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On the variable subsurface environment of fish stocks in the Bering Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from 1971 to 1993 are used to examine characteristics and variability of the subsurface temperature maximum in the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea. The temperature of this feature varies from ∼3.5C to 4.6C at depths of ∼150–400 m, and sigma-t density is usually in the range 26.6–26.9. The variability is caused mainly by the absence or presence of inflow of warm, low-density Alaskan Stream water through Amukta Pass. Thus the environment offish stocks is far from uniform.  相似文献   

  1. Reservoirs and associated river fragments are novel ecosystems not experienced by fishes in their evolutionary history, yet they are now commonplace across the globe. Understanding how fishes use these novel habitats is vital to conservation efforts in contemporary riverscapes.
  2. Movement patterns of the endangered razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) synthesized from tagging efforts in the upper Colorado River basin, USA, illustrate the applications of tagging technology and data sharing by multiple agencies to better understand the spatial ecology of large river fishes.
  3. Tagging studies between 2014 and 2018 in Lake Powell and its two main tributary rivers, the Colorado (unfragmented) and San Juan (waterfall‐fragmented), were used to quantify movement of razorback sucker within this river–reservoir habitat complex. In addition, facilitated translocations of fish upstream of a waterfall barrier in the San Juan River were assessed in 2016–2017.
  4. Extensive movement of fish occurred within and across river and reservoir habitats. Of 722 fish captured in the Colorado River arm of Lake Powell, 36% of re‐encounters occurred upstream in the Colorado or Green rivers, or fish dispersed through the reservoir and were detected in the San Juan River arm. Fourteen fish moved more than 600 km. In the San Juan arm of the reservoir, 29% and 20% of fish in 2017 and 2018, respectively, had moved ~30–40 km upstream below the waterfall in the San Juan River within a year. In 2016–2017, 303 fish were translocated upstream of the waterfall into the San Juan River, but 80% were re‐encountered downstream of the waterfall within a year.
  5. Long‐distance movements by razorback sucker were common within and among rivers and reservoirs illustrating how large river fish, in general, might maintain population connectivity in highly altered ecosystems.

Water use and conservation for inland aquaculture ponds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The general hydrological equation, inflow = outflow ± change in storage, can be used to make accurate estimates of water use by ponds for inland aquaculture projects. The primary inflows are precipitation, runoff and regulated water additions. The main outflows are evaporation, seepage, overflow after storms and intentional discharge. Water conservation measures such as maintaining storage capacity in ponds equal to the normal, maximum daily precipitation, reduction in seepage beneath dams and through pond bottoms, fish harvest without draining ponds, and water re-use are discussed. Even with the implementation of water conservation measures, pond aquaculture is a water- intensive endeavour which consumes more water per unit of area than irrigated agriculture. However, the value of aquacultural production per unit of water used greatly exceeds that of irrigated agriculture. Reduction in effluent volume is the most effective water saving means, and not only reduces water consumption but also reduces the pollution potential of pond aquaculture.  相似文献   

2019年4月、6月和9月分别对白洋淀淀区及府河、孝义河和白沟引河3条入淀河流的轮虫群落及水环境因子开展采样调查,探究了白洋淀河湖系统中轮虫群落结构时空动态及其与水环境因子的关系。结果显示,调查期间共检出白洋淀河湖系统轮虫30种,隶属于7科15属,其丰度和生物量年均值分别为(1.43±1.15)×103 ind.L-1和(0.67±0.71) mg.L-1。Jaccard群落相似性系数和NMDS分析综合表明,白洋淀河湖系统轮虫群落组成在季节和区域尺度上相似性均较低。针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、螺形龟甲轮虫无脊变种(Keratella cochlearis tecta)和异尾轮虫(Trichicerca sp.)是淀区和入淀河流的共同优势种。此外,3条入淀河流的优势种丰度占比均显著高于淀区。除孝义河外,淀区、府河和白沟引河轮虫群落的Shannon-Wiener和Margalef指数均存在显著的季节性差异,且均在夏季最高。生物多样性指数和轮虫营养状态指数(TSIROT)综合指示白洋淀河湖系统为中-重度污染型及中-富营养型。RDA分析表明,营养物质(TN、TP)、透明度(SD)和溶解氧(DO)是影响白洋淀河湖系统轮虫群落结构的重要环境因子。  相似文献   

