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渔笼是一种低能耗、少劳力、不破坏生态环境的被动性渔具渔法。它不受船舶吨位、马力限制,种类渔船均可用渔笼作为主业或付业从事捕劳生产。渔笼在欧美、澳大利亚、新西兰、台湾等地区相当流行,主要捕劳龙虾、鲷类等高贵鱼种。浙江省舟山渔区1992年上半年少数渔船开始用蟹笼捕捞三疣梭子蟹。由于梭子蟹资源丰富、身价较高(用于出口),加上蟹笼生产成本低、投入少、劳力  相似文献   

应业炬  王伟 《渔业现代化》2006,(2):49-50,29
以6.60m蟹笼渔船为例,采用静力学方法分析蟹笼船在横倾状态下的受力情况,通过改变蟹笼装载区和活水池等的布置方案,分析比较了其对渔船稳性产生的影响,并探讨提高渔船完整稳性的一些措施。  相似文献   

蟹笼作业的渔具渔法试验报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渔笼是一种低能耗、少劳力、渔获价位高,不破坏生态环境的被动性渔具渔法,它不受船舶吨位、马力限制,各类渔船均可用蟹笼作为主业或付业从事捕捞生产,渔笼在欧美、澳大利亚、新西兰、南朝鲜、台湾等地区相当流行。 福建省平潭县蟹笼作业是九十年代初从台湾引进的,使用初期,由于船小,携带笼具少,多系在沿岸传统渔场作业,因而形不成规模效益。1993—1994年福建省闽中渔场指挥  相似文献   

蟹笼是用饵料引诱捕捞对象入笼而捕获蟹类等渔获物的一种被动性渔具,在海洋捕捞分类上属笼壶类渔具。蟹笼作业具有能耗低、效率高、渔获价位高、渔具简单、操作方便、对渔民适应性较强等特点,在福建省有一定的规模。国内对蟹笼的报道也较集中在捕捞技术、选择性、渔获试验分析等方面。20世纪90年代中期在闽中海域做过蟹笼作业渔具渔法方面的研究报道。对于蟹笼作业渔获组成,仅见洪明进等人有过简单报道,缺乏对其优势种的报道。据“福建省渔业统计年鉴(2009)”,  相似文献   

冰冻杂鱼切块机精准自动控制技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高渔业养殖效率,改变现有杂鱼块不平整和破碎率较高等缺点,研制了一种自动化程度较高的冰冻杂鱼切块机。采用变频调速技术,以通用串行通信接口通讯协议实现西门子PLC与MM440变频器通讯,用普通齿轮减速电机进行杂鱼切块宽度调节,用测距传感器进行精确测距,对射式光电计数器进行切块计数。通过PLC控制变频器参数,设置减速电机的运行参数,再运用PLC与上位机之间的串口通讯,实现良好的人机交互,从而完成切块机精准自动控制。性能测试结果显示,在额定电压400 V条件下,切块速度25~35块/min,可将600 mm×400 mm×80 mm的杂鱼板切成宽60~90 mm,宽度可调;空载状态下,功率0.26 k W,负载运行时的转速、功率、扭矩成正比。在指定宽度下,切块精度为±5%,切块个数准确。研究表明,该控制系统可靠,适合在沿海渔业养殖中应用推广。  相似文献   

中国远洋围网装备由于缺少自动化技术支撑,因而围网作业效率低,人工成本高,围网渔船整体性能仍处于较低的水平。基于围网作业工艺流程,开展成套装备性能匹配技术研究,阐述了关键设备结构设计、液压系统动力规划与电气控制系统工作原理,集成液压负载敏感控制技术与机电液一体化技术,合理化布局围网作业功能区域,研制鱼类围捕起运成套高效作业装备,研发捕捞系统装备自动化控制系统,实现了绞车收放与渔具渔法协同控制的目的。船舶航行试验和设备联合试验表明整个起放网作业时间不超过30 min,整个渔捞作业过程由原先10~14人缩减为6人,验证了自动化集成控制系统的协调性、可靠性与高效性,大大提高了远洋围网渔船捕捞效率与作业水平。  相似文献   

