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比较了EM发酵人工配合饲料和人工配合饲料对刺参幼参的饲喂效果,以及对发酵饲料的最适日投喂量和日投喂次数进行了研究。结果表明:发酵饲料较配合饲料能显著提高刺参幼参的成活率和生长速度,可作为生产高产大规格刺参苗种的主要饲料;发酵饲料的最适日投喂量为刺参体重的3%~4%,增加或减少投喂量均会降低幼参的成活率和生长速度;发酵饲料的最适日投喂次数为2次,增加或减少投喂次数均会降低幼参的生长速度。本研究表明合理投喂EM发酵饲料可以为刺参养殖业提供高产且大规格苗种。  相似文献   

为探究发酵饲料在刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)苗种培育中的效果,本研究测定了投喂发酵饲料对刺参苗种能量收支、生长、非特异性免疫酶和消化酶活性的影响,同时,对比分析了1个倒池周期内投喂发酵和未发酵饲料养殖单元池水的重要水质指标差异。结果表明,在50 d的养殖实验周期内,投喂发酵饲料组刺参苗种的存活率(SR)为(91.51±0.74)%,显著高于未发酵饲料组[(82.35±2.22)%] (P<0.05),苗种的特定生长率(SGR)为(1.83±0.01)%/d,与未发酵饲料组无显著差异。投喂发酵饲料刺参的生长能和代谢能占比分别为(13.25±1.01)%和(32.32±2.00)%,表明投喂发酵饲料可显著提高刺参生长能;对重要非特异性免疫酶指标和消化酶指标活性的测定结果表明,投喂发酵饲料组刺参的碱性磷酸酶、溶菌酶和胰蛋白酶活性分别为(0.74±0.04) king U/100 ml、(95.52± 14.80) U/ml和(335.89±13.01) U/mg prot,显著高于投喂未发酵饲料组(P<0.05);对实验期间一个倒池周期(7 d)内各实验组重要水质指标变化的测定结果表明,第7天投喂发酵饲料组水体氨氮和亚硝酸盐浓度分别为(263.27±32.57)和(315.15±61.41) μg/L,显著低于未发酵饲料组。综合各项指标可以看出,投喂发酵饲料可显著提升刺参苗种的生理代谢水平,并有利于维持养殖池水水质,表明发酵饲料在刺参育苗与养殖中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

在刺参配合饲料中添加6个比例(10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%)的甘薯块根粉与甘薯蔓茎粉,测定两种甘薯饲料原料的营养成分及其对仿刺参摄食与生长的影响。结果显示,甘薯块根粉中粗蛋白含量为10.01%,甘薯蔓茎粉中粗蛋白含量为5.54%;每100 g甘薯块根与蔓茎粉中氨基酸总量分别为7.33 g和4.37 g。在30 d的实验期间,投喂添加甘薯块根粉饲料的实验组仿刺参平均体重随实验时间呈上升趋势,实验结束时,10%和20%组特定生长率(SGR)显著高于对照组(P0.05),30%组SGR与对照组差异不显著(P0.05)。投喂添加10%甘薯蔓茎粉的实验组仿刺参SGR与对照组差异不显著(P0.05),其余各组SGR均低于对照组(P0.05)。投喂添加10%、20%甘薯块根粉饲料的实验组仿刺参食物转化率(FCE)显著高于对照组(P0.05),投喂添加10%甘薯蔓茎粉饲料的实验组FCE与对照组差异不显著(P0.05),其余各实验组仿刺参FCE显著低于对照组(P0.05)。结果表明,当甘薯块根粉和甘薯蔓茎粉添加比例分别低于30%和10%时,可满足刺参的营养需求,提高饲料利用效率,保证并促进仿刺参的摄食与生长。  相似文献   

