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泥蚶生产性育苗的技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了泥蚶生产性育苗的高产技术,亲贝在室内人工暂养保熟,自然排放,以金藻,扁藻,小球藻为饵料,以筛选的滩泥作附着基,每天放干池水,定期筛泥洗苗,经78天在480m^2水池育出平均壳长1.09mm的泥蚶苗种16539万粒,单位面积出苗量达到34.45万粒。  相似文献   

在水温21℃~22℃下,将仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)耳状幼体放养在6个30 L的塑料水槽中,密度为303个.L-1,投喂盐藻(Dunaliella salina)和牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros müelleri)的混合液。培育至樽形幼体前,放入10 cm×10 cm的聚乙烯波纹板和聚乙烯平板;这些板表面光滑、粗糙(具沟,沟间距为500 um)和较粗糙(沟间距250 nm);或贴上绿、黑、黄、红和蓝5种颜色的聚乙烯贴纸,以无贴纸的透明附着基为对照。结果表明,附着10 d后,波纹板上附着的仿刺参幼体数量比平板上高68.76%,差异极其显著(t=7.131〉2.804,df=23);光滑附着基表面上仿刺参幼体的附着量分别比粗糙和较粗糙附着基高267.42%和32.34%,与粗糙附着基差异显著;红色和黑色附着基的幼体附着量比对照组高84.52%和37.49%,与对照组差异极显著,且随培育时间的延长促附着效果越明显。不同形状、粗糙度和颜色的附着基表面仿刺参幼体的附着率均随着时间的推移而下降,附着后5~6d时最甚。仿刺参刚刚开始附着1~2d未长出管足,附着5d时,大部分只长出1个管足,10d时,大部分生长出两个管足。  相似文献   

泥蚶工厂化育壮苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用普通扇贝育苗场进行泥工厂化育苗壮苗试验,亲蚶在室内丰饵能、成熟后自然排放,采卵孵化。幼虫、稚贝以叉鞭金藻、小球藻为饵料。以筛滤的滩泥作附着基,每天换水放干氏,定期换泥洗苗。1996年在底面积480m^2水泥池中,育出平均壳长1.09mm的蚶苗16539万粒。1996年11月专家鉴定认为,技术水平居国内领先。  相似文献   

1试验条件1.1 设施、设备育苗池14个,有效面积 420 m2,规格 5m ×6 m×1.3 m;M级沙滤池 2个,规格 5 m×2m×1.5 m;海边沙滤井 1口;单胞藻培养池 16个,规格 3 m×5 m×0.8 m;12 m3/h罗茨鼓风机1台;蒸发量为2t/h的锅炉1台。1.2 试验材料 饵料为人工培育的等鞭金藻、牟氏角毛藻、青岛大扁藻、异胶藻及海洋酵母。亲蚶系采自浙江乐清人工养殖的3龄泥蚶,规格160粒/kg。2试验方法2.1催产、孵化用沙滤海水冲刷掉亲蚶外壳上的犯及沉垢,然后用500×10-6的高…  相似文献   

<正>我国的刺参室内保苗生产,自上世纪90年代开始普遍采用的附着基是聚乙烯波纹板、透明聚乙烯薄膜、旧网衣、扇贝笼等。本文采用聚乙烯网片式附着基和聚乙烯波纹板式附着基对刺参进行越冬保苗,对特定生长率、饵料系数、成活率、产量及产值进行比较。  相似文献   

根据毛蚶自然生活习性和附着习性进行设计。共利用水体1000m^3。种贝2539枚。分两池蓄养.其中只有一池一次性获得受精卵30亿个,经培养到“D”幼时有20.6亿个。附着期间采用网片、波纹板两种附着基和直接附底进行对比试验。当培育到1mm时进行室外矢水面暂养,最终获得稚贝13.2亿个。  相似文献   

泥蚶(Taglarca granose L.)人工育苗试验国内曾多次报道,本文是在生产条件下利用现有的设施,采用亲贝提早促熟,阴干、流水刺激产卵,合理选择附着基粒径和饵料种类及投喂方法,加大水体交换量等措施,获受精卵4亿粒,培育D型幼虫3.5亿个,眼点幼虫2.5亿个,出池650mm~950mm稚贝1.8亿粒。  相似文献   

