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  1. Aquaculture in arid Patagonia is potentially affecting the hooded grebe (Podiceps gallardoi), a critically endangered endemic waterbird. Exotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were stocked from 1994 in naturally fishless lakes, the primary reproductive habitat of this grebe.
  2. Trout and grebes are visual predators, whose diets overlap. Consequently, trout could reduce the abundance of prey of the hooded grebe.
  3. This study compared the size distribution and abundance of the pelagic zooplankton fraction preyed upon by trout in four fishless lakes and three lakes stocked with trout, including vegetated and unvegetated lakes.
  4. The mean size of Daphnia spp. was 45% and 35% larger in fishless lakes than in stocked lakes, for unvegetated and vegetated lakes, respectively. Boeckella spp. were larger in fishless than in stocked vegetated lakes.
  5. Fishless and stocked lakes had highly contrasting biomasses of large pelagic crustaceans. Amphipods were absent from the water column of all stocked lakes analysed, and were abundant in fishless lakes. Parabroteas sarsi was absent from the two large unvegetated lakes, stocked with trout.
  6. These shifts in the abundance and size spectrum of the zooplankton may reflect competition between trout and hooded grebe, affecting the survival of the latter species.
  7. The current conservation status of this rare aquatic bird demands the application of management tools to reduce the detrimental effects of aquaculture on their primary reproductive habitat.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The Strobel Meseta, a basaltic plateau of Patagonia (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina), holds thousands of shallow fishless lakes that are prime habitat for many species of waterbirds, including some considered ‘near threatened’. In recent years, several lakes have been stocked with trout which has created uncertainty about the potential effects on the recipient ecosystem.
  • 2. Limnological and topographical analyses were performed in a group of 32 lakes of the Strobel Meseta in order to characterize and classify individual lakes of the meseta based on their limnological and topographic features, analyze the association between lake type and use by aquatic birds in general and by the endemic hooded grebe (Podiceps gallardoi) in particular, and evaluate the overlap between trout aquaculture and critical habitat for waterbirds.
  • 3. The lakes were classified by multivariate analyses into four characteristic types: turbid, high conductivity lakes (T), small vegetated lakes (SV) and larger lakes which were subdivided into either vegetated (LV) or unvegetated (LU). In general, macrophyte cover was the main classificatory variable, whereas conductivity, pH, surface, and depth contributed moderately. Large vegetated lakes were generally found to be important for waterbirds and provided critical habitat for the hooded grebe, whereas trout farmers largely favoured large unvegetated lakes. However, since some large vegetated lakes have already been stocked, there is some level of geographical overlap between waterbird habitat and trout farming.
  • 4. The existence of some level of spatial segregation between production and critical waterbird habitat affords opportunities for designing a spatially‐based management system for trout aquaculture.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The population of the critically endangered hooded grebe (Podiceps gallardoi) has decreased drastically during recent decades. The effects of climate change on their reproductive area (Southern Patagonia) have been proposed as one of the potential causes of their critical situation. However, there is much uncertainty about climate variability and climate trends at local scales in Patagonia, and their effects on the hooded grebe habitat.
  2. Variability and trends in temperature, precipitation, and wind from 1960 to 2016 in one of the most important reproductive areas of hooded grebe – the Lake Strobel plateau – were analysed. A Landsat satellite image series (1973–2016) was used to evaluate changes in lake area in the region.
  3. Generalized linear models were used to analyse the relationship between the variation in lake area and climatic variables, including the Antarctic Oscillation Mode (AAO) index, which is the most important year to year pattern in climate variability at high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere.
  4. High inter‐annual variability and increasing coefficients of variation in precipitation and wind were found, as well as a significant positive trend in temperature. Total lake area, as well as the area specifically used by hooded grebe to reproduce, decreased significantly over time, with high inter‐annual variability. Variation in lake area was significantly correlated with variation in precipitation, and with the AAO index.
  5. The loss of reproductive habitat may force the hooded grebe to use sub‐optimal environments, such as lakes with lower food supply, lower macrophyte cover, and less protection from wind – a potential major handicap for this declining species.
  6. Information on lake variation in response to climatic variability could be used to guide hooded grebe conservation strategies, directing more resources and special efforts to those reproductive lakes that are more resilient to the effects of climate fluctuations.

