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以人工孵化的黄颡鱼仔鱼为材料,对孵化20天的仔鱼的食性和生长进行了研究,实验结果表明:黄颡鱼仔鱼2日龄开始开口摄食,5日龄全部开口摄食,混合营养期1-4天,仔鱼的开口饵料以轮虫,枝角类为主,体长8-22毫米的仔鱼由轮虫,枝角类等浮游生物为主转变为寡毛类、摇蚊幼虫、水蚯蚓等底栖生物为主,仔鱼昼夜摄食率变化明显。仔鱼随着体长的增长肠胃饱满指数也逐渐增加。仔鱼的体长生长前期较快,后期减慢。  相似文献   

为了更好地增殖和保护叶尔羌高原鳅(Triplophysa yarkandensisa)这一塔里木河水系优势土著鱼类,拟采用实验生态法,在水温(20±1)℃条件下,利用人工孵化获得叶尔羌高原鳅初孵仔鱼进行饥饿试验,确定仔鱼的不可逆点(PNR),并研究延迟投饵对仔鱼成活和生长的影响。结果显示,叶尔羌高原鳅仔鱼3日龄即开口摄食,进入混合营养期,仔鱼卵黄囊于6~7日龄消耗完毕,混合营养期维持仅为3~4 d。初次摄食点出现在3日龄时,摄食率仅为16.7%,初次摄食率最高达在7日龄,摄食率可达90%,PNR出现在仔鱼孵出后的8~9日龄。3日龄后饥饿对仔鱼卵黄吸收速度影响显著((P< 0.05);摄食仔鱼生长呈线性增加,饥饿仔鱼生长呈现先升高后降低的趋势。叶尔羌高原鳅仔鱼的最佳投喂时间应在仔鱼开口后4d之内。研究表明:叶尔羌高原鳅仔鱼个体较小,对于初次摄食饵料的的选择范围较小,食谱范围窄,初孵仔鱼死亡率高,对于高原鳅属仔鱼开口饵料有待进一步开发。  相似文献   

大弹涂鱼仔鱼的摄食、生长和成活的研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
张其永  张杰 《水产学报》1988,12(3):203-212
本文主要论述大弹涂鱼仔鱼阶段有关摄食和生长发育,以及不同饵料对仔鱼生长和成活的影响。结果表明,孵化后3—5日龄即仔鱼危险期,正处于内源性(包括混合性)营养转入外源性营养。颗粒有机碎屑是仔鱼的开口饵料,培育期间以底栖硅藻分解后形成的颗粒有机碎屑为饵料,其后期仔鱼成活率高达42.04%。6日龄起逐渐加投桡足类幼体和成体,其16日龄后期仔鱼平均全长可达6.15mm,平均体重1.24mg.  相似文献   

不同开口饵料对半刺厚唇鱼仔鱼摄食、生长与成活的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在水温23~25℃下,将刚开口摄食的5日龄半刺厚唇鱼Acrossocheilius hemispinus仔鱼饲养在60cm×50cm×50cm玻璃缸中,密度为300尾/缸,投喂淡水轮虫(10ind./mL)、水蚯蚓浆(过150μm筛网)、蛋黄(250μm纱布揉洗)、鱼苗开口料和虾奶粉,以筛选半刺厚唇鱼仔鱼的适宜开口饵料。22d的饲养结果表明:摄食不同饵料的半刺厚唇鱼仔鱼的初次摄食率、生长速率和成活率差异显著(P0.05),其中淡水轮虫组初次摄食率最高(98.89%),生长速率最快(日增全长0.43mm),存活率97.33%;水蚯蚓浆组初次摄食率亦达到95.56%,平均日增全长为0.36mm,存活率为85.44%;蛋黄组虽然初次摄食率(90.00%)较高,但其生长速率(日增全长0.13mm)和成活率(57.00%)均较低,显著低于淡水轮虫组和水蚯蚓浆组(P0.05);而开口饲料组和虾奶粉组的初次摄食率和成活率均显著低于其他3组(P0.05)。总之,淡水轮虫是半刺厚唇鱼仔鱼的最适开口饵料;水蚯蚓浆为适宜开口饵料,缺乏淡水轮虫时可用其替代作为半刺厚唇鱼仔鱼的开口饵料。  相似文献   

