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利用中华绒螯蟹3个群体:“苏蟹一号”F4代选育群体、长江野生群体和沿海河口野生群体及其4大类杂交组合,通过笼式和坑式定向交配设计,实现了规模化定向构建中华绒螯蟹全同胞家系和父系半同胞家系。坑式交配采用亲蟹1雌1雄,共定向构建9个全同胞交配土坑;笼式交配采用亲蟹3雌1雄,共设置交配网笼17个。至2009年4月,经过越冬暂养,其中坑配亲蟹的抱卵率及越冬成活率达100%,笼配49只雌蟹获抱卵蟹亲蟹为45只,越冬成活30只。为尽量减少由于繁育条件不一致造成的各家系间的环境偏差,使每个家系幼体培育阶段的条件尽量保持一致,共选择抱卵蟹26只进行育苗。采用面积2×667 m^2室外土池6只,选择6只坑配抱卵蟹,按照一池一只设计,进行室外天然海水土池生态定向育苗;采用3 m×2 m×1.5 m聚乙烯网箱20只,选择20只笼配抱卵蟹按照一箱一只设计,进行室外土池网箱定向育苗。通过规模化培育,最终成功构建20个中华绒螯蟹家系,其中父系半同胞6个,共培育家系蟹苗280万只。  相似文献   

为建立罗氏沼虾育种项目,2006年利用罗氏沼虾3个群体,通过巢式交配设计,实现了大规模构建罗氏沼虾父系半同胞家系。实验中,每箱放置亲虾1雄5雌,按交配设计共布置100个交尾网箱;通过对培育条件及幼体数量的标准化,使每个家系在幼体培育的各个阶段的条件尽量保持一致,减少由于条件不一致造成的家系间的环境偏差。结果显示,500尾雌虾抱卵虾为271尾,亲虾抱卵率平均为54.2%,且每个网箱出现两尾以上抱卵虾的网箱数为92个,占全部网箱数的92%;通过标准化培育,最终建立了123个家系,其中含有父系半同胞家系37个。本试验结果为建立罗氏沼虾全同胞和半同胞家系提供了依据。  相似文献   

将初次抱卵的哈萨克斯坦卤虫卵放入以扁藻为主的培养液中培养,每天轻摇数次,测量温度与光照,观察记录其生长和产卵情况,产出后移入新的培养液中继续培育观察.结果表明,哈萨克斯坦阿拉湖卤虫一生报卵至少五次,在温度适宜、饵料充足的情况下,每次抱卵量在140粒以上,且抱卵量基本相同.从抱卵到孵幼的天数,随着抱卵次数的增加,略有延长...  相似文献   

第三讲 克氏原螯虾苗种繁育技术 克氏原鳌虾为1年多次产卵类型,与其他淡水虾相比怀卵量较小,且不稳定。通常1~2龄性成熟虾抱卵量在100~500粒,平均200粒左右,2龄以上的雌虾抱卵量500~1000粒。在自然水域中克氏原鳌虾的交配产卵是由季节决定的,在长江中下游地区一年有2个高峰期,产卵过程一般都是在洞穴中进行。  相似文献   

克氏原鳌虾为1年多次产卵类型,与其他淡水虾相比怀卵量较小,且不稳定.通常1~2龄性成熟虾抱卵量在100~500粒,平均200粒左右,2龄以上的雌虾抱卵量500~1000粒.在自然水域中克氏原鳌虾的交配产卵是由季节决定的,在长江中下游地区一年有2个高峰期,产卵过程一般都是在洞穴中进行.抱卵虾孵化后,有护幼习性,幼虾脱壳3次后,才离开母虾营独立生活.因此,目前在生产上,克氏原螯虾苗种生产的主要方式是利用土池进行育苗,具体方法如下.  相似文献   

中华卤虫不同近交水平家系生长性能比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究评估了近交对中华卤虫生长性状的影响。使用实验室养殖的4个世代的中华卤虫近交家系,统计其生长数据,利用一般线性模型计算获得体长最小二乘均值,其中Gz代3个近交群体(F=0.0625,F=0.125,F=0.25)的最小二乘均值分别为9749.24、9298.87、9259.42μm,相比对照家系10179.57um,分别降低了4.23%、8.65%、9.04%,3个群体体长性状均有不同程度的衰退,并且随着近交系数的增加,衰退呈现加重趋势。3个近交群体每10%近交系数导致的近交衰退分别为-6.77%、-6.92%和-3.62%,综合计算所得所有近交家系每10%近交系数导致的近交衰退为一5.77%。研究结果表明,中华卤虫近交家系的体长性状有明显的衰退。  相似文献   

