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In assessing a fish stock, indices based on catch per unit effort (CPUE) are frequently used. Estimates of three indices of catch per unit effort were compared here (CPUE1, CPUE2 and CPUE3), considering the fitting of two models: (i) a bivariate geostatistical model for catch and effort; (ii) a bivariate model where catch and effort were considered spatially independent. For comparing the estimates of the three indices after the fitting of the two models, catch and effort data were simulated in different scenarios. The simulation study showed that, in general, the estimates of CPUE1 expressed by the ratio of the means of catch and effort, present better results for different scenarios and that the estimates from (i) are better than (ii), mainly when there is a correlation between catch and effort and an additional spatial correlation.  相似文献   

为更深入了解南海外海鸢乌贼的渔场渔期及单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)变化特征,研究基于广义加性模型(GAM),利用海上实测数据分析了多种因素对南海中南部海域鸢乌贼() CPUE的影响。研究发现:(1)最佳GAM模型的影响因素包括经纬度、月相、海表温度SST、月份、作业时间与0~50 m温度梯度Δ50,以方差解释率降序排列,前三种因素依次为经纬度、月相、SST;(2)10°~12° N、112°~114° E附近海域鸢乌贼CPUE最高;(3)月黑夜与月光夜间的鸢乌贼CPUE存在显著性差异,月黑夜显著高于月光夜;(4)鸢乌贼渔场的最适SST范围为29.00~29.49℃,此范围内CPUE与渔获量均为最高;(5)不同月份间的鸢乌贼CPUE存在显著性差异,且8、9月的CPUE高于3、4月;(6)鸢乌贼CPUE随作业时间先变大后变小,最大值出现在凌晨1时;(7)Δ50在0.100~0.149℃/m时CPUE最高,0.000~0.049℃/m时渔获量最大。  相似文献   

2003年春季东海区浮性鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成及数量分布   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
胡芬 《海洋渔业》2004,26(2):79-85
本文分析研究了2003年春季东海区(27°00′~34°00′N)150m以浅海域浮性鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成及数量分布。共鉴定49种鱼类的鱼卵、仔稚鱼,其中31种鉴定到种,隶属于26科、29属。优势种类为日本鳀、方氏云鳚、太平洋鲱。带鱼、小黄鱼等经济鱼类鱼卵、仔稚鱼数量少,鲱形目鱼类鱼卵、仔稚鱼数量较多。鱼卵、仔稚鱼分布主要在近海禁渔线附近海域。  相似文献   

Based on generalized linear models, interspecific interactions were identified between chum and pink salmon. In addition, the effects of sea surface temperature and location on the variability of catch per unit effort (CPUE) of chum salmon from gill‐net surveys carried out between 1972 and 2010 were investigated. In the optimal model, interspecific interactions between CPUEs of chum and pink salmon on a year scale were positive for approximately half of all years in the central Bering Sea. In addition, interspecific interactions on a multi‐year scale were positive in even‐numbered years. The effects of location on the CPUE of chum salmon were significant variables in the optimal model. The CPUEs of chum salmon located near the continental shelf in the Bering Sea were higher than those of other locations. This study provides new evidence of positive interspecific interactions between the CPUEs of chum and pink salmon. The results also suggest that the standardized CPUE of chum salmon from the gill‐net surveys reflects relative chum salmon abundance in the North Pacific Ocean in the following year.  相似文献   

A general linear model (GLM) was used to standardize catch per unit effort (CPUE) data for Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the Bering Sea fleet for the years 1995–1999. Data were stratified temporally by year and season and spatially by area using either Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) reporting areas. Four factors were used: vessel identification (ID) number, vessel speed, percentage of pollock by weight in the haul (a measure of targeting), and whether most of the haul took place before or after sunset. At least 29 combinations of main effects, quadratic covariates, and interactions were tested for each year/area/season stratum. GLM models explained from 31 to 48% of the total sums of squares. Vessel identification number was included in all models and explained the most variability. Of the remaining factors, the square of the percentage of pollock in the haul was included in most models, following an F-test to determine parsimony. Analysis of the vessel identification number coefficients indicated that larger vessels tended to have higher CPUEs; and that this relationship differed between dedicated catcher vessels and offshore catcher processors. Coefficient estimates and response surfaces generally indicated increased CPUEs with the percentage of pollock in the haul and showed mixed results with vessel speed. The vessel identification number incorporated most vessel characteristics, leaving vessel speed primarily as a fitting variable with less biological meaning. The year/area/season stratification procedure was found to be necessary due to the unbalanced design, which otherwise would have factor levels with no data in a large combined model. In addition, the stratification procedure reduced the variability in CPUE substantially.  相似文献   

