株T9强,和亲本菌株Tk7a相当。  相似文献   

采用单因子试验方法研究了农杆菌EHA105介导的哈茨木霉Th-33转化过程中,各主要因素对转化效率的影响,建立了高效的转化系统,使农杆菌转化哈茨木霉的效率达到60~150个转化子/10^6个木霉孢子,利用该转化系统构建了含有8000多个转化子的T-DNA插入突变库。通过转化子与立枯丝核菌的对峙试验,从1260株转化子中筛选到23株拮抗能力发生变化的突变子。随机挑选5株突变子对其遗传稳定性进行分析,表明5株突变子都具有稳定性,聚合酶链式反应(PCR)表明上述突变子均有T-DNA片段的插入。  相似文献   

Dai Q  Sun Z  Schnabel G 《Phytopathology》2003,93(11):1354-1359
ABSTRACT Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation with plasmids carrying the hygromycin B resistance gene hph frequently is being used for inserting genes into fungal spores and mycelial cells and for conducting insertional mutagenesis to identify genes connected to a particular phenotype. In this article, we report that stable hygromycin B resistance can develop spontaneously in germinating conidia from Monilinia fructicola and that the mutants exhibit altered phenotypes. One spontaneously developing hygromycin B-resistant colony developed per 2.5 x 10(5) germinating conidia. Mutants grew significantly slower on potato dextrose agar, were 2.4- to 3.1-fold more sensitive to demethylation inhibitor fungicides, lacked melanization, and did not produce spores. The mode of action of hygromycin B resistance in the mutants seemed to be different from the hph transgene-mediated hygromycin B resistance based on different phenotypic characters. The ability of M. fructicola and possibly other fungi to spontaneously develop hygromycin B resistance associated with an altered phenotype may interfere with the selection of true transformants if hygromycin B is used as selective agent. This is particularly confounding if the hph gene is used as selectable marker in insertional mutagenesis experiments conducted for the identification of genes involved in melanization, sporulation, or fungicide resistance.  相似文献   

Random insertional mutagenesis using a marker DNA fragment is an effective method for identifying fungal genes relevant to morphogenesis, metabolism, and so on. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (AtMT) has long been used as a tool for the genetic modification of a wide range of plant species. Recent study has indicated that A. tumefaciens could transfer T-DNA not only to plant cells but also to fungal cells. In this study, AtMT was applied to Colletotrichum lagenarium for random insertional mutagenesis. We constructed a binary vector pBIG2RHPH2 carrying a hygromycin-resistant gene cassette between the right and left borders of T-DNA. Optimal co-cultivation of C. lagenarium wild-type 104-T with pBIG2RHPH2-introduced A. tumefaciens C58C1 led to the production of 150–300 hygromycin-resistant transformants per 106 conidia. Southern blot analysis revealed that T-DNA was mainly integrated at a single site in the genome and at different sites in transformants. The T-DNA inserts showed small truncations of either end, but the hygromycin-resistant gene cassette inside the T-DNA was generally intact. The mode of T-DNA insertion described above resulted in highly efficient gene recovery from the transformants by thermal asymmetrical interlaced-polymerase chain reaction. The fungal genomic DNA segments flanking T-DNA were identified from five of eight mutants that had defective melanin biosynthesis. The sequence from one of the segments was identical to that of the melanin biosynthesis gene PKS1 of C. lagenarium, which we previously characterized. These results strongly support our notion that AtMT is a possible tool for tagging genes relevant to pathogenicity in the plant pathogenic fungus C. lagenarium.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) has long been used to transfer genes to a wide variety of plants and has also served as an efficient tool for insertional mutagenesis. In this paper, we report the construction of four novel binary vectors for fungal transformation and the optimization of an ATMT protocol for insertional mutagenesis, which permits an efficient genetic manipulation of Fusarium oxysporum and other phytopathogenic fungi to be achieved. Employing the binary vectors, carrying the bacterial hygromycin B phosphotrans-ferase gene (hph) under the control of the Aspergillus nidulans trpC promoter as a selectable marker, led to the production of 300 to 500 hygromycin B resistant transformants per 1 x 10(6) conidia of F. oxysporum, which is at least an order of magnitude higher than that previously accomplished. Transformation efficiency correlated strongly with the duration of cocultivation of fungal spores with Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells and significantly with the number of Agrobacteruium tumefaciens cells present during the cocultivation period (r = 0.996; n = 3; P < 0.01). All transformants tested remained mitotically stable, maintaining their hygromycin B resistance. Growing Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells in the presence of acetosyringone (AS) prior to cocultivation shortened the time required for the formation of transformants but decreased to 53% the percentage of transformants containing a single T-DNA insert per genome. This increased to over 80% when Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells grown in the absence of AS were used. There was no correlation between the average copy number of T-DNA per genome and the colony diameter of the transformants, the period of cocultivation or the quantity of Agrobacterium tumefaciens cells present during cocultivation. To isolate the host sequences flanking the inserted T-DNA, we employed a modified thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR) technique. Utilizing just one arbitrary primer resulted in the successful amplification of desired products in 90% of those transformants analyzed. The insertion event appeared to be a random process with truncation of the inserted T-DNA, ranging from 1 to 14 bp in size, occurring on both the right and left border sequences. Considering the size and design of the vectors described here, coupled with the efficiency and flexibility of this ATMT protocol, it is suggested that ATMT should be regarded as a highly efficient alternative to other DNA transfer procedures in characterizing those genes important for the pathogenicity of F. oxysporum and potentially those of other fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

