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利用丹江口水库1971-1990年的有关数据,采用灰色关联分析方法分析了影响其渔获量的各因素间的主从头关系。结果表明:在断续投放和渔政管理的1971-1986年,各因素对渔获量的贡献程度是:投放鱼种规格>水库面积>捕捞力量=来水量>渔政管理>鱼种投放量;在连续投入和渔政管理的1986-1990年,各因素对渔获量的贡献程度是:捕捞力量>投放规格>水库面积>投放量>渔政管理>外来水量。同时证明,该法简单易行,适用于水产业中相关性分析。  相似文献   

水库渔获量与环境因素的多元回归模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高桂庭 《水库渔业》1983,(2):35-38,41
建国以来,全国共兴建水库86,000多座,养鱼面积达3,000万亩。为了充分发挥水库的渔业生产潜力,不少同志从资源利用、放养效益、浮游生物与鱼产力关系等方面探索了水库的渔业生产力。本文试图从水库渔获量与环境因素的关系出发,应用线性全回归模型、秩相关模型和对数偏相关模型等三种不同的方法,建立渔获量与环境的多元回归方程,  相似文献   

水库渔业是湖南水产的重大组成部分。据水面资源调查表明,我省共有水库面积225.17万亩,其中可养鱼面积达142.05万亩,占全省可养鱼总水面的26.5%。同时我省可养鱼的水库面积中,小型水库占53.9%,中型占23.2%。这些中、小型水库,一般深度不大,有一定的浅水淹没区,水温容易升高,水质好,饵肥易于解决,便于实行精养、半精养。  相似文献   

鹤地水库位于广东省雷州半岛之北,雷州青年运河的上游,地跨广东、广西两省区,是一座以灌溉150万亩农田为主,综合经营的特大型水库。库容11.5亿立方米,库区水面积约122平方公里,常年养鱼水面10.1万亩。水库上游植被良好,淹没区多为良田沃野,库水清新,溶氧充足,交换量较大,  相似文献   

安康电站水库,是陕西省境内汉江水力资源梯级开发形成的一座大型山谷水库。养鱼水面约5400ha。淹没区涉及5县,52个乡镇,205个村。库区总人口168万,1991年以来,库区网箱养鱼蓬勃兴起,已成为淹没区脱贫致富的重要门路,但也存在不少问题。为此,...  相似文献   

洪门水库为江西第二大水库,可养鱼面积7.65万亩,消落区面积2-3万亩,浮游植物生物量4.406mg/L,浮游动物生物量2.45mg/L。初步估算,水库鱼产力在31.36kg/亩,而目前单产水平保持在16.6kg/亩上下。渔获量以镛鱼为方,鲢鱼次之。全库鱼类96种,经济鱼类占85%,如适度开发,水库鱼产力将明显提高。  相似文献   

水库建网捕鱼技术及效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水库建网是在总结各种定置张网优缺点的基础上,吸取国内外江河和海洋的建网特点设计而成。它保持笼式张网的一些优点,在其身网前增设一个锥形网箱,它扩大进鱼口面积,能适应各水层鱼类的活动特点,增进鱼的进网效果;又根据苏联、日本的海洋大型建网具有复杂的运动场和垣网以及水库地形的特点,设计了聚鱼区,故能提高渔获量。  相似文献   

任敬明  李德尚 《水利渔业》1993,(5):45-46,48
水库鱼产量是研究水库鱼产力和科学计划水库渔获量所必需的。鱼产量指单位时间(多为年)内水域单位面积(公顷)鱼群体增长的重量(kg)。准确地估计水库鱼产量需要根据有关水库多年的、系统的生产记录和渔获物的生物统计资料,这在当前往往是做不到的。为此,本文介绍了一种水库鱼产量概略值的推算方法。在所采样本总尾数N中所占比例.  相似文献   

从仫佬山城往西北方向约50公里处,有一座风景秀丽的卡马水库,水库大坝设计独特,全是用料石浆砌而成,坝身呈S形横跨卡马河,库面积约700多亩,四周是立剑般石山环绕,山青水秀,令人迷醉。然而,卡马水库多年前每年700多万方水除了灌田还是灌田,别无它用。从水库淹没区搬迁出来居住在大坝北端的卡马屯,年复一年,卡马村民依然住在水边过穷日子,望水兴叹。该屯青年民兵何浪涛高中毕业还乡后,每天都到库区走一转,总象在沉思什么,尤其几年前他担任怀群村团支书和卡马屯村委主任时,他感到自己能居住在如此山河壮丽的山村,应该觉得知…  相似文献   

龚涛 《水库渔业》1982,(1):68-71
我国的水库渔业受传统养殖习惯的影响,形成了独特的养殖方式,其主要特点是人工放养。实施人工放养的水库,渔获量的变动,不仅受天然饵料基础、敌害和捕捞等因素影响,每年投放种苗的数量和规格也成为渔业增产的重要前提。实践证明:培育足够数量的大规格鱼种投放水库,是水库渔业夺取持续高产的物质基础。水库是大水体,  相似文献   

