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本文根据对陆源人海排污口及其邻近海域监测的实践,对台州两个人海排污口水质及其邻近海域监测点的水质进行监测,对海域环境质量等进行探讨。  相似文献   

灰关联分析法在大沽河青岛段水质评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用大沽河干流青岛段6个水质监测控制断面2003~2007年的年均水质监测数据,采用灰关联分析法,通过各断面水质的多个水质评价因子与水质标准的距离综合分析,依据关联度计算结果全面系统的评价了大沽河干流青岛段水质总体状况与变化趋势,并结合单因子法评价结果,对采用灰关联分析法与单因子评价法两种评价方法进行分析比较和探讨,为科学合理评价总体水质状况提供重要技术参考。  相似文献   

太湖是我国五大淡水湖之一。今年以来,江苏省海洋与渔业局进一步加大了太湖渔业水质监测力度,组织省太湖渔管委办公室按照《2008年江苏省重点湖泊渔业生态环境监测工作方案》和《太湖渔业资源动态监测实施方案》的要求,在全湖设置了35个监测点(是原有采样点的3倍),全面监测太湖水质情况,为太湖蓝藻生物治理和发展生态渔业提供科学依据。  相似文献   

针对目前水产养殖中在线监测水质传感器成本高,传感器表面藻类及污垢附着影响检测精度等问题,设计了一套集成传感器清洁装置的全自动多点水质监测系统。考虑到水产养殖中水质参数缓变特点,设计包括清洁水槽在内的多水槽水质采样箱,将需要在线监测的水样输送到对应采样箱,由三轴移动平台控制传感器模块切换,实现多点水质循环监测,在清洁水槽中设置清洁毛刷等实现传感器的清洁维护。系统采用PLC为主控制器,完成对传感器、电磁阀、水泵、三轴移动平台等可执行装置的控制。现场人机交互选用MCGS触摸屏,PLC与触摸屏之间通过RS232总线通讯交换数据,实现设备状态监控与测试数据的实时显示、储存、历史信息统计。研究表明,系统运行稳定可靠,操作界面正常,使用清水浸泡、水流冲洗、海绵柔性擦拭相结合的清洗方式,可有效地缓解传感器上藻类及微生物的附着问题,实现水质传感器的自动清洁维护。  相似文献   

唐博  李密生  李警波  吴菲 《河北渔业》2020,(7):38-40,62
为改善牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)养殖中水质管理这一关键环节,基于多传感器技术,设计一种远程水质监测系统。系统底层硬件为STM32F103RCT6单片机模块,集合pH传感器、溶解氧传感器、温度传感器、浊度传感器等完成养殖池内的数据采集工作,采用LoRa技术作为无线传输模块,数据由传输模块到达上位机,实现水质数据的采集,系统可以完成实时监测和历史数据查询,为养殖户节省大量人工和时间成本。  相似文献   

1 监测范围全省有 1 1 6个点进行了水产养殖病害监测 ,8月份在 62个点上有疫情报告 ,比 7月份多出 2 3个。海、淡水养殖 ,1 1个市都有疫情。其中 :有疫情的淡水养殖监测点面积 1 2 5 .5hm2 ,较 7月份减少 1 4 6 .9hm2 ;海水养殖有疫情的监测点面积79 3 .3hm2 ,比 7月份增加 34  相似文献   

我国渔业水质监测系统应用现状与发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向渔业的水质监测技术是获知鱼类生长环境状况的前提,也是渔业现代化养殖的基础。为此,介绍了影响渔业水质的6个环境因子,总结了我国目前渔业养殖水质监测技术的现状,即水质监测参数单一化、参数获取方式局限性和水质调控方式经验化,并逐个地分析了发展趋势,即水质传感器多参数、数据网络高可靠性和水质调控系统智能化。  相似文献   

2015年全年对秀丽高原鳅(Triplophysa venusta)主要分布流域漾弓江上游鹤庆段开展水质调查,对洗马池、白龙潭、清水河、寺庄龙潭、美龙潭、西龙潭、人工驯养池及驯养池水源8个监测点的水温(T)、pH、溶解氧(DO)、氨氮(NH3-N)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)7个指标进行采样监测,采用模糊综合评价法和综合水质标识指数法对采样点水质现状进行评价;分析了人工驯养池和自然栖息地水质差异。结果显示:驯养池与自然栖息地部分水质指标差异显著;自然栖息地中,清水河夏季水质为Ⅲ类,主要污染物为TN,其余监测点各季节水质均满足水体环境功能区规划要求;驯养池夏季水质评价结果为Ⅳ类,主要污染物为TN。  相似文献   

<正>水产养殖水质环境实时监测系统软件平台针对水产养殖业水质环境监测的特殊需求而开发,用户可通过该监测平台对养殖水质环境参数如水温、p H值、溶解氧、浊度、氨氮等数据进行实时在线监测,对未知的水质突变险情做出提前预警,可有效遏制养殖风险并显著提高生产、管理效率。一、底层平台设计与开发自主研发的实时嵌入式操作系统Z-smart是专门  相似文献   