南海北部海域重要经济鱼类资源声学评估   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据1997年12月至1999年6月利用“北斗”号调查船的SimradEK500回声探测-积分系统在南海北部海域获取的渔业资源调查资料,运用渔业资源声学评估方法对该海域的带鱼科(Trichiuridae)鱼类、蓝圆(Decapterusmaruadsi)、竹鱼(Trachurusjaponicus)、金线鱼科(Nemipterus)鱼类以及大眼鲷科(Priacanthidae)鱼类等5类23种经济鱼类进行了评估与分析。结果表明,在南海北部海域带鱼科、蓝圆、竹鱼、金线鱼科和大眼鲷科的资源量分别为50.4×104t、16.3×104t、10.4×104t、9.8×104t和9.2×104t,其中带鱼科的资源量密度以冬季和粤西海域最高,蓝圆和竹鱼的资源量密度都以秋季和粤东海域最高,但竹鱼的资源量密度秋季明显高于其他季节。金线鱼科秋季在112°30′~116°E珠江口近海海域自西南到东北出现高度密集分布带,大眼鲷科在南海北部海域的分布较广泛,没有出现明显的高度密集区。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of three sea surface oceanographic variables (temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll a) on the abundance of eggs and larvae of two summer‐spawning species in the NW Mediterranean Sea, the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and the round sardinella Sardinella aurita, based on data from ichthyoplankton surveys carried out in the 1980s, 2000s, and 2010s. The environmental data showed an increase in seawater temperature and salinity along time, coupled with a decrease in chlorophyll a (proxy for primary production). These long‐term directional changes in environmental conditions helped explain the important reduction observed in the abundance of eggs and larvae of anchovy, as well as shrinking of spawning habitat in this species. At the same time, the probability of occurrence of round sardinella has increased from practically zero in the 1980s to probabilities near 1 along the coastal area of the study region in the two decades of the 21st century. Given that the trends observed in the environmental variables along the three decades of study are expected to continue during the 21st century, as a consequence of climate change, the spawning habitat of anchovy is expected to continue decreasing, while round sardinella habitat can expand. Considering that anchovy is of high commercial importance in NW Mediterranean fisheries, while round sardinella has very low commercial interest, our results show that the viability of small pelagic fisheries in the area may be compromised.  相似文献   

为了研究黄海近海鱼类活动规律,采用自主研制的科研型鱼探仪于2015年11月22日至12月5日对调查海域的鱼类活动进行了首次声学调查,统计分析鱼类活动规律。在调查海域布放4套鱼探仪设备对鱼类进行定点长时间监测,并将采集到的鱼类回波数据利用水声技术进行分析和处理,得到调查海域单体鱼类目标强度在垂直方向上的分布、鱼类目标强度大小的分布以及鱼类在不同水层和不同时间段的活动情况。结果显示,调查海域冬季鱼类主要活动在4~10 m的中上水层,鱼类分布随着水层深度的逐步增加而急剧减少;从9∶00至13∶00鱼类活动频度呈增大趋势,并在13∶00至14∶00频度达到顶峰(约为38%),随后频度减弱;统计得到该海域鱼类目标强度主要以-49~-40 d B占比最高,目标强度大于-40 d B的鱼类均匀分布在整个水层,目标强度小于-40 d B的鱼类主要分布在4~10 m浅水层。研究表明,采用水声技术能够实现对鱼类活动的监测;调查海域的鱼类目标强度分布比较集中,鱼类在深度上的分布主要集中于中上水层,鱼类在不同时间段的活动情况随水温变化而变化,温度升高鱼类活动频度增加,反之则降低。由此可知,该海域鱼类的种类以暖水物种为主。  相似文献   

