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猪场生产管理水平和成本投入是影响养殖经济效益的主要因素,正确控制成本费用是提高猪场盈利水平的重要手段,科学改善饲养管理和调整养殖结构,有助于提高猪场养殖综合效益。  相似文献   

农业上市公司的经济绩效关系到公司能否保持良好的盈利能力和可持续发展能力.文章以42家农业上市公司的年报数据为基础,通过计量模型分析,发现农业上市公司自身的资产管理水平、负债水平、企业规模以及从政府得到的税收补贴对公司的经济绩效影响最为显著,其中负债水平因素与公司经济绩效成负相关.并提出农业上市公司应加强公司管理,增强创新能力,同时营造良好的外部发展环境等政策建议.  相似文献   

农业上市公司的经济绩效关系到公司能否保持良好的盈利能力和可持续发展能力。文章以42家农业上市公司的年报数据为基础,通过计量模型分析,发现农业上市公司自身的资产管理水平、负债水平、企业规模以及从政府得到的税收补贴对公司的经济绩效影响最为显著,其中负债水平因素与公司经济绩效成负相关。并提出农业上市公司应加强公司管理,增强创新能力,同时营造良好的外部发展环境等政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>水产养殖是风险相对较高的产业,受自然、人为等因素影响较大,如果控制不好风险点,轻则不盈利,重则亏损,甚至损失惨重。只有全方位把控好养殖过程中的风险损失,才能保障渔业绿色、持续、健康和稳定发展。渔业是大农业中不可缺少的产业之一,发展水产养殖是新时期农业农村工作的重点,是农民脱贫致富的好项目,是乡村振兴的重要抓手。水产品是人们摄取优质蛋白的重要来源,其兴旺与否、发展如何都直接  相似文献   

"PSY"是指规模猪场能繁母猪年均提供断奶仔猪的头数,是衡量猪场管理水平和盈利能力的一个关键指标。随着现代养猪规模的发展进步,品种的改良,配种技术和饲养管理水平的提高,良种母猪的平均窝产仔数已经达到了较高的水平,养猪发达国家"PSY"普遍在22头以上,而商南县规模猪场每头母猪年提供断奶仔猪仅为12~17头。在生产调查中发现商南县很多猪场母猪乏情、返情、空怀、流产、假妊娠、难产、产程过长等情况非常普遍,大大影响了规模化猪场应有的生产力,使盈利能力下降。影响因素主要是疾病、营养、管理、品种以及其他应激等。并提出建议对策。  相似文献   

李忠惠 《畜禽业》2013,(8):26-27
科学探讨影响蛋鸡产蛋下降的因素,科学制定合理的综合性防控措施,是蛋鸡养殖场保持盈利能力的基础。1营养因素营养因素是影响家禽健康、生长发育、生产力、产品质量以至寿命的重要因素。营养因素是一个综合复杂的因素,在生产过程中,只有选择正确的饲料配方、优质的饲料,才能尽量减少  相似文献   

本文选取51家农业上市公司为研究样本,运用EVA指标评价农业上市公司资本经营绩效。1995,2006年的EVA价值评估结果表明,农业上市公司资本创值水平和经营绩效低下。进一步的因子分析表明,农业上市公司资本创值水平与农业上市公司的盈利能力、资本成本、资产管理效率、企业成长能力以及偿债能力等因子密切相关。因此,改善上述影响因子是提升农业上市公司资本创值能力的合理选择。  相似文献   

褚丕玉 《中国水产》2016,(10):47-49
正本文根据水产养殖科研项目的特点,初步探讨水产养殖科研项目的风险管理;通过对项目进行风险识别、风险估计和风险评价,认识项目的各种风险因素,分析风险发生概率的大小、分布情况、对项目的影响程度,合理使用各种风险应对措施、管理方法和技术手段对项目风险因素实行有效控制,从而确保水产养殖科研项目总体目标的实现。  相似文献   

山东广饶推出海域使用权抵押贷款为解决海洋企业、用海户、渔民贷款担保难题,山东省广饶县海洋与渔业局和县农村合作银行联合推出海域使用权抵押贷款业务,帮助用海企业、用海户合理融资,加快发展。  相似文献   