河蟹受精卵脱落的原因与预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《中国水产》河蟹性腺发育成熟后,在适宜的条件下(盐度7‰~35‰、温度6℃~14℃)即可交配产卵。在正常条件下河蟹交配后数小时至数日即能排卵,同时受精并将受精卵粘附于腹部刚毛上,成为“抱卵蟹”。受精卵从产出开始就进入了胚胎发育阶段,直至幼体出膜,整个过程都在“抱卵蟹”的腹部进行,“抱卵蟹”的培育过程,也就是受精卵的孵化过程,因此,“抱卵蟹”的培育成功与否,直接制约着育苗生产的结果。近年来,在生产中经常出现因“抱卵蟹”的受精卵脱落而导致生产无法进行的现象,笔者进行了多年的观察和研究分析,初步总结出…  相似文献   

中华绒螫蟹(河蟹)春季早期育苗生产所用亲蟹,一般在上年的深秋或初冬交配抱卵。提高其抱卵率和越冬成活率,获得质优量足的抱卵亲蟹,足整个育苗生产顺利进行的基础,应把亲蟹的越冬培育作为首要管理工作抓早抓好。  相似文献   

从中华绒螯蟹苏南养殖群体、长江干流野生群体和苏北里下河养殖群体中选择100组大规格亲蟹(雌蟹175 g以上,雄蟹250 g以上),进行家系规模化构建,成功定向构建家系169个,其中全同胞家系25个,半同胞家系144个,家系构建成功率84.5%,选择40个发育良好的家系进行育苗,最终获得23个家系蟹苗。  相似文献   

在NaCl质量浓度73g/L、25℃和光暗比12h∶12h条件下,将20日龄的中华卤虫成熟个体按每杯1雌1雄方式置于盛有约100mL高盐海水的玻璃杯中,用盐生杜氏藻按1.5×10~6、4×10~6、6×10~6、9×10~6个/杯4个投喂量培育30d,记录所产出的休眠卵和无节幼体数量,并测量休眠卵卵径、无节幼体体长和雌性亲体体长。试验结果表明,同时产休眠卵和幼体情形下的卤虫的产仔次数仅占总产仔次数的1.2%~2.9%。1.5×10~6、4×10~6、6×10~6个/杯3个试验组仅产卵的产仔次数占总产仔次数的30.4%~40%,仅产幼体的产仔次数占总产仔次数的57.5%~66.7%,而9×10~6个/杯试验组仅产卵及仅产幼体的百分比分别为61.3%和37.5%。4个试验组的单雌繁殖量分别为88.7、105.9、193、298.7个,单雌繁殖次数分别为2.7、2.9、3.9、4.7次,卵生后代比例分别为32.4%、31.1%、36.9%、66.2%。各试验组干卵径、卵生无节幼体体长和卵胎生无节幼体体长依次为1.5×10~6个/杯试验组6×10~6个/杯试验组4×10~6个/杯试验组9×10~6个/杯试验组,且各试验组之间差异显著(P0.05)。雌性亲体的最终体长随投喂量增加而显著增加(P0.05)。研究结果表明,中华卤虫解池种群的雌体在饵料充足时偏卵生,在饵料匮乏时偏卵胎生;卤虫产仔方式受到投喂量的影响,但通过降低投喂量来改变产仔方式的做法在生产上是不经济的。  相似文献   

