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Small, adventitious tributaries (<3 orders of magnitude smaller than the stream it flows into) are a conspicuous feature of many river–floodplain systems, but their value as fish reproduction and nursery habitat is not well understood compared to oxbow lakes and the main river channel (MRC). Moreover, connectivity of tributaries to the MRC is often less impacted by anthropogenic modifications (e.g., dams and levees) compared to oxbow lakes. From April to July 2012, larval and juvenile fish were collected in the Fourche LaFave River (Arkansas, USA) system to better understand fish nursery habitat function of tributaries relative to oxbow lakes and the MRC. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination of juvenile and larval fish genera revealed distinct fish assemblages in MRC and floodplain habitats. Ordination of juvenile fish at the species level resulted in distinct fish assemblages in tributary versus oxbow lake habitats. Tributaries had more unique species and higher abundance of shared species than oxbow lakes and MRC. Additionally, of the 46 species identified, all but six were collected in lower tributary reaches. Connectivity was strongly associated with both ordinations and was important in describing patterns of fish variation among habitats and between tributaries. Of the tributaries sampled, the least fragmented stream had the most similar fish assemblages between upper and lower sections. Findings of this study revealed tributaries are an important, yet overlooked, feature in the river–floodplain model. Especially in years of drought, channel–floodplain connectivity can be limited, but tributaries can be used by fishes for reproduction and nursery habitat.  相似文献   

Stream fish distributions are commonly linked to environmental disturbances affecting terrestrial landscapes. In Great Plains prairie streams, the independent and interactive effects of watershed impoundments and land cover changes remain poorly understood despite their prevalence and assumed contribution to declining stream fish diversity. We used structural equation models and fish community samples from third‐order streams in the Kansas River and Arkansas River basins of Kansas, USA to test the simultaneous effects of geographic location, terrestrial landscape alteration, watershed impoundments and local habitat on species richness for stream‐associated and impoundment‐associated habitat guilds. Watershed impoundment density increased from west to east in both basins, while per cent altered terrestrial landscape (urbanisation + row‐crop agriculture) averaged ~50% in the west, declined throughout the Flint Hills ecoregion and increased (Kansas River basin ~80%) or decreased (Arkansas River basin ~30%) to the east. Geographic location had the strongest effect on richness for both guilds across basins, supporting known zoogeography patterns. In addition to location, impoundment species richness was positively correlated with local habitat in both basins; whereas stream‐species richness was negatively correlated with landscape alterations (Kansas River basin) or landscape alterations and watershed impoundments (Arkansas River basin). These findings suggest that convergences in the relative proportions of impoundment and stream species (i.e., community structure) in the eastern extent of both basins are related to positive effects of increased habitat opportunities for impoundment species and negative effects caused by landscape alterations (Kansas River basin) or landscape alterations plus watershed impoundments (Arkansas River basin) for stream species.  相似文献   

Abstract – The ashy darter, Etheostoma cinereum, is an imperiled fish within the Cumberland and Tennessee drainages of the southeast United States. An understanding of habitat associations and the relationship of habitat use across multiple spatial scales are critical elements in its conservation. Our objectives were to quantify habitat associations at the stream reach and microhabitat scales for adult and juvenile darters, and to understand the linkage between the two scales based on gradients of habitat use. We focused our efforts within the Rockcastle River, Kentucky (Cumberland River drainage), because the watershed was known to contain a relatively large ashy darter population. Three hundred twenty‐two individuals were collected from 21 reaches. The species was restricted to the mainstem of the river and the lower reaches of the larger tributaries. The distribution and abundance of adult and juvenile darters differed significantly at each spatial scale, and both groups demonstrated non‐random use of the available habitat. Gradients of stream size and substrate size were identified as important factors. A threshold of environmental quality was determined based on the habitat use patterns among the two scales. Habitat use between the two scales was independent within the threshold, indicating that the specific quality of the microhabitats did not necessarily matter within a stream reach. However, beyond the threshold, a decrease of at least 48% in adult and juvenile darter abundance was seen, indicating that a sufficient network of suitable microhabitats is needed to support a good population of darters within a stream reach.  相似文献   

