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遵循“时空”论的唯物主义观点,探索建设稻金高产田的微型水利工程、实施稻、鱼、果、菜、萍优化组合立体开发的技术。达利投资少、成本低、使收获的食物总量中增加蛋白质200%以上、提高效益300%以上,笔者从1989~1997年实施稻鱼亩产双千斤、双千元的试验、已实现了稻、鱼、果、菜、萍综合开发年jh产稻谷1156斤、产成鱼500斤、年亩产值8200元,利润达1040~3140元的高产高效纪录。同时每亩增加蓄水4侧立方米以上,不仅可实现每立方米水体可增产Ikg鱼,还起到了抗旱保鱼保粮的作用。部省有关领导专家到现场调查研究后认为:养鱼稻田建标…  相似文献   

对虾养殖,环境,病害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

认识小牵是在我的时装专卖店。小牵背着一个双肩小包,很悠闲地看服装,紧身的牛仔衣恰到好处地勾勒出她修长的身材。出于职业习惯,我一眼就看中了她的整体气质。摄影师刘铭也看到她,用目光询问我,我点点头。 刘铭从楼上的工作室取出我刚刚设计好的一套时装,对小牵说:“小姐,这件怎么样?” 小牵将衣服展开看了看,没说一句话就走进试衣间。推门出来的小牵光彩夺目。 小牵照着镜子,很调皮地摆了一下腰身,转身问  相似文献   

1991年高邮市遭受特大洪涝灾害,为解决灾后复产,我们在司徒乡养殖场、国营水产良种场、官垛鱼苗场进行了草、鲂、鲢、鳙鱼的秋季繁殖试验,现报告如下。  相似文献   

1993年以来,我f(根据生态学原理,综合本地实际情况,在盐都县义丰镇水产村进行了鱼、果树、猪、鸭、菜、萍综合开发试验。1试验条件1.1地点试验在我镇水产村进行,占地总面积20hm2,平均水深2.5m,池塘间距纵向3.5m,横向6.2m。1.2土质为壤质潮褐上,有机质含量为0.6%-1.2%,全氮含量0.04%-0.06%,速效磷含量为5%-10%。1.3水质主要水源为河道水,其矿化度为0.15-0.3g/l,pH值为7.2—7.9.2技术措施2.1渔、果树、萍结合水中养鱼、萍,池埂种果树栽种梨树1500株、桃树200株,苹果树800株。苹果树种在纵向池埂中,南…  相似文献   

2006年,珠海市水产养殖业是历经磨难的一年,先是4月底至6月20日连续近50天的连绵大雨,给该市的渔业养殖生产造成了重大损失,7月底8月初50年一遇的台风“派比安”在该市登陆,低洼池塘塘水过基、鱼虾走失、养殖堤围崩溃、养殖水体环境剧变,养殖对虾、罗非鱼、锯缘青蟹发病远高于去年。今年年头,珠海市渔业科技入户示范工程领导小组制定了更加详细的工作方案和实施步骤,针对各主推水产养殖品种,制定了更为周到、细致的技术培训计划和病害防治措施,省、市、区、镇各级渔业(农业)行政主管部门、高等院校和研究所的教授专家及技术指导人员、养殖农户紧密的互相配合,上下联动,形成组织有力、措施到位、协调有序、处理及时、高效服务的2006年渔业科技入户良好工作局面。入户工作以解决养殖户最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题为重点,急农民所急、想群众所想,依靠省、市级专家组和技术人员的技术和高等院校、研究所实验检测设备,技术指导员通过普通镜检等简易检测手段能够当场解决的立即现场解决,不能立马解决的想办法尽可能解决,对于塘头简易实验仪器检测设备不能解决、确诊的病鱼、虾、蟹样品,通过采样向省级科研院校、研究所及时送检或者向省专家组求助,邀请省级专家到...  相似文献   

循环流水立体种养,是应用生态学原理组合的以鱼为主,鱼蚌菱藕等多元生产、闭合循环的种养系统,是一种高效优化立体开发模式,其技术要求为;一、科学建池鱼池是由蓄水池、流水池、二级池塘、三级河蚌池、四级水生植物池五个生态系统组成,用循环流水作媒介联络。蓄水池要建在地势较高位置上,以水泥和砖做材料。长短与流水池组相齐;二级池塘最好利用原有池塘,宽度与流水池组相同,长度根据条件灵活掌握,比例最好是一亩面积流水地配制8~10亩M级池塘,塘底为斜坡状,水深2米左右。三级池为河蚌吊养池,主要是为增加综合收益而设。四级…  相似文献   