泥蚶人工育苗及滩涂养成技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对泥蚶人工育苗及养成技术生产试验,从饵料、水质、幼虫培育、附着变态、技术、管理措施等方面进行了探讨,取得泥蚶人工育苗生产性突破。共繁育泥蚶苗40.7亿粒,填补了泥蚶工厂化育苗省内空白。  相似文献   

本文报告了采用聚乙烯网衣作为虾夷扇贝、海湾扇贝稚贝附着基的附着效果。对变态幼虫至稚贝期的生长和成活稚贝及附着期中间育成率等进行了对比试验。结果表明,采用网衣附着基变态幼虫附着速度比棕帘慢,变态幼虫至稚贝的附着率及其日生长平均值分别为:采用网衣附着基,虾夷扇贝稚贝附着率为51.9%,平均日生长为18.28μm,棕帘为54%,19.0μm。而海湾扇贝网衣为49.98%,21.4μm,棕帘为59%,21.0μm。稚贝中间育成率及单位水体出苗量分别为:虾夷扇贝网衣为20.8%、69.17万枚/m3,棕帘为16.43%、58.57万枚/m3,海湾扇贝网衣为18.99%、88.3万枚/m3,棕帘为18.34%、60.0万枚/m3。  相似文献   

本文首先对产期魁蚶的生物学进行了测定。通过魁蚶在不同温度下的活体状态,确定了魁蚶最佳保藏温度,在此基础上,研究了魁蚶在最佳保藏温度内的存活率、失重率、化学组分和重量组成的变化及最佳保活温度以上不同温度下的存活率、失重率,从而确定了魁蚶的保活工艺和方法。结果表明:(1)产期魁蚶的出肉率(足部湿重计,下同)为17.3~18.3%;(2)最佳保藏温度为0~-2.3℃;(3)0~-2.3℃下,魁蚶可保藏20天,存活率100%;失重率4;8%(16天);主要化学成分无显著变化。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to study Gloiopeltis furcata spore culture with different substrates in the nonreproduction season. Using spores discharged by fertile G. furcata frozen for storage, two experiments were conducted during the nonreproduction season. In the first experiment, G. furcata spores were collected and incubated in aquariums using palm line, polythene line, vinylon line, and three types of plastic sheets (white, ripple, and transparent polymethyl methacrylate) as substrates. In the second experiment, G. furcata spores were collected and incubated in a plastic tank using plastic sheets of different materials (PP, PE, and transparent PVC) and plastic even nets of different mesh sizes (3, 2, and 0.5 cm) as substrates. At the end of the experiment (after 60 d), discs with raised thallus were found on different plastic sheets and white plastic even nets, but no discs were visible on any type of line or on the black plastic even net (3‐cm mesh). The white plastic even net was found to be a suitable substrate for G. furcata spore culture in farms and for sporeling culture in sea. Results presented in this study are expected to aid in the progress of the artificial seeding of Gloiopeltis.  相似文献   

泥蚶是福建省重要的经济海水养殖贝类,不同地区的泥蚶品质相差较大,其中以生长在宁德飞鸾铁基湾和东山湾竹塔的泥蚶品质较佳.本实验克隆了福建沿海六个养殖区的六个泥蚶的ITS-1序列,测序后,进行序列分析,并构建了ME、NJ和UPGMA系统树.结果表明:不同养殖区的泥蚶在DNA水平上的差异不大,遗传相似度为97.01~99.76%;所分析的六个群体未形成明显的地理隔离;福建泥蚶在品质上的差异没有体现在基于ITS基因序列分析的遗传差异中.  相似文献   

为了解盐度对泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)生理活动的影响,探究其昼夜活动节律,在室内实验条件下,控制水温25℃,采用静水养殖法,以耗氧率和排氨率分别作为呼吸和排泄的生理指标,研究了20、24、28、30、32共计5个盐度梯度下泥蚶的呼吸和排泄强度,同时对泥蚶在光照条件和暗处理下的呼吸与排泄强度进行了测定。结果发现,泥蚶耗氧率和排氨率随着盐度的升高均先上升、后下降,耗氧率为0.33~0.48 mg/(g?h),排氨率为0.044~0.067 mg/(g?h);泥蚶在盐度28的环境下呼吸和排泄强度最高,且不同盐度下耗氧率之间、排氨率之间差异显著(P<0.05)。暗处理下泥蚶的耗氧率在0.42~0.53 mg/(g?h),排氨率在0.049~0.057 mg/(g?h);光照条件下泥蚶的耗氧率在0.40~0.44 mg/(g?h),排氨率为0.042~0.051 mg/(g?h);暗处理条件下呼吸与排泄强度比光照条件下的更高,但2种状态下耗氧率、排氨率差异均不显著(P>0.05);表明实验条件下泥蚶对光照和暗处理反应不明显,即泥蚶不存在明显的昼夜节律现象。  相似文献   