为提高渔船捕捞装备高效率的驱动性能和良好的控制特性,对拖网绞机电力控制技术进行研究。在拖网绞机功能需求分析基础上,基于矢量控制方法,设计了变频调速系统控制方案,通过PLC和变频器协同控制绞机,并对控制系统的关键技术进行了分析。根据设计方案构建了系统试验装置,利用扭矩测量装置得到调速过程中转矩、功率与转速变化关系。试验过程中调速平稳,绞机在额定电压下实现恒转矩输出,能够快速响应负载变化。该控制系统稳定可靠,自动化程度高,适于在渔船捕捞装备应用。  相似文献   

<正>1笼壶作业渔船现状鳗鱼笼壶作业是我国黄东海、日本和韩国附近海域的重要作业方式之一。笼壶渔船一年四季主要在朝连岛以南至济州岛西南区域作业,该海域距离我国大陆远,秋冬季风浪较大,渔船作业时间长,一般不回港卸货,在海上通过水产运销船进行鱼货交易和燃油、物资等补给。目前,我国北方仅有青岛市、胶州市和城阳区有200余艘中型渔船从事该种渔业,其中胶州市从事笼壶生产的渔船就有185艘,占当地渔船数量的62%。从事笼  相似文献   

不断壮大的东海近海笼壶渔业对三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)等甲壳类资源造成了巨大的压力,实施养护幼蟹的管理措施已成为渔业管理者和生产者的共同呼声。本研究通过海上对比试验,分析了放大网目尺寸对蟹笼渔获效率的影响,运用SELECT模型估算了蟹笼对三疣梭子蟹的尺寸选择性,结合混合影响模型探讨了作业时间和可捕群体对选择性分析的影响。结果显示,对照蟹笼(网目尺寸32.0 mm)与试验蟹笼(网目尺寸分别为52.3 mm和59.7 mm)的三疣梭子蟹渔获甲宽分布存在显著性差异;SELECT模型拟合结果显示试验蟹笼与对照蟹笼的相对作业强度无显著性差异,网目尺寸分别为52.3 mm和59.7 mm的试验蟹笼对三疣梭子蟹的50%选择甲宽(CW50)分别为86.9 mm和90.9 mm,选择范围分别为15.9 mm和9.2 mm。试验蟹笼的CW50远未达到浙江省等当前的最小可捕尺寸规定,表明蟹笼渔业中仅依靠放大网目尺寸可能难以实现幼蟹的有效释放。结果分析显示,在此次试验中作业时间和可捕群体的数量对蟹笼的选择性没有显著性影响。  相似文献   

中国渔业船舶结构设计计算通常依据规范采用手工或编制Excel表格计算,针对不同船型主尺度及其所对应的规范条款,需要对每艘渔船重新编制结构计算书。为提高设计人员的计算工作效率,依据原中华人民共和国渔业船舶检验局《钢制海洋渔船建造规范(2015版)》,采用C#.NET+SQL Server进行渔业船舶结构计算软件的研发,预留软件更新升级的功能,使渔船结构设计始终符合最新适用的规范。该计算软件实现了打印与导出PDF格式结构计算书功能,不仅可用于基本结构图等结构图纸设计,亦可直接用于审图机构审查使用,大大提升了渔船结构设计工作效率。  相似文献   