张志伟  栾生  郑波  张庆文  孔杰 《水产学报》2010,34(2):213-219
为探究中华卤虫不同生长阶段以及性状间的相关性,以确定合适的选择时间和目标性状,2008年收集来源于中国不同地区的3个两性生殖品系卤虫卵,SIN品系(山西运城解池盐湖)、YIM品系(内蒙古伊克昭盟)和ALXZ品系(内蒙古阿拉善左旗),利用人工静水孵化技术进行孵化,每个品系随机选取50尾个体单独养殖30d,每5天测定卤虫个体的全长(TL),并在第25日龄、第30日龄测定全长(TL)、体长(BL)、体宽(BDW)和体重(BW)性状值。中华卤虫3个品系6个生长阶段的各性状值测定数据显示,25d是卤虫生长的最高峰。不同生长阶段间全长表型相关分析表明,两个生长阶段间隔时间越长,相关系数越小。SIN、YIM和ALXZ3个品系第5天和第25天的相关系数仅为0.073、0.091、0.026。特别是15d前和15d后的生长阶段间,生长性状值甚至存在着负相关。对于卤虫生长性状的遗传改良,早期选择特别是15d之前进行选择,可能并不是一个理想的选择方案。中华卤虫性状间相关分析表明,第25日龄、30日龄全长、体长分别与体宽、体重性状间的表型相关虽均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),但相关系数较小。在选育生长快、体型大的卤虫新品种(系)时...  相似文献   

中国不同地理品系卤虫卵主要营养成分的数值分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯林 《水产学报》2000,24(5):453-457
以主成份分析和聚类分析的方法,对中国25个不同地理品系卤虫卵的营养成分(脂类、氨基酸、蛋白质、维生素)进行了分析和研究。实验结果显示:(1)通过对不同地理品系卤虫卵的43个营养因子的主成分分析和聚类分析可把25个不同地理品系卤虫卵分为二个大的类群:海水型和淡水型卤虫卵。(2)C20:5n-3、C18:3n-3、蛋白质含量、C16:1、四种营养成分的含量是区别不同地理品系卤虫卵的主要营养特征。(3)生殖方式不影响各品系的营养成分的组成,而地理品系间营养成分存在差别。(4)淡水型卤早虫卵适合于投喂淡水养殖动物,而海水型卤虫卵适合于海水型养殖动物。  相似文献   

太空搭载卤虫遗传多样性及亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步探明空间诱变对卤虫休眠卵的影响效力,本研究选用4对AFLP选择性引物对太空诱变与地面对照组共59个卤虫个体进行了遗传多样性及亲缘关系分析。每对引物均获得清晰的扩增图谱,共检出222个清晰可辨的不同扩增片段,其中多态位点189个,占85.1%;UPGMA和NJ聚类分析图显示,来自空间诱变组的M5单独聚类,而其它58个个体聚为另一类,其他太空诱变组与地面对照组的个体交叉聚类,地面对照和太空诱变组遗传差异不明显。研究结果表明:实验用卤虫遗传多样性相当丰富为优良品系的选育提供了很好的基础,但两组间及组内的遗传差异主要是由个体间本身差异而导致的。  相似文献   

Decapsulated Arremia cysts have been evaluated as a direct food source for larvae of the carp Cyprinus carpio L. All decapsulated cyst diets gave excellent survival of carp larvae during the first two weeks of culturing. Unlike traditionally brine-stored decapsulated cysts, dried Artemia embryos provided growth results comparable to those obtained with freshly hatched Artemia nauplii. Furthermore, except for Artemia embryos that lost their hatchability after long-term storage in air, several other inactivation treatments, simulating improper harvesting and processing of cysts, did not produce a significant decrease in the nutritional quality of the decapsulated cysts.
Using decapsulated cysts 89 a direct food source for carp larvae, instead of nauplii, the quantity of cysts needed can be reduced by about 25% to 35% after one and two weeks of culturing, respectively. Moreover, the use of decapsulated cysts advances the possible commercialition of poor-hatching and less expensive cyst products for culture of carp larvae.  相似文献   

辽宁沿海盐田孤雌生殖卤虫种群组成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对辽宁省大连市金州盐场、普兰店盐场、瓦房店复州湾盐场和营口市二道沟盐场孤雌生殖卤虫种群进行了野外调查,发现这4个沿海盐场中原有的孤雌生殖卤虫种群中出现了大量雄体。分析成体卤虫的性比,卤虫卵的卵色、卵径及卵重,初步认为辽宁省孤雌生殖卤虫种群中外来的两性生殖卤虫可能是美国旧金山湾卤虫。外来的两性生殖卤虫占有一定优势,本地的孤雌生殖卤虫种群已经有了转变,这样的种群组成表明已经形成了生态入侵,有可能影响卤虫的生物多样性。  相似文献   

