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闽南、台湾浅滩渔场二长棘鲷的生长特性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
叶孙忠 《水产学报》2004,28(6):663-668
根据1998年7月至2000年6月闽南、台湾浅滩渔场二长棘鲷的生物学资料,研究其年龄组成和生长特性.二长棘鲷捕捞群体由0~Ⅵ龄组7个世代组成,以0龄组为主,Ⅰ龄组次之,平均年龄为0.71龄.应用vonBertalanffy生长方程拟合的生长参数L∞=244.56mm,K=0.2313,t0=-1.1817,体重的生长拐点为3.71龄.与上世纪80年代初相比,二长棘鲷群体结构已发生很大的变化,个体早熟化,生长速度加快,捕捞群体小型化、低龄化,二长棘鲷幼鱼损害情况严重,资源处于过度利用状态.根据渔获组成、资源现状及生长特性,建议加强对二长棘鲷幼鱼的保护和管理,合理利用其资源.  相似文献   

舒黎明 《水产学报》2005,29(2):193-197
对珠江河口及其附近水域银鲳的生长与死亡参数进行估算,得von Bertalanffy生长方程的相关参数为:L∞=36.0cm,K=0.230,t0=-1.137;根据生长方程进一步计算得到自然死亡系数为0.586;20世纪9H0年代捕捞死亡系数为0.944,是20世纪80年代的近2倍;根据等渔获量曲线图分析,若在当前的捕捞规格(开捕叉长为12.0cm)下仍维持现行的捕捞强度(捕捞死亡系数),资源将受到破坏,而且不符合经济效益的要求。依据性成熟特征,开捕叉长最小应为15.0cm;综合考虑性成熟特征、当前可能的捕捞强度及经济效益,在提高产量而不破坏资源的前提下,建议珠江河口及附近水域银鲳的开捕叉长应由12.0cm增加至15.0cm。  相似文献   

基于长度贝叶斯生物量法估算北部湾二长棘鲷种群参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渔业数据缺乏是渔业资源评估和管理面临的难题。以2006—2018年北部湾二长棘鲷体长频率数据为例,运用基于长度频率的贝叶斯生物量方法 (LBB),估算二长棘鲷的渐近体长(L_∞)、最适开捕体长(L_c_(opt))、相对自然死亡率(M/k)和相对捕捞死亡率(F/k)等种群参数。结果发现,2006—2018年间北部湾二长棘鲷的渐近体长平均为21.0 cm,最适开捕体长平均为12.6 cm,相对死亡率M/k、F/k、Z/k和开发率E分别为1.49、3.65、5.15和0.67。二长棘鲷的开捕体长和渐近体长的变化趋势一致,均呈下降趋势,且其生长速度有加快趋势。基于LBB估算的最适开捕体长和开发率与运用独立评估模型估算的结果基本一致。如果长度频率能代表资源开发阶段的长度组成,使用LBB估算的结果将较好地反映其真实情况。基于LBB的研究方法可为渔业数据缺乏情况下进行渔业资源评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

北部湾短尾大眼鲷生长和死亡参数的估算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据九十年代及六十年代的生物学资料。本文运用体长频率分析法做算短尾大眼鲷的生长和死亡参数。九十年代和六十年代von Bertalanffy生长方程分别为L99=29.3[1-e^-0.67(t 0.41)]和L61=30.2[1-e^-0.61(t 0.44)];体重的生长拐点分别为1.23和1.36龄;瞬时总死亡率(Z)分别为3.39和2.47;瞬时自然死亡率(M)均为1.07;瞬时捕捞死亡率(F)分别为2.32和1.40;开发率(E)分别为0.68和0.57,当前资源处于过度利用状态。  相似文献   

