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一、运输过程中影响成活率的几个关键因子 利用运输箱车运,路途中一般不能加换水,仅靠运输箱中有限的海水把渔货活运送至目的地。再加上运输密度很高,可知保持水质清新的重要性。造成水质败坏的主要原因是较高的水温以及活海鲜的呼吸与代谢。另外,路途中的颠簸与噪声也会直接影响活海鲜的代谢,从而影响其成活率。  相似文献   

为了解决活海鲜运输问题,我司于1982年7月将“海鲛105”木质收鲜船改装为“宝珠”号活水船,用于营运活石斑鱼、活梭子蟹、活带子、活泥蛏、活蛏等海鲜货品。该船总吨位242吨,鱼舱容积62.5米。,服务航速7.13节。投产至今共运输活海鲜120吨(其中活石斑鱼100吨),完成创汇100万美元的运输任务。  相似文献   

我国活鱼总产量超过50万t,为繁荣消费市场和丰富城乡居民的菜篮子,做出了积极贡献。然而,海淡水鱼保活运输流通技术的落后成了制约水产养殖业高速发展的瓶颈。实现南鱼北运、北鱼南调是人们多年来的愿望,对解决远离海岸线的内地居民吃活海鲜难的问题,具有重大意义。  相似文献   

2010年12月30日,福建省水产研究所承担的省科技重点项目"名贵海水鱼高密度远距离保活运输技术研究"(编号:2007N0016)通过福建省科技厅组织的验收。该项目开展了名贵海水活鱼保活技术的相关研究,如水温、水质及运输密度等因素对存活率的影响,为海水活鱼的大运量高密度远距离保活运输提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

海鲜品长途保活运输箱设计原理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在分析长途运输关键问题的基础上,谈谈海鲜品长途保活运输箱设计的原理,旨在解决海鲜品长途保活运输的技术,又能设计制造出投资适中的运输设备,以适合广大水产经销商之需求。 一、运输过程中影响成活率的几个关键因子 利用运输箱车运,路途中一般不能加换水,仅靠运输箱中有限的海水把渔货保活运送至目的地,再加上运输密度很高,可见保持水质清新是何等的重要。造成水质败坏的主要原因是较高水温、活海鲜的呼吸与代谢。另外,路途中颠簸与噪声也会直接影响活海鲜的代谢,影响其成活率。 1.温度 每种水产动物都有其生存水温范围,…  相似文献   

武海峰 《内陆水产》2008,33(2):32-32
大量的商品虾,采用活体运输是比较困难的,因为,南美白对虾体小壳薄、不耐低溶氧,运输中虾易死亡并恶化水质,影响其他活虾的存活。但随着水产品流通市场的不断发展,市场价格决定了上市商品虾必须保持鲜活,广大养虾户和销售户面临着如何进行批量活虾运输的难题。山东高青渔场近年来摸索出一种运输方法,可供参考:  相似文献   

一、运输技术1.运输车辆一般为市场上经常使用的活鱼运输车,即在经过改装的货车上放上一只只容积为0.3米3左右的圆塑料桶,并在桶内放上1~2只充气头或者一只成十字型的充气管,气源由车上装载的3马力或5马力柴油机带动气泵来提供。2.运输用水运输途中的海水通常为大黄鱼养殖地的海水。如有特殊情况,无法使用养殖地的海水,可用海水晶来调制运输用水,水体比重一般在1.015~1.024之间。3.温度运输途中的海水温度一般跟养殖地海水的温度相近,在10~25℃之间。如在盛夏季节运输,为防止水温过高,在运输途中可…  相似文献   

