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关于发展福建海洋休闲渔业的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
休闲渔业在发达国家早已形成一种产业,但在我国还是新兴产业,它拓展了渔业空间,开辟了渔业新领域,福建是海洋资源大省,应该如何面对这种新型的渔业产业呢?本文对此进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,我国针对海洋渔业资源不断减少且日趋枯竭等方面情况作出了海洋捕捞业产量零增长.在若干年内让30万渔民从捕捞岗位转向其他行业,让3万艘渔船报废或转产的计划。  相似文献   

孙英杰 《河北渔业》2014,(12):50-52
对秦皇岛市发展海洋休闲渔业的优势、劣势、机会与挑战进行分析。秦皇岛应该充分利用现有的资源优势、区位优势和市场优势,借势有利的规划和政策导向,通过深度开发海洋休闲渔业旅游产品,不断完善接待和服务设施,提高从业人员的综合素质来不断提高秦皇岛市海洋休闲渔业的竞争力。  相似文献   

休闲渔业:开发深海网箱渔业的休闲观光功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深海网箱养殖是一项全新的养殖技术,必须要有全新的观念,全新的管理,全新的操作。除了技术集成创新观念、产业化经营观念、无公害养殖观念等以外,还可以站在一个更高的位置,引进海洋文化开发理念来发展、经营深海网箱养殖产业。即不但进行渔业物质生产,同时还进行精神生产和管理提升。因深海网箱渔业有优良的文化特质,可构筑成休闲观光渔业产业,宣扬海洋意识,  相似文献   

近年来,我国休闲渔业产业发展迅速。《海洋与渔业》记者在走访山东时发现,当地海洋牧场与休闲渔业碰撞后,产生的最大“火花”,就是在休闲渔业产业结构中占比不轻的休闲垂钓及采摘业。在多数已建成的海洋牧场平台上,游客均可以参与体验到垂钓、采摘、观光等项目。  相似文献   

丁勇成 《河北渔业》2016,(10):56-60
对威海市发展海洋休闲渔业的优势、劣势、机会与挑战进行了分析,威海应立足优美的自然环境、丰富的海洋旅游资源,抢抓国家海洋战略实施的机遇,优化海洋渔业产业结构调整,满足大众消费需求,发展海洋休闲渔业。通过加大宣传力度,来提升海洋休闲渔业的知名度;统筹规划整合现有的海洋旅游、渔业资源,加大资金投入,加强人才培养,来实现海洋休闲渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   

休闲渔业已经成为我国海洋旅游的新亮点和海岛经济发展的新兴产业。本文通过分析舟山蚂蚁岛成功打造省级休闲渔业示范基地的模式,提出海洋休闲渔业的发展应注重挖掘海洋文化和地方特色,与旅游等三产发展相结合,与落实“五个统筹”、建设社会主义现代化新型渔农村以及构建和谐社会相结合,并探讨了我国海洋休闲渔业的发展模式。提出了规划要科学化、统筹化,经营要产业化、集约化,管理要规范化、法制化,发展要可持续化等对策建议。  相似文献   

舟山休闲渔业发展浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
休闲经济、体验经济背景下的海洋旅游是舟山最具发展潜力的产业之一。基于此,文章对舟山休闲渔业的发展状况作了深入分析,指出当前舟山休闲渔业发展存在整体规划缺陷、产品单一、市场化程度低、资源保护不到位等不足。最后,有针对性地提出了若干发展对策,为有效解决舟山休闲渔业发展问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

休闲渔业是增加渔民收入、促进渔业改革发展的重要手段。本文在分析和总结我国休闲渔业发展现状的基础之上,对秦皇岛市发展休闲渔业的必要性进行了阐述,并且从经营模式和海上休闲活动项目等方面提出了打造休闲渔业的基本思路。通过对市场调研和对秦皇岛具体情况的分析得出结论,在秦皇岛发展休闲渔业是完全可行的,需要抢抓机遇,大力发展。  相似文献   

休闲渔业看似无足轻重,实则不然。各国的实践证明,休闲渔业已成为现代渔业的重要组成部分,并在渔业资源保护、促进渔(农)民增收、调整渔业产业结构等方面都有其不可忽视的作用。一、休闲渔业的主要形式与内容概括国内外休闲渔业的具体体现,主要包括以下几方面的内容与形式:1.垂钓渔业:垂钓渔业包括三个部分,即城郊池塘垂钓、岛礁垂钓和景观垂钓。第一种主要是利用养鱼池塘进行养鱼或囤鱼供城镇居民在休闲时垂钓;第二种是在沿海和近海岛礁上配以相应设施,如人工鱼礁、游船、游艇、海上救生、疗养、餐饮、旅游服务设施等,供游人游览、垂钓、休…  相似文献   