该文基于江苏省河蟹产业技术体系的示范基地监测和主产区示范户调研数据,分析了2018年的河蟹养殖成本收益情况及变化。结果显示,近年来江苏河蟹养殖结构稳定,不同经营主体养殖效益明显不同,河蟹养殖成本有逐年递增趋势。其中人工、渔药和土地支出成本上升最为迅速,苗种费、水电、饵料费用相对稳定,规模经营主体较个体养殖盈利和抗风险能力强。在调研分析的基础上,对主产区河蟹养殖风险因素进行了对比分析,提出降本提效的建议。  相似文献   

信息不对称是中小企业融资中的主要障碍。本文运用江苏苏州县域中小企业的抽样调查数据,在对样本企业基本特征描述分析的基础上,比较分析地方性小银行相对规模化经营的大银行在信息获取和金融交易成本上的比较优势。数据分析表明,地方性小银行能有效缓解银企间的信息不对称问题,较好地为中小企业提供便利的融资服务。常熟农商行的经验证实立足本地、以中小企业为服务主导的地方性小银行,凭借灵活的经营机制和不断创新的金融产品,能实现银企双方的互赢。  相似文献   

农村新型金融机构是我国农村金融体系的重要组成部分,由于正处于起步阶段,相关的法律制度还不够健全,管理上基本是参照大中型商业银行的模式,忽视了农村新型金融机构运作的特殊性。本文在比较国内外法律制度与金融发展的研究进展基础上,分析了我国农村新型金融机构发育的相关法律制度规定,提出了培育我国农村新型金融机构法律制度创新之建议。  相似文献   

We have designed and evaluated an ongrowing plant in sea cages as representative of Spanish Mediterranean exploitations with an annual production of 1,000 tonnes, based on the technology already in use for Sparus aurata ongrowing but taking into consideration the zootechnical variables for this species. We used the cost analysis and once defined the accounting structure, and we have used mathematical modelling or econometric to establish indicators of viability/profitability (NPV/IRR) based on the variables chosen for their economic importance in the sensitivity analysis. The highest costs and therefore of greatest economic importance are feed (43.85%) and juveniles (25.04%). The costs analysis points to a profitable business activity, but with a relatively low profitability (benefit/total cost = 7.26%) although benefit/investment is slightly better (15.29%). The break even point suggests that the business will only be viable above a selling price of € 3.69/kg and a production minimum of 709,363 kg/year. The feeding price threshold indicates that the activity is viable up to a cost of € 1.85/kg, which is within the range of sensitivity, while the cost of juvenile threshold (€ 1.17/kg) is much above this range. This underlines the great sensitivity of the activity to feeding costs, although the cost of the juveniles is not so important in this respect. When significant production levels have been reached, it is feasible that the cost of feeding will decrease since the species uses protein of vegetal origin efficiently, especially soy flour. If the minimum selling price is fixed at € 4.21/kg, the cost of feed is 11% lower and the IRR will reach 13.12%, which is an attractive alternative for investors. The econometric model is therefore a very useful tool for evaluating the viability or profitability of new species.  相似文献   

The structure of cost and return for cobia cage culture in Taiwan was studied by considering two major factors, geographical location and production scale. Although the geographical location had little influence on the input intensities, the production scale would have a significant impact on the cost structure. However, the performances of profitability were significantly affected by not only the individual main effects but also their interaction. As a result, the studied effects on the cost and return were quantitatively estimated by a series of statistical models, in turn quantitatively measured by a set of indices. A short-term strategy of the management suggested that the best choice regarding profitability is to locate the farming system with a large-scale operation in the coastal waters of Pindong. Additionally, the profitability could be further increased by selecting better quality fingerlings and feeds based on a set of the computed indices. A long-term strategy of the management strongly recommends that to increase the system size in cobia production would be much more profitable due to the positive economies of scale. Finally, a future study shall be interested in whether current speed has a limiting effect on the profitability.  相似文献   

农村金融市场普遍存在着农户“借款难”和金融机构“放款难”的两难局面。本文利用陕西省756户农户的调研数据,使用二分类Logistic模型来分析影响陕西省农户正规信贷可得性的因素,实证分析结果显示,被调查农户的文化程度、农户家庭年收入水平、是否购买农业保险、农信社对农户的信任水平以及农户违约后内疚程度对农户正规信贷可得性有显著的正效应;农户家庭负债水平、农户承担更大风险的意愿程度以及农户是否曾违约对农户正规信贷可得性有显著的负效应;被调查农户的年龄、农户的家庭总资产、耕地面积、家庭人口数,家中就读大学的子女数、是否有重病患者以及农业经营收入比例和农户支付更高利率的意愿对农户正规信贷可得性没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