姜涛 《科学养鱼》2016,(12):37-38
正一、工业化养殖整体工艺流程及养殖车间概况养殖车间现有养殖池20个,每个鱼池20米2,水深1.2米,每小时循环一次,为了实现循环水智能化养殖,建立了以生物水处理系统、水质监控系统、溶氧系统、温控系统、杀菌系统、在线监测报警系统等一系列系统工程在内的物联网。在线监测报警系统可随时监测养殖水体中亚硝酸盐、氨氮、溶氧、pH值、温度等各项指标,及时了解养殖水质(见图1)。  相似文献   

针对养殖水质检测与调控的实际需求,提出了一种基于NB-IoT(Narrow Band-Internet of things,窄带物联网)和无人船巡检技术的水质检测与调节物联网系统.通过将无人船作为移动水质感知节点采集养殖水质信息,然后通过NB-IoT无线通信技术将数据上传至OneNET云平台,最终将水质信息可视化呈现在...  相似文献   

In order to promote the development of aquaculture informatization and monitor aquaculture ponds more accurately and conveniently, this article has developed a water quality monitoring system for aquaculture ponds based on the narrow band internet of things (NB-IoT) technology. This system realizes remote collection and data storage of multi-sensor processor information (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and other environmental parameters), as well as intelligent control and centralized management of breeding ponds. The system uses STM32L151C8 microcontroller and sensor terminal real-time acquisition, such as temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen. It realizes data aggregation and transmission over a long distance to the Internet of things (IoT) telecom cloud platform through the technology of NB-IoT. The software called Keil implement the data format design of wireless communication module and data transmission. Java is used to develop background monitoring applications for accessing cloud platform, controlling underlying devices and local data processing. It can not only send hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) requests to monitor cloud platform data, but also issue commands to the underlying control module to control the startup and shutdown of equipment such as aerator. The system was implemented and tested in ChangZhou, JiangSu Province, China. The experimental results showed that the system can obtain water quality parameters in time. The temperature control accuracy is maintained at ±0.12℃, the average relative error is 0.15 %, the dissolved oxygen control accuracy is maintained within ±0.55mg/L, the average relative error is 2.48 %, the pH control accuracy is maintained at ±0.09, and the average relative error is 0.21 %. The system has stable overall operation, real-time and accurate data transmission, which can meet the actual production needs and provide strong data and technical support for further water quality regulation and aquaculture production management.  相似文献   

工厂化水产养殖水质监测系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工厂化水产养殖的密度高、风险大,养殖对象对pH、溶解氧、温度、氨氮、亚硝酸盐等水质参数的变化敏感,受影响严重,监测水质参数极为重要。本文针对工厂化水产养殖水质监测特点和需求,研发了工厂化水产养殖水质监测系统。分析研究pH、溶解氧、温度、亚硝酸盐等水质参数的阈值,设计水质监测数据无线采集节点和基于Zigbee的无线监测网络,建立水质监测系统软件平台。结果表明,该系统能够实现工厂化水产养殖水质实时监测,保证生产安全,提高水产养殖生产效率。  相似文献   

为提高对水产养殖水质监控的实时性和测量精度,设计了一种基于无线传感器网络的水产养殖水质参数监控系统。该系统由水质参数采集终端、分布式传感器网络、传输控制中心基站、远程在线监控系统组成。参数采集终端采集水质参数并传输到中心基站,再通过GPRS发送给远程在线监控中心,根据用户向监控中心输入的参数实现水温、pH、溶氧(DO)的调节。参数测量过程中引入数字滤波算法提高测量精度,使用经过改进粒子群优化算法(PSO)整定的PID控制器实现水质参数的调节。结果显示:测量精度达到要求,温度、pH和DO的测量误差分别为2.1%、1.3%和3.6%,系统对温度、pH和溶氧调节的最大误差分别为1.9%、2.6%和3.1%。整个系统工作稳定可靠。  相似文献   

为了促进水产养殖健康发展,基于.NET Framework技术作为开发环境,Access作为后台数据库开发了一套池塘养殖数字化管理系统,并对系统进行了硬件架构和软件设计。硬件架构由水质监测与管理系统、自动投饵系统和投喂决策系统组成。根据测量的水温、溶氧量和酸碱度等信息,结合鱼类生长需要形成合理的投喂量和最佳的投喂时间,实现池塘养殖数字化管理。应用试验表明,系统能够对养殖水体进行实时监测和控制,达到精准投喂,系统平均降低饲料系数20%,提高摄食量1.5~2.0倍。  相似文献   