尹孟杰 《水产学报》1995,19(3):225-232
温杖子水库按养鱼水面单位面积承受2200kg/ha网箱鱼的负载量设置网箱,建立以网箱养鱼为重要环节的水库新型渔业生产结构体系。三年中,水库水面鱼产量(含网箱鱼产量)由145.5kg/ha上升到266.71kg/ha,年总产量增长18.3倍;渔业投入资金年利润率达71.9%;网箱养鱼的投入总能量转换效率提高了6.03-6.36%。合理开发和保护了水库渔业资源,促进了温杖子水库渔业的高速增产。  相似文献   

通过探究瀑布沟水电站建成后鱼类物种结构与建库前的相应变化,为有针对性的生态补偿措施提供参考,还可为西部地区水电开发与自然生态保护的协调发展提供宏观决策依据。基于1985年、2002年和2012年在瀑布沟库尾至坝下河段的调查数据,研究了瀑布沟水电站水库形成前后库区鱼类物种组成、渔获物结构以及保护物种分布的变化趋势。2012年库区调查共采集到鱼类14种,相比1985年和2002年分别减少了53种和51种,群落组成中定居性鱼类物种比例及渔获物比例均显著上升,适应流水环境的鱼类所占比例大幅下降。渔获物中优势物种为鲫(Carassius auratus),占渔获总重量的比例为61.59%,而在前2次调查中占据优势的齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)和重口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax davidi)几近消失。研究结果显示,水库形成后鱼类组成已发生显著改变,适应流水生境的鱼类在库区难以捕获,而静水性鱼类比例则显著升高;重口裂腹鱼等保护物种以及四川白甲鱼(Onychostoma angustistomata)等特有鱼类因水文条件的变化总体上表现为资源量下降,同时分布区域向坝下或库尾等流域生境迁移。针对成库后鱼类物种的变化特征,提出了实施生态保护、规划过鱼设施以及开展增殖放流等措施和建议。  相似文献   

长荡湖水生植被动态及其渔业效应的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
朱清顺 《水产学报》1989,13(1):24-35
本文根据1983年—1984年调查研究结果分析整理而成。文中论述了长荡湖现有水生植被的种类组成,群落结构,生态分布,沉水植物的生物量及其利用。经过分析比较,发现近30年来,长荡湖水生植被经历了旺盛—衰竭—恢复—旺盛的演替过程,揭示了引起植被变化的各种因素。随着水生植被的动态变化,长荡湖的鱼类种群结构,渔获对象及捕捞工具都相应发生了变化。植被的盛衰同浮游植物和浮游动物、底栖生物的消长丰歉有着密切的关系.本文最后指出了长荡湖水植被的演替趋势和潜在危机,强调了合理利用和定向改造水生植被的重要性,并对今后如何发展我国湖泊渔业提出了建议。  相似文献   

黄河小浪底水库主河道水域渔业资源声学评估   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
2013年11月25日和2014年5月22日,使用分裂式波束科学鱼探仪(Simrad EY60,70 kHz,挪威)对黄河小浪底水库库尾大坝至黄河三峡段主河道的渔业资源进行了2次声学调查。通过对鱼类目标强度的现场测量,使用回波积分方法对库区内不同区域鱼类资源平均密度、资源量和空间分布进行了探查和评估。结果表明,2013年11月和2014年5月库区内调查水域声学积分值(nautical area scattering coefficient,NASC)分别为29.38 m2/nm2和49.77 m2/nm2,对应的鱼类资源平均密度分别为0.016 尾/m2和0.290 尾/m2,资源量分别为41.56 t和606.70 t。库区调查区域鱼类密度的空间水平分布,在大坝附近、主河道中游、上游以及黄河三峡2013年11月分别为0.016、0.023、0.024和0.009 尾/m2,2014年5月分别为0.848、0.248、0.077和0.083 尾/m2。2013年11月鱼类资源主要集中于主河道中上游水域,而2014年5月则主要集中于主河道中下游水域。鱼类的垂直分布显示了层状分布特征,黄河三峡段鱼类主要分布于10~20 m水层,其他主河道区域则主要分布在表层以及20~30 m水层。2013年11月和2014年5月鱼类目标强度分别以-59.5 dB和-56.5~-53.5 dB所占比例最高,体长较小且经过半年体长有所增加。研究表明,声学方法适用于黄河小浪底水库渔业资源调查。  相似文献   