牙鲆在低温无水保活过程中的生化变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘淇 《水产学报》1999,23(3):296-299
牙鲆(Paralichthysolivaceus)属于鲽形目,鲆科,牙鲆属。近几年,随着海水鱼类养殖业的发展,牙鲆的养殖产量有了明显增加。以日本为代表的国外渔业发达国家相继开发了机械充氧高密度运输技术,最近几年又将生态冰温技术开发应用于部分海产动物的无水干运,并对日本对虾无水活运中的生化变化进行了研究[古庄真喜1989]。在我国,海水动物活运技术也得到了提高,殷邦忠等[1994、1996]采用低温法无水活运菲律宾蛤仔、魁蚶获得了成功。但到目前为止,国内外关于牙鲆低温无水保活过程中生化变化的研究未…  相似文献   

海鲜水产品是当前市场上重要的副食品。是人类摄取蛋白质等营养物质的重要来源。随着生活水平的提高,人们对海鲜水产品特别是鲜活的水产品的质量要求也越来越高,为使路程很长的内地人们能吃到鲜活海产品,搞好海鲜水产品的活体运输,是提高鲜活水产品的质量的关键。  相似文献   

鱼类保活运输技术研究现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全高效的保活运输是保持鱼类鲜度的有效方式,既能满足消费者的需求,又可以提高企业的经济效益。介绍了有水运输和无水运输两种鱼类保活运输的技术方法,并对两种方法的优劣点进行了比较;阐述了鱼体体质、温度、水质(pH、溶氧、氨氮和代谢废物浓度)以及其他因素对鱼类运输存活率的影响;最后提出了现阶段鱼类保活运输存在的一些问题和应对措施,并对其发展前景进行了展望。根据对现有文献资料进行的分析,认为利用生态冰温法辅以二氧化碳作为麻醉剂进行无水运输将是今后鱼类保活运输研究和应用的重点。此外,开发无氧保活运输方法及相应的高效运输装备也应重点关注。这些都将有助于实现我国渔业现代化的更快发展。  相似文献   

长江安庆新洲江段仔稚鱼的群聚特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安庆新洲江段是长江下游典型的干流-沙洲生境,为掌握该水域仔稚鱼群聚特征,于2018年4月15日—8月4日开展了逐日调查。调查期间,共采集鉴定仔稚鱼121246尾,隶属于6目8科34种,贝氏䱗()为第一优势种。新洲南汊、北汊分别采集仔稚鱼79338尾和41908尾,数量占比依次为65.44%和占34.56%。所有渔获物中,产漂流性卵鱼类物种数最多(16种,47.06%),产浮性卵鱼类数量最多(92623尾,76.39%)。就时间特征而言,南汊、北汊仔稚鱼丰度日变化趋势基本一致,表现出与水位上涨高度关联,共监测到三次高峰,其中7月13日达到峰值(2001.28 ind/100 m3);就空间特征而言,近岸采样点丰度高于河道中泓采样点,南汊丰度总体高于北汊。冗余分析结果显示,与新洲江段仔稚鱼丰度相关性较强的环境因子为水位、浊度、水温和透明度,其中水位为主要的正相关因子。空间尺度的聚类分析将新洲江段6个采样点分为3个群组,表明新洲江段不同采样点仔稚鱼群聚结构差异显著(=0.017)。研究表明,安庆新洲江段仔稚鱼补充量显著大于上游输入量,新洲对该江段仔稚鱼群聚特征具有显著影响,总体表现为南汊的鱼类繁殖条件显著优于北汊。研究结果补充了安庆新洲江段鱼类早期资源的基础数据,为长江下游渔业资源评估与保护提供了依据。  相似文献   

Abstract  Return migration of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was studied in the Gulf of Bothnia, northern Baltic Sea, by a mark-recapture experiment and catch records from commercial trap-nets. Coastal salmon fishing is regulated by delayed opening of the fishery in consecutive regions based on the assumption that the wild fish migrate before reared ones and the migration is unidirectional and continuous from south to north. Neural network modelling suggested that the migration does not progress linearly from one regulation region to another, but shows variation between origin and sea age among and within regions. Further evidence of the non-linear migration included a noticeable part of salmon on their way to two major estuaries first visiting the northern-most Bothnian Bay before turning back south. Salmon returning to the different homing sites in the north showed no differences in run timing in the southern Gulf whereas the same individual fish showed differences in catch accumulation further north. Run timing estimates indicated only a slight tendency towards earlier migration for wild salmon compared with reared fish.  相似文献   