保健佳品——螺旋藻中Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn,Ca,Se的测定及营养评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂燕  李缙扬 《水产科学》1998,17(2):43-45
用日立180-30原子吸收分光光度法测定螺旋藻中铜,锌,铁,锰,钙的含量,用AFS-220型氢化物原子荧光分光光度计测定了螺旋藻中硒的含量,并用国家计量局标准大米粉(GBW08502)对分析方法进行了考核,回收率为97.8%,至105.7%CV为1.53%至2.57%方法简便快速,结果满意,并从生命元素的角度探讨了螺旋藻的营养价值。  相似文献   

几年前,许多厂家企业还在为国内没有渔业、观赏鱼方面的展览而犯愁,他们常四处追问哪有渔业或是观赏鱼的展览会。然而自从1996年首届国际渔业博览会及1997年首届北京国际观赏鱼水族展览会以来,刚刚起步的渔业、观赏鱼展览会,却又陷入无序、纷乱、各自为阵的状态,刚从展览会中获益的厂商还未来得及高兴,便被蜂拥而上的各种展览会所困扰。面对大小不同的展览,企业、商家、观众们真是莫衷一是,各有评说。  相似文献   

  • 1. Despite a growing number of river restoration projects in Central Europe targeting hydromorphological improvements, it is still uncommon to evaluate the effects of restoration. Hydromorphological diversity in straightened, single‐channel sections was compared with restored or naturally developed multiple‐channel sections in German mountain rivers to identify parameters suitable for judging conservation value or restoration success.
  • 2. Seven multiple‐channel sections were compared with nearby straightened single‐channel sections. Six hydromorphological parameters at macro‐, meso‐ and micro‐scales were recorded with transect point protocols, including aquatic, terrestrial and transient areas and width of channel features (main and secondary channels, sidearms, standing water bodies, bars, banks, floodplains and embankments). Depth, velocity and substrate type were measured at 400 points per river section. With these data 12 metrics were calculated, to provide comparison between the sections.
  • 3. All macro‐ and meso‐scale parameters were well differentiated between single‐channel and multiple‐channel sections: mean channel width and shoreline length increased by factors of 2.1 and 2.4, respectively; the average number of channel feature types increased from two to 10 per section.
  • 4. Micro‐scale parameters, such as velocity and depth variance, were significantly different between single‐channel sections and most multiple‐channel sections. Substrate composition was more diverse in the restored sections; the share of the major substrate was on average reduced from 75% to 62%. The Spatial Diversity Index described differences in substrate patterns best. The individual parameters correlated only within scales, but rarely between them.
  • 5. Rapid assessment of restoration success or judgement of conservation value is made possible by combining simple macro‐ and meso‐scale parameters, e.g. increase of overall width or of transient areas, and presence of bars and islands. Increase in aquatic area and diversity of habitats are the most appropriate micro‐scale parameters required to evaluate habitat suitability for aquatic organisms. For depth and velocity data, variance should be analysed.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Many rivers and streams across the world have been channelized for various purposes. Channel cross‐sections of meandering rivers are asymmetrical and have cross‐sectional diversity in their physical environment; cross‐sections of a channelized river are typically trapezoidal and have little cross‐sectional diversity, both in physical and ecological conditions. Several programmes to restore stream meanders have been undertaken to improve river ecosystems degraded by channelization. However, the association between diversification in the physical environment due to meander restoration and the macroinvertebrate community structure is poorly known.
  • 2. This study of a lowland river in Japan assessed how the cross‐sectional diversity of the physical environment changed with restoration of a meander in a channelized river, and how the macroinvertebrate communities responded to the changes in physical habitat variation. Comparisons were made between the macroinvertebrate communities of a channelized reach, the restored meandering reach, and a natural meandering reach.
  • 3. Natural meandering and restored meandering reaches showed higher cross‐sectional diversity in physical variables and total taxon richness across a reach than did the channelized reach. Almost all taxa observed in the natural and restored meandering reaches were concentrated in the shallowest marginal habitats near the banks. Shear velocity increasing with water depth had a negative association with macroinvertebrate density and richness.
  • 4. This study demonstrated that the shallow river bed along the inside of bends formed point bars that provided a highly stable substrate, a suitable habitat for macroinvertebrates in a lowland river. It is concluded that meander restoration could be an effective strategy for in‐stream habitat restoration in lowland meandering rivers.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Springs are distinct freshwater habitats that are threatened globally by human impacts, but are not included in standard freshwater assessment tools. This study analysed how the standard macroinvertebrate metrics currently used in biomonitoring programmes for running waters perform in springs with similar ecological qualities but with a different degree of hydromorphological modification. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were analysed in 50 riparian springs along the Crvcka River in the Dinaric karst.
  2. Most metrics analysed (ASPT, EPTfam, PTHfam, BMWP, STAR_ICMi, and Spring_ICMi) showed significant differences between hydromorphologically modified and natural, i.e. unmodified, springs.
  3. A self‐organizing map (SOM), an unsupervised artificial neural network, was used for patterning and visualizing 10 environmental parameters and the metrics analysed. Most macroinvertebrate metrics, besides IBE (which did not show any pattern) and PTHfam (which showed an opposite trend), had significantly lower values in the spring group with the highest electrical conductivity and the lowest discharge.
  4. The study showed that hydromorphological modification does not necessarily lead to a loss of crenobiontic species, provided that the discharge and substrate composition remain suitable. Future coordinated conservation strategies must take into account the fact that spring species assemblages are sensitive to habitat structure and organic pollution, as has been achieved in Europe for rivers assessed under the Water Framework Directive.
  5. Using multimetric indices, such as the new Spring_ICMi, may help to provide a framework for assessing the response of macroinvertebrate assemblages to human impacts. They may also help in assessing the success of measures used for the conservation and restoration of these threatened but highly valuable habitats. Further investigations should verify the suitability of such metrics in assessing the deterioration of springs globally.

