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临城县是河北省内陆渔业发展重点县,有较丰富的水资源和渔业资源。近年来,在上级水产部门的大力支持下,依托资源优势,合理开发,科学利用,不断调整养殖结构和经营方式,实施科技示范和技术服务,加强渔政执法,规范渔业管理,在保护渔业资源、发展生态和旅游休闲渔业、提升水产品质量安全等方面,进行了不断探索和实践,取得了明显的成效,创造了良好的生态、经济和社会效益。笔者就此进行了全面总结和深入调研,提出了推进内陆渔业可持续发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

南美白对虾的营养需求及饲料配制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南美白对虾是迄今世界上养殖产量最高的对虾之一,文中概述了南美白对虾营养需求,阐明了蛋白质、脂肪、微量元素和维生素特别是必需氨基酸和必需脂肪酸对南美白对虾的重要作用,并列举了部分营养素的需求量。通过对南美白对虾饲料原料配比及配置工艺的研究,进一步阐明了南美白对虾饲料的营养性和配方的科学性。通过对南美白对虾饲料的国内外现状的叙述,总结了存在的问题和研究的进展,为今后对南美白对虾的饲料和营养的进一步研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

2011年6月13日,农业部在四川省成都市召开了全国水产品质量安全管理工作会议。来自全国31个省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市渔业主管厅(局)、渔政机构、质检机构代表约120人参加了会议。会议对"十一五"期间水产品质量安全管理工作的成效进行了充分肯定和客观评价,对当前质量安全形势、问题和机遇进行了深入分析,提出了"十二五"期间水产品质量安全工作的总体思路,并对下一阶段的工作进行了安排和部署。农业部牛盾副部长出席会议并作重要讲话,农业部渔业局赵兴武局长对会议进行了总结。北京市农业局、辽宁省海洋与渔业厅、山东省海洋与渔业厅、福建省海洋与渔业厅、湖北省水产局和中国水产科学研究院进行了交流发言。现将牛盾副部长讲话和交流材料摘编如下。  相似文献   

挪威水电开发历史悠久,在长期的发展过程中,积累了丰富的水电开发技术和管理经验,形成了成熟完善的管理制度和法律体系,保障了水电开发科学有序进行。为减缓水电开发对生态环境的不利影响,挪威通过设定严格的环境影响评价和许可论证制度,建立环境保护基金,规定最小河流流量等措施维护河流生态健康,促进了水资源的可持续发展。挪威以本国廉价的水电资源开发促进了高耗能工业的发展,获得了强有力的国际市场竞争能力,为国内经济发展奠定了稳定基础。本文总结了挪威水电开发过程中生态环境保护方面所取得的经验,以期对我国水电的建设和发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

鳖,蛙,鱼血细胞的显微观察与比较   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
通过Giemsa和细胞组织化学方法染色,对中华鳖、美国青蛙、鳜鱼、草鱼和鲢的血细胞进行了显微观察。记述和比较了其红细胞、血栓细胞、淋巴细胞、单核细胞和粒细胞的大小、形态;对未成熟红细胞、转化淋巴细胞及巨噬细胞也作了图示和描述。  相似文献   

介绍了我国主要养殖贻贝的营养价值、分布和养殖概况;统计分析了国内主要产地市场的分布、 产品特征和产量分布;比较分析了不同产地市场的周年间价格变化规律和价格优势;探讨了养殖贻贝消费方式和消费偏好的变化;介绍了近年来我国贻贝的出口量、主要出口国家和价格变化规律;针对我国养殖贻贝进出口存在的问题进行了分析并提出了扩大我国贻贝出口的有关建议。  相似文献   

1978年以来,世界造船界利用风能配帆的研究课题进展迅速。英国皇家造船工程师协会、轮机工程师学会等于1980年11月专门举行“商船风力推进”学术会议。许多国家相继研究,在商船和渔船上都取得了可喜成果。渔船上配用风帆,节约了燃料和润滑材料,延长了发动机使用寿命,提高了渔船抗风浪能力和渔获量,从而提高了渔船的经济效果;同时还减少了渔场污染,有利于保护资源。这些明显的优点吸引着各渔业国家的捕捞公司和渔船设计师。  相似文献   

介绍了干细胞的概念和分类,综述了哺乳动物胚胎干细胞和胚胎生殖细胞的分离培养、生物学特性、定向诱导分化以及几种重要的成体干细胞。讨论了干细胞的应用和存在的问题。  相似文献   

我国渔药的研究和生产   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
概述了我国渔药的研究和生产现状,介绍了渔药的类别和剂型,指出了存在的问题和解决措施。  相似文献   