为研究在海参商品饲料中添加不同含量的活性污泥对刺参养殖的效果,进行了60 d养殖试验,结果表明:添加20%和30%活性污泥组刺参增重率、日增重和特定生长率最高,投喂海参商品饲料组次之,而投喂污泥组刺参的生长最慢。投喂活性污泥和商品饲料的刺参摄食率、排粪率、饲料转化率、有机质同化率都高于投喂污泥组,在活性污泥组中,四个指标随着活性污泥添加量增加而总体呈递减趋势。投喂商品饲料和投喂20%、30%活性污泥添加量的刺参耗氧率和排氨率与污泥组相比较高。这些结果表明饲料中添加活性污泥可以促进刺参生长,提高刺参的摄食率和同化效率,对刺参耗氧率和排氨氯有一定的影响。  相似文献   

研究了不同饲料组成对花刺参生长的影响。实验采用50%自配饲料+50%蛎壳粉(A)、50%自配饲料+40%蛎壳粉+10%海泥(B)、50%自配饲料+30%蛎壳粉+20%海泥(C)、50%自配饲料+20%蛎壳粉+30%海泥(D)、50%自配饲料+10%蛎壳粉+40%海泥(E)、50%自配饲料+50%海泥(F)和自制配合饲料(G)7种饲料投喂花刺参,进行了为期90天的养殖实验。实验结果显示,B组的特定生长率最高,饲料系数最低;A组和C组次之;D组、E组、F组和G组的投喂效果不理想。研究表明降低饲料中海泥的比例,适当提高蛎壳粉的比例,有利于提高花刺参饲料的适口性,促进花刺参生长。  相似文献   

在刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)配合饲料中添加不同比例(10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%)的甘薯块根粉与甘薯茎蔓粉,测定了添加2种甘薯饲料成分对刺参生长和非特异性免疫力的影响。结果显示,在50 d实验期间,投喂添加甘薯块根粉饲料的实验组刺参平均体重随实验时间呈上升趋势,实验结束时,添加20%甘薯块根粉组终末体重显著高于对照组(P0.05),10%、30%组特定生长率(SGR)与对照组差异不显著(P0.05);投喂添加10%甘薯茎蔓粉的实验组刺参SGR与对照组差异不显著(P0.05),其余各组SGR均低于对照组(P0.05)。投喂添加10%、20%甘薯块根粉饲料的实验组刺参体腔液中过氧化氢酶(CAT)、酸性磷酸酶(ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)均显著高于对照组(P0.05);投喂添加10%甘薯茎蔓粉饲料的实验组ACP显著高于对照组(P0.05),刺参体腔液中的溶菌酶(LZM)、总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)、CAT和AKP与对照组差异不显著(P0.05)。研究表明,当甘薯块根与茎蔓的添加比例分别在30%和20%以下时,可满足刺参的营养需求,促进或保证刺参的生长,提高刺参免疫能力。  相似文献   

添加微生态制剂及投饲模式对幼刺参生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水温12~18℃,将体质量(3.37±0.15)g的仿刺参幼参饲养在容水50 L的塑料槽中,研究添加微生态制剂的饲料及不同日投喂量对幼刺参生长及养殖水质指标的影响.采用以3d日投喂量相同(1∶1∶1)及3d日投喂量不同(5∶3∶2)的投饲方式,微生态制剂饲料在基础饲料的基础上加入4.5ml有益复合微生物菌群与芽孢杆菌混合液,并于30℃水浴中预处理12 h以上而制成.60 d的试验结果表明,以投喂微生态制剂饲料组的氨氮、亚硝酸氮、化学需氧量明显低于基础饲料组;以5∶3∶2方式投喂微生态制剂饲料组的刺参质量增加率、日质量增加和特定生长率明显高于1∶1∶1方式和基础饲料组(P<0.05);以5∶3∶2方式投喂微生态制剂饲料组的饲料表观消化率、耗氧率和排氨率较高.  相似文献   