We transformed Colletotrichum trifolii, the causal agent of alfalfa anthracnose, using Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a new tool for random insertional mutagenesis. Fungal spores of C. trifolii were transformed with T-DNA including the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hph). Southern analysis showed that every randomly selected transformant had a unique hybridization pattern of T-DNA, suggesting that the T-DNA was randomly integrated into the fungal genome. More significantly, about 75% of transformants had a single copy of the T-DNA. The results demonstrate that insertional mutagenesis via A. tumefaciens is a useful tool for studying the function of C. trifolii genes.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens‐mediated transformation (ATMT) was used to obtain a large number of Verticillium dahliae (Vd991) T‐DNA insertion mutants that were randomly integrated. Insertion mutants that produced significantly fewer microsclerotia were chosen for further analysis. Mutant T0065 was identified as having the Cerevisin gene interrupted by T‐DNA, and it was named cerevisin. The cerevisin protein showed a high amino acid sequence similarity with the vacuolar protease B. The mutant strain cerevisin displayed decreased production of microsclerotia and conidia, significantly reduced growth rate and reduction in virulence compared to the wild type. Moreover, the composition of secreted proteins differed between the cerevisin mutant and the wild type. Loss of function of Cerevisin decreased secretion of proteins of low molecular weight (14–25 kDa). Upon treatment with the secreted proteins of the mutant, the degree of leaf wilting decreased, indicating that Cerevisin is implicated in production of these proteins, which are putative pathogenicity factors of V. dahliae. The results suggest that Cerevisin is involved in controlling multiple processes of development and metabolism, plays an important role in vegetative growth and microsclerotia formation and affects virulence of V. dahliae.  相似文献   

The BMR1 gene encoding an ABC transporter was cloned from Botrytis cinerea. To examine the function of BMR1 in B. cinerea, we isolated BMR1-deficient mutants after gene disruption. Disruption vector pBcDF4 was constructed by replacing the BMR1-coding region with a hygromycin B phosphotransferase gene (hph) cassette. The BMR1 disruptants had an increased sensitivity to polyoxin and iprobenfos. Polyoxin and iprobenfos, structurally unrelated compounds, may therefore be substrates of BMR1. Received 18 December 2000/ Accepted in revised form 18 April 2001  相似文献   

Restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) mutagenesis was used to isolate mutants of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis impaired in pathogenicity. The race 2 strain Mel02010 was transformed with linearized pSH75, conferring resistance to hygromycin B, with or without the enzyme used to linearize the plasmid. Addition of restriction enzymes did not affect the transformation frequency. A total of 2929 REMI transformants were tested for pathogenicity to three melon cultivars, Amus, Ogon 9 and Ohi. The race 2 strains are pathogenic to Amus and Ogon 9, but not to Ohi. Of 43 transformants with reduced pathogenicity on susceptible melon cultivars, 12 mutants were examined in detail for pathogenicity, vegetative growth and integrative mode of pSH75. The levels of pathogenicity varied among these mutants. Two mutants (B48 and B137) almost completely lost pathogenicity to both susceptible cultivars, and the others had reduced pathogenicity. Mutants B48, B241, B886 and X36 were also impaired in vegetative growth. Mutant B809 was a biotin auxotroph. By DNA gel blot analysis, nine mutants were found to contain a single copy of the transformation vector. These mutants may thus be useful in isolating genes involved in pathogenicity. Received 22 December 2000/ Accepted in revised form 16 April 2001  相似文献   

With the colony polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the specificity of newly prepared primer sets VCF2/VCR2, VCF3/VCR3, VCF4/VCR4, and VCF5/VCR5 to Ti or Ri plasmids in Agrobacterium strains were compared to that of the conventional set VCF/VCR. At first, control strains, which consisted of a nonpathogenic strain and phytopathogenic strains carrying Ti or Ri plasmid, were used. VCF3/VCR3 and VCF5/VCR5 were highly specific to all the phytopathogenic strains, whereas the others were not. These two primer sets were superior to VCF/VCR in their specificity with colony PCR to tumorigenic Agrobacterium strains isolated from apple saplings.  相似文献   

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