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采用原子吸收分光光度计法测定天然海区野生平均体质量(1.23±0.12)kg成年中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)结缔组织、血液、书鳃和肌肉中Pb、Cd、Cu和Zn的含量,旨在揭示海洋典型重金属类污染物在雄性中国鲎体内组织特异性富集特征。结果表明:肌肉中Pb、Cu和Zn的蓄积最高,其次是书鳃;Cd在书鳃中蓄积最高,其次是肌肉、血液和结缔组织。中国鲎不同组织的均值污染指数(PI)由大到小排序为:书鳃>肌肉>血液>结缔组织,其中结缔组织属于微污染级别,血液属于中污染级别,书鳃和肌肉达到严重污染级别,因此,食用中国鲎存在一定的健康风险。本研究结果可为濒危物种中国鲎种群数量恢复提供技术参考。  相似文献   

重金属对水生动物毒性的研究进展(一)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从水生动物对重金属吸收,重金属在水生动物体内的蓄积,分布规律,重金属对水生动物的毒害作用,重金属对水生动物的中毒剂量及其影响因素,重金属在水生动物体内的解毒机理等方面的研究进展开综述。  相似文献   

硫酸铜蓄积对日本[虫寻]4种组织细胞超微结构的影响观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过蓄积毒性试验,研究了安全质量浓度(0.5mg·L^-1)下硫酸铜(CuSO4·5H2O)对日本[虫寻](Charybdis japonica)4种组织细胞(肌肉、鳃、肝胰脏和心脏)超微结构的影响。结果表明,铜离子(Cu^2+)蓄积主要损伤的组织是鳃和肝胰脏,其次是心脏和肌肉。鳃细胞的损害表现为鳃丝水肿,细胞器溶解,角质层变薄,线粒体、内质网的肿胀、解体;肝胰脏细胞的主要损害特征为肝管微绒毛减少,线粒体水肿解体,内质网扩张,细胞核空泡化,核膜水肿和脂肪滴增加;心脏细胞的毒理变化为线粒体内嵴肿胀、瓦解,肌原纤维不规则,内质网溶解。0.5mg·L^-1的CuSO4·5H2O经过16d蓄积后虽然没有导致日本[虫寻]死亡,但已经对其体内组织细胞的超微结构产生了不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

根据急性毒性试验确定了漂白粉对日本蟳的安全质量浓度为0.6mg/L,采用透射电镜技术研究了该质量浓度下漂白粉蓄积对日本蟳4种组织细胞(肌肉、鳃、肝胰脏和心脏)超微结构的影响。试验结果表明:漂白粉主要损伤日本蟳的鳃和肝胰脏,其次是心脏,肌肉基本无损害。鳃细胞的损害表现为鳃丝水肿,细胞器溶解,角质层变薄,线粒体、内质网的肿胀、解体;肝胰脏细胞的主要损害特征为肝管微绒毛减少、线粒体水肿解体、内质网扩张、细胞核空泡化、核膜水肿、脂肪滴增加;心脏细胞的毒理变化为线粒体内嵴肿胀、瓦解,肌原纤维不规则,内质网溶解。安全质量浓度的漂白粉经16d蓄积后,虽没有导致日本蟳死亡,但已对其体内的鳃、肝胰脏、心脏等组织细胞的超微结构产生了不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

铜在鲤体内的蓄积及毒性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用半静态法将鲤(Cyprinus carpio)暴露于不同浓度的铜溶液中,研究了铜在鱼体中的吸收富集及毒性。结果表明:铜在鲤肝、肾、鳃和肌肉中的积累量均随着铜浓度的升高而增加。鲤各部位对铜的蓄积能力依次是肝、肾、鳃、肌肉,且肝、肾中铜的积累量明显高于鳃和肌肉,鲤对铜具有较强的蓄积毒性。中毒鱼体色变黑,生长受到抑制,临死前出现神经症状;鳃小片上皮增生、变性、坏死;肝细胞和肾小管上皮细胞空泡变性、溶解性坏死。  相似文献   