延迟投饵对匙吻鲟仔鱼存活与生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在(22&#177;0.5)℃水温条件下,通过饥饿试验,研究了延迟投饵对匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)仔鱼存活与生长的影响。结果表明:延迟1~2 d投饵对仔鱼存活的影响不显著;延迟3 d以上投饵,仔鱼成活率显著下降;完全饥饿条件下,仔鱼半致死时间为11日龄,全部死亡时间为17日龄;延迟1 d投饵对仔鱼生长的影响不显著,延迟2 d以上投饵对仔鱼生长的影响显著。匙吻鲟仔鱼开口摄食期没有混合营养期,从初次开口摄食到饥饿半致死之间的间隔仅4 d。因此,匙吻鲟仔鱼初次投喂的最适时间建议在开口摄食后的2 d之内。  相似文献   

南方大口鲶仔鱼的生长和摄食   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了南方大口鲶仔鱼的生长和摄食。研究结果表明,南方大口鲶仔鱼在0—15日龄内,全长与日龄之间里线性相关,L=4.5849+1.7892T(r=0.9912),体重与日龄呈幂函数相关W=3.2664de0.3221T(r2=0.9783)。个体之间的生长差异较为明显,变异系数由0日龄的5.59升至15日龄的9.95,日增重率随日龄的增长呈双峰抛物线下降曲线,8—13日龄仔鱼对鲤鱼水花和水丝蚓的摄食系数分别为4.76和4.02,对鲤鱼的摄食强度明显大于水丝蚓。通过对南方大口鲶仔鱼生物学习性观察,发现其仔鱼具有明显的负趋光性和昼夜摄食节律,对饵料生物的选择依消化器官和游泳器官的发育程度依次为轮虫、桡足类幼体──枝角类、桡足类──水丝蚓或家鱼水花。  相似文献   

利用人工繁殖产生的卵形鲳够(Trachinotus ovatus)初孵仔鱼,在水温(26.8±1.4)℃、盐度28.2±0.8条件下,对延迟投饵0~6d的卵形鲳够仔鱼的摄食、生长及其成活情况进行了研究。结果显示,仔鱼于3Et龄开口,于开口的当天投饵及延迟投饵1、2、3、4和5d,投饵后2h内仔鱼的摄食率分别为15%、30%、50%、25%、15%和5%,每尾鱼的平均摄食量分别为0.4、0.6、1.3、0.6、0.3和0.1个轮虫。延迟投饵6d一组仔鱼的摄食率均为0。延迟投饵0、1和2d各组仔鱼的成活率相差不大,但延迟3d以上仔鱼的成活率急剧下降。卵形鲳鲣仔鱼的初次摄食饥饿不可逆点(PNR)出现在仔鱼开口后4d,开始投喂饵料的最佳时期应在仔鱼开口后的3d之内。  相似文献   

春季繁殖仔、稚鱼的生长与摄食   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在人工育苗条件下,对春季繁殖的鮸(Miichthys miiuy)仔、稚鱼的生长与摄食特性进行了研究。结果表明,水温在22.5~29.0℃时,全长、肛前长、体高和体质量的特定生长率分别为4.9069%、4.6815%、3.5532%和11.9672%。49日龄鮸稚鱼个体间生长差异中以体高差异最小,最大与最小相差1.625倍,体质量差异最大,最重与最轻相差2.231倍,进入稚鱼期后容易出现相互间残杀。全长与日龄的关系式y=2.6669+0.2354x-0.0096x^2+0.0003x^3,R^2=0.979:体质量与日龄的关系式y=0.1755e^0.126x,R^2=0.961:全长与体质量的关系式y=9.3852-4.1574x+0.4698x^2-0.0029x^3,R^2=0.999。孵化后2.5d开始开口摄食,实验用饵料为轮虫、卤虫无节幼体、配合饵料。春季繁殖鮸仔鱼8日龄前摄食率为70%~80%,饱食率低于5%:9日龄以后的仔鱼摄食率达到90%~100%,饱食率仍仅有5%~10%;35日龄稚鱼摄食率达100%,饱食率10%~20%。春季繁殖的鮸仔鱼卵黄囊吸收耗尽所用时间较自然繁殖的秋季鮸提早1~2d,而油球吸收完毕时间则晚1~2d。[中国水产科学,2008,15(3):446-452]  相似文献   

