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pH对紫彩血蛤幼虫发育的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
pH对紫彩血蛤(Nutaliaolivacea)幼虫生长、存活和变态有影响,pH6.44~9.51时培养幼虫均能得到变态的稚贝,说明pH对幼虫变态率影响较小,但对幼虫存活率影响较大;pH8.00~8.47时,存活率较高,为91.0%以上,高于或低于此pH范围,其存活率呈下降趋势;pH9.51时最低,仅为34.0%。低pH组在培养早期幼虫出现畸形,死亡较多,而高pH组则在培养后期死亡较多  相似文献   

在水温22.8~24.6℃,盐度24~25,pH 7.82~8.36的条件下,研究了培育密度及饵料种类对四角蛤蜊幼虫生长、存活及变态的影响.试验结果表明,不同的培育密度(5、10、15、20、30个/ml)下,幼虫的生长速度、存活率随着密度的增大而降低;30个/ml试验组幼虫不能发育至匍匐幼虫;5、10、15、20个/ml试验组幼虫的变态率随着密度的增大而降低,各阶段的发育时间随着密度的增大而增加.不同的饵料种类及投喂方式,即单独投喂金藻(J)、小球藻(Q)与混合投喂[JQ11(J:Q=1:1)、JQ12(J:Q=1:2)、JQ21(J:Q=2:1)]对幼虫的生长速度、存活率、变态率及幼虫各阶段发育时间的影响也不同,单独投喂效果较差,混合投喂效果相对较好.在四角蛤蜊苗种生产过程中,培育密度10个/ml较为合理,且混合投喂比单独投喂效果更好.  相似文献   

为探索流水条件与换水操作对缢蛏育苗初期的影响,2015年9月在三门东航水产育苗场进行试验,试验桶X(编号1、2、3*、4*、5*、6*)设置筛绢网与进出水开关控制流水速度,试验桶Y(编号7、8)未设置筛绢网且进行倒池操作,水温26~27.5℃,pH 8.0~8.2,盐度13,光照度低于1000lx。结果表明,对于非流水性育苗,加大换水量与设置筛绢网减少机械损伤能够显著提高缢蛏幼虫期的存活率(P0.05),对孵化及生长变态等指标无显著影响(P0.05);对于流水性育苗,当换水量逐渐加大时,缢蛏卵子的受精率降低,受精卵的孵化率在提高后回落,D形幼虫规格无显著差异(P0.05),稚贝规格与变态率降低,变态时间延长,缢蛏幼虫的壳长在试验中后期生长速率减缓、存活率降低,但与非流水性试验组的壳长及存活率数据进行对比得出,当流水量较小时,缢蛏幼虫壳长无显著差异(P0.05),存活率有明显提高。本试验验证了适量的流水性育苗与不倒池换水操作可以显著提高缢蛏幼虫孵化率、变态率、存活率,对变态时间与稚贝规格无显著影响。  相似文献   

盐度对紫彩血蛤胚胎及幼虫发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就盐度对紫彩血蛤胚胎及幼虫发育的影响进行了研究,结果:紫彩血蛤胚胎发育的有效盐度范围为16.07~37.04,最适盐度范围为23.95~31.03。盐度为23.95,胚胎发育速度最快,孵化率最高,达98%,幼虫发育的适宜盐度范围为16.07~37.04,其中盐度为28.03,幼虫存活率和变态率最高,分别为78.8%和88.6%,盐度12.02~40.95对幼虫均无明显致畸影响。  相似文献   

