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本文研究了革胡了鲇自体受精后代的胚胎发育过程,用每克含30μg甲基睾丸酮的饲料投喂革胡子鲇仔鱼60天,获得具自体受精功能的雌雄同体革胡子鲇,对雌雄同 鱼人工催产,获得自体受精的胚胎、仔鱼及全雌的成鱼。自体受精后代的受精率、孵化率都较高,说明人工诱导雌雄同体革胡子鲇产生的后代的自体受精过程及胚胎发育过程没有生理障碍。  相似文献   

<正> 胡子鲇(Clarias fuscus)俗称塘虱(广东)、塘角鱼(广西)、土虱(台湾、闽南)。关于胡子鲇的人工繁殖,黄绍勤等(1964),韩传英等(1978),都获得成功,但催产率、受精率、孵化率,特别是培苗的成活率都比较低。作者于1979年进行了胡子鲇的人工繁殖和胚胎发育观察,现把试验和观察结果综述如下。  相似文献   

田青 《河南水产》1994,(4):16-16,35
革胡子鲇具有生长快、产量高、食性广、抗病力强、耐低氧、适应性强、营养价值高、味道鲜美、骨刺少等优点,因此,革胡子鲇是一种很有养殖前途的优良高产品种。1 生活习性 革胡子鲇属于底栖性鱼类,性情温和。白天饱食后喜欢聚集于池底阴暗处,夜间四处活动和觅食。同时革胡子鲇具有形似树枝状的鳃上辅助呼吸器官,能直接利用空气中的氧,因此耐低氧能力很强。只要皮肤保持湿润,长时间离开水也不会死亡。  相似文献   

董玉国 《河南水产》1998,(2):22-22,25
革胡子鲇属热带淡水鱼类,有生长快,耐低氧,抗病力强,产量高,饲料来源广等优点。是深受养殖户喜爱的优良品种之一。为帮助广大养殖户掌握人工繁殖技术,现简介如下:1 繁殖习性:革胡子鲇一冬龄后,体长12厘米以上就有繁殖力。雌鱼一年内可产卵2—4次;雄鱼在整个繁殖期都有繁殖力,无明显周期性变化。每年春天水温达到18℃以上就进入繁殖  相似文献   

近年来,濮阳县掀起养殖革胡子鲇热潮,但大都因苗种问题和养殖后期饲料难以解决,致使养成规格较小,产量不高、效益不佳。我站于1998年在庆祖渔场总面积为6.7亩的三个池塘及1999年在庆祖渔场和胡状石槽村总面积为14.5亩的五个池塘内,进行了利用冷冻鸡肠喂养革胡子鲇高产试验,亩产超过5000公斤,最高亩利润达1.6万元。现将试验情况总结如下:  相似文献   

杜建刚 《河南水产》1998,(3):22-22,24
1997年,三门峡市开展革胡子鲇池塘养殖试验21亩,平均亩产2271公斤,亩纯收入0.73万元,投入产出比为1:1.47。  相似文献   

胡子鲇,俗称塘鲺,土鲺,滑哥,角鱼,是产粘性卵的鱼类。在分类上属硬骨鱼纲,鲇形目,胡子鲇科,胡子鲇属。分布于热带、亚热带,营养丰富,具有药用价值。现将本人多年来从事胡子鲇人工繁殖生产工作,总结如下,提供参考。  相似文献   

1994年5月-1996年10月,进行了池塘当年夏花及越冬苗饲养成商品鱼试验,主养革胡子鲇亩净产2691公斤,亩利润3659.7元。  相似文献   

胡子鲇是太国主要食用淡水鱼类之一,是为人们所喜好的上等鱼。太国人现在所吃的淡水鱼中约有30%是胡子鲇。在太国淡水渔业中,胡子鲇养殖业发展最快。1970年太国淡水鱼(除开胡子鲇)的总产量是95,985吨,1973年是100,620吨,四年增长5%。  相似文献   

