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从广东省南澳县西山等养蛙场多次收集息黄杆菌病牛蛙,其症状是:歪头、狂游、双眼白内障和腹水等。从病蛙脑浆、眼底和腹水中分离到多株病原菌,急性毒性试验表明病原菌对健康牛蛙致病力强。取有代表性的981007—2等菌株进行系统的生理生化试验显示,革兰氏染色阴性、无鞭毛、无芽孢的短杆菌;分离菌株内毒素检验阳性;病原菌显示了对青霉素类药物高度耐药、好氧型、利用葡萄糖等生理、生化特性。经VITEK—AMS—60自动化检测系统鉴定为黄杆菌IIb群(Flavobacterium group IIb)。选用47种抗菌药物,通过K—B纸片扩散法对病原菌进行耐药性研究结果,分离菌株对38种抗菌药物显示耐药(占80.85%)、对4种药物中等敏感(占8.51%),仅对利福平、环丙沙星、氧氟沙星、氟啶酸、麦迪霉紊等5种药物(占10.64%)敏感。应用试管稀释法测定上述5种敏感药物的平均MIC分别是0.19、0.27、0.53、2.40和10.2ug/ml。  相似文献   

93年8月,上海市奉贤县某牛蛙养殖场爆发一种蛙病,大批牛蛙(包括亲蛙、成蛙幼蛙及蝌蚪)染病死亡。经诊断、病理剖检及检验,被确诊为牛蛙脑膜炎脓毒性黄杆菌病。牛蛙患此病,在国内外至今尚未报导过。  相似文献   

从湖北荆州江陵县患歪头白内障病的牛蛙(Rana catesbeiana)组织中分离病原菌,经生理生化分析和16S r RNA、gyrB基因序列测定鉴定病原菌,并经人工感染试验,进行药敏试验分析,研究其致病性和耐药性。结果显示,从患病牛蛙脑组织中分离纯化到一株优势菌株Mir-N11,经鉴定为米尔伊丽莎白菌(Elizabethkingia miricola)。攻毒试验证实:该分离株对牛蛙有较强的致病能力;该菌株对新霉素、庆大霉素、氯霉素等多种药物耐药,对米诺环素、哌拉西林、多西环素等药物敏感。生长特性试验表明:该分离菌株能产生胞外蛋白酶,不产生淀粉酶;在p H3.0~9.0范围内、盐度0.5%~2.5%范围内均可生长。该研究为牛蛙歪头白内障病害的防控提供了参考。  相似文献   

牛蛙脑膜炎脓毒性黄杆菌病   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
牛蛙脑膜炎脓毒性黄杆菌病陈耀明,胡永强,周以凤(上海动植物检疫局,200032)蔡玉书,方德强(上海市奉贤县畜牧兽医站,201400)1993年8月,上海市奉贤县某牛蛙养殖场爆发一种蛙病,大批牛蛙(包括亲蛙、成蛙、幼蛙和蝌蚪)染病死亡。经临床诊断、病...  相似文献   

从患病牛蛙的病灶部位分离菌株 ,在对分离菌株进行初步鉴定和药物敏感性测定的基础上 ,采取内服分离菌株敏感的氨苄青霉素与在水体中泼洒稳定性粉状二氧化氯 (ClO2 )相结合的方法 ,对患病牛蛙进行了治疗试验。以 5 0 0mg/kg蛙体重的氨苄青霉素拌饵口服 ,每天 1次 ,连续投喂 5天 ,同时采用 0 14mg/L的ClO2 溶液全池泼洒 ,每隔 1天 1次 ,连续泼洒 3次。试验结果表明 ,这种方法对治疗牛蛙的链球菌症具有良好的效果 ,有效率达到了 70 %以上。  相似文献   