  • 1. Like many sea‐duck populations, the British breeding population of common scoters Melanitta nigra has declined markedly. In 2009, a study was established to measure factors affecting lake use by breeding scoters, to inform conservation measures. That study, published in Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (AQC) in 2016, showed that lakes used by scoters had relatively more shallow water and large invertebrates. Furthermore, lakes with abundant large invertebrates had relatively few brown trout Salmo trutta. These results probably reflect the importance of foraging habitat (shallow water), prey abundance (large invertebrates), and competition for prey (trout abundance) in influencing scoter lake use.
  • 2. To develop this study, additional research, and scoter conservation measures, we formed a long‐term partnership, comprising nature conservation non‐governmental organizations, statutory agencies, fisheries managers and the regional hydropower company. The partnership meets regularly to coordinate and review research and develop conservation measures, building on the earlier lake‐use study.
  • 3. At key scoter lakes managed for hydropower, the partnership negotiated a revised water level management regime, favouring shallow water availability in the breeding season. This regime was informed by additional research, showing the value of certain islands for nesting scoters, and water level requirements to maintain these as islands.
  • 4. In a different key scoter area — an extensive near‐natural peatland where recreational angling takes place — the partnership established a trial of increased brown trout angling, with increased fish removal, to determine whether this would increase invertebrate prey abundance and benefit breeding scoters. Both conservation interventions are currently being evaluated by detailed monitoring.
  • 5. Overall, the earlier study published in AQC, was important in strengthening and informing our researcher–practitioner partnership, as we collaborated within an adaptive management framework to reverse scoter declines. Long‐term interdisciplinary partnerships are likely to have an important role to play in general, for the successful conservation of aquatic biodiversity.

  1. Humanity is facing a biodiversity crisis, with freshwater-associated biodiversity in a particularly dire state. Novel ecosystems created through human use of mineral resources, such as gravel pit lakes, can provide substitute habitats for the conservation of freshwater and riparian biodiversity. Many of these artificial ecosystems are subject to a high intensity of recreational use, however, which may limit their biodiversity potential.
  2. The species richness of several taxa (plants, amphibians, dragonflies, damselflies, waterfowl, and songbirds) was assessed and a range of taxonomic biodiversity metrics were compared between gravel pit lakes managed for recreational fisheries (n = 16) and unmanaged reference lakes (n = 10), controlling for non-fishing-related environmental variation.
  3. The average species richness of all the taxa examined was similar among lakes in both lake types and no substantial differences in species composition were found when examining the pooled species inventory. Similarly, there were no differences between lake types in the presence of rare species and in the Simpson diversity index across all of the taxa assessed.
  4. Variation in species richness among lakes was correlated with woody habitat, lake morphology (surface area and steepness), and land use, but was not correlated with the presence of recreational fisheries. Thus, non-fishing-related environmental variables had stronger effects on local species presence than recreational fisheries management or the presence of recreational anglers.
  5. Collectively, no evidence was found that anglers and recreational fisheries management constrain the development of aquatic and riparian biodiversity in gravel pit lakes in the study region; however, the conservation of species diversity in gravel pit lakes could benefit from an increasing reliance on habitat enhancement activities.

  1. Wetlands in arid regions are characterized by their great heterogeneity, often including endemic species that contribute to regional aquatic biodiversity. In the Patagonian steppe, most lakes are naturally fishless and sustain a rich aquatic biodiversity, including endemics; however, many of these lakes have been stocked with Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) during recent decades. The introduction of predatory fish into aquatic ecosystems naturally devoid of these organisms can produce profound alterations in the structure of the original communities and in the configuration of their biotic assemblages.
  2. Aquatic invertebrates play important roles in both the structure and functioning of freshwater ecosystems, including their contribution to global biodiversity and their cascading effects across ecosystem boundaries.
  3. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of introduced non-native fish on the pleustonic macroinvertebrate assemblage. Samples were taken from 10 shallow Patagonian lakes (five fishless and five stocked with fish) in two consecutive warm periods.
  4. Lakes with fish had higher conductivity and phosphate values. Higher inter-annual differences were also observed in lakes with fish for phytoplanktonic chlorophyll a, nitrate, phosphate, conductivity, and water temperature.
  5. The community structure (relative abundance of different taxa, species composition, and diversity index) was affected by the presence of rainbow trout, with the differences mainly driven by the relative abundance of Ostracoda, Hyalella, Chironomidae, and Haliplus species.
  6. This approach can be used to assess the required conservation actions in shallow Patagonian steppe lakes, which have been listed as priority areas for waterbird conservation. Specifically, this study provides a baseline for monitoring future trends of the macroinvertebrate communities and for evaluating conservation and management efforts over time.