The operation of a put-and-take trout fishery at Toft Newton reservoir is analysed from detailed studies of the 1978 and 1979 seasons. Toft Newton is only a small reservoir but the large number of anglers that utilize the fishery mean that the stocking rates per hectare of water have to be very high. As a result of these high densities and a short average residence time in the reservoir, rainbow trout which were the predominantly stocked species do not grow after release. Brown trout, however, which were stocked at lower densities do grow after release. The success rate of the 8–9% of anglers not returning their catch data was examined using a postal survey. Partial correlation analysis indicated that the numbers of fish in the reservoir, the number of anglers fishing and the number of hours of sunshine significantly affected the catch rate. A regression between catch rate and number of fish in the reservoir only explained 35% of the variability but the addition of the other two factors did not significantly improve the accuracy of the model. The market area of the fishery was studied from the register of anglers. Most anglers attending Toft Newton travel a considerable distance to the fishery, the peak number driving from 98–129 km (61–80 miles) round trip. The present and future management policy of the fishery is discussed in the light of this analysis and many of the recommendations may also apply to other small put-and-take trout fisheries.  相似文献   

福建内陆地区水域资源条件优越,充分利用资源,合理规划与科学进行渔业增养殖,对于拓展农业发展空间,增加食物来源,改善食物结构,优化生态环境和提高农民收入,均具有重要的现实意义。本文分析了福建省发展水库渔业的优势与意义,结合当地发展现状,探讨了水库渔业发展新思路,新对策,为福建省水库渔业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Abstract. The fishery of Parakrama Samudra, an ancient man-made lake of 2662 ha in Sri Lanka (8°-10°N; 80°-82°E), as in most other man-made reservoirs in the island, is dominated by the exotic cichlid Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters), introduced in 1952. The fluctuations in catch per unit/fisherman over the period 1960 to 1982 are shown to be dependent on the yearly fluctuations in the water-level, the changes in the water-level effects being manifested in the fishery after a period of 3 years. The above results were arrived at by auto-correlation analysis of yearly catch per unit effort against the fluctuation of the water level at the main sluice. The changes in yield in a particular year are correlated to the changes in the water level and are described by the equation;
where Y = yield in kg fisherman-1 month-1 in year t and X = fluctuations in the water-level in year t - 3. The available growth rates in natural and semi-natural impoundments also indicate that the size at which S. mossambicus enter the fishery in Parakrama Samudra corresponds to their size in the third year of life (age 2+). The significance of the above observations is discussed on the basis of available knowledge on the reproductive cycle and the nesting requirements of S. mossambicus which are achieved when significant fluctuations in the reservoir level take place by making available optimal water depths in areas with a suitable substratum. The possible use of the above criteria as a management measure is also briefly discussed in the light of possible irrigational and fisheries conflicts in the utilization of the reservoir resources.  相似文献   

Use of geographical information systems (GIS) in inland fisheries has hitherto been essentially restricted to site evaluation for aquaculture development and assessment of limnological changes in time and space in individual water bodies. The present GIS study was conducted on the land-use pattern of the catchments of nine reservoirs in Sri Lanka, for which detailed fishery data, viz. yield, fishing intensity, landing size of major constituent species, together with selected limnological data such as conductivity and chlorophyll- a , were available. Potential statistical relationships (linear, curvilinear, exponential and second-order polynomial) of fish yield ( FY , in kg ha−1 yr−1) to different land-use patterns, such as forest cover ( FC , in km2) and shrub-land ( SL , in km2), either singly, or in combination, and/or the ratio of each land type to reservoir area ( RA in km2) and reservoir capacity ( RC in km3), were explored. Highly significant relationships were evident between FY to the ratio of SL and/or FC + SL to RA and/or RC . Similarly, the above land-use types to RA and RC ratios were significantly related to limnological features of the reservoirs. The relationships of FY to various parameters obtained in this study were much better correlated than those relationships of FY to limnological and biological parameters used in yield prediction in tropical and temperate lacustrine waters previously.  相似文献   

Three Ghanaian reservoirs (Tono, Bontanga and Golinga) were compared through a food web modelling approach (Ecopath with Ecosim) to assess production characteristics and food web structures. The lakes differ in size and morphology, generating specific conditions for fish growth and production. While the two top fishery target species were Sarotherodon galilaeus (L.) and Oreochromis niloticus (L.) in all reservoirs, the mean trophic level of the catch was lowest in the largest and deepest reservoir (Tono) due to higher trophic level species occupying less accessible deep “refuge” habitats. The smallest lake had the highest fish production under optimal conditions of water supply (17.1 compared with 15.5 and 10.1 t/km2/year for lakes Bontanga and Tono), but it appears to be most vulnerable under conditions of drought. For the planning and construction of adequately sized reservoirs used for fishery and irrigation purposes, the water budget (ratio of inflow and evaporation) needs to be estimated.  相似文献   

水丰水库初级生产力及鲢鱼产力评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黑白瓶测氧法对水封水库的浮游植物的初级生产力进行测定,并对水封水库的鲢、鳙产量进行测算。结果表明:水库浮游植物水柱平均日生产量为14.5g O~2/m~2·d;初级生产力评估水丰水库鲢鳙鱼产力达17284333.5kg。水丰水库水体富营养化水平高,可根据水库水质状况科学合理制定发展渔业发展规划、科学指导渔业生产,对实现水库渔业健康可持续发展意义重大。  相似文献   

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