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  1. Incidental capture by fisheries is one of the principal threats to sea turtles. This study analysed spatial and temporal patterns of sea turtle bycatch, and estimated the direct initial mortality rate of these animals, in the industrial double‐rig‐bottom trawl fishery in south‐eastern Brazil. This is also the first attempt to relate bycatch/at‐sea mortality in bottom trawling to stranded turtles found along the adjacent coast.
  2. The fishery was monitored from October 2015 to April 2018 through data collected voluntarily by the captains of eight industrial double‐rig trawlers. Two hundred and one sea turtles were captured during 9362 tows (43,657.52 trawling hours), resulting in a catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 0.0025 ± 0.0032 turtles h?1 with a standard net of 30.5 m headrope, with no significant difference between the estimated CPUEs for licensed shrimp and demersal fish trawlers.
  3. Caretta caretta (52.24%) and Lepidochelys olivacea (38.81%) were the most frequently captured species. According to Generalized Linear Models, C. caretta bycatch was significantly higher during winter, at lower latitudes (?24° to ?23°) and higher longitudes (?42° to ?40°), while the L. olivacea bycatch was significantly higher at higher latitudes (?23° to ?21°). The direct initial mortality rate of sea turtles in the shrimp trawlers was 7.65 ± 3.85%. However, none of the dead individuals subsequently released with plastic tags (n = 10) were found stranded on the coast. Mortality was not significantly related to the depth or duration of the trawling.
  4. The results of this study suggest the need for improvements to the current management of the bottom trawl fishery in Brazil, moving from a species‐based to a spatial and seasonal‐based approach. There is also a need to develop turtle excluder devices adapted to local fishing conditions.

  1. The waters of the Patagonian Shelf in the south-west Atlantic are nutrient rich, support large concentrations of wildlife, and are exploited by several fisheries, including the large Asian squid-jigging fishery. Although the squid-jigging fishery has previously been observed to have few problems with the accidental mortality of seabirds, the deliberate catch for consumption of seabirds by the crew has been identified as a possible issue.
  2. Four cruises were made between Uruguay and the Falkland Islands during 2005–2006 to quantify the impact of jiggers on seabirds from indirect observation platforms. Monitoring included closely approaching 116 jigging vessels and boarding seven for inspection.
  3. The use of non-jigging fishing gear, either for catching fish or seabirds, was observed at the stern of 33 vessels. Twelve seabird carcasses were observed floating close to vessels during 13 days of monitoring. Although the results recorded here are not sufficient to put a confident estimate on the magnitude of this mortality, the density of carcasses floating in the water among the jigging fleet indicated the potential significance of this problem.
  4. The results were considered sufficiently concerning for the Falkland Islands Government to take preventative actions, including educational efforts, improving humanitarian conditions onboard vessels, introducing relevant legislation and licence conditions, and prosecuting intentional seabird take inside the Falkland Islands jurisdiction. This has resulted in the apparent elimination of these mortalities within Falkland waters since the late 2000s.
  5. Nevertheless, it is likely that the same initial conditions exist for the crews of squid jiggers on vessels operating on the high seas, and so the possibility of the targeting of seabirds for consumption continues. Squid fisheries with substantial numbers of jiggers overlap with important foraging areas for a range of albatross and other species in high-seas areas such as the Patagonian Shelf, the Humboldt and Kuroshio currents, and the south-west Pacific Ocean. These areas of overlap may be important to investigate, especially in the foraging grounds of declining seabirds.

This paper provides an update on an earlier review [Fish & Fisheries 8 (2007) 31] of mitigation methods used to reduce seabird by‐catch in trawl fisheries. Interactions of seabirds with trawl vessels fall into two broad categories: those focused on the trawl warps and those focused around trawl nets. For reducing seabird strikes on trawl warps, the use of bird‐scaring lines has been proved to be the most effective mitigation device in the trawl fisheries in which comparative studies have been undertaken. However, the retention or strategic management of fish waste (offal and discards) is recommended as the most effective primary measure for by‐catch reduction, and as such should be viewed as the best long‐term solution to reducing seabird by‐catch in trawl fisheries. Coincident with effective fish waste management, measures such as cleaning the net prior to shooting and reducing the time the net is on the surface should be viewed as best practice measures and incorporated into normal fishing activities. While a number of methods have been trialled to reduce the incidence of warp strikes, there continues to be the need for more work on effective measures for reducing interactions of seabirds with the trawl net.  相似文献   