胡子鲇肥大细胞的组织化学及形态学   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
以成年胡子96(Claris fuscus lacepede,体重1.5kg)为研究材料,通过组织化学与形态学研究证实,肥大细胞在胡子鲇肠粘膜与粘膜下数量较多,在头肾和胸腺中也有少量分布,并有沿血管周分布的倾向。肥大细胞以Carnoy氏固定、AB/S0染色的效果最好。以AB/S0着色的肥大细胞胞质颗粒呈深蓝色,胞核呈淡褐色;以TB/SO着色的肥大细胞胞质颗粒呈紫红色,胞核呈淡红色。而中性缓冲福尔马林固定对肥大细胞的着染有一定阻断作用。一些曾被国外学者用于鉴定硬骨鱼肥大细胞(或嗜酸性颗粒细胞)的组织化学技术在本研究中未能鉴定出胡子鲇的肥大细胞。电镜观察证实,胡子鲇肥大细胞中含有大量特征性的胞浆颗粒,胞浆颗粒基质电子密度较均匀,个别颗粒中央呈空泡样。  相似文献   

Abstract. The African catfish, Clarias gariepinus Burchell and Clarias anguillaris L., were induced to ovulate in aquaria by the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and pituitary extracts of Clarias albopunctatus (Nichols & Lamonte) and frog, Rana elegans. For final maturation and ovulation in both species of Clarias , the total dosage of each hormone was inversely proportional to the initial oocyte diameters of the recipient females. The time of ovulation after the last injection (latent period) was significantly shorter (11–13h) in females with large oocyte diameters (>920μm) than in those whose mean oocyte diameters were less than 920 μm (13–16h) ( P < 0·05). The mean dosage of each test hormone required to induce ovulation was lower in females with large oocyte diameters than in those with smaller oocyte diameters (<920μm). The mean percentage hatch did not depend significantly on the nature of the treatment ( P > 0μ05) and was about 86%. Clarias albopunclatus and R. elegans , which are economically unimportant and abundant in Anambra River basin, Nigeria, could be used as effective sources of hypophyseal factors in Clarias breeding programmes.  相似文献   

疣吻沙蚕胚胎发育观察及盐度对其孵化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用显微镜观察了疣吻沙蚕(Tylorrhynchus heterochaeta)胚胎发育不同时期特征,并依据疣吻沙蚕人工孵化经验设置6个盐度梯度组(A:0,B:5,C:10,D:13,E:15,F:20),每组3个平行,研究了盐度对疣吻沙蚕受精率和孵化率的影响。结果表明,疣吻沙蚕胚胎发育可分为受精卵、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、前担轮幼虫期、后担轮幼虫期、膜内三刚节疣足幼虫期和三刚节疣足幼虫期8个时期;盐度对疣吻沙蚕孵化影响显著(P0.05),C组受精率和孵化率最高,与其他组存在显著差异(P0.05)。适宜受精的盐度范围为10~13,最适孵化的盐度为10。  相似文献   


Effects of salinity on embryonic development and growth of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, eggs and larvae were studied. Eggs were incubated at 27-29°C in 2,4,6,8, and 10 ppt sodium chloride. Rate of embryonic development was delayed in all salt solutions by 15, 15,28 and 30 minutes, in 2,4,6, and 8 ppt sodium chloride, respectively, when compared with the control group (0% salt); total mortality occurred at 12 hours after gastrula stage in the 10 ppt concentration. Percentage hatching was 45.1,47.7, 59.5,49.2, and 26.6% while percentage deformity was 10.4, 16.1, 52.0, 28.6, and 71.6% in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 ppt salt treatments, respectively. There were significant differences (P <0.05) in the hatching percentage and in deformity percentage between 4, 6, and 8 ppt. Rate of yolk absorption was significantly faster in the control and 2 ppt salt treatments, but slower in 4, 6, and 8 ppt. Rate of increase in length was slower with increasing salinity. The optimum salinity for African catfish eggs and was between 0-2 ppt and acceptable up to 6 ppt. The results suggest that increasing salinity delayed hatching and development of African catfish eggs and larvae, respectively, as well as increased the deformity of the larvae.  相似文献   

The Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) is a euryhaline fish found in coastal marsh along the entire of Gulf of Mexico and southern Atlantic of coast of the United States. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of salinity on embryogenesis in the Gulf killifish. Four recirculation systems at salinities of 0.4, 7, 15, and 30?g/L were maintained at a static temperature with flow-through trays, containing embryos (n?=?39) placed in triplicate into each system. Throughout embryogenesis, the rate of development, ammonia and urea excretion, and heart rate were monitored. Percent hatch was recorded, and morphological parameters were measured for larvae at hatch. As salinity was increased, the rate of embryogenesis decreased. Salinity significantly affected percent hatch with an 80.0%?±?2.6% for 7?g/L and 39.1?±?4.3, 45.4?±?4.5, and 36.3%?±?12.0% for 0.4, 15, and 30?g/L, respectively. Salinity and stage of development significantly affected production of ammonia and urea. As salinity increased, the dominate metabolite end product changed from urea to ammonia. However, the 15?g/L salinity treatment had the two highest levels of urea recorded. Heart rate was unaffected by salinity but increased throughout embryogenesis and remained constant once embryos reached stages where hatching has been recorded. While mean total length was not affected by salinity, embryos incubated in 30?g/L produced larvae with significantly thicker body depth at hatch. The 0.4, 7, and 15?g/L salinity treatments all had similar mean hours to hatch. The 30?g/L treatment resulted in a significantly longer mean time to hatch and smaller body cavity area at hatch.  相似文献   

研究了不同盐度对克氏原螯虾受精卵孵化的影响.水温25 ℃条件下,盐度0~8时克氏原螯虾的受精卵均可孵出幼体.但以盐度0~4时孵化率较高,每个亲体平均孵出的幼体数量较多,高出此盐度范围时孵化率明显降低,且随着盐度升高,孵化时间延长.试验表明,0~4的盐度为克氏原螯虾孵化的适宜盐度,孵化率较高,孵化时间较短.  相似文献   

盐度对暗纹东方鲀胚胎发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨州  华洁  陈晰 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(9):3-5
研究了不同盐度对暗纹东方鲀胚胎发育的影响,盐度为4和8的试验组中受精卵的发育历期、孵化率及初孵仔鱼24小时的存活能力和淡水相比均无显著差异。在盐度12及以上,绝大部分受精卵死亡,仅有极少数个体孵化出膜,且全为畸形并都在24小时内死亡;发育速度随着盐度的升高而变慢。因此,暗纹东方鲀胚胎正常发育所能耐受的盐度范围是0~8。  相似文献   

The study was conducted to assess the effects of salinity on growth and biochemical composition of freshwater catfish, Clarias batrachus. A static nonrenewable acute toxicity bioassay test was conducted and LC50 of salinity for 96-h exposure to the fingerling (14.5 cm) was 12.52 ‰. Based on these results, two sublethal salinity levels, viz. 4 and 8 ‰ were selected to study the long-term effects of salinity on C. batrachus for a period of 90 days. From the study, it was found that growth and survival rate were less in saline water (4 and 8 ‰). Maximum growth and survival were recorded in freshwater (0 ‰ salinity) and subsequently at 4 and 8 ‰. To assess the biochemical alteration, few important biomarkers were estimated. At the end of 90 days rearing period, glucose level in the brain and blood of C. batrachus was found to decrease with salinity. The level of liver and muscle glycogen in the fish reared at 4 ‰ was lower than that of control. Ascorbic acid in all organs under study was found to decrease with increasing salinity, which was attributed to stress mitigation effect of vitamin C. Acetylcholine esterase (AchE) activity recorded a gradual decrease with increasing salinity. Metabolic enzymes, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and adenosine triphosphosphtase (ATPase) activity also reduced both in liver and muscle tissues with increasing salinity. From the present investigation, it can be concluded that exposure to higher salinity significantly (P < 0.01) affects the growth and physiological response of Clarias batrachus.  相似文献   