化学物质对不同发育天数海湾扇贝幼虫变态的诱导   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
自海湾扇贝(Argopectenirradians)受精后第10天起,定期取一定量海湾扇贝幼虫,分别置于不同浓度梯度的KCl、肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、L-DOPA、5-羟色胺、GABA、茶碱和咖啡因等8种诱导物中,处理时间为8h。实验后第14天取出幼虫观察显示,这8种诱导物对不同发育天数海湾扇贝幼虫的变态有着不同的诱导作用。13.42×10-3和20.13×10-3mol/L的KCl对第12天幼虫的变态有抑制作用,变态提高率为负值;当幼虫发育至第13和14天时,上述两浓度的KCl能够明显诱导幼虫变态,变态率均提高20%以上,而对于第16天的幼虫诱导作用有所减弱,变态提高率有所降低;26.85×10-3mol/L的KCl对第12和13天幼虫的变态均有抑制作用,变态提高率为负值,对第14和16天幼虫的变态却有明显持续的诱导作用,变态率分别提高22.98%和37.5%。神经递质肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、L-DOPA、5-羟色胺和GABA的诱导作用规律基本相似,即对第13天海湾扇贝幼虫的变态有明显的抑制作用,变态提高率均为负值,而对第14天幼虫的诱导作用较显著。茶碱和咖啡因作为影响细胞内cAMP的物质,其诱导作用规律与神经递质有所不同,对第13天海湾扇贝幼虫变态的诱导效果最好。  相似文献   

<正> 在贝类室内人工育苗中,尤其在水温较高的情况下,由于细菌与原生动物大量繁衍,给面盘幼虫带来极大危害,造成人工育苗失败。因此,国内外很多贝类工作者在育苗中应用抗生素等药物,抑制细菌的繁殖,提高面盘幼虫的成活率和稚贝附着变态率。Walre(1958)在培养牡蛎幼虫时,每毫升海水中加入青霉素钾盐 G50单位和链霉素硫酸盐50毫克,取得了良好的结果。几年来,我们在培养栉孔扇贝面盘幼虫中,加入3~5ppm的青霉素或1~2ppm土霉素后,幼虫成活率和变态率显著提高。但是,据 Davis 和 Chanley  相似文献   

饥饿对波部东风螺幼虫存活_生长及变态的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
郑怀平 《水产学报》2000,24(6):510-515
对波部东风螺幼虫进行不同时间的初次投饵实验,测定了饥饿对波部东风螺幼虫存活、生长及变态的影响。幼虫自身存在一个耐受饥饿不可逆点,实验测得约为105h。饥饿条件下,卵黄作为幼虫早期的内源性营养,对维持幼虫的生存和生长都起着相当重要的作用。36h的短时间饥饿并不影响幼虫的生长,但随着饥饿时间的延长,幼虫的存活率、变态率显著地降低,生长速度明显变慢;幼虫自发变态时间随着饥饿时间的延长而延长,二者呈线性关  相似文献   

在水温28~29℃、盐度24~25条件下,研究墨西哥湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians concentricus)选育系的早期发育及幼虫和稚贝的生长。受精卵经50 min发育至卵裂,经22~24 h发育至D形幼虫,经11 d发育至眼点幼虫并出现足,进入附着变态阶段。选育系的胚胎发育时间和浮游幼虫前期壳长、壳高与对照系比较差异不显著(P0.05);浮游幼虫后期及至附着变态阶段,选育系与对照系的壳长和壳高差异显著(P0.05)。选育系的附着变态率和存活率与对照系比较均差异显著(P0.05),且优势明显。本研究表明,墨西哥湾扇贝浮游幼虫发育前期缓慢,幼虫后期、稚贝期生长迅速;壳长和壳高的生长速度不同步,幼虫前期壳长生长快于壳高,后期壳高生长快于壳长,并于第28~30天时壳高超过壳长。墨西哥湾扇贝选育系在幼虫和稚贝阶段生长速度明显快于对照系,具有明显的生长优势及生长潜力。  相似文献   