牛蛙红腿病及其预防措施牛蛙红腿病是由嗜水气单胞菌、乙酸钙不动杆菌的不产酸菌等感染而引起的一种牛蛙细菌性疾病。病蛙的死亡率甚高,从蝌蚪至亲蛙都会患此病,野生青蛙和美国蛙也患此病。[病原体]牛蛙红腿病的病原体是嗜水气单胞菌。乙酸钙不动杆菌的不产酸菌株也是...  相似文献   

从患病牛蛙的病灶部位分离菌株,在对分离菌株进行药物敏感性测定的基础上,采取内服盐酸土霉素与外用稳定性粉状二氧化氯(ClO2)相结合的方法,对患病牛蛙进行了治疗试验。试验结果表明,以50.0mg/kg蛙体重的盐酸土霉素拌饵口服,每天1次,连续投喂5d,同时采用0.14mg/L的ClO2溶液全池泼洒,每隔1天次,连续泼洒3次,这种内服敏感抗菌素外用消毒剂的治疗方法,对牛蛙的烂皮病具有良好的效果。有效率达到了57%以上。  相似文献   

二氧化氯与氨苄青霉素结合使用对牛蛙链球菌症的疗效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从患病牛蛙的病灶部位分离菌株,在对分离菌株进行初步鉴定和药物敏感性测定的基础上,采取内服分离菌株敏感的氨苄青霉素与在水体中泼洒稳定性粉状二氧化氯(ClO2)相结合的方法,对患病牛蛙进行了治疗试验.以50.0mg/kg蛙体重的氨苄青霉素拌饵口服,每天1次,连续投喂5天,同时采用0.14mg/L的ClO2溶液全池泼洒,每隔1天1次,连续泼洒3次.试验结果表明,这种方法对治疗牛蛙的链球菌症具有良好的效果,有效率达到了70%以上.  相似文献   

从患病黄额闭壳龟(Cuora galbinifrons)肝脏中分离到一株致病菌HE01,经人工感染健康巴西龟,可复制与自然发病相同的症状,且从人工感染病龟体内再次分离到相同的病原菌。经Biolog微生物自动鉴定系统的鉴定,以及进一步的16 S rDNA基因序列和系统发育分析都表明,此致病菌为产酸克雷伯菌(Klebsiella oxytoca)。药物敏感性试验表明,该菌株对头孢噻肟、头孢曲松、头孢哌酮等10种药物高度敏感。  相似文献   

对黄膳肠炎病进行病原菌分离、人工感染、、病原菌生理生化特性和药物敏感性的测定,结果病原菌为革兰氏阴性无鞭毛的不动杆菌。药物敏感结果显示:病原菌对复方新诺明等药物敏感。  相似文献   

猪的胎盘属于弥散型胎盘,这种胎盘的结构特点和饲养管理的不当,常常导致母猪胎衣不下发生,给生猪的生产繁殖带来极大损失。本文针对母猪胎衣不下发生病因、综合防治进行详细阐述,旨在对预防和治疗胎衣不下能有所帮助。  相似文献   

The variation of virulence of Renibacterium salmoninarum , the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (BKD) in salmonid fish, was studied by infecting rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), with two isolates (strains 325 and 932) from diseased Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and one isolate (strain 4366) from an apparently healthy Atlantic salmon. Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum), were injected with the strain 932 to estimate difference in fish species resistance. Fish were removed by random sampling for other study purposes, a study design possible with analysis of lifetime distributions incorporating both sampling-, death- and survival-times. At the end of the experiment, the rainbow trout infected with strains 325, 932 and 4366 had a survival probability of 33%, 51% and 72%, respectively. The coho salmon infected with strain 932 had a 26% survival probability. The strain differences were significant according to the log-rank test, and the risk ratio between the strains ranged from 1·8 to 5·4. The strain from the apparently healthy fish was least virulent. The survival of the fish species was different over time. Rainbow trout were more likely to die early in the time course, but high numbers of coho died later, resulting in an overall risk of mortality of 1·4 in favour of rainbow trout. Differences in virulence may reflect changed selective pressure on R. salmoninarum when introduced from feral stocks into the environment of fish farms.  相似文献   