Huang  Cheng-Ting  Afero  Farok  Lu  Fang-Yu  Chen  Bo-Ying  Huang  Po-Lin  Lan  Hsun-Yu  Hou  Yen-Lung 《Fisheries Science》2022,88(3):437-447

Eleutheronema tetradactylum is a recently developed product in aquaculture systems in Taiwan. Its production is concentrated in the Pingtung and Kaohsiung counties of Taiwan during the overwinter and oversummer seasons. In this study, a bio-economic approach was applied to investigate the mechanisms and economic profitability of commercial E. tetradactylum farming. The analysis consisted of two parts: (1) a cost–benefit analysis to determine the main components affecting profitability; and (2) multivariate statistics to clarify the relationship between biological and economic factors. The findings suggest that fry quality is an important factor in increasing the survival rate in aquaculture systems, and that increased survival rate in turn generates increased farm profitability and expansion options during the oversummer season, thus providing better economic performance. As feed cost is the key factor affecting production, improving feed management could increase the profitability of E. tetradactylum farming.


Abstract. Budgeting techniques are used to estimate the profitability of establishing commercial yabbie, Cherax destructor Clark, farms of various sizes in Australia. While commercial yabbie fanning is potentially profitable, returns are very sensitive to the production level achieved and the price obtained. These parameters are uncertain, implying that the development of a commercial yabbie farm is a risky investment. Profitability increases as farm size increases from 5 to 20 ha. However, the optimum farm size is not known. Areas in which additional research into the aquaculture of the yabbie may generate large economic benefits are identified.  相似文献   

In recent years, cobia has become an emerging farmed species in Asia due to its quick growth and high economic value. This study collects biological and economic data affecting the economic performance of cobia farming in three countries, namely Taiwan, China, and Vietnam. The data are collected by questionnaire sampling and analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis in order to compare the key factors affecting the production and economy of cobia farming in these three countries. The results show that Taiwan, China, and Vietnam have significant differences in input intensities and profitability. China has the highest input intensity (3372.42 TWD/m3), as its high stocking density increases feed input. Taiwan has the highest unit input cost (103.44 TWD/kg), as the high quality of the product increases the price of cobia in Taiwan, which offsets the high product costs. In terms of profitability, the benefit–cost ratio is over one in all three countries, indicating that the profitability of cobia farming is good in all three countries. Profitability analysis shows that fingerlings in China achieve 36.50, which is the highest among the three countries; whereas Taiwan has the highest feed profitability of 0.78, which reveals that the fingerlings produced in China are competitive in both price and quality, while Taiwan has the best feed management efficiency. The production costs and profitability of Vietnam fall between those of Taiwan and China. Feed cost is the main expenditure in cobia culture; thus, good feed management could effectively reduce production costs and increase business performance. The feed quality and input management model of Taiwan, in conjunction with the fingerling quality and stock model of China, could provide future reference for farming management in such areas as feed input and selection of fingerling.  相似文献   

Tilapia culture in rural communities in the state of Yucatan, Mexico, has been increasing in recent decades. Polyculture of tilapia with other more commercially valuable species provides an opportunity to substantially improve the economic yields of rural producers. The economic viability of implementing Nile tilapia with Australian redclaw crayfish in polyculture was analyzed using profitability indicators such as internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). A bioeconomic model was developed to simulate three production densities, accounting for investment recuperation in time horizons of 5, 10 and 15 years. Simulations showed a notable improvement in profitability when farms adopt the polyculture strategy, particularly over the 5-year horizon. Nile tilapia with Australian redclaw crayfish polyculture shortens investment return time and buffers risk related to changes in tilapia sale price. Of the three studied polyculture combinations the optimum outcome was achieved with medium redclaw crayfish density.  相似文献   

影响吉林省“三化”统筹的因素众多,主要包括:对工业和农业的财政扶持及金融扶持力度,教育制度、社会保障制度和就业制度,文化体育事业因素、投资所有制结构因素,也包括农业的行业特性及农村的区域属性等因素。回归检验表明,投资中的城乡比例和银行贷款中的工农比例对“三化”统筹发展有显著的负影响,提出加大对农村金融的扶持力度,引导更多信贷资金投向“三农”,注重加大对农村的教育资源投入。  相似文献   

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