African catfish ( Clarias gariepinus ) larvae were fed on five preparations of decapsulated Great Salt Lake Artemia cysts: 1) dried (35C, 6h) and UV-irradiated cysts; 2) heated cysts (80C, 10 min); 3) brinedehydrated and UV-irradiated cysts; 4) micro-bound diet 1 (with intact decapsulated cysts used in diet preparation 1); and 5) micro-bound diet 2 (with crushed and shited decapsulated cysts used in diet preparation 1). The larvae were fed from the first day after yolk-sac resorption (fourth day after hatching). After a 14-d rearing period, larvae fed on dried or heated decapsulated cysts yielded significantly higher mean weights than the groups fed on brine-dehydrated decapsulated cysts or micro-bound diet 1. Feeding micro-bound diet 2 resulted in a significantly lower average gain in weight as compared to the other groups.  相似文献   

Decapsulation of Artemia spp. cysts in strong hypochlorite solutions reportedly increases the number of nauplii that hatch. Commercial cysts of Artemia franciscano were subjected to four decapsulation methods prior to hatching them in aerated seawater. Samples were removed from the hatch vessels every 5 h from 15 through 45 h, and fully hatched nauplii were counted. The experiment was performed three times. No significant difference was seen between mean numbers of control nauplii and nauplii obtained using the decapsulation method that yielded the best hatch: oxidation for 15 min in equal parts Clorox® and seawater plus 6 mL of a 40% NaOH solution, followed by reduction with 100 mL of 0.7 M sodium thiosulfate. A third treatment was inferior to either of these, and two others produced very low yields. It was concluded that of the methods evaluated, none is superior to no treatment at all, and some are clearly detrimental to developing Artemia embryos.  相似文献   

Low-hatch, decapsulated Artemia cysts were assessed as feed for Penaeus indicus post-larvae (PL) 1–15 days old and the problems resulting from the incorporation of decapsulated cysts into compounded feeds were evaluated. Growth and survival of PL fed on decapsulated cysts (AC) were comparable with Artemia nauplii fed PL (control) and significantly (p < 0.05) higher than observed amongst PL fed on two granulated commercial diets (G150 and G300) or a commercial flake feed (AC-F) incorporating decapsulated cysts (80%). PL fed on artificial diets showed poor growth and delay in metamorphosis. However, survival of PL fed on AC-F was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that observed amongst granulated feeds. Decapsulated cysts processed into a granulated feed (AC-G) or dried at 90°C (AC-90) also resulted in slow growth and survival when fed to PL. Overall, artificial feeds showed poor water stability and significantly higher leaching of soluble protein and carbohydrates than decapsulated cysts. AC-90 cysts also showed a high level of bursting and leaching of material. This indicates that low-hatch Artemia cysts retain a living membrane after commercial decapsulation and drying prevents loss of highly digestible nutrients, which allows PL growth equal to that on PL fed live Artemia nauplii. Survival of PL was negatively correlated with leaching of soluble protein (p < 0.05), but no correlation was observed for leaching of carbohydrates or between growth and loss of both soluble nutrients. Hence, availability of digestible protein is critical and may influence survival of early stages of post-larval development. Water stability of artificial feeds is an essential factor in promoting efficient nutrition of PL, but other aspects related to heating during processing of feeds also appear to have a deleterious effect on nutritional quality of compounded feeds. Commercially dried, encapsulated Artemia cysts from low-hatch strains remain alive and are highly nutritious for feeding early stages of post-larval prawn but even after death may support acceptable survival when incorporated into a flake diet. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Decapsulated cysts of Artemia subjected to different heat treatments (40, 60, 80 and 96 °C) were fed to African catfish Clarias gariepinus larvae. Heated cysts, untreated cysts and live Artemia nauplii as control constituted the experimental diets. Protein denaturation and solubility, total alkaline protease and specific trypsin activities in the cyst diets were evaluated. The growth of catfish larvae and the proteolytic activity of larval samples during development were also determined. Heat treatment of cysts increased protein denaturation and decreased protein solubility. The protease activity in the cyst diets decreased with higher heating temperatures. The growth of catfish larvae differed according to the diet; higher fish growth was achieved with nauplii and cysts heated at 40 °C. The digestive enzyme activity in larval samples remained similar in all dietary treatments during larval development. The quality of food protein and the way this protein is processed might be more important for successful larval growth than exogenous enzyme supply.  相似文献   

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