为降低仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)饲料成本,寻找鱼粉、鱼油的有效替代蛋白源、脂肪源,用发酵豆粕和扇贝裙边粉替代饲料中的鱼粉;用扇贝裙边油替代饲料中的鱼油,制作实验饲料投喂仿刺参。实验随机选取大小均匀,体色相近、健康无病的仿刺参幼参进行实验。共设置2个处理组,即商业饲料组(D1)和实验饲料组(D2),每组设3个重复。饲养56d后测定各组仿刺参的生长指标及体壁营养指标。结果表明:实验饲料组仿刺参的存活率、增重率均显著高于商业饲料组(P0.05),组间仿刺参的特定生长率、饲料系数无显著差异,组间仿刺参的水分、粗蛋白、粗灰分、粗脂肪等组分无显著差异。因此用发酵豆粕、扇贝裙边粉替代鱼粉,并用扇贝裙边油替代鱼油是可行的,且效果优于市面所售的优质仿刺参配合饲料。  相似文献   

为研究发酵饲料配伍配合饲料投喂对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹生长性能、抗氧化、免疫机能和代谢的影响,实验分别制备了5组饲料:对照组以幼蟹配合饲料为基础饲料(F0),各实验组在配合饲料基础上额外添加日投喂量5%、10%、15%和20%发酵饲料,并依次命名为F5、F10、F15和F20。150只均重无显著差异的中华绒螯蟹随机分5组,每组设3个重复,每重复10只蟹,分别饲喂对应组饲料,每天饱食投喂1次,养殖周期59 d。在养殖结束后采集血淋巴和肝胰腺以测定抗氧化指标、免疫指标和蛋白代谢酶活性。结果发现,额外投喂发酵饲料后,各组幼蟹的增重率和特定生长率均较对照组显著升高。随着额外投喂发酵饲料量的增加,血淋巴中过氧化氢酶含量先上升后下降,其中F5、F10和F15组较对照组显著升高。各处理组酸性磷酸酶活性高于对照组,但差异不显著。各组总蛋白和球蛋白含量随着发酵饲料额外投喂量提高呈现先升高后降低的趋势,但是各组间差异不显著。此外,额外添加日投喂量20%比例以下的发酵饲料,可以提升肝胰腺中胰蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶、谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶活性。研究表明,额外投喂发酵饲料可以促进中华绒螯蟹幼蟹的生长,还可以提高其抗氧化能力、免疫机能和蛋白代谢能力。  相似文献   

在刺参配合饲料中添加6个比例(10%、20%、30%、40%、50%、60%)的甘薯块根粉与甘薯蔓茎粉,测定两种甘薯饲料原料的营养成分及其对仿刺参摄食与生长的影响.结果显示,甘薯块根粉中粗蛋白含量为10.01%,甘薯蔓茎粉中粗蛋白含量为5.54%;每100 g甘薯块根与蔓茎粉中氨基酸总量分别为7.33 g和4.37 g.在30 d的实验期间,投喂添加甘薯块根粉饲料的实验组仿刺参平均体重随实验时间呈上升趋势,实验结束时,10%和20%组特定生长率(SGR)显著高于对照组(P<0.05), 30%组SGR与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05).投喂添加10%甘薯蔓茎粉的实验组仿刺参SGR与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),其余各组SGR均低于对照组(P<0.05).投喂添加10%、20%甘薯块根粉饲料的实验组仿刺参食物转化率(FCE)显著高于对照组(P<0.05),投喂添加10%甘薯蔓茎粉饲料的实验组FCE与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),其余各实验组仿刺参FCE显著低于对照组(P<0.05).结果表明,当甘薯块根粉和甘薯蔓茎粉添加比例分别低于30%和10%时,可满足刺参的营养需求,提高饲料利用效率,保证并促进仿刺参的摄食与生长.  相似文献   