鳟鱼发眼卵和旨种运输是养鳟生产的重要环节。发眼卵多在冬季和早春运输,苗种多在晚春和夏季运输。苗种运输大多以鱼篓充氧进行短距离汽车运输,长途运输冷水性鱼苗种的实例很少。本文总结了金鳟和虹鳟苗种长途运输方法,以期与养鳟业界共同交流提高。一、包装材料和方法内包装材料是苗种运输专用塑料袋,规格54×104cm,外包装是泡沫塑料箱,规格63.5×45.5×30.5cm,纸箱规格64×46×32.5cm。塑料袋采取双层式,内装苗种和水共12.5kg,其中苗种0.5-1.3kg,100-2000尾。起运前苗种停食1-2天。运鱼用水水温调至6℃,鱼、水入袋后袋内…  相似文献   

该研究通过肉眼观察、镜检,进行干露、饥饿、盐度突降、福尔马林等抗性试验,并采用病毒检测等方法,以期建立评估斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)虾苗活力和质量标准。结果表明,斑节对虾健康虾苗具有趋光性、集群性,体表光洁,肌肉透亮,肠胃食物充盈等特性。测试虾苗干露时间以15min为宜,健康虾苗干露后能立即恢复活力,而病弱虾苗多出现死亡、昏迷现象;虾苗的成活率随饥饿时间的延长而降低,随福尔马林浓度升高和时间延长而降低,随盐度突降幅度增加而降低。健康虾苗能忍受100~200μL·L^-1福尔马林溶液30min,成活率近100%;在盐度20~30下虾苗的成活情况较好,而其在淡水中仅能存活1h。对虾苗进行病毒检测,可以避免养殖中因虾苗携带病毒而可能导致的病毒性疾病的暴发。  相似文献   

水硬度对七彩神仙鱼幼鱼发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用不同硬度的水对七彩神仙鱼幼鱼进行饲养。6周龄幼鱼在硬度为7.94°dH±0.30°dH时饲养84d后,比在硬度为14.71°dH±0.23°dH水中的幼鱼个体大,生长速度快。表明较高硬度的水有利于七彩神仙鱼幼鱼的生长发育。  相似文献   

虎斑乌贼受精卵卵黄营养成分分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本实验对虎斑乌贼受精卵卵黄的营养成分进行分析,旨在探讨其幼体的营养需求量,为其幼体配合饲料研制提供参考数据。随机选取大约800个虎斑乌贼受精卵的卵黄,采用国家标准方法测定其水分、灰分、粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、氨基酸、脂肪酸和矿物元素含量。结果表明:1)虎斑乌贼受精卵卵黄中粗蛋白质含量为76.33%(干重基础);总氨基酸(TAA)和必需氨基酸(EAA)含量分别为71.22%和32.38%(干重基础),EAA/TAA为45.46%,氨基酸中以谷氨酸(Glu)含量最高(9.97%),必需氨基酸中亮氨酸(Leu)含量最高(7.58%)。2)其粗脂肪含量12.71%(干重基础);共检出17种脂肪酸,包括8种饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、5种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和4种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),SFA、MUFA和PUFA分别占脂肪酸总量的43.47%、7.54%和49.25%,其中以DHA含量最高,达32.80%,EPA含量为7.70%,DHA/EPA为4.26。3)检测出Na、K、Ca、Mg、Sr、Mn、Fe、Cu、Zn、Al和As 矿物元素,微量元素中富含Zn、Al和Fe,含量分别为 0.77、0.71和0.43 mg/kg(鲜重基础)。由此可见,卵黄具有高蛋白、低脂肪,富含n-3PUFA的特点;虎斑乌贼幼体饲料中蛋白质需求量参考值为76.33%;氨基酸需求量参考值,如赖氨酸(Lys)为5.49%,蛋氨酸(Met)为2.63%;脂肪的需求量参考值为12.71%,DHA为4.17%,EPA为0.98%;微量元素需求量参考值,如Zn为2.77 mg/kg,Cu为0.19 mg/kg(干重基础)。  相似文献   