1996年8~9月间在室内用8种化学诱导物对泥蚶变态前期幼虫进行附着变态诱导实验。结果表明,8种药物对泥蚶幼虫的变态均有一定的诱导作用。其中,3-HT、EPI和NE对幼虫变态的诱导作用极显著,有效浓度范围较广;KCl和Ala的诱导作用较显著,有效浓度范围较窄;而Try、CABA和Ach只有某些浓度组的诱导效果明显,诱导效率对浓度的信赖性较强。从诱导物浓度来看,10-4mol/L的Ala、GABA和10-5mol/L的EPI诱导效果最好,与对照组相比,变态率均提高12%以上。不同处理时间试验表明,处理时间的长短与幼虫的变态率无一致的相关性关系,因药而异;总的来看,处理时间不超过8h的诱导效果较好,时间过长诱导率降低(GABA除外)。其中,用10-5mol/L的Ala处理1~4h或10-5mol/L的EPI处理4h效果最好,与对照组相比,变态率均提高25%以上。8种药物中,只有Try表现出对幼虫明显的毒性影响,Try的浓度越高,处理时间越长,幼虫的死亡率越高,用10-4mol/L的Try处理幼虫3h,死亡率达89%。  相似文献   

菲律宾蛤仔家系的建立及早期生长发育   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用不平衡巢式设计建立33个菲律宾蛤仔家系(11个父系半同胞家系和33个全同胞家系),并对各家系蛤仔的卵径、受精率、孵化率及生长、存活和变态的相关指标进行了分析。结果表明:各家系蛤仔的卵径、受精率无显著差异(P>0.05,n=90),但孵化率有明显差异(P<0.05,n=90)。在不同时期各家系蛤仔的生长情况不同。幼虫期间,9日龄C2生长最快比生长最慢的F2平均壳长大28.24%,且差异显著(P<0.05,n=90)。D3绝对生长最大比平均值高37.24%。稚贝期间,40日龄I1生长最快比生长最慢的B3平均壳长大78.29%,且差异显著(P<0.05,n=90)。I1绝对生长也最大比平均值高87.61%,其中400~500μm个体占30%,500μm以上个体占53.33%,家系内个体趋于大型化,而B1、B3家系内个体生长性状出现衰退现象,趋于小型化,300μm以下个体分别占整个家系的83.33%、90%。在相同时期各家系蛤仔的存活率不同。幼虫期间,9日龄I2存活率最高比平均存活率高94.14%,E3存活率最低比平均存活率低72.65%。稚贝期间,40日龄时各家系稚贝的存活率较高,都在85%以上。变态期间,同胞...  相似文献   

青蛤受精卵和幼虫密度对孵化和生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周琳  陆平 《海洋渔业》1999,21(4):157-159
本文报道了青蛤受精卵密度对孵化的影响和青蛤幼虫培养密度对生长的影响。受精卵密度在26个/ml、30个/ml、38个/ml、44个/ml、53个/ml时,孵化率在87.8~89.9%之间;受精卵密度为53个/ml时,幼虫畸形率较高。实验发现,幼虫的培养密度应控制在6~11个/ml,幼虫变态后,减少培养密度,可以提高幼虫成活率。  相似文献   

菲律宾蛤仔幼虫食料和食性的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文叙述了菲律宾蛤仔面盘幼虫初期对饵料大小和活动能力有明显选择性。培养时,能及时投放个体小、幼虫生长快的单胞藻为饵料,可缩短幼虫培养周期和使幼虫变态更一致。试验表明,湛江叉鞭金藻、角毛藻和三角褐指藻是幼虫较理想的饵料。  相似文献   

探讨低温(4 ℃)条件下的厚壳贻贝早期幼虫保存可能性,同时调查了不同培育密度对低温保存的影响。在正常条件下,继续培育低温保存后的幼虫,并调查其存活率和生长的变化。 结果表明,在低温保存后,早期幼虫存活率较高,超过95%;厚壳贻贝早期幼虫的壳长和壳高出现显著性的增长。不同培育组间,培育密度对厚壳贻贝早期幼虫的存活和生长影响不同,表明密度是幼虫低温保存的一个重要因素。在正常培育条件下,低温保存后的幼虫,3周后其存活率明显低于对照组,但仍超过50%,且其生长速度明显高于对照组。因此,低温培育是保存厚壳贻贝早期幼虫的有效方法,可用于今后贝类幼虫生物学实验和人工育苗技术的改善研究。  相似文献   

