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鳙和棕点石斑鱼冷藏过程中ATP关联化合物的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析鳙和棕点石斑鱼贮藏过程中ATP关联产物含量的变化,本研究以高氯酸溶液作为蛋白沉淀剂,运用高效液相色谱法(HPLC),分析(4±1)°C和(0±1)°C贮藏条件下鳙和棕点石斑鱼体内6种ATP关联化合物含量的变化。结果显示,(4±1)°C条件下,2种鱼体内的ATP都快速降解;ADP、AMP含量则始终较低;IMP含量呈先快速上升后缓慢下降的趋势;鳙体内Hx R含量相对较高,棕点石斑鱼体内Hx R含量较少;Hx在4 d后即开始大量生成。在(0±1)°C条件下,2种鱼肉中ATP同样很快降解,ADP、AMP含量少;IMP降解速率变缓;2种鱼中Hx R生成和分解速率皆变缓;Hx生成速率较为平稳。鳙以IMP、Hx R为限速步骤,棕点石斑鱼以IMP为限速步骤。研究表明,不同的贮藏温度对ATP的降解影响较小,但对其关联产物的变化速率有较大影响,且不同鱼种间ATP关联产物降解规律也有所不同。  相似文献   

鳗鲡幼鱼对颜色光的趋光反应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有关鳗鲡对颜色光的反应,Betge(1965)曾用25、40、60、100、150、和200瓦的白、黄、绿、兰、红各色灯泡对鳗鲡成鱼进行了群体实验,发现其均呈负反应。但石井(1960)的研究资料却表明,成鳗对紫、红光有较强的趋光性。  相似文献   

基础饲料中添加5种不同水平的大豆磷脂(SL):0%(Diet 1),1%(Diet 2),2%(Diet 3),4%(Diet 4)和6%(Diet 5)。饲喂初始体质量为(25.64±1.53)g的红螯光壳螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)雌虾8周,观察其卵巢发育期个体生长、性腺指数等参数的变化,分析卵巢和肝胰腺营养物质积累的快慢以及与营养物质积累相关基因脂肪酸结合蛋白(FABP)mRNA表达的差异。结果表明:饲料中不同水平的SL对卵巢发育期红螯光壳螯虾的成活率和相对增重率(WG)影响不显著(P>0.05),但饲喂≥2%(SL)饲料的雌虾性腺指数(GSI)显著升高(P<0.05),雌虾的肝胰腺指数(HSI)则随饲料中SL的增加而呈下降趋势(P>0.05);随着饲料中SL的增加,虾肝胰腺中脂滴的体积增大,数量增多,结构更加完整,质地更加均匀,卵巢中脂滴和卵黄颗粒的数量增多,体积增大;同时,饲料中SL的增加促进了FABP在肝胰腺和卵巢中的表达量。综上所述,饲料中的SL对红螯光壳螯虾雌虾卵巢发育具有促进作用,在培育红螯光壳螯虾雌虾亲体过程中,含6.5%鱼油的基础饲料至少补充2%的SL有利于雌虾卵巢的快速发育。本研究旨在为深入研究虾蟹生殖生理学和规模化红螯光壳螯虾早繁苗种生产等提供基础资料。  相似文献   

为了分析富营养化条件下巢湖主要鱼类对饵料资源的利用情况及对环境的影响,于2007年5~9月粗略观察了鲢、鳙的食物组成,在10~11月用个数组成比例和重量组成比例定量分析了鲢、鳙的食物组成,测定了其生长指标,并结合巢湖历年鱼类渔获量统计资料,分析了巢湖鲢、鳙渔获量变化的趋势和原因.结果表明:在富营养化条件下,巢湖的鲢、鳙都以蓝藻为主要食物.其中,在5~9月份鲢、鳙的食物几乎全部是蓝藻,仅有零星浮游动物出现;在10~11月份,鲢、鳙食物中微囊藻占个数组成比例和重量组成比例的95%以上,而浮游动物很少.生长指标测定表明:以蓝藻为主要食物的巢湖鲢、鳙生长很快,主要捕捞个体的2+龄鳙平均体重为(2 685±551)g,2+龄鲢为(2 278±527)g.渔获量统计资料显示:巢湖鲢、鳙渔获量维持在较低水平,1989~2007年平均波动在(231.60±123.60)t,仅占总渔获量的(2.40±0.58)%.分析认为:在富营养化条件下,巢湖鲢、鳙主要摄食微囊藻,并且生长很快.巢湖中捕食鲢、鳙的凶猛鱼类很少,而富营养化导致的蓝藻经常性暴发为其提供了充足饵料,因此具备发展鲢、鳙的良好生态条件,但苗种放养量不足导致其渔获量较低.  相似文献   