文章综述了目前对虾内陆养殖的主要品种、养殖方式和发展现状,并对其优点和存在的问题进行了分析。内陆地下咸水的离子组成比例失调是目前对虾内陆养殖遇到的最大的障碍,文章详述了地下咸水的成因和分布,介绍了有关水体离子浓度和比值对对虾生理生态学影响的研究现状。最后讨论了克服内陆对虾养殖存在的问题并使之成为可持续发展的产业的途径。  相似文献   

Yongshun Xiao   《Fisheries Research》2004,70(2-3):311-318
Fishing effort is a function of many (continuous) variables which fishers can manipulate. However, when catch and fishing effort data are analysed using a generalized linear model, individual types of fishing effort usually enter as a composite quantity. But not all quantities can be combined into a composite quantity. Use of such data this way generally leads to a loss of information and incurs a model bias. In this paper, I analyse catch and effort data for the blue swimmer crab off South Australia by a direct use of individual types of fishing effort to extract a relative index of biomass, and use the concept of homogeneous functions to present some of the results. I also give formulae for choosing a combination of different types of fishing effort to effect a specified level of catch in both absolute and relative terms. Assuming that catch follows an independent gamma, normal, negative binomial, or Poisson distribution, fitting of a generalized linear model with a log-link function to the commercial catch and effort data suggests that: (1) the exploitable biomass remained relatively constant from 1 July 1983 to 30 June 1996; (2) the relative instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of a particular sex and age (if gear selectivity was constant over time) slightly increased over time; (3) a 1% increase in the number of days fished gave about 0.85% increase in catch whereas a 1% increase in the number of people on a boat led to only about a 0.45% increase in catch. This implies that use of a composite measure of fishing effort such as boat days and man days when analysing catch and effort data is inappropriate for this fishery. Although a generalized linear model may be a reasonable first-order approximation, catch and effort data are best interpreted through a process model.  相似文献   

刘宁  黄欣  刘寒  王卫民 《水产学报》2021,45(2):161-169
Hox基因家族在调控动物早期胚胎发育、组织和器官生长起重要作用,因此这类基因家族被广泛应用到物种进化和发育调控的研究中。为了探究Hox基因在团头鲂中分布,进化及表达调控作用,同时为了探究Hox基因与团头鲂肌间刺发育的关系,研究基于团头鲂全基因组数据,结合生物信息学分析方法对其Hox基因家族进行鉴定、染色体分布、系统进化和表达模式分析。结果显示,在团头鲂基因组中共鉴定出49个Hox基因,根据系统进化分析分为5个亚类;其中49个Hox基因不均匀的分布在5条染色体上,并分为7个基因连锁群(HoxAa、HoxAb、HoxBa、HoxBb、HoxCa、HoxCb和HoxDa);表达模式分析结果表明,团头鲂Hox基因家族成员具有不同的表达模式;团头鲂和斑马鱼所有Hox基因在肌肉中的表达水平存在显著差异。此外,团头鲂不同发育阶段及不同组织转录组结果显示,HoxA基因群集中,HoxA2a、HoxA3a在幼鱼阶段高表达,其他基因在肌肉、肌间刺及结缔组织中表达量低甚至不表达;HoxB基因群集中,HoxB9a、HoxB3a、HoxB8a、HoxB1b、HoxB5a、HoxB5b在幼鱼阶段高表达;HoxB7a、HoxB10a、HoxB9a在成鱼肌肉、结缔组织及肌间刺中高表达;HoxC基因群集中,HoxC3a、HoxC4a在幼鱼阶段高表达,HoxC3a、HoxC8a在成鱼的3个组织都有表达;HoxD基因群集中,HoxD9a、HoxD10a和HoxD11a在胚胎S2期表达量较高。研究表明,Hox基因在团头鲂早期胚胎时期和肌间刺的形成中有表达,提示团头鲂肌间刺的形成可能受Hox基因家族调控。  相似文献   

洪波  王淼  周轩 《水产科技情报》2020,47(6):332-336
为探究张网捕捞作业对凤鲚幼鱼的损害性,根据2017年5—10月杭州湾北部张网渔业资源调查数据,利用全长分析、幼鱼密度和质量占比等方法,对张网渔获中凤鲚幼鱼的生物学特征及幼鱼密度的变化进行了研究分析。结果表明,5—10月各月份张网渔获物中均有凤鲚幼鱼出现,6月份凤鲚幼鱼的平均全长达到最大值112.8 mm,8月份最小,仅为64.7 mm;平均体质量则是10月份最大,达4.4 g,8月份最小,仅1.7 g。5月份凤鲚幼鱼质量密度最高,达到493.1 g/kg,8月份最低,仅为70.3 g/kg;凤鲚幼鱼的数量密度则是7月份最高,为225 ind/kg,6月份最低,为63 ind/kg。渔获中凤鲚幼鱼质量占比5月份最高,为49.3%,8月份最低,仅7.0%;9月份渔获中凤鲚幼鱼数量占比最高,为21.0%,6月份最低,仅为5.3%。研究结果表明,5月和7月杭州湾北部张网对凤鲚幼鱼的损害程度最高。为保护凤鲚幼鱼资源,除调整禁渔期以外,建议组织开展张网网目尺寸试验,研究不同网目尺寸对凤鲚幼鱼释放的效果。  相似文献   