基于PLC的深水网箱自动投饵系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为提高深水网箱养殖投饵的自动化和工业化水平,设计并开发出适合深水网箱养殖投饵管理的自动投饵系统。该系统采用PLC为控制核心,继电接触器控制各个设备的启停,实现精确投饵。文章介绍了系统的工作原理和设计框架,阐述了系统控制电路、系统工作流程与PLC硬件结构,设计了系统关键设备控制方案并编写了相关控制程序。检测结果表明,在投饵输送距离为300 m时,投饵量为1 200 kg.h-1,系统风量为5.56 m3.m in-1,系统风压为49 kPa;吨料能耗最大为8.4 kW.h.t-1(平均为5.0 kW.h.t-1),投饵破碎率小于0.7%,喷投距离达11.3 m;系统可实现动态定时、定点和定量投喂饲料,完全满足深水网箱集群养殖的要求。  相似文献   

基于MCGS的深水网箱自动投饵远程控制系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为提高深水网箱养殖投饵的自动化和工业化水平,设计并开发出适合深水网箱养殖投饵管理的自动控制系统。该自动投饵控制系统基于MCGS组态软件进行二次开发,采用PLC为控制核心,应用计算机与PLC进行通讯。介绍了深水网箱自动投饵系统的工作原理和系统设计框架,阐述了PLC控制系统的工作流程和程序设计,说明了基于MCGS组态软件的系统组态过程。运行试验的结果表明,系统具有性能稳定、可靠性高、人机界面友好、操作便捷等特点,实现了投饵控制、动画显示、系统状态监控、权限管理、历史数据输出、打印等功能,可以满足深水网箱集约化养殖精确投饵操作和管理等各项要求。  相似文献   

深水网箱需求式自动投饵装置的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水网箱的自动化控制是我国网箱事业发展的趋势。本文对现有投饵装置进行了分析,在此基础上,设计了一种需求式自动投饵装置,旨在提高投饵效果。网箱养殖鱼群经过驯化,有求食需求时自动触动水下金属管,并通过传感器启动下料机构。该装置通过可编程控制器(PLC)实现投饵过程控制,其优点是能根据养殖鱼类需求,实时投饵,饵料利用率高,水体污染少,满足当前深水网箱自动化发展的需求。  相似文献   

SHUNJI  JANUMA  KATSUMI  MIYAJIMA  TOSHIO  ABE 《Fisheries Science》2003,69(2):288-292
ABSTRACT:   We have been developing an artificial bait for longline tuna fishing using the liver of the Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus , a waste product of the squid fisheries industry, as the primary component. Three control test operations using the artificial bait and natural squid were conducted during January 1998, 1999 and 2000. During these operations, we compared the angling performance of the artificial bait with that of the natural squid. Some tuna was caught using the artificial bait; however, the hooking ratio for the artificial bait was less than that for the natural baits. Despite this, there was no significant difference between the hooking ratio by artificial bait and natural squid. In addition, species selectivity in the by-catch, a characteristic particular to this artificial bait, was observed. In the present paper, we discuss the hooking ratio and the reduction in by-catch of the artificial bait compared with natural bait.  相似文献   

Overfishing has reduced the stock of hairtail Trichiurus japonicus around the Bungo Channel, Japan. To determine whether using larger bait in the trolling line fishery could avoid catching small/undersize hairtail, we developed and trialled a new large artificial bait (a soft plastic bait, 6 inches long). A traditional lure with natural bait (type-1), a new lure of the new artificial bait hook without natural bait (type-2), and a new lure with natural bait (type-3) were tested in fishing operations around the Bungo Channel. Compared with type-1, type-2 and type-3 caught fewer undersized and immature female individuals. The number of fish caught, yield, and composition of commercial size grades per recruitment were calculated from field data for each lure and compared. The catch sizes (number of fish per recruitment) were smaller for type-2 and type-3 than for type-1, but yield per recruitment was higher for type-3 than for type-1. Compared with type-1, type-2 and type-3 caught more large individuals, which are more valuable. The newly developed artificial bait conserves hairtail stocks by targeting larger fish, which is economically beneficial for the hairtail trolling line fishery.  相似文献   