在饲料中添加海星棘皮,与两组商品饲料分别投喂体重为5.0–6.7 g的仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus Selenka),进行60 d养殖试验,研究其对仿刺参平均增重率(AWGR)、特定生长率(SGR)、饲料系数(FCR)、摄食率(FR)和蛋白表观消化率(APD)的影响。结果显示,各组仿刺参生长良好,成活率无显著差异(P>0.05);60 d时,各组仿刺参的AWGR和SGR变化趋势相同,由高到低依次为市售2组、海星组、市售1组;海星饲料组仿刺参的FCR最低,与其他两组间差异不显著(P>0.05);海星饲料组与市售1组的FR间差异不显著(P>0.05),与市售2组FR间有显著差异(P<0.05);海星饲料组仿刺参的饲料转化率(FE)明显高于其他两组(P<0.05);海星饲料组仿刺参的APD最高,为67.28%,与市售1组的APD差异显著(P<0.05)。研究表明,添加海星棘皮可以较好地促进仿刺参的生长和提高饲料的利用,可添加到仿刺参幼参饲料中用作饲料源。  相似文献   

In this study, the compound probiotics including Pseudoalteromonas. Sp D11, Bacillus subtilis A142, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Y23 and Lactobacillus plantarum L54 were applied for solid‐state fermenting the artificial diet of juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. The quality of solid‐state fermented (SSF) feed and its potential effects on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities were investigated. The results showed that, compared to unfermented diet, SSF feed had a better palatability quality; meanwhile, a higher ratio of crude protein, free amino acids and reducing sugars and a lower ratio of crude fibre, crude ash and alginic acid were found in SSF feed. The results of the feeding trial showed that feeding SSF feed could improve growth performance of sea cucumbers more than those fed with the unfermented diet. The results of digestive enzyme assays showed that feeding SSF feed to animals could significantly improve activities of amylase, cellulase, alginic acid enzyme and protease, which implied that fermented feed could improve digestibility of A. japonicus. In summary, the SSF feed fermented by compound probiotics had better palatability and nutrition value than unfermented feed. And feeding SSF feed could significantly improve the growth performance and digestion ability for sea cucumbers in the phases of nursery and grow‐out.  相似文献   

Two feeding experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of dietary inclusion of different plant ingredients on growth and body composition of juvenile sea cucumber. In the first experiment, three replicate groups of the sea cucumber (average weight of 1.5 ± 0.05 g) were fed one of the seven experimental diets containing Sargassum thunbergii (CON), Undaria (UND), Laminaria (LAM), Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata (BRA), fermented soybean (FSB), distillers dried grain (DDG) and rice straw powder (RIC) for 10 weeks. After the feeding trial, survival was not significantly different among the dietary treatments. Specific growth rate (SGR) of sea cucumber fed the FSB diet (0.73) was significantly higher than that of sea cucumber fed the other diets (P < 0.05), except for the DDG diet (0.64). The lowest SGR was observed in sea cucumber fed the CON diet (0.14). Based on the result of the first experiment, the second experiment was conducted to determine the proper level of dietary DDG for growth of juvenile sea cucumber. Three replicate groups of sea cucumber (average weight of 1.6 ± 0.02 g) were fed one of the five experimental diets containing different levels (g kg?1) of DDG (DDG0, DDG10, DDG20, DDG30 and DDG40) for 12 weeks. Survival was not significantly different among the treatments (P > 0.05). The best SGR was obtained in sea cucumber fed the DDG10 diet (10.1) and the value of sea cucumber fed the DDG40 diet (5.6) was the lowest (P < 0.05). The SGR of sea cucumber fed the DDG10 diet did not differ from that of sea cucumber fed the DDG20 diet (P > 0.05). Moisture, crude protein, crude lipid and ash contents of whole body in sea cucumber among the dietary treatments (P > 0.05) did not differ significantly at both experiments. Results of two feeding trial suggest that dietary inclusion with 100 g kg?1 FSB or 100–200 g kg?1 DDG may improve growth of juvenile sea cucumber, and especially DDG could be used as a good ingredient for the low‐cost feed formulation.  相似文献   