渔业数据缺乏是渔业资源评估和管理面临的难题。以2006—2018年北部湾二长棘鲷体长频率数据为例,运用基于长度频率的贝叶斯生物量方法(LBB),估算二长棘鲷的渐近体长(L)、最适开捕体长(Lcopt)、相对自然死亡率(M/k)和相对捕捞死亡率(F/k)等种群参数。结果发现,2006—2018年间北部湾二长棘鲷的渐近体长平均为21.0 cm,最适开捕体长平均为12.6 cm,相对死亡率M/kF/kZ/k和开发率E分别为1.49、3.65、5.15和0.67。二长棘鲷的开捕体长和渐近体长的变化趋势一致,均呈下降趋势,且其生长速度有加快趋势。基于LBB估算的最适开捕体长和开发率与运用独立评估模型估算的结果基本一致。如果长度频率能代表资源开发阶段的长度组成,使用LBB估算的结果将较好地反映其真实情况。基于LBB的研究方法可为渔业数据缺乏情况下进行渔业资源评估提供借鉴。  相似文献   

南湾水库鳙鱼的生长及其资源评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南湾水库的鳙鱼的平均年龄为3龄,南湾水库鳙鱼体长与体重的关系呈幂指数关系,关系式为W=0.0413L2.8472(R2=0.9422)。应用VonBertalanffy生长方程拟合其生长规律,体长与体重的生长不等速,其主要生物学参数为:L∞=87.6cm,W∞=28.5kg,体长的k=0.2443、t0=0.26778;体重的k=0.141、t0=-0.137,拐点年龄ti=7.5龄,拐点体重为8.05kg。回捕率37.5%,自然死亡率27.0%,其它死亡率33.3%。南湾水库鳙鱼的适宜开捕年龄为3 龄,平均体重约3947g。适当减小起捕规格,提高捕捞强度,可增加鲢鳙鱼的产量和效益。  相似文献   

对采自东海区的315尾黄鲫样本鱼进行生物学测定,使用Bhattacharya方法把所获样品体长频率分布划分成不同的平均体长组,推算出各个组的年龄,求出生长参数,探讨生长规律.再依据B-H模型计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获量(YN/R和Yw/R)、单位补充量资源量(^-Pw/R和^-PN/R)、渔获质量(平均体质量Wy、平均体长^-L-y和平均年龄^-T-y)的情况.结果表明,该资源已过度捕捞,应采取适当措施来保持资源的可持续利用:若保持当前捕捞强度不变,则必须把开捕年龄限制在2.38龄较合适;若能同时改变捕捞强度和开捕年龄,则可以把当前的开捕年龄限制在1.50龄,捕捞死亡率降到1.34,这样黄鲫资源仍能够得到保护和合理利用.[中国水产科学,2006,13(3):485-491]  相似文献   

东海北部和黄海南部鲐鱼生长特性及合理利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用2002年11月~2003年8月在东海北部和黄海南部区域(30°~34°N、126°E以西范围)所获取的鲐鱼(Scomberjaponicus)样品,通过观察鲐鱼耳石生长轮和基础生物学测定,研究了鲐鱼的年龄和生长;再依据不完全β函数渔获量方程,计算、分析在不同开捕年龄和不同捕捞强度下的单位补充量渔获量(Yw/R)的变化情况。结果表明,采用Walford方法拟合的鲐鱼生长方程,其生长参数K、L∞、t0分别为0.320、451.4和-1.203。比较不同时期鲐鱼的生长情况显示,20世纪60、80年代和21世纪初期鲐鱼的生长较接近,而20世纪70年代的鲐鱼生长情况与其他3个时期的鲐鱼生长相差较大。比较不同海域鲐鱼的生长情况显示,随着纬度的增加,鲐鱼的个体有增大的趋势,经分析很可能与海水温度有关。根据历史资料推算出鲐鱼的最大年龄(tλ)为9龄;根据最近的采样,推算出鲐鱼的开捕年龄和补充年龄都为0.4年,鲐鱼的自然死亡率为0.355,捕捞死亡率为2.27。利用上述参数,动态综合模型模拟的结果显示,该资源过度捕捞已很严重。若保持当前捕捞强度,则必须把开捕年龄限制在2.9龄;若能同时改变捕捞强度和开捕年龄,则可以把当前的开捕年龄限制在2.0龄,捕捞死亡率降到1.3,这样鲐鱼资源才能够得到保护与合理利用。  相似文献   