The effect of the adherence of the lipid droplet in the yolk‐sac on the growth and survival of the European hake (Merluccius merluccius) larvae was studied under starved and feeding conditions. Recently hatched hake larvae with adhered and non‐adhered lipid droplet (ALD and non‐ALD) were maintained during 8 days under starvation conditions. The adherence of the lipid droplet positively affected larval survival during starvation. At the end of the yolk consumption period (7–8 days after hatching), 90% of the surviving larvae had an ALD, while 10% of the survivors had a non‐ALD and showed a higher mortality rate. In a month feeding experiment, results show that the presence of non‐ALD in newly hatched hake larvae negatively affected their growth and survival. Dry weight and length (TL) of 20‐days‐old larvae with ALD were significantly higher than those with non‐ALD. Furthermore, lifespan of those larvae with non‐adhered lipid droplet was shorter, with most of them dying during the first 15–20 days of culture. As conclusion, the percentage of the lipid droplet adherence at hatching could be used as an indicator of ‘quality’ for European hake larvae: the greater the number of larvae with adhered lipid droplet, the better larval growth and survival.  相似文献   

将初始体质量为(0.006±0.0005)g的仔鱼,随机分为4组,每组3个平行,分别投喂4种饵料:人工配合饵料、轮虫、蛋黄和轮虫+人工配合饵料.试验周期为28 d.结果表明,(1)轮虫+人工配合饵料和人工配合饵料组生长较快,特定生长率分别为0.014 %/d和0.013 %/d, 绝对生长率达到0.150、0.142 g/d,二组差异不显著(P>0.05);蛋黄组生长最慢,与其他各组差异显著(P<0.05).(2)轮虫+人工配合饵料与轮虫组仔稚鱼的成活率达到90.3%和 89.7%,大部分个体发育进入幼鱼阶段,二组差异不显著(P>0.05);蛋黄组存活率较低,只有40.7%,与其他各组差异显著(P<0.05).(3)投喂不同饵料对奥尼罗非鱼仔稚鱼的消化酶具有显著影响,蛋黄组的淀粉酶和脂肪酶活力显著高于其他各组(P<0.05);轮虫+人工配合饵料组的胃蛋白酶活力较高,天然饵料(轮虫)组较低.  相似文献   

Live hatchery feeds were assayed for fatty acids (FA), amino acids (AA), and their ability to support growth and survival of larval and postlarval mahimahi Coryphaena hippurus at two different hatchery stages. Euterpina acuritrons copepods (C), mahimahi yolk-sac larvae (YSL), Artemia parthenogenica brine shrimp nauplii (BSn), A. parthenogenica juveniles (BSj), and Brachionus plicatilis rotifers (R) were assayed, using several enrichment media. There was little difference in AAs among feeds.
Levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) were about 10 times higher in YSL than in their feeds. This explains previous findings where first stage larval survival (0–9 days) was not affected by feed HUFA levels. Second stage survival was significantly higher when larvae were fed copepods. Enrichment with 100 ppm SuperSelco greatly improved the survival of larvae that were fed brine shrimp. The even higher omega-3 fatty acids found in copepods appear to be important for survival of larvae under more stressful conditions.
Brine shrimp juveniles enriched with SuperSelco are a good food for postlarval mahimahi. Yolksac larvae of mahimahi are an even better food, promoting faster growth at less cost, for large scale mahimahi aquaculturists. Different batches of yolksac mahimahi larvae varied by a factor of 10 in their concentration of DHA, but always had the highest level of DHA as much as 40% of total fatty acids (FAs). These "high HUFA" batches of YSL also had the highest levels of EPA and total fatty acids. The data suggest that climate and broodstock age may have considerable influence on larval nutrition.  相似文献   