渤海鱼类群落结构关键种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于2012—2016年每年8月渤海鱼类资源量底拖网调查数据,对鱼类群落进行了CLUSTER聚类分析和MDS标序,根据组间差异种和组内相似种年际贡献率,筛选鱼类群落结构关键种,结果显示:(1)在29.93%~35.69%的相似性水平上,2012—2016年各年度渤海鱼类群落分组情况良好,相应MDS系数都小于0.2。(2)2012—2016年渤海鱼类组间种类组成差异都极显著(P=0.001),贡献组间80%累积差异性,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,4个年度共有的种有鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、3个年度共有的种有黄鲫(Setipinna taty);组间差异性贡献率大于10%,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,3个年度共有种仅有鳀,2个年度共有种仅有黄鲫。(3)贡献2012–2016年渤海鱼类群落组内相似性80%累积贡献率,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,2个年度共有的种有鳀、矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)和矛尾复虾虎鱼(Synechogobius hasta);组内相似性贡献率大于10%,且出现率超过50%的鱼类,3个年度共有种有鳀,2个年度共有种有矛尾虾虎鱼和矛尾复虾虎鱼。(4)依据2012—2016年渤海鱼类群落结构相似性与差异性中各鱼种累积贡献率和单贡献率的大小和出现频率,推断鳀是渤海鱼类群落结构的首要关键种,其次为黄鲫,然后是矛尾虾虎鱼和矛尾复虾虎鱼。这4种鱼的站位平均资源量对中上层鱼类及底层鱼类站位平均资源量的比例及相关性和回归性,以及年度的优势度指数也证实上述关键种观点。综上所述,渤海鱼类群落结构首要关键种为鳀,其次为黄鲫,渤海鱼类关键种的研究可为渤海捕捞产业的调整和渔业资源的养护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄、东海冬季底层鱼类群落结构及多样性变化   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:28  
程济生 《水产学报》2004,28(1):29-34
根据1991年和2000年冬季在黄海中南部和东海中北部海域进行的底拖网调查资料,对黄、东海底层鱼类群落的资源状况、重要种类的生态优势度与结构、多样性及其空间分布格局等方面的动态变化进行了分析。结果表明,生物量指数明显下降,个体小型化使生物资源密度显著上升;重要种类成分发生演替,优势度有较大变化;物种丰富度指数(D)下降极其显著,Shannon—Wiener多样度指数(H′)也有所下降,但不显著。  相似文献   

渤海鱼类群落功能群及其主要种类   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
根据2009年8月和10月对渤海渔业资源的底拖网调查,采用胃含物分析、聚类分析和功能群划分的方法研究了渤海鱼类群落的功能群组成及其主要种类。结果表明,渤海夏、秋季鱼类群落包括7个功能群,分别为浮游动物食性功能群、杂食性功能群、底栖动物食性功能群、虾食性功能群、虾/鱼食性功能群、鱼食性功能群和广食性功能群;其中主要功能群为浮游动物食性功能群、杂食性功能群和虾/鱼食性功能群;主要种类有小黄鱼、蓝点马鲛、斑、赤鼻棱鳀、银鲳和黄鲫。圆筛藻、中华哲水蚤、太平洋磷虾、长额刺糠虾、中国毛虾、甲壳类幼体、日本鼓虾、六丝矛尾虎鱼、小黄鱼、双壳类和腹足类是当前渤海夏、秋季鱼类群落的主要饵料种类。  相似文献   

东海北部鱼类组成特征分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
李圣法 《水产学报》2004,28(4):384-392
利用1997-2000年东海北部(29°30′~33°00′N,122°30′~128°00′E)四个季节的底拖网调查资料,选取生物量占总生物量90%的前27种鱼类,运用聚类分析和多维标度分析法,研究了东海北部鱼类组成的空间格局特征。结果显示东海北部鱼类组成可分为三个群聚类型,即近海群聚、较深海域群聚和外海群聚。近海群聚的主要种类有凤鲚(Coilia mystus)、龙头鱼(Harpadon nehereus)、黄鲫(Setipinna taty)等;较深海域群聚的主要种类有鳀(Engraulis japonicus)、带鱼(Trichiurus japonicus)、日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)、鳄齿鱼(Champsodon capensis)、细条天竺鲷(Apogon lineatus)、发光鲷(Acropoma japonicum)等;而竹(竹夹)鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)、黄鲷(Taius tumifrons)、水珍鱼(Argentina kgoshimae)、日本海鲂(Zeus fober)、绿鳍马面鲀(Thamnaconus sepremtrionalis)等为外海群聚的主要种类。同时分析了水深、底层温度、底层盐度等环境因子与鱼类群聚的关系,表明影响鱼类群聚的主要环境因子有水深、底层盐度。不同群聚间的种类分布是重叠交错的,并没有明显的群聚边界,但密集分布海域各异,不同群聚的种类组成在不同季节具有一定的持续性,其种类组成保持了相对的稳定。  相似文献   

The Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) population in the western Atlantic supports substantial commercial and recreational fisheries. Despite quota establishment and management under the auspices of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, only small increases in population growth have been estimated. In contrast to other western bluefin tuna fisheries indices, contemporary estimates of catch per unit effort (CPUE) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence have increased rapidly and are at record highs. This area is characterized by the Cold Intermediate Layer (CIL) that is defined by waters <3°C and located at depths of 30–40 m in September. We investigated the influence of several in situ environmental variables on the bluefin tuna fishery CPUE using delta‐lognormal modelling and relatively extensive and consistent oceanographic survey data, as well as dockside monitoring and mandatory logbook data associated with the fishery. Although there is considerable spatial and temporal variation of water mass characteristics, the amount of available habitat in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (assuming a > 3°C thermal ambit) for bluefin tuna has been increasing. The percentage of the water column occupied by the CIL was a significant environmental variable in the standardization of CPUE estimates. There was also a negative relationship between the spatial extents of the CIL and the fishery. Properties of the CIL account for variation in the bluefin tuna CPUE and may be a factor in determining the amount of available feeding habitat for bluefin tuna in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence.  相似文献   

东海区小黄鱼现存资源量分析   总被引:30,自引:10,他引:20  
林龙山 《海洋渔业》2004,26(1):18-23
本文以 2 0 0 2年东海区渔业资源监测调查资料为依据 ,对小黄鱼的体长、体重和现存资源量进行了分析研究。结果表明 ,2 0 0 2年东海区小黄鱼种群的平均体长仅为 12 3.89mm ,优势体长组为 110~ 130mm ,占4 6 .15 % ;平均体重为 35 .2 7g ,优势体重组为 2 0~ 4 0g ,占 5 9.4 1% ;个体小型化相当突出。现存资源量评估结果为 2 .5 1× 10 4t,7.12× 10 8尾 ,资源发生量处于历史较高水平 ,但种群处于严重补充型捕捞过度。建议采取更科学、更严格的管理措施 ,促使小黄鱼资源切实走上可持续发展的道路  相似文献   

秋季黄海底层鱼类群落结构的变化   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
根据1985年和2000年秋季渔业生物资源底拖网调查资料,分析了黄海底层鱼类群落结构的时空变化。结果表明,渔业资源优势种的组成随区域和时间不同有着较大的差异。黄海北部和中部渔获种类组成相似性较高,北部与南部、中部与南部的相似性较低;黄海渔获生物种类组成年间相似性较高,为65。进一步的单因子ANOSIM分析表明黄海底层鱼类群落不同区域和年间种类组成没有显著性差异。黄海渔业生物多样性由北向南递减。与1985年相比,2000年鱼类群落长度谱表现出小型种类和小个体增多,大个体减少,且长度范围变小;主要优势种的长度组成也呈现小型化趋势。长度谱区域变化则是从北部向南部小个体数量增多,大个体数量减少。  相似文献   

为查明南海外海鲹科鱼类的资源量及其分布, 利用科学探鱼仪(Simrad EY60) 并结合灯光罩网采样方法,2012 年秋季和2013 年春季对南海中南部( 6N~17N) 及2015 年春季和秋季对南海北部外海(17N~22N) 鲹科鱼类资源进行了调查与评估。在确定该方法的有效性基础上, 调查结果显示, 2012 年秋季和2013 年春季南海中南部鲹科鱼类资源量分别是4.13105 t 和3.49 105 t, 两季调查中鲹科鱼类分布的高值区均是15N断面; 2015年春季南海北部外海鲹科鱼类资源量是2.03105 t, 高值区位于18.50N~19.50N、113.00E ~116.00E 海域, 而2015 年秋季该海域其资源量仅0.59 105 t。研究表明, 南海外海鲹科鱼类种类组成存在明显季节变化;细鳞圆鲹( Decapterus macarellus) 和长体圆鲹( D.macrosoma) 是最重要的经济鲹科种类; 2012 年秋季中南部鲹科鱼类资源量密度明显高于2015 年秋季北部外海( P0.01, t检验) , 但与2013 年春季中南部无显著差异( P0.05,t 检验); 2015 年春季北部外海鲹科鱼类资源量密度与2013 年春季中南部无显著差异( P0.05, t 检验) , 但明显大于2015 年秋季(P0.01, t 检验) 。  相似文献   

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