通过蓄积毒性试验,研究了安全质量浓度(0.5mg.L-1)下硫酸铜(CuSO4.5H2O)对日本(Charybdisjaponica)4种组织细胞(肌肉、鳃、肝胰脏和心脏)超微结构的影响。结果表明,铜离子(Cu2+)蓄积主要损伤的组织是鳃和肝胰脏,其次是心脏和肌肉。鳃细胞的损害表现为鳃丝水肿,细胞器溶解,角质层变薄,线粒体、内质网的肿胀、解体;肝胰脏细胞的主要损害特征为肝管微绒毛减少,线粒体水肿解体,内质网扩张,细胞核空泡化,核膜水肿和脂肪滴增加;心脏细胞的毒理变化为线粒体内嵴肿胀、瓦解,肌原纤维不规则,内质网溶解。0.5mg.L-1的CuSO4.5H2O经过16d蓄积后虽然没有导致日本死亡,但已经对其体内组织细胞的超微结构产生了不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

张涛  庄平  章龙珍 《海洋渔业》2006,28(3):185-189
采用原子吸收分光光度法,对骨骼畸形和体型正常的人工养殖史氏鲟脊椎、骨板、鳍条、鳃、肝脏、肾脏、肌肉中锰、铜、铁、镉、铅、锌等的含量进行了检测,并对其分布和积累规律进行了研究。结果表明,畸形和正常史氏鲟身体各部位中重金属的含量无显著性差异(P>0.05),重金属积累不是造成人工养殖史氏鲟畸形的主要原因。畸形和正常人工养殖史氏鲟体内重金属的分布和积累规律基本一致,锰和铅主要分布在脊椎、骨板、鳍条和鳃等骨化组织中;铁和铜在体内主要蓄积在肝脏中;锌和镉在体内的分布较均匀。  相似文献   

铜在栉孔扇贝组织蓄积、分配、排放的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用暴露实验方法,研究了海水中铜离子在栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)内脏、肌肉、鳃组织内吸收、积累和排放规律。结果表明:铜浓度为0.05 mg/L时,各组织内铜蓄积量随暴露时间增加而增大,第13天均达吸收平衡,此时铜蓄积量(mg/kg干重)为:鳃79.65>内脏58.40>肌肉15.99;蓄积速率(mg/kg.d)为:鳃4.830>内脏4.800>肌肉1.000。将达到吸收平衡后的栉孔扇贝移入清洁海水中,排放结果表明:随排放时间增加,各组织铜离子蓄积量明显下降,第17天时各组织铜排出率为:鳃97.68%>内脏96.50%>肌肉73.60%;排出速率为(mg/kg.d)为:鳃3.820>内脏3.210>肌肉0.740。海水中铜浓度对铜蓄积量有明显影响,随着铜浓度升高,各组织内铜蓄积量明显上升,其中内脏团的蓄积量最大;表明栉孔扇贝的内脏团具有较高的蓄积重金属铜的能力。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝对海水中Pb积累排放规律研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了海水中Pb在栉孔扇贝(Chlamysfarreri)内脏、肌肉、鳃组织内吸收、积累和排放规律及海水中不同浓度Pb对栉孔扇贝(Chlamysfarreri)内脏、肌肉、鳃组织蓄积量的影响。结果表明:Pb浓度为0.5mg/L时,各组织内Pb蓄积量随暴露时间增加而增大,第9天均达吸收平衡,此时Pb蓄积量(mg/kg干重)为鳃(1356)>内脏(226.6)>肌肉(52.14);蓄积速率(mg/kg·d-1)为鳃(178.3)>内脏(37.30)>肌肉(10.48)。将达到吸收平衡后的栉孔扇贝移入清洁海水中排放结果表明:随排放时间增加各组织铅蓄积量明显下降,第16天时各组织铅排出率为:鳃(96.69%)>内脏(92.09%)>肌肉(71.20)%;排出速率为(mg/kg·d-1):鳃(81.98)>内脏(10.09)>肌肉(3.001)。海水中Pb浓度对Pb蓄积量有明显影响,随着Pb浓度升高,各组织内Pb蓄积量明显上升,其中鳃的蓄积量最大,表明:双壳类软体动物的鳃具有较高的蓄积重金属的能力,并且海水中Pb浓度能提高Pb的生物有效性。  相似文献   