文章通过激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法(laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,LA-ICP-MS)测量南海鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)耳石微量元素浓度,分析鸢乌贼耳石微量元素组成及与钙(Ca)元素比值的变化,探讨其存在的差异和与栖息环境之间的关系。结果表明,鸢乌贼耳石主要微量元素为Ca、锶(Sr)、钠(Na)、铁(Fe)、钡(Ba)、锰(Mn)。方差分析表明,鸢乌贼中型群和微型群及其性别间耳石微量元素浓度差异不显著(P0.05)。除Fe/Ca外,不同耳石区域微量元素浓度与Ca比值存在显著性差异(P0.01)。核心区Sr/Ca最高,随后逐渐降低,不同产卵群体和地理区域耳石Sr/Ca无显著差异(P0.05)。幼体期Sr/Ca与温度呈正相关性,与盐度呈负相关性,可以作为良好的温度指标。Na/Ca先增大后减小,暗区最高,核心区和后核心区Na/Ca在不同产卵群体间差异显著(P0.01)。Mn/Ca和Ba/Ca先减小后增大,暗区最低,随后分别在边缘区和外围区增大。成体期耳石Ba/Ca与盐度呈正相关,可以作为垂直移动的指标。Fe/Ca在不同产卵群体和地理区域中差异显著(P0.01)。分析认为,Na/Ca和Fe/Ca较为适合研究南海鸢乌贼不同群体的划分,Sr/Ca和Ba/Ca可用于推测鸢乌贼的栖息环境。  相似文献   

在半精制饲料中分别添加0、0.35%、0.70%、1.05%、1.40%、1.75%苏氨酸,制成苏氨酸实际梯度为1.05%、1.35%、1.65%、2.00%、2.42%、2.65%的6组等能等氮饲料(44.67%粗蛋白质,21.65 k J/g总能),对初始体重为(333.93±6.60)g的鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)在海水浮式网箱(1.5 m×1.5 m×2.0 m)中进行了70 d的喂养实验,研究其对苏氨酸的最适需求量。结果显示,鲈鱼成活率在89.58%–95.83%之间,各处理组之间无显著差异(P0.05);随着饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高,鲈鱼的特定生长率(SGR)显著增加(P0.05),且在2.00%苏氨酸饲料组出现最大值,但随着苏氨酸水平的继续升高,SGR呈减小的趋势;饲料效率(FE)随饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高呈先增加后减小的趋势,2.00%苏氨酸组的FE显著高于1.05%组及2.65%组(P0.05);随着饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高,蛋白质沉积率(PPV)呈先增加后减小的趋势,且于2.00%苏氨酸组出现最大值;肝脏谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶活性随饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高呈先增加后减小的趋势;饲料中不同水平苏氨酸对鱼体粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分无显著影响(P0.05)。以特定生长率、饲料效率及蛋白质沉积率为评价指标,经二次回归分析得出,鲈鱼对饲料中苏氨酸的最适需求量分别为占饲料干重的1.84%、1.87%及1.83%,占饲料蛋白质的4.11%、4.18%及4.09%。  相似文献   

温度对红鳍东方鲀能量收支和生态转化效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以玉筋鱼为饵料生物和最大摄食水平条件下,采用室内流水式实验,测定了不同温度下(13、16、19和25°C)红鳍东方鲀(平均体重为37.1±7.7g)的生态转化效率和能量收支各组分.结果表明,红鳍东方鲀的最大摄食率、吸收率、排泄能和总代谢能均随温度上升呈增长趋势.以湿重计算的特定生长率(SGRw)和生态转化效率(ECEw)则呈现先随温度增长而后下降的趋势,其与温度之间的关系可用二次方程描述.由回归方程计算出的特定生长率最大值出现在23.52℃,生态转化效率最大值出现在18.95℃.方差分析表明,红鳍东方鲀的能量分配模式随温度变化显著.排泄能分配率和代谢能分配率占摄食能的绝大部分67.8%~81.7%,随温度升高呈"U"形变化趋势,最低出现在16℃;生长能分配率则与之相反,最高分配率出现在19℃.不同温度下红鳍东方鲀的代谢能占了同化能的61.1%~73.5%,生长能占13.2%~23.2%.可见红鳍东方鲀基本上属于中等生长效率、中等代谢消耗型鱼类.  相似文献   