盐度对黄鲷胚胎发育及早期仔鱼生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
施兆鸿 《水产学报》2004,28(5):599-602
The effect of salinity on embryo and early larva development of Dentex tumiforns was discussed. Floating forms of egg in different salinities, optimal salinity for embryonic development and early larva growth was studied. The results showed: 1. In immobile condition, all eggs sank at salinity of 32.0, most of egg ssuspended in the middle of water at 34.0, and all eggs floated on the surface when salinity above 36.0. 2. Eggs did not hatch out at salinity of below 10.0 or above 60.0 and the death time of egg gradually moved up with increase or decline of salinity. Eggs hatched out at salinity range of 15.0 and 50.0, including abnormal larva. There was indistinct difference in speed of embryonic development (about 36-40h) within the salinity of 15.0 and 50.0. However the salinity had a great effect on larval survival after hatching and abnormal rate. The relation between hatching rate and salinity variation showed parabola but abnormal rate showed inverted parabola. The hatching rate was 81%-86% and abnormal rate of yolk sac larva was 27%-30% in suitable salinities of 27.0-39.0. The hatching rate was 89%-91% and abnormal rate was 13%-16% in optimal salinities of 33.0-36.0. The oil ball of abnormal larva was located in the central or front position. With increased extent of salinity, spondyle of larva bended and number of larva with arrhythmia increased. 3. The optimal salinities were 30.0-35.0 based on SAI. The test with SAI showed that SAI of early larvae was 41.25-47.53 at salinities of 30.0-35.0, the yolk and oil ball of 7-8 days larva was completely absorbed with a survival rate of 88%.  相似文献   

Chinese catfish ( Clarias fuscus ) were successfully spawned in Hawaii using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at dosage rates of two and four international units (IU) per gram body weight. Fish not injected with HCG did not produce viable eggs. Successful spawns with HCG occurred between May and October. Hatch rates of up to 80% were obtained during June, July, and August for those fish given either a 2 or 4 IU per gram body weight injection of HCG. Fish spawned in either May or October yielded significantly higher hatch rates when injected with 4 rather than 2 IU per gram body weight. Fish held at elevated temperatures (28 to 30 C) prior to the normal spawning season developed significantly larger oocyte diameters, 60 days earlier than fish held under ambient temperature conditions (21.5 to 24 C). Photoperiod manipulation at ambient temperature conditions was associated with earlier oocyte maturation, but photoperiod effects were much less important than temperature.  相似文献   

海星的大量繁殖与入侵可对滩涂养殖贝类造成极大威胁.对海星繁殖生物学的研究可为有效控制海星过度增殖提供信息,同时也可为其胚胎和幼虫培育以及发育生物学的深入研究奠定基础.本研究以韩国和中国沿海常见的多棘海盘车(Asterias amurensis)为材料,研究KCl诱导海盘车排放生殖细胞的最佳剂量,以及水温和盐度对胚胎和幼虫发育的影响.采用不同剂量(1.0mL、3.0mL、5.0mL和7.0mL)0.5mol/L KCl注入性成熟海盘车体腔,皆可诱导生殖细胞的排放,3mL注射组的排放个体比例最高(80%),雌性个体排卵量最大(536.5×104个/ind),同时用诱导获得的精/卵进行人工授精后也获得了较高的受精率(92.7±2.9)%.水温和盐度对多棘海盘车胚胎和幼虫的存活率具有显著的影响.在盐度为35时,20℃时多棘海盘车羽腕幼虫的存活率最高(90.1±2.1)%,15℃时次之(84.4±5.2)%.在温度为15℃时,盐度为35时幼虫培养60 h后存活率最高(87.6±4.1)%,盐度为30时次之(85.4±4.0)%.多棘海盘车各期胚胎和幼虫的发育速度(1/t,h-1)随水温升高而加快,在一定温度范围内有明显的正相关性,其关系式为:至2-细胞:1/t=0.110 8Tw-0.599 7(r2=0.946 5);至8-细胞:1/t=0.045 4Tw-0.233 4(r2=0.947 7);至桑椹胚:1/t=0.017 9Tw-0.067 9(r2=0.868 7):至囊胚:1/t=0.004 2Tw(r2=0.89);至羽腕幼虫:1/t=0.000 6Tw-0.008 7(r2=0.878 4).盐度为35时,胚胎和幼虫的发育速度最快,发育至羽腕幼虫需55.4 h.根据不同水温和盐度条件下,胚胎和幼虫的存活率和发育速率,确定15~20℃是多棘海盘车发育的适宜温度,最适温度为20℃;适宜盐度为30~35,最适盐度为35.  相似文献   

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