对黄盖鲽(Limandayokohamae)仔鱼生长、发育、摄食及PNR的研究结果表明:在10.5-19℃范围内,温度对其卵黄囊期仔鱼的生长基本上无影响,不适当地升高温度对卵黄耗尽至变态期之间仔鱼的生长不利,较高的温度可促进仔鱼的发育使之提早进入变态期,10日龄内过高的升温可明显增加仔鱼的死亡率与畸形个体数。黄盖鲽仔鱼在20日龄以内的摄食无明显节律性;温度对近变态期以前仔鱼在10:00-14:00之间的摄食强度基本上无影响,仔鱼的摄食强度随日龄的增加而逐步增加;适宜的轮虫投喂密度在10日龄内为10个/ml,15-20日龄为20个/ml。黄盖鲽仔鱼的混合营养期很短,约在24小时以内;仔鱼开口摄食期为孵化后4-6日;升温可使饥饿仔鱼提早进入PNR。  相似文献   

在人工育苗条件下,采用轮虫与牡蛎受精卵两种开口饵料,3种不同的投喂方式:开口单喂轮虫(A)、开口单喂牡蛎受精卵(B)、开口将牡蛎受精卵和轮虫混合投喂(C),分析对比不同饵料对仔鱼开口效果。通过观察5日龄仔鱼日摄食与4~20日龄仔鱼消化道饱满度的变化,探讨仔鱼摄食习性及光照与摄食的关系。结果发现,七带石斑鱼孵化开口后,投喂3d牡蛎受精卵者比直接投喂轮虫对仔鱼生长有明显的效果;10日龄前,B组在全长、肛前距、口裂宽方面都大于A、C两组,B组全长的特定生长率为4.969%,分别是A、C两组的2.5与2.4倍,生长速度最快;5日龄仔鱼在09∶00~10∶00与13∶00~14∶00时间段,有两个明显的摄食高峰期,光照强度分别为720~1 018 lx与865~923 lx;4日龄仔鱼其饱食率较低,只有40%达到了3级摄食量,4~10日龄的仔鱼饱食率波动幅度较大,10日龄后开始逐渐上升,13日龄后基本可以达到100%。  相似文献   

黄山殷溪河光唇鱼食性特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2014年7月于黄山殷溪河采集的94尾光唇鱼(Acrossocheilus fasciatus)标本,初步研究了该物种的食性特点,分析了其食物组成及其多样性随年龄和全长增长的变化。渔获物的个体全长为17.93~357.72 mm,分为5个年龄组。光唇鱼的食物由陆生和水生植物、陆生昆虫、碎屑以及环节动物、软体动物、甲壳动物、水生昆虫等水生动物组成,其中以水生昆虫、水生植物和碎屑为常见和优势饵料种类。单因素相似性分析结果显示,1~3龄组间的食物类型数无显著差异,但食物多样性指数和宽度指数均存在显著差异。Pearson's相关分析结果显示,随个体全长增大,食物类型数显著增多而宽度指数显著下降,但食物多样性无显著变化。此外,冗余分析结果显示,光唇鱼的食物组成与个体全长显著相关;随个体全长增大,胃含物中水生昆虫类逐渐减少而甲壳类和陆生昆虫逐渐增多,但水生植物和碎屑的多度与全长无明显关系。  相似文献   

日本沼虾饲料最适蛋白质、脂肪含量及能量蛋白比的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
虞冰如  沈竑 《水产学报》1990,14(4):321-327
本文研究了日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense)饲料的最适蛋白质含量、脂肪含量及能量蛋白比。试验用饲料由酪蛋白、糊精、混合油、复合维生素和无机盐混合物等组成。本试验用的日本沼虾体重为 1.77±0.23克,试验期间水温为 21—25℃。用增重率、饲料系数和肝胰脏α-淀粉酶活力等作为评价指标。试验结果表明:日本沼虾配合饲料适宜蛋白质含量为 36.8—42.27%,适宜脂肪含量为6—12%。当配合饲料的蛋内质含量在适宜范围内,饲料能量蛋白比(C/P)为8千卡/克蛋白左右,每公斤配合饲料的总能量为3006—3561千卡是最为适宜的。当饲料总能量在一定范围内,随着饲料碳水化合物含量的增加,肝胰脏α-淀粉酶活力增强。  相似文献   