张静雅  任幸  李伟业  柳敏海  王力  王岩 《水产学报》2020,44(11):1873-1882
通过10周生长实验评价了利用棉籽浓缩蛋白替代条纹锯鮨(Centropristis striata)饲料鱼粉的潜力。采用单因素实验设计,设4个鱼粉替代水平。对照饲料(C)中鱼粉含量为35%,通过添加棉籽浓缩蛋白分别替代饲料C中鱼粉的40%(R40)、60%(R60)和80%(R80)。每个处理设3个重复。实验鱼初始体重为29.5 ± 0.5g。实验期间,每天分两次按饱食量投喂实验饲料。结果表明:利用棉籽浓缩蛋白替代饲料鱼粉对鱼摄食、生长、饲料利用效率、鱼体组成和养殖废物(氮、磷和碳)排放量无显著影响,但单位鱼产量鱼粉消耗量(RCP)随饲料鱼粉含量下降而降低。基于生长、饲料成本、对环境的影响和RCP进行综合分析结果表明投喂饲料R80时养殖效益有别于投喂饲料C、R40和R60时。上述结果显示通过添加棉籽浓缩蛋白可将条纹锯鮨饲料鱼粉含量降低至7%。  相似文献   

Eight isonitrogenous (approximately 35 % crude protein) and isocaloric (17.58 kJ g?1) diets incorporating raw and fermented sesame oilseed meal replacing other feed ingredients including fishmeal at 10, 20, 30 and 40 % levels by weight into a fishmeal-based reference diet (RD) were fed to rohu, Labeo rohita, fingerlings (mean initial weight 3.19 ± 0.09 g) for 80 days. Two phytase-producing bacterial strains (LF1 and LH1 of Bacillus licheniformis) isolated from the foregut and hindgut regions of adult L. rohita were used for fermentation of oilseed meal for 15 days at 37 ± 2 °C. Fermentation of sesame seed meal was effective in significantly reducing the crude fibre content and anti-nutritional factors such as tannins and phytic acid and enhancing available free amino acids, free fatty acids and mineral concentration. In terms of growth, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio, 30 % fermented oilseed meal incorporated diet resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) better performance of rohu fingerlings. In general, growth and feed utilization efficiencies of diets containing fermented oilseed meal were superior to diets containing raw meal. The apparent digestibility of protein, lipid, ash and minerals (phosphorus, calcium, manganese, copper and iron) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in fish fed diet containing 30 % fermented oilseed meal in comparison with those fed RD. The maximum deposition of protein in the carcass was recorded in fish fed the diet containing 30 % fermented seed meal.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted for 49 days to evaluate the effect of partially substituting fishmeal with fermented prawn waste liquor (FPWL) in juvenile sea bass diets at 10%, 20%, and 30% of the total diet. Growth performance of sea bass from 16 g up to 40 g fed with FPWL-supplemented diet was not significantly different from the all fishmeal control diet. The most cost-effective diet included FPWL at 30%, with weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and protein efficiency ratio of 180%, 1.78%, and 1.2% respectively.  相似文献   

A 12‐week growth trial was performed to evaluate the effect of lupin seed meal as a protein source in diets for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) juveniles. Six experimental diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic and to contain 10%, 20% and 30% of raw lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seed meal protein or 20% and 30% lupin (L. angustifolius) seed meal processed by infrared radiation (micronized) in place of fish meal protein, the only protein source of the control diet. Fish accepted all diets well and no significant differences in feed utilization among groups were noticed during the trial. Final weight of fish fed the experimental diets was identical or higher than the control group. Final weight of fish fed diets including 20% micronized lupin protein was even significantly higher than that of fish fed the fish meal‐based control diet. Moreover, at the same dietary lupin seed meal protein inclusion levels, final weight of fish fed diets including micronized lupin was significantly higher than with raw lupin. A trend was also noticed for a decrease of final weight with the increase in lupin seed meal in the diets. At the end of the trial no significant differences in proximate whole‐body composition, hepatosomatic and visceral indices were observed among groups. It is concluded that lupin seed meal can replace up to 30% fish meal protein in diets for gilthead sea bream juveniles with no negative effects on growth performance. Furthermore, micronization of lupin seeds improves its dietary value for gilthead sea bream juveniles. At the same dietary lupin inclusion levels, diets including micronized lupin seeds promote significantly higher growth rates than raw lupin seeds.  相似文献   