4种海洋贝类对海水中铜(Cu)的富集能力   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为研究4种海洋贝类(泥蚶、菲律宾蛤仔、缢蛏、单齿螺)对海水中铜(Cu)的富集效应。设置Cu浓度分别为0.015、0.020、0.025、0.035、0.065和0.115 mg/L 6个试验组,采用半静水法进行泥蚶、菲律宾蛤仔、缢蛏、单齿螺对海水中Cu的富集试验,分别在0、1、3、5、10、15、20、25、30 d取出部分贝类用微波消解—原子吸收光谱法测定Cu含量。结果表明:4种贝类均对Cu表现出了一定的富集效应,单壳类对Cu的富集效应明显大于双壳类。水体中Cu浓度达到0.035 mg/L时,泥蚶和单齿螺对Cu的富集效应明显。水体中Cu浓度达到0.025 mg/L时,菲律宾蛤仔和缢蛏对Cu富集明显。贝类体内Cu含量总体上随水体中Cu含量增加而增加,但当水体中Cu浓度在某个浓度点时,贝类体内的Cu含量反而有个低点。这一低点对于泥蚶为0.025 mg/L、对于菲律宾蛤仔和单齿螺为0.035 mg/L,缢蛏并不明显。贝类体内Cu含量总体上随富集时间的增加而增加。在3~5 d时,贝类体内Cu含量明显降低,在5~10 d后Cu含量又继续增加。同时,实验还进一步探讨了贝类对重金属的富集机制,比较了不同贝类对重金的富集能力。  相似文献   

泥蚶对重金属铜、铅、镉的生物富集动力学   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
以泥蚶为实验生物,应用半静态双箱模型室内模拟了其对三种重金属(Cu、Pb、Cd)的生物富集实验,通过对富集与排出过程中泥蚶体内重金属污染物的动态监测和对富集与排出过程监测结果的非线性拟合,得到了泥蚶富集重金属的吸收速率常数K1、排出速率常数K2、生物富集因子BCF、生物学半衰期B1/2等动力学参数.对模型的拟合优度检验结果显示,泥蚶对重金属Cu、Pb、Cd的生物富集数据符合双箱模型,由该模型得到的预测值与实测值之间无显著性差异,模型的拟合优度良好.拟合结果得到Cu、Pb、Cd动力学参数,K1为7.318~29.928;K2为0.0064~0.0176;BCF为457.3~3303.6;B1/2为39.4~108.3.比较结果得出:吸收速率常数K1及生物富集因子BCF均随着外部水体金属暴露浓度的增大而减小;泥蚶对Cu、Pb、Cd的富集能力依次是PbCdCu;三种重金属在泥蚶体内的生物学半衰期B1/2依次是PbCdCu;理论平衡状态下生物体内金属含量CAmax随着外部水体中金属暴露浓度的增大而增大,且呈显著正相关,因此可以认为泥蚶体内的重金属含量如实地反映了水环境的污染状况和水域近期的污染过程,从而可以考虑把泥蚶作为浙江沿海及其它泥蚶分布海域重金属Cu、Pb、Cd污染的指示生物.  相似文献   

To evaluate effect of substrate integration in biofloc based system, a 52‐day growth experiment was conducted using black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon juveniles (3.32 ± 0.07 g). The factorial design consisted of floc, F (with or without) as first factor and substrate (bamboo mat, B; nylon mesh, N; and without substrate) as second factor. This resulted six treatments; F + B, F + N, F, B, N and a control without biofloc and substrate. Shrimps were stocked at 110 nos. m–3 in Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) tanks and, rice flour was used as carbon source in biofloc based treatments. Incorporation of nylon mesh and bamboo mat in biofloc system trapped 31.3%–38.6% and 8.5%–13.5% total suspended solids respectively and reduced bottom solid deposition. Among the substrate based groups, significantly better development of biofilm with higher microbial population noticed in F + B compared with nylon mesh. Similarly, significantly higher final growth (p < 0.01) was recorded in F + B system followed by F + N while no significant difference in body weight recorded among floc, F or substrate based groups (B, N). Biofloc and substrate integration (F + B and F + N) resulted significantly (p < 0.01) lower feed conversion ratio compared to control and floc. Incoporation of bamboo substrate in biofloc, (F + B) improved shrimp immune responses through higher hemocyte counts and prophenoloxidase activity compared to other treatments. The study revealed that integration of substrate in the biofloc system improved growth performance, FCR and immune parameters in shrimp by trapping the suspended biofloc particles, better water quality parameters, enhanced biofilm growth and provision of quality natural food.  相似文献   

