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我国非农部门的收益远远高于农业部门,农户小规模经营难以致富。国家出台引导劳动力流动和土地流转政策后,大量劳动力流转到非农部门,土地并未发生大量流转,农业生产率也持续增长。原因是农户按综合收入最大化经营目标配置不同质的劳动力,导致农业中节约劳动和与小规模土地相适应的技术与制度变迁,促进了农业要素的替代性和可分性特征形成。只要能够实现与土地小规模经营相宜的技术变革,农户的土地生产率和劳动生产率不是必然低于规模经营。农业规模经营的实现,必须提高农村居民的就业技能,使之进入稳定和高收入的就业领域;通过技术创新和制度创新,能够使农业规模经营取得更高的生产率。  相似文献   

双季稻和单季稻两种种植模式之间的改变会极大影响到水稻产量和农户劳动力投入及物资投入水平。在长江中下游地区四个省243个农户调查数据的基础上,本文对农户水稻种植模式现状和变化进行了描述,对农户种植模式改变的观点进行归纳,并从劳动力限制、水稻单产和农民粮食消费、水稻生产效益以及水稻生产的工日收入几个角度对农户水稻种植模式采用的原因进行了深入分析。研究显示,水稻生产效益和水稻生产的工日收入水平成为影响水稻种植模式采用的主要原因。  相似文献   

农村金融市场普遍存在着农户"借款难"和金融机构"放款难"的两难局面.本文利用陕西省756户农户的调研数据,使用二分类Logistic模型来分析影响陕西省农户正规信贷可得性的因素,实证分析结果显示,被调查农户的文化程度、农户家庭年收入水平、是否购买农业保险、农信社对农户的信任水平以及农户违约后内疚程度对农户正规信贷可得性有显著的正效应;农户家庭负债水平、农户承担更大风险的意愿程度以及农户是否曾违约对农户正规信贷可得性有显著的负效应;被调查农户的年龄、农户的家庭总资产、耕地面积、家庭人口数,家中就读大学的子女数、是否有重病患者以及农业经营收入比例和农户支付更高利率的意愿对农户正规信贷可得性没有显著的影响.  相似文献   

农村金融市场普遍存在着农户“借款难”和金融机构“放款难”的两难局面。本文利用陕西省756户农户的调研数据,使用二分类Logistic模型来分析影响陕西省农户正规信贷可得性的因素,实证分析结果显示,被调查农户的文化程度、农户家庭年收入水平、是否购买农业保险、农信社对农户的信任水平以及农户违约后内疚程度对农户正规信贷可得性有显著的正效应;农户家庭负债水平、农户承担更大风险的意愿程度以及农户是否曾违约对农户正规信贷可得性有显著的负效应;被调查农户的年龄、农户的家庭总资产、耕地面积、家庭人口数,家中就读大学的子女数、是否有重病患者以及农业经营收入比例和农户支付更高利率的意愿对农户正规信贷可得性没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

通过对绵阳梓潼县的225户农户的问卷调查,找出了丘陵和低山地区农户在农牧生产中的主要限制因素。针对农户的技术需求,将参与式方法应用在农户技术培训、优良甘薯新品种栽培试验、甘薯青贮新技术示范、甘薯养猪配套饲养技术示范与推广中,调动了农户学习和掌握农业科技的积极性,促进了农村农业科学技术的推广与普及。  相似文献   

本文运用山西农村固定跟踪观察户的资料,对农户农地流转行为及影响因素进行研究.研究结果表明:营地户减地行为总体强于增地行为,与此对应,营地户呈现强化包出行为而弱化包入行为的趋势,但现阶段包出力度仍低于包入力度;家庭拥有耕地的规模与零碎度、家庭收入水平、家庭劳动者接受培训的比率、家庭经营非农化程度、家庭人口数量等是影响农户农地流转的主导因素;农户在农地流转中表现出了较高的经济理性,尤其表现在高收入户、高文化户、受培训户和有声望户.  相似文献   

本文基于近年来凸显的蔬菜、瓜果鲜活农产品的产销衔接难、农户丰收却不增收等问题,以河北省部分果蔬产区产销情况为例,在实地调查的基础上,就果蔬产业"农社对接"、"农企对接"、"农市对接"和"农商对接"产业链模式等因素对农户增收的影响应用计量经济方法进行分析,以寻找适合于农户收入增加的果蔬产业链模式,探索解决鲜活农产品流通环节多、成本高、"卖难买贵"等问题的产业链模式发展方向。  相似文献   