根据2013年4月在厦门南部海域的调查资料,对其鱼卵和仔稚鱼的种类组成与数量分布特点进行初步研究和探讨.结果表明,本调查海域春季共出现鱼卵和仔稚鱼21种,其中鱼卵14种,仔稚鱼9种.21个种类隶属于16科.鱼卵、仔稚鱼数量主要以黄姑鱼(Nibea albifora)、青鳞小沙丁鱼(Sardinella zunasi)和鰕虎鱼科(Gobiidae sp.)为主;春季水平拖网鱼卵和仔稚鱼平均密度分别为107.7 ind/网和1.0ind/网,垂直拖网鱼卵和仔稚鱼平均密度分别为0.69 ind/m3和0.47 ind/m3;春季鱼卵数量分布以浯屿岛东侧的11站位和小金门岛北侧的9站位较为集中,仔稚鱼以下鸡屿北侧的4站位和大担岛东南侧的12站位较为集中.比较以往的研究成果,随着厦门南部海域的高度开发利用,海域生态环境已发生很大变化,导致鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类数明显减少,主要优势种也发生较大变化.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The described analytical method for histamine determination in fish and seafood consists of sample extraction, adsorption onto a paper disc, application of the paper disc onto electrophoresis paper, electrophoresis for only 10 min, drying, and color developing by Pauly's reagent. Histamine can be satisfactorily detected and completely separated from histidine, carnosine and other Pauly reagent-positive compounds. This method does not require expensive instrumentation and any tedious pretreatment to eliminate potential interference by other imidazole compounds, such as histidine or carnosine. This method can be used to detect histamine in multiple fish and seafood samples simultaneously that contain as little as 15 p.p.m. histamine (1.5 mg/100 g).  相似文献   

A larval survey is used in the annual assessment as an index of the spawning stock size of Norwegian spring spawning herring (Clupea harengus). To test how inter‐annual fluctuations in circulation pattern, survey design and execution of the survey affected the larval abundance estimate we conducted simulated surveys using a model framework with idealized assumptions to model larval drift and sampled larvae using several realistic survey scenarios. The results suggest that inter‐annual variations in circulation pattern alone can have a profound effect on the perception of larvae abundance and that the direction of the survey (north to south versus south to north) can have a significant effect on the estimated abundance, particularly if hatching occurs over a short period of time. Additionally, disruptions to a continuous survey schedule also have an effect and, as such, sampling strategies in case of disruption to the survey are proposed.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that the interannual variability of the Northeast Pacific Ocean circulation affects the latitude of landfall and migration speed of adult sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) returning to the Fraser River. The Ocean Surface Current Simulations (OSCURS) model was used to simulate the return migration paths of compass-orientated sockeye for two years: 1982, which had a weak Alaska Gyre circulation and low Northern Diversion Rate (defined as the percentage of sockeye returning around the north end of Vancouver Island instead of the south end); and 1983, with a strong circulation and high northern diversion rate. The majority of model sockeye made landfall further north in 1983 than in 1982. The difference in landfall between 1983 and 1982 depended on the migration start position, swim speed, direction of orientation, and migration start date. The currents assisted the shoreward migration of sockeye starting from south of 55o N and impeded the migration of sockeye starting from further north. The simulation results were consistent with our hypothesis and suggest that the effects of the Northeast Pacific currents must be included in sockeye migration models. We propose a conceptual model for the prediction of the Northern Diversion Rate that includes Blackbourn's (1987) temperature-displacement model, enhanced to include the effects of currents during the ocean phase of migration, and the use of two predictive formulas for the coastal phase of migration: the formula of Xie and Hsieh (1989) for sockeye approaching Vancouver Island directly from the ocean, and a yet-to-be-developed formula for sockeye approaching from within the Coastal Downwelling Domain directly to the north of Vancouver Island.  相似文献   