Hatchery-reared, juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were each stocked six times into an area of a semi-natural stream. The order in which the two species were released was switched after every second experimental stocking. Temporal and spatial post-stocking dispersal, effects of previously stocked species, feeding behaviour and the influences of sex and size were studied. During each 48-h experimental release period, some fish were recaptured in a trap situated 200 m downstream from the stocking site, and fish remaining in the stream after each experimental release were caught by electric fishing. Significantly more grayling than trout moved downstream and left the semi-natural stream. Proportions of stocked grayling recaptured in the trap within 2 h and from 2 to 48 h post stocking in the stream were 36.4% and 10.0%, respectively. Corresponding recapture rates for brown trout were both 1.5%. Most of the grayling and brown trout that did not leave the stream early were recaptured in deep, slow-moving water at low velocities in the release area. The presence of grayling at the time that the brown trout were stocked resulted in significantly fewer brown trout staying in the upper part of the stream. Within 48 h of their release, 33.3% and 22.8% of the grayling and brown trout, respectively, had eaten natural food items. The mean length of brown trout recaptured in the upper part of the stocking area was significantly lower than that of fish recaptured in the lower part and in the trap. Among brown trout, males showed a significantly greater propensity to eat and to stay in the upper part of the stream near the stocking site compared with females . Brown trout with natural food items in their stomachs had significantly lower mean length than trout without such items. No sex- or size-related differences were found in the spatial distribution or feeding activity of grayling.  相似文献   

The planned removal of four dams on the Klamath River (anticipated 2024) will be the largest river restoration effort ever undertaken on the planet. Dam removal will restore access to >50 km of the Klamath River mainstem for coho salmon, but mainstem habitat may not be suitable for rearing juvenile coho salmon. Instead, small tributaries may provide most rearing habitat for reestablishing coho salmon. We used four approaches to evaluate six Klamath River tributaries above existing dams to assess their potential to support juvenile coho salmon: (1) We measured summer temperature regimes and evaluated thermal suitability. (2) We applied an Intrinsic Potential (IP) model to evaluate large-scale geomorphological constraints on coho salmon habitat. (3) We used the Habitat Limiting Factors Model (HLFM) to estimate rearing capacity for juveniles given current habitat conditions. (4) We developed an occupancy model using data from reference tributaries to predict coho salmon rearing distribution. All six streams had summer temperatures cooler than the mainstem Klamath River. However, five of the streams have barriers that will restrict coho salmon to within 5 km of the confluence with the Klamath River and two were disconnected mid-summer. Despite these constraints, the tributaries will likely produce coho salmon. Most streams had high IP in their lower reaches, the HLFM model estimated a total capacity of 105,000 juvenile coho salmon, and the occupancy model predicted juvenile coho salmon will rear throughout the accessible reaches. Protection and habitat enhancement for these tributaries will be important for coho salmon reestablishment post-dam removal.  相似文献   

在金沙江下游干流大规模水电开发的背景下,干流开发与支流保护是生态环境保护的有效措施;黑水河是白鹤滩库区鱼类的优先保护支流,确定其鱼类优先保护次序和保护物种是进行鱼类栖息地修复和保护工作的首要任务和前提基础。在野外调查和查阅相关文献资料的基础上,运用濒危系数、遗传价值系数和物种价值系数对黑水河35种鱼类进行优先保护次序的定量分析,并结合黑水河栖息地实际情况,确定保护目标鱼类。结果显示,达到黑水河一级保护的鱼类只有1种,为长江上游特有鱼类长薄鳅(Leptobotia elongata);达到二级保护的种类有12种,其中昆明裂腹鱼(Schizothorax grahami)、黄石爬鮡(Euchiloglanis kishinouyei)、短须裂腹鱼(Schizothorax wangchiachii)和长鳍吻鮈(Rhinogobio ventralis)为长江上游特有鱼类;处于三级保护的鱼类有17种,其中钝吻棒花鱼(Abbottina obtusirostris)和张氏?(Hemiculter tchangi)是长江上游特有鱼类;四级保护鱼类有5种,其中短体副鳅(Paracobitis potanini)为长江上游特有鱼类,评价结果基本反映了黑水河鱼类的实际情况。结合白鹤滩水库蓄水后黑水河栖息地生境改变的情况,最终确定昆明裂腹鱼、黄石爬鮡、短须裂腹鱼为黑水河栖息地修复和保护的目标鱼类,长薄鳅和长鳍吻鮈为备选保护鱼类。  相似文献   