Live prey used in aquaculture to feed marine larval fish – rotifer and Artemia nauplii – lack the necessary levels of n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n‐3 PUFA) which are considered essential for the development of fish larvae. Due to the high voracity, visual feeding in conditions of relatively high luminosity, and cannibalism observed in meagre larvae, a study of its nutritional requirements is needed. In this study, the effect of different enrichment products with different docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) concentrations used to enrich rotifers and Artemia metanauplii have been tested on growth, survival, and lipid composition of the larvae of meagre. The larvae fed live prey enriched with Algamac 3050 (AG) showed a significantly higher growth than the rest of the groups at the end of the larval rearing, while the larvae fed preys enriched with Multigain (MG) had a higher survival rate. DHA levels in larvae fed prey enriched with MG were significantly higher than in those fed AG‐enriched prey. High levels of DHA in Artemia metanauplii must be used to achieve optimal growth and survival of meagre larvae.  相似文献   

Dynamics of clupeiform fish populations such as anchovy are frequently impacted by environmental variations which can affect the success of the species recruitment. Herein, we have analyzed recent otolith growth rate, RNA/DNA nutritional condition index (sRD), and mortality rate of argentine anchovy larvae Engraulis anchoita from three different nursery areas in the Southwest Atlantic. We have evaluated the relationship between the environmental variables (abundance of copepod nauplii, temperature, chlorophyll‐a concentration, and abundance of E. anchoita larvae) and larval endogenous variables (size, weight, age, and otolith radius) to sRD and recent growth rate. Fast larval growth rates were observed toward the northern sector of the studied area, characterized by higher temperature. High values of sRD were associated with higher nauplii abundance in the proximity of coastal fronts. The larvae with the lowest growths and lowest minimum values of nutritional condition coincided with the area where there was less abundance of nauplii and higher larval mortality. Larval size and nauplii abundance were positive explanatory factors for both recent growth rate and sRD index. Temperature had a positive effect on recent growth rate and a negative effect on sRD index. This condition index was poorly explained in terms of model fit in comparison with the growth model. The results herein provided could be significant to better understand the recruitment of the species, as to determining favorable areas for the growth and survival of anchovy larvae.  相似文献   

为了解单一饵料或混合投喂对玉足海参(Holothuria leucospilota)幼体生长的影响,采用2种单胞藻(牟氏角毛藻、球等鞭金藻)和2种酵母(酿酒酵母、海洋红酵母)单一或组合搭配投喂玉足海参耳状幼体,测定并比较海参幼体的体长、胃宽、水体腔长、变态成活率等指标。试验结果显示:单一饵料组中,牟氏角毛藻对玉足海参幼体体长的生长及变态存活最有利,而球等鞭金藻对其脏器(胃、水体腔)的发育最有利;综合所有处理组的投喂效果看,混合投喂组比单一饵料组更有利于玉足海参幼体的生长和存活,其中酿酒酵母+海洋红酵母的混合投喂组合得到了最高的体长、胃宽和水体腔长特定生长率,牟氏角毛藻+海洋红酵母投喂组的变态成活率最高,变态发育速度最快。结果表明,在玉足海参幼体培养早期适合以混合酵母为主投喂,后期则可较多投喂牟氏角毛藻和海洋红酵母。  相似文献   

The pullet carpet shell Venerupis corrugata is an economically valuable species in several European countries, however, nowadays stocks are under high fishing pressure. Hatchery production of juveniles for release is a major contributor to strengthen the stock and consequently improve the sustainability of the natural stocks. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of rearing V. corrugata larvae with different larval densities (10, 40 and 200 larvae per mL) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), compared with the traditional larval rearing methodology (Batch). The mean survival, growth and metamorphic rate of V. corrugata larvae in RAS was higher (11.1%; 71.3 μm; 21.6% respectively) than in the Batch system, in all tested densities. The larval growth was not affected by the initial density until 40 larvae per mL, however, 200 larvae per mL decreased the larval growth in length nearly 54 μm. The larval rearing time was shortened in 2 days in the RAS system. The physical, chemical and microbiologic parameters suggested that the tested densities were not excessive to disturb the biofilter stability of RAS. The V. corrugata larval rearing performed at high larval stocking densities in RAS system present a reduction in the operating costs to produce this species.  相似文献   

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