对虾配合饲料水中稳定性的影响因素及其测定方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了对虾配合饲料水中稳定性的概念及其重要性;分析了影响配合饲料水中稳定性的内在因素为生产原料、生产工艺和粘合剂,外在因素为养殖水环境。综述了对虾配合饲料水中稳定性的4种测试方法:感官法、干燥称重法、化学耗氧量法和光度法,深入讨论了各种测试方法的优缺点,指出了中华人民共和国标准方法中存在的问题与不足。提出了今后对虾配合饲料在水中稳定性研究方面应重点解决的问题。  相似文献   

This study investigated sunflower seed meal (SSM) as dietary protein replacement of fish meal (FM) for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles (initial mean weight of 19.8 ± 6.3 g) reared in earthen ponds for 210 days. SSM replaced 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% (i.e., D25, D50, D75, and D100, respectively) of FM in an isonitrogenous and isocaloric diet. The optimum FM replacement level of D25 as predicted by the equation y = 177.5 + 26.5x – 7.9x2 yielded an optimum weight of about 184 g within 100 days. Thus D25 was the most effective SSM level for Nile tilapia growth in earthen ponds. Fish growth declined as SSM exceeded D25. The length-weight relationship (r ≥ 90%) depicted an isometric fish growth. Nutrient utilization parameters were similar in all the diets except for D100. The protein content of fish carcass was highest in the control and D25, while fiber level was highest in D100. Amino acids imbalance and high fiber content could have reduced the fish growth at D50, D75, and D100.  相似文献   

青鱼饲料最适能量蛋白比的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
用酪蛋白和明胶作为饲料蛋白源,配以豆油、糊精和纤维素粉及适量的维生素和矿物混合剂组成精制试验饲料。将其调制成五个蛋白水平,每个蛋白水平分别包括五个能量级,以青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)鱼种为试验对象,经过60天的喂养试验,用净增率、蛋白质效率(PER)和饲料系数等作为评定指标。结果表明:青鱼鱼种配合饲料中的蛋白质含量为35~40%;饲料能量蛋白比(即C/P值)为9.1千卡/克蛋白;每公斤饲料的总能量为3185~3640千卡是最为适宜的。上述这些数据是制定应用饲料配方的主要理论依据。试验还发现,青鱼鱼种对糊精之类的碳水化合物具有较大的利用能力;试验证明:可利用的碳水化合物具有较好的节约饲料蛋白的作用。  相似文献   

Hatchery propagation techniques, such as pellet-rearing, can result in altered feeding behaviour. Walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) is a commonly propagated sportfish, yet little is known regarding its ability to switch to live prey post-stocking. The objectives were to evaluate temporal changes in diet composition and condition as well as evaluate the relationship between total length and presence of different prey consumed by stocked walleye fry and fingerlings. Fingerling walleye had higher average proportions of empty stomachs and benthic invertebrates but less fish that stocked walleye fry. The presence of zooplankton, benthic invertebrates or fish was not related to walleye length. Walleye condition was similar between cohorts and did not change over days post-stocking. Percent similarity index values between cohorts were variable (0.0 to 67.9%). It was concluded that stocked walleye fingerlings consume lower quality prey items than stocked fry counterparts at least up to 49-day post-stocking, which may have implications for post-stocking survival.  相似文献   