Anti-proteinase activity was demonstrated in the seminal plasma of cyprinid fish species (bream, chub, ide, dace, asp, goldfish, roach, common carp) using electrophoretic techniques combined with a detection method based on inhibition of bovine trypsin. We found species-specific protease inhibitors in the seminal plasma of cyprinids. At least three bands of protease inhibitors with different migration rates could be identified by native PAGE. Higher variability was characterized for bands with slower migration rates. Visualization of inhibitors after SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions allowed estimation of their molecular weights. Apparent molecular weights were within the range of 51–59 and 47–54 kDa for the bands with slower and moderate migration rates, respectively. The molecular weight of fast migration bands for roach and common carp were estimated to 23 and 30 kDa, respectively. Inhibitors of common carp seminal plasma differed in their affinity toward serine proteases. Three inhibitors in common carp seminal plasma could be visualized using cod and bovine trypsin, but only two inhibitors (of high molecular weight) were recognized with chymotrypsin. There were differences in anti-proteinase activity and seminal plasma protein concentration in relation to the origin of common carp seminal plasma (breeding lines) and time of milt collection (spawning vs. post-spawning season).  相似文献   

研究了不同年龄组(3~8龄)细鳞鱼(Bachymystax lenok Pallas)亲鱼的繁育效果,分析其繁育主要技术,包括亲鱼培育、繁育技术、受精卵孵化、鱼苗培育等,结果发现,5~6龄和7~8龄细鳞鱼产卵量没有明显差异,产卵量、孵化率、出苗率均较高,繁殖效果明显好于3~4龄亲鱼。  相似文献   

黄志 《现代渔业信息》2006,21(9):18-20,30
在分析海口市海洋渔业资源和海洋捕捞现状的基础上,提出了近海渔业资源衰退的6项原因和加快保护和修复资源的10项措施和建议。  相似文献   

Air-breathing fishes have evolved bimodal respiratory mechanisms for exploitation of water (through gills and highly vascularized skin) as well as atmospheric air (through aerial respiratory organs, ABO). Mucous cells in these respiratory organs of variously stressed fishes exhibit periodic fluctuations in their density and staining properties. The main types of damage in the gills include congestion of blood capillaries (BLCs), periodic lifting and sloughing of respiratory epithelia of the secondary lamellae causing haemorrhage, extensive fusion of secondary lamellae and hyperplasia of the respiratory epithelia due to uncontrolled regeneration leading to asphyxiation, altered excretion, and death of the fish. Haemolysis has also been observed following lead exposure. The damage in the ABO of Heteropneustes fossilis includes sloughing of the epithelial cells, leading to haemorrhage causing decreased red blood corpuscles density and degeneration of the secondary gill lamellae with reduced respiratory area. Subsequent hyperplasia of the respiratory epithelia and fusion of gill lamellae increase the respiratory barrier distance. The BLCs often bulge out and protrude into the lumen, bringing blood nearer to air. The ladder-like pillar cell (PLC)-BLC components of the gill lamellae frequently collapse. Damage to the ABO of Channa striata is less severe. Often haemorrhaging due to bursting of extensively stretched BLCs causes aerial respiratory failure. Chloride cells of the ABOs also show hyperplasia. While the highly mucogenic epidermis of C. striata shows less damage, the epidermis of Clarias batrachus and H. fossilis shows severe wear and tear, sloughing, and haemorrhage. Side-by-side regeneration continues, causing altered histomorphology of the epidermis. The different gland cells also show periodic fluctuations in their density and staining. The dermis also shows severe damage with loosening of their connective tissue fibres. These fibres give stronger reactions for sulfated mucin that not only retain additional water molecules for continuance of skin breathing, but also bind the toxic ambient pollutants.  相似文献   

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