Habitat occupancy patterns of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in two large Canadian Shield lakes were modelled based on detections of fish from repeated depth‐stratified surveys over several summers. Lake trout and lake whitefish consistently occupied sites outside traditional thermal envelopes and were not detected at some sites within these ranges. This included the metalimnion and shallow epilimnion for lake trout and lake whitefish in Lake Opeongo. Physical habitat covariates were not important in defining lake trout habitat in both lakes. Physical habitat as represented by the hardness/softness gradient based on acoustic substrate surveys was important for lake whitefish in Lake Opeongo but not in Smoke Lake. In addition, thermal envelopes for lake whitefish differed between the lakes possibly because of differences in substrate slope. The wash zone of lakes, where the thermocline contacts the substrate, appears to be a physical habitat feature for lake whitefish in some lakes. Lake whitefish also exhibited diurnal activity behaviour that was reflected through greater detection rates in the morning versus the afternoon. By accounting for imperfect detection, true estimated overall occupancy of lake trout and lake whitefish increased 0.15–0.30 over naïve occupancy. Thermal habitat envelopes for lake trout and lake whitefish are wider than previously thought. Lake trout occupied a consistent thermal habitat envelope while lake whitefish varied between lakes likely because of lake specific differences in basin morphology and wash zone.  相似文献   

  1. Predicting species distributions at the landscape level has many applications in fish ecology, management, and conservation, yet generating accurate predictions remains a challenge to fish ecologists. Areas of the landscape with higher environmental suitability should have higher relative abundance, although the predictive capability of this relationship might be limited because environmental suitability ignores other factors such as biotic interactions and stochastic events. These factors could contribute to a species being absent or at low abundance in a site with high environmental suitability.
  2. Owing to the potential influence of non‐environmental and stochastic factors on relative abundance, modelled environmental suitability should be a better predictor of maximum abundance (i.e. the ceiling of scattered data) than mean relative abundance because ecosystem complexities often preclude a simple monotonic response.
  3. To evaluate this assumption, environmental suitability was predicted for 55 944 stream reaches in New York State using native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and non‐native brown trout (Salmo trutta) occurrence data and a suite of four broad‐scale habitat factors. Estimates of suitability were then used to test the relationship with the upper limits of abundance using quantile regression.
  4. As predicted, there was a significant positive relationship with maximum abundance for native brook trout at the upper quantiles; however, this relationship did not extend to non‐native brown trout. These findings indicate that broad‐scale habitat factors can predict maximum abundance of a native stream‐dwelling trout and produced environmental suitability maps that could be useful for brook trout conservation.
  5. These findings could be used to predict trout occurrence in unsurveyed stream reaches with the highest abundance limits, which could be used to set conservation priorities and provide benchmarks of habitat potential for monitoring programmes as well as identify threats to environmental suitability from anthropogenic sources.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Laguna Blanca, in Laguna Blanca National Park, is a lake in Patagonia which has been designated as a Ramsar site since 1971 because of bird diversity and abundance and importance for nesting, particularly for the black neck swan, Cygnus melanocoryphus. It is also valued for its populations of endemic amphibians, Atelognathus patagonicus and Atelognathus praebasalticus.
  • 2. Avian and amphibian populations have decreased dramatically in recent years. Percichthys colhuapiensis, Percichthys trucha (Pisces, Percichthyidae), Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Pisces, Salmonidae) were introduced into Laguna Blanca in 1965. Since 1986, no Atelognathus frogs have been found. The abundance of swans and coots, which are strongly associated with macrophytes for nesting and feeding, has diminished drastically, whereas piscivorous birds have increased.
  • 3. The fishless condition of some neighbouring small lakes with abundant pond weeds, aquatic birds and endemic amphibians, was assessed in order to compare the physical and chemical characteristics and the quantitative composition of the benthos among lakes. Fish presence at Laguna Blanca and its absence at El Burro, Antiñir and Jabón lakes, were confirmed. Compared with previous results, it seems that the abundance of Amphipoda (Hyalella), Copepoda and Cladocera at Laguna Blanca has decreased, while Acari has increased and Notostraca has disappeared. Water transparency has diminished in Laguna Blanca and now is lower than that of fishless lakes.
  • 4. P. colhuapiensis were captured only in Laguna Blanca, with the highest captures in the littoral zone. The population shows rapid individual growth in the early years and an absence of fish older than 6 years. The preponderance of benthos and the presence of macrophytes in the gut contents of adult P. colhuapiensis appear to indicate that they are important consumers of these resources.
  • 5. This paper concludes that fish introduction in Laguna Blanca led to a complex trophic cascade effect (fish predation on tadpoles, fish competition for avian food, bottom disturbance, zooplankton reduction) producing deleterious effects on the amphibian and bird populations.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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