Background colour influences the growth performance and feed utilization of various fish species. In the current study, the effects of different aquarium backgrounds (transparent, white, black, red, green and blue) on growth performance, feed utilization, digestive enzyme activities, flesh quality, carcass composition and haematological parameters were investigated in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). The fish (16.17 ± 0.02 g initial body weight) were distributed into eighteen glass aquaria (6 treatments × 3 replications) with the various background colours and reared for 10 weeks. At the end of the experiment, positive growth performance and feed utilization were observed in fish reared against transparent, white, black or green backgrounds, while negative effects were noted for fish reared on the remaining treatments (< .05). Modulation of the main digestive enzymes was observed across the six treatments, indicating different strategies for utilizing nutrients by the fish. The activity ratio of trypsin to chymotrypsin was highest in the fish reared against a black background, followed by a white background. Flesh quality, in terms of protein synthesis capacity and protein turnover rate, indicated a significant improvement in the fish reared against white, black and green backgrounds, while the contents of myosin and actin were similar across the six colour treatments. Carcass composition and haematological parameters showed no negative effects in either of the preferred treatments. These findings indicate that the most suitable background colours for rearing Asian seabass are black, followed by white and green, while transparent, red or blue backgrounds are unsuitable.  相似文献   

A new multilayer, plate‐type system for the culture and stock enhancement of sea cucumbers in cofferdam was developed. To optimize and evaluate the system, four experimental designs were implemented using polyethylene (PE)‐corrugated sheets of various colours, interval spacing and shapes/styles. Results showed that a system equipped with black PE‐corrugated sheets attracted more animals than either blue, green, transparent or a selection of mixed sheets (six transparent sheets in the upper layer and five black sheets in the lower layer) (P<0.05). Also, more animals gathered in the system with oblique‐angled sheets (30° to the base plate) than either a wavy (the bottom and every second sheet was at an angle of 10° to the base plate) or parallel arrangement (P<0.05), and more animals assembled in the system with 2 cm between sheets than spacings of 3, 4 or 5 cm (P<0.05). As expected, the upper layers of the systems attracted more animals than lower layers in most cases except for those with transparent and mixed oblique‐angled sheets with a 3 cm spacing (P<0.05). Thus, a system with black, oblique‐angled‐corrugated sheets and 2 cm spacing is recommended for Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) culture and stock enhancement in cofferdams or ponds.  相似文献   

为了探讨镉(Cd)胁迫对泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)体内重金属 Cd 含量积累、相关酶活力变化及基因表达水平的影响, 本研究将泥蚶暴露于 Cd 质量浓度为 0 mg/L、0.05 mg/L、0.1 mg/L、0.5 mg/L 的海水中, 对其软体部 Cd 含量, 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和三磷酸腺苷酶(ATP)的酶活力, 丙二醛(MDA)含量以及 ATP 结合盒转运子 A 家族(ABCA3)、 金属硫蛋白(MT)、ATP 合酶(ATP)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)基因表达等指标的变化进行分析。结果显示, Cd 胁迫后泥蚶软体部 Cd 含量明显增加, 呈现明显的时间–剂量效应;Cd 胁迫后 0.05 mg/L 和 0.1 mg/L 质量浓度组中鳃和外套膜 Cd 含量显著高于其他组织(P<0.05), 0.5 mg/L 组内脏团 Cd 含量最高。Cd 胁迫后泥蚶内脏团中 SOD 酶和 ATP 酶活力及 MDA 含量前期呈上升趋势, 后期呈现下降趋势, 且均高于对照组。Cd 胁迫后 ABCA3、SOD、MT 基因表达上调, ATP 合酶基因的表达与对照组相比没有显著变化。胁迫后泥蚶软体部 Cd 大量增加, 诱导机体产生氧化应激反应, 泥蚶通过调整自身酶活力和相关基因表达水平的变化, 减少 Cd 胁迫产生的氧自由基对自身的毒害作用。  相似文献   

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