The issue of deep hooking is of concern in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus Richardson, fisheries because nearly all anglers use bait with a stationary presentation on the river bottom to catch them, and bait fishing is often associated with higher instances of deep hooking and hooking mortality. Deep hooking rates, landing success and catch rates were investigated for anglers bait fishing for white sturgeon using circle and J hooks with inline and offset alignments fished with both active and passive hook‐setting methods. Anglers hooked 578 white sturgeon and landed 508 fish, ranging in size from 60 to 316 cm total length (mean = 137 cm). Deep hooking rates averaged 0.6% and did not differ between hook types, hook alignments or hook‐setting methods. Landing success (the proportion of hooked sturgeon that were successfully landed) and catch rates were also equivalent between hook types, hook alignments and hook‐setting methods; landing success averaged 88% and catch rates averaged 0.27 fish/hr. Results of this study indicate that deep hooking is rare when angling for white sturgeon using standard bait‐fishing gear regardless of hook‐setting method or whether circle or J hooks were used; regulations restricting hook type in sturgeon bait fisheries are therefore unwarranted.  相似文献   

网箱养殖智能投饲监控系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对浑水海域网箱养殖中的投饲量控制问题,提出了一种采用回声探测方法进行智能投饲监控的系统原理及软硬件设计。在网箱底部安装一套收发合置的回声探测声纳,监测通过网箱饲料反射的声信号能量值,将其作为反馈量来调整饲料流量,使得过剩饲料维持在预设量,以实现智能饲量控制。为简化投饲监控系统并降低成本,可采取1套回声探测系统同时监控4个网箱的设计,并将各个监控节点组成WLAN后接入公网,以实现大型网箱养殖场的远程智能投饲监控。  相似文献   

An automatic, submersible fish cage system using air control was developed and a set of model experiments were conducted to examine the automatic submerging characteristics of the cage. The components of the fish cage consist of a rigid frame assembly with 6 variable ballast tanks and 6 fixed ballast tanks. The variable ballast tanks were used to change the buoyancy characteristics of the system by air control so that the fish cage can either be placed at the surface or submerged. The cage is free to move vertically within a water column by adjusting the weight and the buoyancy with an air control system. The model of this system, with dimensions of 2.20 m in diameter and length and 1.04 m in net cage depth, was constructed to be 1/10 the size of the full-scale system. In the model experiments, the submerging and surfacing characteristics of the cage were regulated with measurements from a water-pressure gauge and a gyroscope incorporated into the automatic control system. Model tests were performed in a still water tank and a large wave tank to develop the algorithm required to control the cage system and to verify the ability of the automatic submersion mechanism to function. The control system was designed so that when the variable ballast tanks were flooded with water, the model descended. To raise the system, compressed air is injected into the tanks by opening the main evacuation valve on the manifold. After the required amount of compressed air is supplied, the main evacuation valves can be shut and as a result, the fish cage becomes buoyant. Measured performance results in a still water tank are then compared with calculations from a previously developed numerical technique. The submerging and surfacing characteristics of the fish cage were relatively similar to the measurements obtained with the physical model experiments using air control. The cage was submerged to a target depth when incidence wave heights were higher than the critical wave height and raised when little wave actions were detected in a wave tank. On the other hand, the cage was placed at the surface when incidence wave heights were the same as the critical wave height or lower.  相似文献   

Recreational fishing is a commonplace leisure activity within the developed world but can generate tension when activities conflict with conservation agendas. A potential conflict arises over the use of European river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.), a protected species, by UK coarse (freshwater non-salmonid) predator anglers. This study used geographically stratified interviews with 69 predator anglers to explore attitudes towards the use of lamprey as bait, their conservation status and knowledge of biosecurity regulations. Most participants used lamprey as bait to some degree and agreed that, if threatened by exploitation, a ban on their use as angling bait should be implemented. Ordinal regression analysis indicated the presence of a subset of anglers who value lamprey as bait more than others and may oppose conservation efforts. The benefits of the potential establishment of bait certification schemes are also considered.  相似文献   

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