French Polynesia is renowned for the production of Tahitian black pearl. These gems are obtained by grafting a nucleus into the gonad of a receiving oyster together with a graft, i.e. a small section of mantle tissue of a donor oyster. This procedure initiates the formation of a pearl sack around the nucleus, and subsequently, the deposition of concentric layers of nacre. The nucleus plays a key‐role in pearl formation and its characteristics influence markedly the quality of the final product. As it is manufactured from mollusc shells, it contains a small percentage of organics. In the present paper, we used a set of biochemical techniques to characterize and compare the organic matrices from two types of nuclei that are currently used in French Polynesia: that from the freshwater mussel Amblema sp., and that from the pearl oyster Pinctada sp. To this end, we extracted the matrices from nuclei and performed FT‐IR, monodimensional electrophoresis, and enzyme‐linked immuno‐sorbent assay (ELISA). Our data show that the matrix associated with Amblema nuclei has a very different biochemical signature from that of Pinctada nuclei, a fact that may explain the improved tolerance of grafted oysters to nuclei of Pinctada origin. In the absence of complex physical methods of investigation, simple immunological techniques and FT‐IR performed on the extracted organic matrix are extremely reliable and effective for discriminating nuclei from these two sources. We assert that such techniques can be used as a diagnostic test to track unambiguously the biological origin of nuclei to avoid fraud.  相似文献   

An adult male blue shark, Prionace glauca (L.), caught in July 2000 by a recreational fisherman off Long Island, New York, USA, had a retained fishing hook from a previous capture. The hook penetrated the gastric wall and lacerated the right liver lobe. Macroscopic lesions consisted of transmural gastritis and peritonitis. Alteromonas sp. and Vibrio alginolyticus were isolated from the peritoneal fluid. In addition, a well delineated, sessile mass was found on the otherwise normal serosa of the right testis. Histopathological findings included mesothelial hyperplasia and hypertrophy involving diffusely the gastric, hepatic and parietal serosae, and forming a discrete testicular capsular mass compatible with mesothelioma. In the liver an intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, chronic hepatitis, biliary hyperplasia and increased numbers of melanomacrophages were found. In addition organisms compatible with histozoic and coelozoic myxosporeans were found within the skeletal muscle of the abdomen and intrahepatic bile ducts, respectively. This is the third literature report of a liver tumour and the first report of a coelomic mesothelioma from a shark.  相似文献   

A stochastic simulation model was developed to examine the impact of risky economic variables on the profitability of a small-scale shrimp farm. Sources of risk included input and output prices, random-kill events, and hurricane damages. Success was measured using the probability distribution of the net present value (NPV). A baseline model that assumed capital costs of $493,993, a stocking density of 100 shrimp per m2, a harvest survival of 80%, and a discount rate of 8% failed to generate a positive NPV. Subsequently adding a $0.66 price premium also failed to establish a positive NPV. Further reducing initial capital costs by 50% resulted in a 2% probability of a positive NPV. Incrementally reducing the discount rate generated increasingly positive NPV probabilities ranging from a 9% probability of success (7% discount rate) to a 94% probability of success (3% discount rate). Additional analyses suggested that probabilities of financial success were also sensitive to random-kill and hurricane events.  相似文献   

The escape of cultured fish from a marine aquaculture facility is a type of biological invasion that may lead to a variety of potential ecological and economic effects on native fish. This article develops a general invasive species impact model to capture explicitly both the ecological and economic effects of invasive species, especially escaped farmed fish, on native populations and harvests. First, the possible effects of escaped farmed fish on the growth and stock size of a native fish are examined. Next, a bioeconomic model to analyze changes in yield, benefit distribution, and overall profitability is constructed. Different harvesting scenarios, such as commercial, recreational, and joint commercial and recreational fishing are explored. The model is illustrated by a case study of the interaction between native and farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway. The results suggest that both the harvest and profitability of a native fish stock may decline after an invasion, but the total profits from the harvest of both native and farmed stocks may increase or decrease, depending on the strength of the ecological and economic parameters.  相似文献   

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