Abstract – Habitat use and diet of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) coexisting with European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) and grayling (Thymallus thymallus) were studied in one deep and two relatively shallow subarctic lakes in northern Norway. Stomach content and stable isotope analyses revealed clear and temporally stable resource partitioning between the species in all three lakes. Arctic charr had a wide and flexible trophic niche and was the only piscivorous species. In contrast, whitefish and grayling had remarkably stable planktivorous and benthivorous niches, respectively. In the deepest lake, Arctic charr together with grayling mainly utilised littoral benthos, while piscivory was more prevalent in Arctic charr in the two shallower lakes. In one of the shallow lakes, whitefish was apparently relegated to the inferior profundal niche because of dominance of the littoral by grayling. Our results suggest that Arctic charr may not necessarily need an extensive profundal zone as a refuge, but can coexist with whitefish if a third competing fish species like grayling occurs in the littoral habitat or if profitable small prey fish are available. The study demonstrates that strong dietary plasticity of Arctic charr is instrumental in the observed coexistence with the commonly competitively superior whitefish.  相似文献   

Dam removals allow fish to access habitats that may provide ecological benefits and risks, but the extent of fish movements through former dam sites has not been thoroughly evaluated for many species. We installed stationary PIT antennas in 2016 and 2017 to evaluate movements and survival of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis in the West Branch of the Wolf River (WBWR) in central Wisconsin following removal of two dams and channel modifications designed to promote fish movement. These changes provided access to lacustrine habitats that might provide suitable winter habitat or act as ecological sinks. We used multistate models to estimate transition probabilities between river sections, to determine whether brook trout: (a) moved between multiple river sections and (b) entered lacustrine habitats as seasonal refuges, but eventually returned to lotic habitat. We also used a Cormack-Jolly-Seber model to evaluate whether apparent survival of brook trout in the WBWR was comparable to other populations. Few fish moved among river sections or used lacustrine habitat (<5% of tagged fish); most brook trout remained in sections where they were initially tagged, potentially due to quality habitat located throughout the river. Like other studies, brook trout in the WBWR appear to experience high mortality based on low number of detections, few physical recaptures and an estimated eight-month apparent survival rate of 0.27. In scenarios where fish can already access suitable habitat, removal of dams may not result in substantial increases in fish movement and colonisation of newly accessible habitat may not occur immediately.  相似文献   

Abstract Artificially hatched and reared juvenile European grayling, Thymallus thymallus (L.), from three natural populations were released into an experimental stream. Two of the populations were from lakes and the third population was from a river. Post-stocking dispersal was studied by recapturing fish in traps and by electric fishing after each of the stocking exercises. On all three occasions the first fish to be recaptured were caught in a trap about 400 m downstream from the release site, within 5–12 min of release. Proportions of stocked grayling juveniles recaptured by electric fishing in the fast-flowing section of the experimental stream (the rapids) were 9.9%, 46.7% and 16.6% after the first, second and third stocking, respectively. No significant population-specific difference was found between fish caught in the downstream trap and fish recaptured in the rapids. The uppermost part of the rapids (stretch 1) and the catch in the upstream trap was dominated by fish of riverine origin. Post-stocking migration was influenced by sex but not by body size. Females showed a greater propensity to stay in the rapids compared with males. Implications of the results for stocking grayling in natural streams and regulated rivers are discussed.  相似文献   

Threatened obligatory riverine fishes in human-modified Polish rivers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract – The fate of obligatory riverine fish species (rheophils), which are the objects of anglers' exploitation (chub – Leuciscus cephalus , nase – Chondrostoma nasus , barbel – Barbus barbus , gudgeon – Gobio gobio ), and brown trout ( Salmo trutta m. fario ) and grayling ( Thymallus thymallus ) (in the Gwda River basin only), were investigated in large alluvial rivers (Pilica and Warta) and in the medium-sized Gwda River basin. The Pilica (1973) and the Warta (1986–1987) were divided by large dams without fish ladders in their middle courses. The Gwda River was divided by only a few dams along its course, but its tributaries carrying pure water had numerous small dams that supplied water for fish farms. Other stresses influencing fish populations in these rivers were: pollution, overfishing, hydroelectric plants and bank revetments. Because the listed stresses occurred alternately and at various periods of time in these rivers, this enabled attributing the cause for extinction and reduction of the abundance and distribution. In the salmon Gwda River basin, a drastic decrease in spatial distribution and reduction of occurrence ranges of brown trout, grayling and barbel was evident in respect to the first study period (1980s) in the 1990s. In the large, alluvial Pilica River, nase, barbel and dace are on the edge of extinction and chub and gudgeon are vulnerable. In the Warta's tailwater, barbel is an extinct species, and chub, dace and gudgeon are vulnerable ones. In a site in the backwater, none of the above mentioned species became extinct, but their abundance and occurrence frequency decreased a bit in respect to the pre-impoundment period. Roach-generalist, which was used in this research as a "control" species, increased in abundance in all 3 rivers. These investigations univocally proved that the dams cause catastrophic stress for obligatory riverine species. NOTE  相似文献   

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