深蓝渔业发展策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,受制于近海渔业资源衰退、水域环境恶化、生产方式粗放等多重影响,渔业发展空间受到严重压缩,水产品质量安全问题更加突出。向深远海拓展新空间、挖掘优质蛋白的需求迫在眉睫,发展深蓝渔业已成为推进海洋强国战略、促进渔业升级转型的必然选择。本文围绕海洋经济和科技发展规划、深远海养殖技术与装备、南极磷虾等海洋战略性资源开发利用等方面,阐述了国内外目前深蓝渔业发展形势和现状,分析了发展深蓝渔业在食物安全供给、渔业可持续发展、蓝色经济发展等方面的战略意义,认为要持续稳步推进深蓝渔业发展,建议深蓝渔业的发展要因地制宜,做好统筹规划;要科技创新,加快技术攻关;要循序渐进,实现稳步推进;要产业升级,加快融合发展。  相似文献   

Views expressed on the potential impact of ocean acidification range from wholesale degradation of marine ecosystems through to no discernable impact with minimal consequences. Constraining this range of predictions is necessary for the development of informed policy and management. The direct biological impacts of acidification occur at the molecular and cellular level; however, it is the expression of these effects at the population and ecosystem level that is of societal concern. Here, we consider the potential impact of ocean acidification on fisheries with particular emphasis on approaches to scaling from physiological responses to population‐ and ecosystem‐level processes. In some instances, impacts of ocean acidification may lead to changes in the relative species composition at a given trophic level without affecting the overall productivity, whilst in other instances, ocean acidification may lead to a reduction in productivity at a given tropic level. Because of the scale at which ecological processes operate, modelling studies are required. Here, ocean acidification is situated within ongoing research into the ecological dynamics of perturbed systems, for which many models have already been developed. Whilst few existing models currently explicitly represent physiological processes sensitive to ocean acidification, some examples of how ocean acidification effects may be emulated within existing models are discussed. Answering the question of how acidification may impact fisheries requires the integration of knowledge across disciplines; this contribution aims to facilitate the inclusion of higher trophic level ecology into this ongoing debate and discussion.  相似文献   

Assessments of the combined ecological impacts of ocean acidification and warming (OAW) and their social and economic consequences can help develop adaptive and responsive management strategies in the most sensitive regions. Here, available observational and experimental data, theoretical, and modelling approaches are combined to project and quantify potential effects of OAW on the future fisheries catches and resulting revenues and employment in the UK under different CO2 emission scenarios. Across all scenarios, based on the limited available experimental results considered, the bivalve species investigated were more affected by OAW than the fish species considered, compared with ocean warming alone. Projected standing stock biomasses decrease between 10 and 60%. These impacts translate into an overall fish and shellfish catch decrease of between 10 and 30% by 2020 across all areas except for the Scotland >10 m fleet. This latter fleet shows average positive impacts until 2050, declining afterwards. The main driver of the projected decreases is temperature rise (0.5–3.3 °C), which exacerbate the impact of decreases in primary production (10–30%) in UK fishing waters. The inclusion of the effect of ocean acidification on the carbon uptake of primary producers had very little impact on the projections of potential fish and shellfish catches (<1%). The <10 m fleet is likely to be the most impacted by‐catch decreases in the short term (2020–50), whereas the effects will be experienced more strongly by the >10 m fleet by the end of the century in all countries. Overall, losses in revenue are estimated to range between 1 and 21% in the short term (2020–50) with England and Scotland being the most negatively impacted in absolute terms, and Wales and North Ireland in relative terms. Losses in total employment (fisheries and associated industries) may reach approximately 3–20% during 2020–50 with the >10 m fleet and associated industries bearing the majority of the losses.  相似文献   

The tenets of ecosystem approach to fisheries (EAF) now occupy centre stage in our efforts to maintain the sustainability of fisheries and rebuild marine ecosystems. The paper discusses how an EAF can be adopted for data limited fisheries and uses the northern South China Sea fishery as an example to demonstrate the selection and use of indicators for determining the states of the fishery and its relevant ecosystem to provide advice on management. Implementing EAF management requires indicators and models that address the impact of fishing across entire ecological communities and determine management actions to be taken to achieve the preset objectives according to decision rules. Data limited fisheries necessarily have limited resources for data collection and scientific studies and therefore could not support complex models. To overcome the data limitation and absence of modelling support, simple indicators have to be used to assess the current state and monitor changes of the fishery and its ecosystem. Such indicators should: (1) be observable and understandable by all stakeholders, (2) be based on easily obtainable and reliable data, (3) adequately reflect the condition of the resource, and (4) have associated reference values and responsive management measures. The paper also reviews the recent development and use of indicators and harvest strategies in both conventional and EAF management to better understand the differences and to shed light on the challenges of EAF, in particular for data limited fisheries.  相似文献   

Despite increased fisheries science output and publication outlets, the global crisis in fisheries management is as present as ever. Since a narrow research focus may be a contributing factor to this failure, this study uncovers topics in fisheries research and their trends over time. This interdisciplinary research evaluates whether science is diversifying fisheries research topics in an attempt to capture the complexity of the fisheries system, or whether it is multiplying research on similar topics, attempting to achieve an in‐depth, but possibly marginal, understanding of a few selected components of this system. By utilizing latent Dirichlet allocation as a generative probabilistic topic model, we analyse a unique dataset consisting of 46,582 full‐text articles published in the last 26 years in 21 specialized scientific fisheries journals. Among the 25 topics uncovered by the model, only one (Fisheries management) refers to the human dimension of fisheries understood as socio‐ecological complex adaptive systems. The most prevalent topics in our dataset directly relating to fisheries refer to Fisheries management, Stock assessment, and Fishing gear, with Fisheries management attracting the most interest. We propose directions for future research focus that most likely could contribute to providing useful advice for successful management of fisheries.  相似文献   