Abstract –  To elucidate the performances of perch and ruffe in oligotrophic lakes, we carried out a field study in reoligotrophic Upper Lake Constance. Both these percids used the same habitat, albeit with different activity patterns. Interspecific competition for food was relevant only in summer when both species fed on zoobenthos. Even then, niche overlap was low, while intraspecific diet overlap was moderate to high throughout the season. Perch did not perform fixed, ontogenetic diet shifts, but used a wide range of prey. During spring and early summer, all size classes were planktivorous, then switched to benthivory and cannibalism in summer, and part of the population reverted to planktivory in autumn. Ruffe, by contrast, fed mainly on chironomid larvae and pupae throughout the year. It is suggested that in lakes of low productivity the euryphagous characteristics of perch, including cannibalism, provide a clear advantage over the benthivorous specialist ruffe in two ways: (i) it allows perch to switch to alternative prey types if one prey type becomes scarce; and (ii) reduces both intra- and interspecific competition for food.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of extruded diets and pelleted diets with varying dietary lipid levels on growth performance and nutrient utilization of tilapia. Six diets, containing three levels of lipid at 40, 60 or 80 g kg?1 (with the supplemental lipid of 0, 20 or 40 g kg?1, respectively), were prepared by extruding or pelleting and then fed to tilapia juveniles (8.0 ± 0.1 g) in cages (in indoor pools) for 8 weeks. The results indicated that the fish that were fed the diet with 60 g kg?1 of lipid had a higher weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), lipid retention (LRE), energy retention (ERE), apparent protein digestibility, apparent dry matter digestibility and a lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) than those fed the diet with 40 g kg?1 lipid in both the extruded diet and pelleted diet (P < 0.05). As the dietary lipid level increased from 60 to 80 g kg?1, these parameters were not further improved, even digestibilities of the crude protein and dry matter decreased (P < 0.05). With the dietary lipid level increased, whole‐body lipid content significantly increased (P < 0.05), serum aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, total cholesterol and low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL‐C) tended to increase (P > 0.05), whereas whole‐body protein content, serum triglyceride (TG), high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C) and HDL‐C/LDL‐C tended to decrease (P > 0.05). Fish fed with the extruded diets had a higher WG, SGR, hepatosomatic index (HSI), PER, protein retention (PRE), LRE, ERE, TG, apparent digestibility of protein and dry matter, as well as a lower FCR, than those fed with the pelleted diets at the same dietary lipid level (P < 0.05). These results suggested that tilapia fed with the extruded diets had a better growth and higher nutrient utilization than fish fed with the pelleted diets, when dietary lipid level ranged from 40 to 80 g kg?1 and at dietary crude protein level was 280 g kg?1. The optimum dietary lipid level was 60 g kg?1 in both the pelleted and extruded diets, and extrusion did not affect dietary lipid requirement of the tilapia.  相似文献   

真鲷人工配合饲料的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
真鲷Pagrosomus major系名贵海鲜和优良的养殖种类之一。近年来,我国沿海各省真鲷网箱养殖发展很快。在其养殖过程中,要扩大养殖规模和提高产量,就必须开展真鲷营养需求,特别是蛋白质和脂肪需求量,不同饲料源应用效果等研究,以便选择合适饲料源,配制合适于真鲷生长的人工配合饲料,提高真鲷增重率,降低饲料系数。本文针对当前真鲷网箱养殖生产实际需求,进行了不同蛋白质和脂肪酸含量,不同饲料源和人工配合饲料与新鲜小杂鱼饲料喂养效果的对比实验。为我国真鲷网箱养殖提供参考资料。  相似文献   

Dietary data usually exhibit considerable statistical awkwardness and the analytical techniques commonly used in the study of fish diet suffer from various problems (especially at the intraspecific and intrapopulation levels) resulting from difficulties in group definition and pooling of data. Considering that, we advocate the use of a combination of cluster analysis and bootstrapping to identify statistically significant groups of individual predators. Both basic and extended versions of the procedure (yielding slightly different results) are outlined. We also suggest the use of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) for further interpretation of significant clusters. When applied to dietary data from a brown trout population, the method successfully finds different feeding patterns, even though possible sources (geographical and temporal) of dietary variation were very limited. Dietary patterns appear to be related to the seasonal dynamics of the prey community coupled with seasonal shifts in microhabitat use by the predator; and, in a finer time-scale, to diel macroinvertebrate drift periodicity or interindividual, size-related differences in preyhandling capabilities.  相似文献   

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