针对无线化的水产养殖水质监测系统耗能大、电池寿命短的问题,设计了基于Zigbee和GPRS的节能型水质监测系统。通过采用低功耗器件,在电源与传感器、信号调理电路之间添加选通芯片ADG1414控制各模块分时分区工作,减少各模块的供电时间来降低硬件能耗;通过设置阈值对采集的数据进行判断,对阈值范围内的数据不发送,减少数据发送量,从而减少系统数据发送能耗。以CC2530为核心构建无线传感网络,将传感器采集到的温度、p H、溶氧等水质参数传输至监测中心,构建实时监测平台,并在此基础上建立数据管理系统,实现对水产养殖水质环境的实时监测。系统测试与实验结果表明,该系统节能效果显著,能有效延长无线水质监测系统电池的工作时间。  相似文献   

Live food such as Artemia is considered to be an essential part of any marine finfish hatchery. Standard methods were developed for hatching and enhancing the nutritional value of the Artemia nauplii by using different enrichment products. Although there is a variety of commercially available products in the market, further research on more specific enrichments for solving specific nutritional deficiencies in fish larvae is still required. A simple, compact and reliable experimental system was developed for these nutritional experiments. The system was built as a compact, all-in-one system with eight 50-l conical tanks in a water bath. The system reduces variation between the replicates (tanks), otherwise resulting from individual heaters and aeration. It reduces the manpower and time needed for harvesting and to re-establish the system on a daily basis by the ability to harvest, wash and refill all the tanks at the same time with the same volume of water. The system has been used for a variety of experiments, comparing commercial and experimental enrichments, bacterial monitoring and evaluation of different Artemia procedures.  相似文献   

  • 1. In 1996, the long‐term water quality monitoring network (WQMN) program in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) of the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) that began in 1988 was redesigned to eliminate statistically redundant sampling and satisfy modeling requirements.
  • 2. Methods, procedures, and equipment were standardized across multi‐agency monitoring partners to produce reliable and comparable data. The redesigned strategy also included elements to determine previously unknown quantities such as differences in water quality parameters with depth and tidal cycle.
  • 3. Reduction of sampling sites from 150 to 24 resulted in a significant improvement of standard deviation (t‐test; α = 0.05) for most water quality parameters analysed. The enhancement in data quality has demonstrated a more cost‐effective and efficient monitoring tool to measure the water quality of the seagrass environment in the IRL.
  • 4. Results supported the view of a well‐mixed condition at the sampling stations on most days. Refocusing and streamlining the water quality monitoring program within the context of its mission would enable conversion of data into meaningful information regarding the interrelationship among water quality, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), and seagrass PAR requirements.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为更高效、大范围的获取草海水质状况,分析草海水体营养状态,本文利用实测水质数据与遥感影像的关系建立反演模型,反演草海2000-2015年水质指标,包括Chl-a、TN、TP、CODMn、SD,并用综合营养状态指数法(TLI)对草海水质情况进行评价。结果表明:(1)通过波段组合与实测数据建立水质参数反演模型能高效、大面积的获得草海水质分布情况,评价得知草海从2000 - 2005年、2010 - 2015年,整体水质均为中营养、轻度富营养状态,TLI表现为先升高,后降低;(2)草海水质季节变化明显,四个季节的综合营养状态指数为春季>夏季>冬季>秋季,主要原因是草海春、夏季节农耕及旅游活动等较频繁;(3)空间上看,草海入水口及湖周围综合营养指数比湖中心及出水口高,其原因是因为入水口靠近城市,城市污水排入湖中,湖四周农业污染源大量存在所致。  相似文献   

The aquaculture industry is growing fast but facing two major challenges: a shortage of suitable locations for growth and the need to reduce environmental impacts. One solution for both these challenges is inland production through recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). The RAS technique is rather new, and several practical issues need to be solved. In this study, an experimental platform, consisting of ten individual RAS units, was built for small-scale testing of different RAS designs and operation methods, and two preliminary experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, the capability of different chemical additions (sodium nitrite, ammonium chloride and/or cane sugar) to fasten the startup of the nitrification bioreactor was tested. In addition, the suitability and reliability of an online water measurement system in monitoring nitrification process with was evaluated. We demonstrated that when using a combination of sodium nitrite and ammonium chloride in a concentration of 5 mg l−1, nitrification started one week before than when using only ammonium chloride or a clean start with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). In the second experiment, the effect of different relative water renewal rates (RWR) on water quality, rainbow trout growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were examined at 16 °C. Based on the results, FCR increased when RWR went below 478 l kg−1, and the specific growth rate decreased when RWR went below 514 l kg−1. Furthermore, when RWR decreased, nitrate, nitrite and organic material accumulated in the circulating water. In conclusion, we showed using experimental RAS platform that online water quality monitoring is a useful tool in following the effect of different management practices. Furthermore, we demonstrated that chemical substrate additions provide the fastest biofilter startup, and that water management is still in the key role in defining the fish production in RAS.  相似文献   

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