高级畜牧师。曾任中国畜牧业协会副会长的张振武认为:中国特色养猪业应实行农户、表合、农协三住一体的组织路线。在微观层面,以小型规模化农户为微观经营主体。在农户中推行种养结合循环农业生产方式,农户用农家肥替代部分化肥,减少化肥使用量。在自家土地上种植青精粗饲料,减少对玉米、大豆(粕)的依赖。能够化解国际因素造成的原料价格波动市场风险.降低种粮养畜生产成本。在中观层面以农民专业合作社为主体。  相似文献   

农产品供给过剩是农户在信息不对称条件下,基于自身生产要素禀赋的理性选择。本文从供给层面,以“产业内部农户数量不确知”为突破点,运用生产——销售二阶段模型,解释农产品供给过剩的形成机制。模型分析表明,农户农产品期望收益越高,行业内部农户数量越大,发生供给过剩的可能性越大。考虑农户对行业内部总体农户数量估计存在偏差情况下,个体农户的主观猜测与客观分布的偏差越大。行业内出现供给过剩的可能性越大。本文从完善总量信息方面给出对策建议。  相似文献   

发达国家的畜牧业集约化经营无一例外的是建立在土地集约化经营基础之上的。而土地集约化经营的基本条件是:第一,非农产业比较发达,城市化程度高,大量农业劳动力已经转移出去,开始出现劳动力短缺,农业用工成本攀升,产生了以现代要素替代劳动力的需求,而且这种替代在经济上是划算的;第二,农户具有为实施农业现代化提供资金积累的能力,能买得起各种现代农业设备和技术服务;第三,农户受教育程度高,有现代农业的专业知识和专业技能。而我国的现实情况是:全国70%的人口住在农村,城市化程度仅为30%左右;农村70%的劳动力从事农业生产,农村非农产业…  相似文献   

China is the world's largest tilapia producer. This study uses the stochastic frontier function in the Cobb–Douglas model to evaluate a production frontier for tilapia aquaculture and analyses the relationship between farm size and production efficiency in China. A random sample of 300 tilapia farmers was surveyed in the main tilapia‐producing areas to study their economic efficiencies. The percentage distribution of tilapia farm technical efficiency was determined, with an average efficiency of 79%, which showed that the sample tilapia farmers operate at 21% below the production frontier and hence that they still have a chance to achieve targeted yields. The technical efficiencies of two categories (≤1 ha and >1 ha) were 78.82% and 79.27% respectively. A second‐stage analysis investigated the relationship between farm size and technical efficiency and showed a positive relationship between farm size and production efficiency based on the ordinary least‐squares model. The optimal farm size was found to be 7.50 ha. This study proposes strategies such as enlarging the farming scale moderately, thereby achieving the advantage of economies of scale, and enhancing the competitiveness of the tilapia industry in China.  相似文献   

The government of Kenya encourages aquaculture development by offering credit facilities through the government agricultural finance institution, Agriculture Finance Corporation. Nevertheless, the level of credit use in fish farming is very low. Access to credit is among several factors that affect farmers’ decision of whether to use particular technology or services. The study examined factors that affected the decision of fish farmers in Kenya to utilize credit facilities in fish production using a probit model. The analysis suggests that farmers in the Western province will have a 19% more probability of using credit facilities for their fish farming operations than farmers from the other provinces such as the Rift Valley, Central, and the Eastern province. The effect of tilapia sales on the probability of credit use by fish farmers is more than three times that of catfish sales. Total pond acreage owned by fish farmers had a positive effect on credit use but the effect was very small and negligible. The level of fish farmers’ use of credit facilities is very low, and there is probably the need to educate farmers on credit use and for the government agricultural lending agency and other commercial agricultural lenders to invest in this enterprise. Kenyan lending institutions have financed traditional agricultural enterprises, and with the growing production of farmed fish, more research is needed to document the aquaculture business model to assist in assessing the profitability potential in aquaculture.  相似文献   

在政府推行退耕还林政策以及有关部门提供扶贫项目时,贵州省三个自然村农户的退荒还林以及不接受扶贫项目的生产行为令人费解。本文通过剖析这一似乎与常理相矛盾的案例得出以下推论:政府惠农政策落实的快慢取决于政府公信度对农户生产行为的影响。该结论有力地解释了政府出台的各种惠农政策要经过一段时间才能惠及每家农户。研究表明,提升政府公信度能够改善政策效果并尽快惠及于民。  相似文献   