进径比对矩形圆弧角养殖池水动力特性影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究单管入流模式下,进径比(参数C/B,C为射流孔位置到养殖池壁的水平距离,B为养殖池短边边长)对单通道矩形圆弧角养殖池系统水动力特性的影响,实验运用计算流体动力学仿真技术构建单通道矩形圆弧角养殖池三维数值计算模型,应用平均流速、阻力系数和速度分布均匀系数等流体动力学特征量分析养殖池内(尤其是池底)的流场形态,并修正能量有效利用系数以评估养殖池系统的能量有效利用率。结果显示,将进径比参数C/B从0.00增大到0.05可有效改善养殖池内流场特性,进径比参数C/B设置在0.02~0.04之间有利于单通道矩形圆弧角养殖池系统获得最佳的流场条件。研究表明,进径比参数的较小优化可显著提高养殖池内平均流速与能量有效利用率,利于形成均匀稳定的流场。  相似文献   

River-reservoir interfaces have been described as aquatic ecotones and contain strong environmental gradients of depth, turbidity and trophic resource abundance. These transitional habitats have traditionally been excluded by riverine and reservoir management schemes despite their prevalence in modern riverscapes. By systematically sampling shoreline habitats along a river-reservoir interface gradient from riverine to lacustrine zones with trammel nets in 2018–2019, strong patterns were identified in total species captured and individuals captured in the San Juan River-Lake Powell inflow, USA. Changes in assemblage structure were driven mainly by increases in relative abundance of benthic omnivores towards the riverine zone, including imperiled razorback sucker, Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott), but also by increases in predatory species, such as striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). Inter-annual variation in species distributions along the river-reservoir interface gradient was likely influenced by variation in reservoir water level that differed by nearly 12 m between years. River-reservoir interfaces provide high-quality feeding and potentially spawning areas for both benthic omnivores and piscivores, and these areas should be considered in management and conservation efforts for species using these habitats.  相似文献   

海洋生物资源的可持续开发和利用已成为全球海洋生物资源管理的重心。预警原则作为一种新颖的环境资源管理手段,其对海洋生物资源养护的有效性已为一些国际协定和一些国家的国内立法所确认。目前我国海洋生物资源管理实践和相关法规并没有明确采用预警原则。因而,针对我国近海生物资源养护不利的现状,我国有必要增订相关立法,将预警原则规定为我国海洋生物资源管理的基本原则,并根据我国各海域的具体情况,有针对性的适用预警原则,以顺应全球海洋生物资源养护的大趋势。  相似文献   

中肋骨条藻的室内筛选室外培养技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨条藻生长繁殖速度快、不容易污染。在室内水泥池中,从自然海水里筛选生产性纯种骨条藻藻液,在室外土池里通过对骨条藻生长繁殖所需要的各项理化因子、生物因子的控制,快速培养骨条藻。该技术简单、生产操作容易,适应于大规模的生产使用。  相似文献   

养虾池底播魁蚶技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对养虾池混养魁蚶的底质选择、播苗密度、苗种规格、池水调近和魁蚶在虾池中越冬等进行了试验研究,270亩混养试验池,平均亩产对虾106.3kg,魁蚶124.1kg,混养比单养平均亩增效益1438.4元,总增效益38.84万元。技术鉴定认为:本研究成果属国内领先水平。  相似文献   

辽宁是重要渔业省份之一,海岸线较长,渔船渔港众多,全省沿海25个县(市、区)拥有渔民20余万人,各类渔船3万多艘。长期以来,因海上生产条件差,环境极其恶劣,渔船比较分散,管理难度越来越大,渔业安全生产形势十分严峻,各类渔船海损事故频繁发生,给渔民造成极大损失,  相似文献   

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