Developing Asian countries continue to record an impressive trade surplus in fish products. However, raising consumer concerns about a range of food safety matters and increasingly stringent regulatory standards related to fish product supply pose on-going challenges to the sustained international market access of many developing country suppliers. This paper provides an overview of emerging trade patterns in fish products and the trade regime in which this is occurring. It then reviews the implementation of various food safety standards on fish and seafood exports in the major fish-exporting countries in Asia, and analyzes the costs and benefits of compliance with these standards and regulations in these countries. Results show that, at the factory level, implementation of the standards has significantly increased the cost of processing, and the cost per unit of fish processed is higher for the smaller plants. These economies of scale could exclude small operators in developing countries. Continued competitiveness of small plants would seem to require government policies and support designed to minimize the cost of compliance with international standards.  相似文献   


As adoption of genetic modification (GM) technologies grows, so do questions about consumer acceptance. While willingness to consume GM crop products has been studied extensively, similar studies of GM fish and seafood are lacking. Econometric analyses of U.S. survey data reveal that older, higher income, non African American males are most likely to consume GM fish and seafood. The results can contribute to our understanding of GM fish and seafood consumption decisions which, in turn, can be used to identify and exploit the niche market for GM fish products.  相似文献   

Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) is an important fishery resource with a circumglobal distribution from tropical to temperate waters. Here, we investigated the spawning migration and habitat utilization of S. dumerili in the East China Sea (ECS). Archival tags were attached to 22 adult fish to examine their horizontal and vertical movements and estimate the spawning ground. S. dumerili were captured and released in the coastal waters of eastern Taiwan on November of 2016 and 2017. Information from seven pop-up satellite archival tags and seven depth–temperature recorders was recovered. Almost all of the fish stayed in the Taiwanese exclusive economic zone. Most individuals moved from released site to the southern edge of the ECS and showed behavior associated with the topographic features in winter (November to December). These phenomena may be related to foraging and be driven by oceanographic features such as the seasonal monsoon and the Kuroshio. The fish then migrated to the south offshore area of Taiwan in January and February. During their southward migration, the fish experienced a slowly elevated water temperature regime (SETR), which is one of the environmental factors that induce final oocyte maturation. In the spawning season (February to April), tagged females exhibited continuous diel vertical movements (DVMs) after experiencing the SETR. These continuous DVMs were observed over a wide geographic range from north to south in the Kuroshio off eastern Taiwan. Our study demonstrated that the putative spawning ground of S. dumerili must extend further in a north–south direction than predicted in a previous study.  相似文献   

From July 1989 to December 1992, an echo sounder provided monthly estimates, usually for both day and night, of pelagic fish densities in the north and south basins of Windermere, the largest natural lake in England. Sampling was along contiguous transects, 3 in the north basin and 5 in the south basin. It was impossible to separate records for Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from those for brown trout (Salmo trutta), but previous sampling by gill-nets and anglers showed that charr formed about 90% of this mixed population in the north basin and 60–75% in the south basin. In each basin, estimates of population density for the combined transects did not agree with estimates obtained by treating the transects as a contiguous sample of 9 sampling units; only the latter, of course, provided a measure of the precision of each estimate. Analyses of the contiguous samples showed that the variance was significantly greater than the arithmetic mean in most samples, indicating that the fish were distributed nonrandomly in a patchy or clumped pattern. The relationship between the large-scale spatial variance and mean for these samples was well described by a power function; the parameter estimates did not vary significantly between basins, day and night samples or years. As the power in this equation did not differ greatly from 2 (value for pooled data was 1.70 ± 0.11, n= 136), the variance was stabilized by a log transformation of the data, and the geometric mean, rather than the arithmetic mean, provided the best estimate of population density when some measure of precision was required. These conclusions may be applicable to other echo-sounding estimates of population abundance, and similar comparisons should be made for pelagic fish in other lakes.  相似文献   

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