  1. The increasing risk of wildfire has focused attention on the timescale of the impact and recovery of river ecosystems and methods for their bioassessment.
  2. An 18‐year pseudo time‐series was exploited to document patterns in benthic macroinvertebrate impact and recovery and evaluate the efficacy of alternative metrics to assess fire damage. Macroinvertebrates were surveyed by kick‐sampling and data were collected on river habitats. Details of river catchments and wildfire were collated as a GIS database.
  3. Macroinvertebrate richness and abundance recovered rapidly, marked by a phase of dynamic increase, followed by relative stability (0–2 years and 3–18 years, respectively). Across sites, richness and abundance were best explained by time since fire.
  4. A biotic index of general river quality was ineffective as an indicator of fire damage. While a metric of K‐selected taxa (Odonata richness) was generally indicative of fire‐affected assemblages, a contrasting metric of r‐selected taxa (percentage of chironomids, baetids, and simuliids) was not.
  5. Ordination analysis revealed time as a significant determinant of community structure across sites; however, its overall statistical importance was eclipsed by habitat characteristics (water quality, shade, altitude, and latitude) that were associated with ecological variation across both recently affected sites and the putatively recovered communities.
  6. These results highlight the stochastic processes – environmental and ecological – that frame the macroinvertebrate response to wildfire. This probabilistic context emphasizes the difficulties of developing indicator taxa for wildfire bioassessment and reinforces the importance of standardized survey protocols and the use of contrasting metrics in the assessment of wildfire impact on the ecological quality of rivers.

  1. Hydromorphological rehabilitation through installing large woody material (LWM) is increasingly being used to reverse degradation of stream ecosystems. There have been many criticisms of stream rehabilitation projects, because many have not met their goals and many others have not been monitored well enough to assess whether their goals were met.
  2. In a before–after–control design (with samples collected 1 year before and two successive years after LWM installation), instream biotopes and their macroinvertebrate assemblages were used as structural and functional units to assess the effectiveness of LWM installed at the Rolleston Brook, a headwater tributary of the River Welland in Leicestershire, UK.
  3. The project was successful in enhancing the coefficient of variation of channel water depth and width, wetted surface area, number of instream biotopes, and the biotope diversity in the rehabilitated reach.
  4. LWM installation led to significant increases in macroinvertebrate total density, total biomass, and taxon richness. Macroinvertebrate community composition was also enhanced, so that it became more similar to that of the control reach.
  5. Small increases in the number of instream biotopes (appearance of gravel and leaf litter) and changes in biotope proportions (decreasing percentage of silt) were significantly related to changes in the macroinvertebrate community metrics in the rehabilitated reach.
  6. The results show that using macroinvertebrate community composition is more effective than only using taxon richness and/or diversity metrics for understanding the relationship between LWM installation and macroinvertebrate community responses. To be effective, samples must also be collected in a predefined sampling protocol stratified at the instream biotope level. This approach would be of great benefit in evaluating biodiversity conservation value, and could be incorporated into the advice provided by Natural England concerning restoration and protection of English rivers that are designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest under UK legislation or Special Areas of Conservation under European legislation.