南海北部多齿蛇鲻生物学分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
综合20世纪60~90年代南海北部多齿蛇鲻(Sauridatumbil)的生物学资料,利用ELEFAN技术计算生长参数,得到的VonBertalanffy生长方程的相关参数为:L∞=58.5cm,K=0.30,t0=-0.39。根据生长参数及鱼类栖息环境平均水温用Pauly公式计算得自然死亡系数为0.61。根据各个年代的资料采用长度变换曲线法计算总死亡系数,进一步计算捕捞死亡系数,20世纪80年代捕捞死亡系数为1.55,是20世纪60年代的近2倍,20世纪90年代捕捞死亡系数与80年代相比又增加了1倍,在目前的开捕规格下,渔业点进一步偏离了最适产量区;若维持当前的开捕规格及捕捞强度不变,会导致多齿蛇鲻资源的进一步衰竭,而且也不符合经济效益的要求。综合考虑多齿蛇鲻的性成熟特征、当前可能的捕捞强度及经济效益,在有利于恢复资源又能保持相当产量的前提下,建议尽可能的降低捕捞强度的同时对南海北部多齿蛇鲻的开捕体长由13.5cm增加至22.0cm。  相似文献   

闽南—台湾浅滩二长棘鲷年龄和生长研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
张其永  张雅芝 《水产学报》1983,7(2):131-144
本文根据闽南一台湾浅滩1019尾二长棘鲷年龄和生长的周年资料,阐明年轮特征及其形成时期、生长发育阶段和参数,并探讨种群结构的资源特点。其鳞片可作为年龄鉴定依据,从鳞片边缘增长率和体长分布频率,表明年轮每年形成一次,3—4月为年轮主要形成时期。逆算体长不存在Rosa Lee现象,各年龄组平均体长的实测值,以定差法所求得的生长参数为最佳值。衰老拐点(相当于Ⅳ龄组)正处于成鱼强壮期转入老年鱼生长衰老期。拖网周年渔获中0龄组最多,Ⅰ龄组次之。应严格限制拖捕当年生的0龄组幼鱼。  相似文献   

基于生长和死亡参数变化的官井洋大黄鱼资源现状分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
依据2010—2011年福建官井洋水域渔业资源监测调查资料,对2 098尾大黄鱼的体长、体质量、生长、性腺进行测定。据此,利用von Bertalanffy生长方程和死亡参数分析官井洋大黄鱼资源现状,并讨论了拐点年龄,临界年龄等渔业生物学特征。结果表明,目前官井洋大黄鱼平均体长132.6 mm,优势体长组为110~150 mm,占55.96%;平均体质量45.1 g,优势体质量组为10~50 g,占61.77%,大黄鱼幼鱼和补充群体已成为渔业生产的主要捕捞对象。大黄鱼体长—体质量间的关系式为W=2.001×10-5L3.006。用ELEFAN技术拟合的von Bertalanffy生长方程参数分别为L∞=385.4 mm、k=0.43及t0=-0.32a,拐点年龄为2.2龄。对照20世纪80年代福建近海海域大黄鱼群体L∞值从555.4 mm下降到现在的385.4 mm,拐点年龄由2.97下降到2.2,均表明当今大黄鱼群体小型化且低龄化严重。生长系数k由0.36增长到0.43表明大黄鱼的生长速度加快。总死亡系数(Z)为3.12,自然死亡系数(M)为0.45,捕捞死亡系数(F)为2.67,资源开发率(E)为0.856。大黄鱼M值出现上升,可能与福建近海环境质量下降有关,而高强度的捕捞促使大黄鱼捕捞死亡系数由0.84上升到2.67,说明大黄鱼资源已经处于过度开发状态。在官井洋大黄鱼现行资源状态下,应努力降低捕捞死亡水平,保护大黄鱼生存环境,而对目前以小型化和低龄化为主的大黄鱼群体,建议以控制大黄鱼的开捕年龄(t0)为主。  相似文献   

达里湖东北雅罗鱼的生长、死亡和生活史类型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
达里湖东北雅罗鱼(Leucisus waleckii)的种群结构参数(体长、体重和年龄)进行测定,估算种群的生长和死亡参数,并研究种群的生活史类型。结果显示:东北雅罗鱼的体长和体重的关系式Wt=0.0281L2t.8152,其vonBertalanffy生长方程各参数为渐近体长L∞=28.9763 cm,渐近体重W∞=366.95 g,生长系数k=0.2586,t0=-0.3237;自然死亡系数M为0.322,总死亡系数Z为0.9386,捕捞死亡系数F为0.6166;生活类型为r-选择。结果表明:作为渔业管理对策,达里湖东北雅罗鱼的起捕年龄应定为3龄以上。  相似文献   