The kelp aquaculture production in China is the largest in the world, and a large amount of kelp residue is produced by kelp processing. Kelp residues contain substantial quantities of crude fibre, protein, and residual alginic acid, and may be used as feedstuff for aquaculture animals. In this study, we used probiotics to ferment kelp residues to improve kelp nutrient content and then fed the fermented kelp to the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus. To study the effect of fermented feed on sea cucumber, its growth performance, digestive enzyme activity, diversity of intestinal microbiota and water quality of the sea cucumber culture water were determined. Growth performance of sea cucumber fed with fermented feed significantly (p < .01) increased when compared with sea cucumber fed with formulated feed. Amylase, cellulose and alginase activities were significantly (p < .01) higher in the fermented feed group when compared with the formulated feed group. The total number and diversity of intestinal microbiota showed a significant increase in sea cucumbers fed with the fermented feed. The water quality of the fermented feed group showed much lower ammonia and nitrite (<0.050 mg/L) levels when compared with the formulated feed group. These results suggest that kelp residues fermented with probiotics enhance the growth, digestive enzyme activities and intestinal microbiota of sea cucumbers and improve the culture water quality. Fermented kelp residues are a new supplementary nutrient source for sea cucumbers and may be applicable to other animal aquacultures.  相似文献   

Six isonitrogenous (350 g kg−1 crude protein) and isoenergetic (17573 kJ kg−1) experimental diets incorporating raw and fermented sesame ( Seasamum indicum ) seed meal at 200, 300, and 400 g kg−1 into a fishmeal based diet were fed to rohu Labeo rohita fingerlings for 60 days and the growth performance and feed utilization efficiency of the fish was studied. The antinutritional factor phytic acid, from raw sesame seed meal, could be reduced below detection limit by fermentation with lactic acid bacteria ( Lactobacillus acidophilus ). Fermentation of the oilseed meal resulted in reduction of the tannin content from 20 to 10 g kg−1. In terms of growth response, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio, a diet containing 400 g kg−1 fermented sesame seed meal resulted in a significantly ( P  < 0.01) best fish performance. In general, growth and feed utilization efficiencies of fish fed fermented sesame seed meal diets were superior to those fed raw oilseed meal diets. Apparent protein digestibility (APD) values decreased with increasing levels of raw oilseed meal. APD was, however, significantly ( P  < 0.01) higher at all levels of incorporation of fermented sesame seed meal, while diets containing raw oilseed meal resulted in poor protein and lipid digestibility. Carcass protein and lipid contents of fish fed fermented sesame seed meal diets increased with increasing level of incorporation, being highest with 400 g kg−1 fermented oilseed meal-containing diet. The results showed that sesame seed meal may be incorporated in carp diets up to 200 g kg−1 and 400 g kg−1 in raw and treated (fermented) forms respectively.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate two seaweed species, Solieria filiformis and Macrocytis piryfera, both as dry‐meal powder and predigested meal, to be used as ingredients in artificial diets for the juvenile four‐sided sea cucumber, Isostichopus badionotus. Four diets were tested in triplicate: S. filiformis dry‐meal powder and predigested meal and M. piryfera dry‐meal powder and predigested meal, mixed with 70% of beach sand. Survival exceeded 90% in all the treatments, and there were no differences in the growth of juveniles using dry‐meal powder or predigested meal. Weight gain was calculated for all the diets, and the highest values were obtained by animals fed S. filiformis. No differences between using dry‐meal powder and predigested meal were found, so these diets were excluded from the second trial. The ingestion rate was the same with both algae, but the feed conversion ratio was twice as high for M. piryfera. Solieria filiformis exhibited a number of differences in fatty acid and amino acid profiles, including higher proline, arginine, and saturated fatty acid levels. The results indicate that S. filiformis has better nutritional characteristics to be an ingredient for an artificial I. badionotus juvenile diet.  相似文献   

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