  • 1. Classification is a useful tool for researchers and managers wishing to group functionally similar sites or to identify unique or threatened habitats. A process‐based river classification scheme that successfully integrates physical and biological aspects of lotic form and function would enhance conservation and restoration efforts by allowing more meaningful comparisons among sites, and improving functional understanding of lotic ecosystems.
  • 2. The River Styles framework provides a geomorphological river characterization scheme in which assemblages of geomorphic units vary for differing River Styles, presenting differing arrays of aquatic habitat diversity for each style.
  • 3. The ecological significance of the River Styles framework is tested by comparing the macroinvertebrate assemblages and habitat characteristics of pool and run geomorphic units for three different River Styles on the north coast of New South Wales, Australia.
  • 4. Multivariate ordinations and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) revealed that macroinvertebrate community structure differed between Bedrock‐Controlled Discontinuous Floodplain rivers and Gorge rivers, and between Bedrock‐Controlled Discontinuous Floodplain and Meandering Gravel Bed rivers, especially in pools. Differences between Gorge and Meandering Gravel Bed rivers were less apparent, largely due to variations within the Meandering Gravel Bed rivers group.
  • 5. The variability in macroinvertebrate assemblage structure among geomorphic units was most strongly related to variability in substrate and hydraulic variables. Substrate composition differed significantly among all River Styles and geomorphic units, but other habitat variables showed few consistent differences among River Style groups.
  • 6. These results suggest that the ecological similarity of macroinvertebrate communities within River Styles may presently be limited because some important large‐scale drivers of local habitat conditions are not included in River Styles designations. Integrating River Styles classification with other large‐scale variables reflecting stream size, temperature and hydrological regime may produce a process‐based physical classification capable of identifying river reaches with similar ecological structure and function.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. Many river rehabilitation projects have been criticized for failing to meet their goals or for being insufficiently monitored. There is, therefore, an urgent need to develop robust approaches for assessing treatment efficacy and thus guide the increasing investment in rehabilitation.
  2. Instream biotopes (formerly called ‘functional habitats’ or ‘mesohabitats’ by different authors) and their macroinvertebrate assemblages were used to assess the effectiveness of entire-channel hydromorphological rehabilitation of a 1.8-km stretch of a lowland stream through the town of Market Harborough, Leicestershire, UK.
  3. The project successfully enhanced the physical diversity, measured in the rehabilitated reach as the coefficients of variability for channel water depth and width, wet surface area, number of instream biotopes, and biotope diversity.
  4. The project also enhanced the biodiversity conservation value, measured as macroinvertebrate total density, total biomass, richness, diversity, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) richness, EPT diversity, EPT count%, and EPT biomass%, all of which significantly increased following rehabilitation. Chironomidae count% and biomass% significantly decreased following rehabilitation. Rehabilitation was also successful in significantly increasing macroinvertebrate shredder, scraper, and filter-feeder group density.
  5. Changes in the macroinvertebrate community metrics in the rehabilitated reach were related significantly to changes in the percentages of cover of instream biotopes and increases in biotope diversity in the rehabilitated reach.
  6. Macroinvertebrate structural and functional metrics can provide quantitative data for assessing reach-level rehabilitation outcomes, if samples are collected in a pre-defined sampling protocol stratified at the instream biotope level.
  7. The practical implications of this work are that the design of rehabilitation projects, if based upon the recreation of biotope heterogeneity, will succeed in improving biological value and restoring the area to near naturalness if a suitable upstream source of macroinvertebrates for natural recolonization is available. The study shows that the concept of biotopes has an important role to play in river conservation management.

  1. The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea is an invasive freshwater species that can cause adverse ecological and economic impacts. Information on its dispersal abilities, ecological preferences and impacts may contribute towards the improvement of management strategies, including those relating to regulatory demands such as the European Water Framework Directive (WFD).
  2. Both the above perspectives were addressed through inspection of environmental constraints to C. fluminea dispersal and impacts in a semi‐natural drainage catchment (interconnected system of ditches). Forty sites were surveyed in 2014 to describe the species distribution and to characterize benthic macroinvertebrate communities, water column and sediment physico‐chemistry, as well as the hydromorphological conditions.
  3. Clams were unevenly distributed in the study area and artificial barriers (dikes) did not prevent downstream dispersal of juveniles. Large variation in clam density (0–3077 clams m?2) could not be explained by physico‐chemical or hydromorphological gradients. Although typical clam preference ranges reported in the literature were often exceeded, dense populations were nevertheless observed.
  4. Macroinvertebrate community structure suggested associations between the Asian clam and some functional feeding groups. However, the impacts of clams on macroinvertebrate assemblages and ecological quality were negligible, suggesting that contemporary methods designed to comply with the WFD bioassessment scheme may fail to detect important drivers of ecological change in freshwater ecosystems.
  5. This study demonstrated the reduced ecological impacts and broad ecological competence of the Asian clam, but also that its spread depends on human vectors. These findings highlight the need to rethink prediction tools supporting preventive measures against the introduction and spread of this invasive bivalve.

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