We studied the breeding biology, growth, mortality, recruitment pattern and yield per recruit of a freshwater siluroid catfish (Schilbe intermedius) in the Cross River, Nigeria. Monthly variation in mean gonadosomatic and mean condition indices shows that the species breeds twice in a year (March and September). We used 12 consecutive months length–frequency data together with FiSAT software to study the population dynamics of this catfish which is exploited by artisanal fishermen. Fitting the seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth function to our length–frequency data gives the following growth parameters: L=27.5 cm total length, K=0.29 yr−1, C=0.5, WP=0.46. Using the seasonalized length converted catch curve, we estimated the instantaneous total mortality coefficient Z as 1.85 yr−1. The instantaneous natural mortality coefficient M was 0.81 yr−1 while the instantaneous fishing mortality coefficient F was 1.04 yr−1, giving the current exploitation rate E=0.56. From the analysis of probability of capture of each length class we estimated the length at first capture Lc to be 10.9 cm. The relative yield per recruit analysis predicted the maximum exploitation rate Emax=0.54. The current exploitation rate E is more than this predicted maximum Emax. Thus, the species is on the verge of being overexploited.  相似文献   

根据2005~2008年东海北部哈氏仿对虾的生物学数据,应用FISATⅡ软件的ElEFANⅠ技术计算生长参数,得到VonBertalanffy生长方程的相关参数为L∞=123.4mm,K=1.70,t0=-0.16,自然死亡系数M=2.55,总死亡系数Z=5.81,捕捞死亡系数F=3.26。应用长度结构的实际种群分析,得出稳定状态下资源量为2.86×104吨。利用Beverton-Holt和Thompson-Bell模型对单位补充量的产量Y/R和单位补充量的产值Yv/R进行分析,表明在现行状态下,该群体未出现过度捕捞现象。综合考虑当前可能的捕捞强度及经济效益,在有利于保持较高产量的前提下,建议在适当降低捕捞强度的同时把哈氏仿对虾的开捕体长由55.6mm增加至74.0mm。  相似文献   

Abstract Age‐based demographic analyses were undertaken to assess the current status of fished stocks of spangled emperor, Lethrinus nebulosus (Forsskål) in the Gascoyne Bioregion of Western Australia. Differences in age and growth characteristics were detected for samples collected from different assessment zones, with North Gascoyne fish observed to grow faster and reach a shorter average maximum length and younger average age than South Gascoyne fish. A significant difference in North Gascoyne catch‐at‐age data from different time periods demonstrated historical effects of fishing on population age structure. Instantaneous rates of fishing mortality (F) from catch‐curve analyses of age – frequency data sampled for the North Gascoyne stock from recreational fishing catches from April 2007 to March 2008 were beyond the limit reference point compared with estimated instantaneous rates of natural mortality (M) (i.e. F > 1.5M), indicating that there is currently a risk to the sustainability of that stock.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Through most of the last century, three endemic kilka species supported major commercial species in the Caspian Sea. It is clear that catches and abundance of all species have changed, but catch and sampling data are limited and stock assessments are inadequate. Recent changes in the Caspian Sea ecosystem have occurred as a consequence of climatic environmental change (sea level change) and ecologic change caused by the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi . This paper examines the effects of these changes on the population biology and biomass of anchovy kilka Clupeonella engrauliformis in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea from 1995 to 2004. For most years during this 10-year period, we estimated the age structure of catch, length–weight relationship, von Bertalanffy growth parameters, condition factors, sex ratios, maturity stages determined from ovarian analysis, natural and fishing mortality, age at first capture, and spawning biomass. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality was estimated as 0.473/year and the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality varied during the 10-year period between 0.541 and 2.690/year. Biomass of anchovy kilka declined from about 186 000 t in 1996 to less than 12 000 t in 2004. Recent high fishing rates were not sustainable after the introduction of Mnemiopsis , so overfishing is part of the explanation for the collapse of anchovy kilka in the Caspian Sea.  相似文献   