“十一五”以来,我国农垦加快体制机制改革、结构调整和经济增长方式的转变的步伐,参与市场竞争,努力提升企业和产品竞争力,经济社会事业发展较快,对国家的贡献提升,职工收入、生活质量明显提高和改善,示范引领作用不断增强。本文针对农垦体制机制创新进展滞缓,战略定位与发展方向不明,经济增长方式转变和结构调整缺乏资本、人才、技术的支撑,没有处理好改革、发展、稳定、民生的关系,投资匮乏,发展后劲不足,人才短缺和劳动力素质低下的现状,提出在未来农垦体制机制创新中要特别关注改革方向、目标设定与评估,改革要在现行法律法规的框架内运作,改革时机的选择,处理好改革发展稳定与民生的关系,调整好内部利益分配关系,自觉融入区域经济,与地方协同发展等问题。为了促进农垦的发展,建议国家加大对农垦体制机制创新、现代农业建设、国有农场土地资源的保护、社会保障体系的完善等财政和政策的支持力度。  相似文献   

Oyster farming is an important source of income in many coastal communities throughout Asia. Little is known, however, about the productivity of the farming systems used and the challenges faced by growers. This paper presents the results of a study undertaken in the small peri-urban coastal community of Ang Sila on Thailand's eastern seaboard. The community is located in one of Thailand's most important oyster production areas, and is dominated by small farms that use simple semi-traditional culture techniques. Farm attributes together with the personal characteristics and opinions of farmers were obtained from a survey of 30 oyster farm owners. A typical farm of 100,000 strings was found to produce a net profit of approximately 90,000 baht ($2250 USD). A high level of female participation in farm ownership was also identified that benefits women with relatively low levels of education and limited economic opportunities. Peri-urban coastal areas in Thailand cannot currently produce export quality shellfish owing to water quality concerns. Improved growing water management techniques and the introduction of seafood safety protocols could, however, improve the quality of oysters sold to domestic consumers and provide a basis for developing export opportunities in the future.  相似文献   

当前我国农业现代化之所以明显滞后于工业化和城镇化,主要原因有三个方面:农业现代化的物质基础,以资金为载体的现代生产要素投入不足;农业现代化的主体,"人"的现代化没有跟上;农业现代化的组织结构——农业产业化,还没有发育起来。要解决上述问题,必须实现由农业为工业提供资本原始积累向工业反哺农业的根本性转变;必须改变农村教育严重落后于城市教育的不公平状况,努力提高农民的文化教育水平;必须使传统的农业经营形式,向着专业化、规模化、集约化的方向演变。  相似文献   

The integration of aquaculture into agricultural production systems to intensify profitable food production without the usual environmental degradation appears to be a promising option for a large number of small farmers in many developing countries. However, for the adoption of novel production systems, economic considerations are the main driving force. The farmer has to be convinced of the long- and short-term benefits and profits of different farming systems options. The potential farmer-aquaculturist needs site-specific holistic information packages of different production options, as contrasted with packages of technology only, in order to combine traditional knowledge with modern scientific results. These all-embracing data packages for different production systems must take into account the environmental conditions, the availability and price of the stocking material for aquaculture, of farm animals and seeds, seasonal farm and off-farm labour demands, and the socio-economic situation of the farmer and the neighbourhood. The possible production intensities, profits and risks have to be quantified, and the impacts on the environment, the family and society have to be determined. Such information would serve as a guideline for the selection of management options best suited to his/her farming system and would allow a choice of alternatives in case of unforeseen events. The multifaceted obstacles to developing a sustainable integrated aquafarming system are presented for a case in the Philippines.  相似文献   

There is a growing awareness of the importance of food fish production on human nutrition, employment, poverty, and recreation. However, the role of aquaculture in livelihoods of fish farmers has not been considered rigorously. With 120 farmers interviewed in a field survey and a cumulative logistic model, this study identifies some determinants of subjective well‐being of small‐scale fish farmers in Vietnam and examines the role of earnings from fish production in generating their happiness. The results confirm that the farmers receive satisfaction from their farm working. Subjective well‐being of the farmers increases with their job satisfaction and cash earnings from fish farming. A doubling in cash returns from fish culture relative to household income raises a farmer’s happiness probability by an estimated 10.6%. Education also affects farmers’ life satisfaction. For better educated farmers, when their satisfaction from fish culture increases by one level, happiness probability is estimated to increase by 0.23%. Wild fish plays an important role in Vietnamese farmers as a doubling in relative income from wild fish captures raises their estimated probability of happiness by 139%.  相似文献   

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