吕晓燕  李嘉尧  方燕  郭占林  赵云龙  李恺 《水产学报》2010,34(12):1812-1820
应用透射电镜技术,结合生物酶测定,研究了水体中不同浓度亚硝酸盐胁迫下红螯光壳螯虾肝胰腺、鳃和肌肉组织中免疫相关酶的活性变化,以及对肝胰腺和鳃的形态学影响。结果显示,与对照组相比,亚硝酸盐胁迫下,3种组织的ACP、AKP、SOD以及GSH-PX的活性都显著降低(P<0.05);随着亚硝酸盐浓度增加,酶活力呈现降低的趋势;鳃组织Na+,K+-ATPase和Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase的活性也显示出随亚硝酸盐浓度升高而降低的趋势。超微结构显示,随着亚硝酸盐浓度增加,鳃角质层受损、断裂;上皮细胞排列疏松、空泡化;细胞器变形;鳃腔内也出现空泡化现象,血细胞变形。肝胰腺上皮细胞排列杂乱无章,细胞裂解,空泡化;微绒毛受损、断裂,肝小管间距扩大、结缔组织变得稀薄,血细胞变形;高浓度组R细胞的脂滴减少,核膜解体,细胞膜破裂,空泡化加剧;F细胞的核糖体减少,空泡化加剧,内质网水肿。研究说明亚硝酸盐对红螯光壳螯虾3种组织的免疫相关酶活产生影响,并损伤肝胰腺和鳃的形态学结构,影响其生物学功能。  相似文献   

宋朝伟  李文笙 《水产学报》2023,47(7):079101-1-079101-10
鳃是水生动物主要的呼吸器官。虽然部分水生动物的鳃结构不同(如鱼和虾蟹),但其主要功能均为气体交换和渗透压调节等。本文旨在对近年来鳃的功能组学的主要研究结果进行归纳和总结,特别是不同的环境因子(重金属的污染物、寄生虫细菌、盐度、亚硝酸盐等)胁迫下水生动物鳃的转录组测序分析,以及鳃在不同环境因子胁迫下的蛋白组学和代谢组学的研究,揭示环境因子改变对水生动物鳃相关的基因表达变化、生理生化状态变化、分子通路和生理功能的影响,旨在为鱼类的健康养殖提供新的思路和方向。  相似文献   

Life history theory suggests that maximum size and growth evolve to maximize fitness. In contrast, the Gill Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT) suggests that growth and maximum size in fishes and other aquatic, water-breathing organisms is constrained by the body mass-scaling of gill surface area. Here, we use new data and a novel phylogenetic Bayesian multilevel modelling framework to test this idea by asking the three questions posed by the GOLT regarding maximum size, growth and gills. Across fishes, we ask whether the body mass-scaling of gill surface area explains (1) variation in the von Bertalanffy growth coefficient (k) above and beyond that explained by asymptomatic size (W), (2) variation in growth performance (a trait that integrates the tradeoff between k and W) and (3) more variation in growth performance compared to activity (as approximated by caudal fin aspect ratio). Overall, we find that there is only a weak relationship among maximum size, growth and gill surface area across species. Indeed, the body mass-scaling of gill surface area does not explain much variation in k (especially for those species that reach the same W) or growth performance. Activity explained three to five times more variation in growth performance compared to gill surface area. Our results suggest that in fishes, gill surface area is not the only factor that explains variation in maximum size and growth, and that other covariates (e.g. activity) are likely important in understanding how growth, maximum size and other life history traits vary across species.  相似文献   

本文报导虎嘉鱼(Hucho bIeekeri K.)的食性及食物消化的研究结果,其食性以水生昆虫和鱼类为主食。虎嘉鱼是较有经济价值的鱼类,这一研究对虎嘉鱼的开发和利用及人工养殖提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The consequences of introducing Cichla cf. monoculus Spix & Agassiz, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) and Pygocentrus nattereri Kner into lakes in the River Doce basin, Brazil, on richness, diversity and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes as natural refugia to native fishes was investigated. Samples were taken from lakes with and without alien fishes in areas with and without aquatic macrophytes. The presence of alien fishes reduced richness and diversity of the native fish community. The refugia function, which could be attributed to the clustering of aquatic macrophytes, does not exist in these lakes probably because the alien fishes exploit such habitats for reproduction. Since introductions threaten the native fish diversity of the region, studies on regional dispersion and factors that minimise the spread of alien fishes are needed.  相似文献   