山东近海口虾蛄单位补充量渔获量评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为完善口虾蛄的基础生物学资料,并为口虾蛄资源的管理提供科学指导和理论依据,本研究根据2016至2017年山东近海渔业资源底拖网调查获得的口虾蛄体长、体质量数据,估算了口虾蛄的生长、死亡参数,构建了基于体长结构的单位补充量渔获量(YPR)模型,研究口虾蛄的资源动态和管理策略。采集调查口虾蛄样品共5028尾,体长—体质量关系的表达式为W=0.0145L2.88,为负异速生长;使用ELEFAN方法估算出口虾蛄的渐进体长L∞为19.87 cm,生长速率K为0.62 a−1。口虾蛄的生长表现出明显的季节性变化规律,生长参数的季节振幅C为0.76,10月份生长最快,4月份生长最慢。通过体长转换的渔获曲线估算出口虾蛄的总死亡系数Z为3.24 a−1,根据不同方法估算自然死亡系数M的范围为0.75~1.27 a−1,捕捞死亡系数F的估算范围为1.96~2.49 a−1,开发率的均值为0.67。YPR模型结果显示,随着F增大,YPR值呈现先上升后下降的趋势,生物学参考点F0.1和Fmax的值分别为0.92a−1和1.88a−1。口虾蛄资源处于过度开发的状态,应降低捕捞压力,同时调整开捕体长,以维持口虾蛄渔业资源量和渔获量。  相似文献   

Catch‐and‐release fishing has increased in many fisheries, but its contribution to fishing mortality is rarely estimated. This study estimated catch and release mortality rates of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), for the spring recreational fishery in the Hudson River. Treatment fish (caught with live bait on spinning gear) and control fish (captured by electric fishing) were placed in in situ holding pens for 5 days. Mortality rates were estimated using conditional instantaneous mortality rates and additive finite mortality rates. Influences of variables (playing and handling time, hook location, degree of bleeding and fish length) on hooking mortality rates were examined by logistic regression. Conditional instantaneous mortality rates and additive finite mortality rates were 31 and 28%, respectively. Hook location significantly affected the survival of striped bass. Angling catch, effort, and release rates must be integrated with associated hooking mortality rates before this component of overall population mortality can be incorporated into management decisions.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,87(2-3):153-158
Gulland's [Gulland, J.A., 1965. Estimation of mortality rates. Annex to Arctic Fisheries Working Group Report (meeting in Hamburg, January 1965). ICES, C.M. 1965, Doc. No. 3 (mimeographed)] virtual population analysis (VPA) is commonly used for studying the dynamics of harvested fish populations. However, it necessitates the solving of a nonlinear equation for the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in a population. Pope [Pope, J.G., 1972. An investigation of the accuracy of Virtual Population Analysis using cohort analysis. ICNAF Res. Bull. 9, 65–74. Also available in D.H. Cushing (ed.) (1983), Key Papers on Fish Populations, p. 291–301, IRL Press, Oxford, 405 p.] eliminated this necessity in his cohort analysis by approximating its underlying age- and time-dependent population model. His approximation has since become one of the most commonly used age- and time-dependent fish population models in fisheries science. However, some of its properties are not well understood. For example, many assert that it describes the dynamics of a fish population, from which the catch of fish is taken instantaneously in the middle of the year. Such an assertion has never been proven, nor has its implied instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time been examined, nor has its implied catch equation been derived from a general catch equation. In this paper, we prove this assertion, examine its implied instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time, derive its implied catch equation from a general catch equation, and comment on how to structure an age- and time-dependent population model to ensure its internal consistency. This work shows that Gulland's (1965) virtual population analysis and Pope's (1972) cohort analysis lie at the opposite end of a continuous spectrum as a general model for a seasonally occurring fishery; Pope's (1972) approximation implies an infinitely large instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time in a fishing season of zero length; and its implied catch equation has an undefined instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in a population, but a well-defined cumulative instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in the population. This work also highlights a need for a more careful treatment of the times of start and end of a fishing season in fish population models.  相似文献   

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