Scientists feel discomfort when they are asked to create certainty, where none exists, for use as an alibi in policy‐making. Recently, the scientific literature has drawn attention to some pitfalls of simulation‐based fisheries management‐strategy evaluation (MSE). For example, while estimates concerning central tendencies of distributions of simulation outcomes are usually fairly robust because they are conditioned on ample data, estimates concerning the tails of distributions (such as the probability of falling below a critical biomass) are usually conditional on few data and thus often rely on assumptions that have no strong knowledge base. The clients of scientific advice, such as the European Commission, are embracing the mechanization of the evaluation of proposed Harvest Control Rules against the precautionary principle and management objectives. Where the fisheries management institutions aim for simple answers from the scientists, giving ‘green/red light’ to a proposed management strategy, the scientists are forced into a split position between satisfying the demands of their advisory role and living up to the standards of scientific rigour. We argue against the mechanization of scientific advice that aims to incorporate all relevant processes into one big model algorithm that, after construction, can be run without circumspection. We rather encourage that fisheries advice should be a dynamic process of expert judgement, incorporating separate parallel concurrent, lines of scientific evidence, from quantitative and qualitative modelling exercises and factual knowledge of the biology and the fishery dynamics. This process can be formalized to a certain degree and can easily accommodate stakeholder viewpoints.  相似文献   

In Southern Mexico and Central America, inland fisheries form part of the livelihood portfolio of an as-yet unknown number of rural communities. This paper reports on the first comprehensive study of such fisheries located in common property lands (ejidos) of the Mayan Zone in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Given the “data-sparse” nature of these fisheries, with a lack of data available on their current status and on participation levels, a fishery assessment approach was used which included methods from both the natural and social sciences, with a focus on survey methods applied to fishery users, water, fish and creel surveys. Moreover, local knowledge of community residents complemented scientific knowledge in a substantial part of the research. The results, from 48 fishing sites (four with sub-saline waters, the remainder freshwater) indicated (1) a resource base of multi-specific nature with a total of 18 bony fish species in the study area, (2) artisanal (small-scale) fisheries, with very basic technology (notably hand-lines) utilized primarily through barefoot fishing along the shores, or with the aid of rafts and canoes, (3) seasonal fishing, primarily during the dry season (February to May), due to greater accessibility of the sites in those periods, but also related to the end of work on major local livelihoods, (4) both indigenous (Mayan) and non-indigenous fishers, of ages ranging from teenage to senior adults, for most of whom the major occupation was slash-and-burn agriculture, and (5) a mainly male-oriented fishery, but with some women involved in five out of nine ejidos studied. While the key motivation of fishers was subsistence, the study found, for the first time in this form of fishery, that recreation was also a significant goal of many participants. In terms of methodology, the study demonstrated the importance of cross-validating the accuracy of information from informants interviewed in the type of social surveys used here. This combined assessment approach proved effective in providing new information on these previously under-studied fisheries, and may be useful in similar data-sparse situations elsewhere.  相似文献   

对我国休闲渔业发展的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国休闲渔业的发展有利于渔业经济向多元化方向发展,有利于资源的优化配置,实现可持续发展。本文首先介绍了国内外休闲渔业的发展状况及对构建和谐社会的意义;其次阐述了目前休闲渔业的主要形态;再次分析了制约休闲渔业发展的因素,最后基于分析制约因素的基础上提出了解决制约休闲渔业发展因素的对策。  相似文献   

从远洋渔业的概念和发展远洋渔业的目的与意义入手,对我国远洋渔业近40年来的行业发展进行了简要梳理。通过总结远洋渔业行业发展现状及面临的主要问题,结合新形势下我国面临的内外部环境条件,提出该行业未来发展的应对策略及相关建议。  相似文献   

Current approaches to the enhancement of fisheries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
With increasing pressure on the world's inland and coastal marine fisheries, increases in production and quality of yield are being sought through the application of a range of enhancement techniques. Which of these is applied depends on the attitude to the natural resource by societies at different levels of economic development. The range of enhancement techniques involves increasing levels of human input and control which raise productivity significantly, but which also raise costs. Introductions have raised production in many areas of the world at the price of the risk of environmental disruption. Stocking is extremely widespread but has generally been applied uncritically. A variety of models are proposed to serve as a basis for more rigorous evaluation of biological and economic effectiveness of this practice. Fertilization of water bodies is used to raise levels of production further. Elimination of unwanted species then becomes necessary to maximize benefits from the target species. Adjustments to the habitats within the water body assist in raising general levels of productivity which culminate in the conversion of areas of the water into fish ponds or for cage culture. This process has important implications for the social, economic and policy context which necessitates shifts in ownership, finance and education among populations where these types of development occur.  相似文献   

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