太白湖主要经济鱼类寄生蠕虫种类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2015年12月,采用形态学方法对长江中游的太白湖鱼类鳃和肠道寄生蠕虫进行了初步调查和种类鉴定。结果显示:在调查的15种131尾鱼中,共分离鉴定了36种寄生蠕虫,其中单殖吸虫30种,复殖吸虫1种,绦虫5种;对其中6种单殖吸虫的形态特征进行了重新描述。大部分鱼类的鳃部都感染单殖吸虫,只有4种鱼类的肠道感染寄生蠕虫,较低的体内寄生蠕虫多样性表明该湖泊的生态环境可能受到较严重的干扰。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Biodiversity is declining across aquatic ecosystems because of biological invasions and species extinctions. Because fishes have pervasive effects on ecosystems through species-specific food web interactions, alterations to species and functional richness, and composition of natural assemblages could have negative effects on aquatic ecosystem function. In this study, I tested the effects of fish species and functional richness, and assemblage composition on primary production (PPR), benthic invertebrate density, and benthic particulate organic matter (BPOM) in a 42-day experiment in artificial stream mesocosms. I found that fish species richness and assemblage composition were important predictors of PPR in stream mesocosms. However, the effect of species richness on PPR increased with time, suggesting that richness-related effects might strengthen as the magnitude of community-level interactions increases in ecosystems. There was no effect of fish species or functional richness or assemblage composition on benthic invertebrate densities or BPOM. These data provide additional support that fishes can be important regulators of ecosystem function in aquatic systems, and suggest that positive effects of fishes on ecosystems can be strengthened by increased species richness and composition of the assemblage. This study broadens the applicability of the biodiversity ecosystem-function literature to a new suite of taxa, supporting the overall hypothesis that ecosystem functions and services are likely to decline in response to species extinctions.  相似文献   

The ability of Flavobacterium columnare ( Flexibacter columnaris ) to attach to the gills of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., was evaluated using a gill perfusion model. A comparison between a high and a low virulence strain of F. columnare was made and evaluated in comparison to results obtained previously with an in vivo model. The ion composition of the water of the organ bath in which the gills were suspended was varied and the influence on adhesion processes assessed. Experiments were carried out to examine the influence of water quality (i.e. nitrite and organic matter) and temperature on the capacity of the bacteria to adhere. It was found that the high virulence strain adhered more readily than the low virulence strain, as was found during the in vivo experiments. Moreover, it was observed that adhesion of the high virulence strain was enhanced by a number of factors. These were immersion of the gill in bivalent, ion-rich water, the presence of nitrite or organic matter, and high temperatures.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout from eight North German freshwater culture facilities were investigated for chronic health damage resulting from captivity. The fishes were raised under a wide variety of conditions in net cages, circulation tanks, raceways, and earthen ponds.The most obvious non-contagious health problem was gill injury. Hyperplasia of the gill filaments, leading to lamellar fusion or the development of apical caps, as well as necrotic or advanced degenerative processes were observed. In addition, the gill filaments were frequently shortened, significantly reducing the functional surface of the organ.The lesions occurred in almost the same form in all of the culture units. It is likely that they are part of a syndrome induced by the environmental conditions typical of freshwater aquaculture facilities. These are characterized by an accumulation of nitrogenous excretion and decomposition products, extreme diurnal fluctuations in the concentration of dissolved gases, and intensive feeding involving the sudden addition of large amounts of artificial products. Under such conditions even small quantities of un-ionized ammonia can be toxic for epithelial tissues and disturb the normal elimination of protein metabolites across the gills. The pathological processes may be accelerated by secondary bacterial infections.  相似文献   

鱼虾类暴发性疾病的中医学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王鸿泰 《淡水渔业》1995,25(6):29-30
鱼虾类暴发性疾病的中医学探讨王鸿泰(中国水产科学研究院长江水产研究所)近年来鱼虾类暴发性流行病越来越严重,呈上升趋势,不少学者都认识到这些流行病与生态环境变化有密切相关,特别是多种细菌和病毒都在同一水环境中,如淡水中的呼肠孤病毒(Reovirus)、...  相似文献   

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