  1. The white-spotted wedgefish (Rhynchobatus djiddensis) is a Critically Endangered shark-like ray in the family Rhinidae. Throughout its Western Indian Ocean distribution, it is targeted for its valuable meat and fins and is reported to have undergone major population declines. However, there remains a need for species specific time-series data to accurately assess localized population declines.
  2. This study used two independent long-term (37 and 40 years) time-series catch data from competitive shore angling and shark nets to investigate the size composition and catch per unit effort (CPUE) and conduct a risk assessment for the population on the east coast of South Africa.
  3. From 1977 to 2017 the competitive shore fishery captured 7,703 individual R. djiddensis, whilst shark nets in the same region captured 2,856 individuals from 1981 to 2017. Individuals captured in the nets had a sex ratio of 1.8:1 females to males, and were larger than those caught by the anglers. Although the mean annual sizes of net-caught individuals were above the size of reported sexual maturity, there was little evidence to suggest that any individuals captured were reproductively active.
  4. Both the competitive shore fishery and shark net catches exhibited strong seasonal trends with the majority of R. djiddensis catches occurring from October to May peaking in austral summer. Standardized CPUE from the competitive shore fishery declined substantially between 1977 and 2017 and shark net catches exhibited a significant (p < 0.05) fourfold decline in annual nominal CPUE from 1981 to 2017.
  5. Ultimately, a risk assessment showed a 65.1% decline in abundance over a period of three generation lengths, which indicates that the sampled population of R. djiddensis in South Africa should be classified as Endangered according to the IUCN Red List using criterion A2b. The conservation implications of this are discussed.

  1. Effective management of marine resources requires an understanding of the spatial distribution of biologically important communities.
  2. The north‐western Gulf of Mexico contains diverse marine ecosystems at a large range of depths and geographic settings. To better understand the distribution of these marine habitats across large geographic areas under consideration for marine sanctuary status, presence‐only predictive modelling was used.
  3. Results confirmed that local geographic characteristics can accurately predict the probability of occurrence for marine habitat types, and include a novel technique for assigning a single, most likely habitat in areas where multiple habitats are predicted.
  4. The highest resolution bathymetric data (10 m) available for the region was used to develop raster layers that represent characteristics that have been shown to influence species occurrence in other settings.
  5. A georeferenced historical photo record collected via remotely operated vehicle was classified according to six commonly found mesophotic habitats across the 18 reefs and banks under consideration for Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary boundary expansion.
  6. Using maximum entropy modelling, the influence of local geographic characteristics on the presence of these habitats was measured and a spatial probability distribution was developed for each habitat type across the study area.

In terrestrial and coastal systems, the mitigation hierarchy is widely and increasingly used to guide actions to ensure that no net loss of biodiversity ensues from development. We develop a conceptual model which applies this approach to the mitigation of marine megafauna by‐catch in fisheries, going from defining an overarching goal with an associated quantitative target, through avoidance, minimization, remediation to offsetting. We demonstrate the framework's utility as a tool for structuring thinking and exposing uncertainties. We draw comparisons between debates ongoing in terrestrial situations and in by‐catch mitigation, to show how insights from each could inform the other; these are the hierarchical nature of mitigation, out‐of‐kind offsets, research as an offset, incentivizing implementation of mitigation measures, societal limits and uncertainty. We explore how economic incentives could be used throughout the hierarchy to improve the achievement of by‐catch goals. We conclude by highlighting the importance of clear agreed goals, of thinking beyond single species and individual jurisdictions to account for complex interactions and policy leakage, of taking uncertainty explicitly into account and of thinking creatively about approaches to by‐catch mitigation in order to improve outcomes for conservation and fishers. We suggest that the framework set out here could be helpful in supporting efforts to improve by‐catch mitigation efforts and highlight the need for a full empirical application to substantiate this.  相似文献   

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