在半精制饲料中分别添加0、0.35%、0.70%、1.05%、1.40%、1.75%苏氨酸,制成苏氨酸实际梯度为1.05%、1.35%、1.65%、2.00%、2.42%、2.65%的6组等能等氮饲料(44.67%粗蛋白质,21.65 k J/g总能),对初始体重为(333.93±6.60)g的鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicus)在海水浮式网箱(1.5 m×1.5 m×2.0 m)中进行了70 d的喂养实验,研究其对苏氨酸的最适需求量。结果显示,鲈鱼成活率在89.58%–95.83%之间,各处理组之间无显著差异(P0.05);随着饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高,鲈鱼的特定生长率(SGR)显著增加(P0.05),且在2.00%苏氨酸饲料组出现最大值,但随着苏氨酸水平的继续升高,SGR呈减小的趋势;饲料效率(FE)随饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高呈先增加后减小的趋势,2.00%苏氨酸组的FE显著高于1.05%组及2.65%组(P0.05);随着饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高,蛋白质沉积率(PPV)呈先增加后减小的趋势,且于2.00%苏氨酸组出现最大值;肝脏谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶活性随饲料中苏氨酸水平的升高呈先增加后减小的趋势;饲料中不同水平苏氨酸对鱼体粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗灰分无显著影响(P0.05)。以特定生长率、饲料效率及蛋白质沉积率为评价指标,经二次回归分析得出,鲈鱼对饲料中苏氨酸的最适需求量分别为占饲料干重的1.84%、1.87%及1.83%,占饲料蛋白质的4.11%、4.18%及4.09%。  相似文献   

于2013年4月,在葛洲坝1号船闸下游闸首,利用双频识别声纳(DIDSON)对船闸不同运行状态下(关闸、放水、开闸)近闸区域的鱼类数量和密度进行了定点探测,并同步进行水质水动力现场监测,研究船闸启闭闸门对近闸区域鱼类活动规律的影响。研究结果表明:葛洲坝1号船闸在放水期间,对下游近闸区域流速及水体溶解氧(DO)浓度影响较大,对pH值及水温的影响不明显;鱼类密度与流速及DO呈显著相关性,与pH值及水温的变化相关性不显著;船闸在放水期间对近闸区域水体环境的改变,产生了诱导鱼类进入闸室下游出口的明显趋势。本研究为中低水头水利枢纽船闸与鱼道结合的可行性研究提供基础数据,同时也为鱼类行为学的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

肖鸣鹤  肖英平 《水产学报》2012,36(7):1088-1093
以体质量(0.015±0.004)g克氏原螯虾幼虾为研究对象,研究了50、100、300、600、900尾/m25种养殖密度对克氏原螯虾幼虾生长、消化酶活力和生理生化指标的影响,实验周期为30 d。结果显示,克氏原螯虾幼虾的终末体质量随着养殖密度的增大而减小。胃蛋白酶、类胰蛋白酶和淀粉酶活力随着养殖密度的增大表现出减小趋势,纤维素酶和脂肪酶活力在5种养殖密度下变化规律不显著(P>0.05)。克氏原螯虾幼虾体内水分含量在5种养殖密度下差异较小(P>0.05);粗蛋白含量随养殖密度的升高呈增高趋势,由54.02%增高至60.75%(P<0.05);粗脂肪含量不断减少(P<0.05),由26.19%减少至19.19%(P<0.05)。随着养殖密度的增大,克氏原螯虾幼虾肌肉葡萄糖的含量呈下降趋势(P<0.05),甘油三酯、总蛋白、尿素氮和胆固醇含量呈不断增多趋势(P<0.05)。克氏原螯虾幼虾肝胰腺葡萄糖、甘油三酯、总蛋白和尿素氮含量随着养殖密度的增大呈不断增多趋势。结果表明,高密度养殖对克氏原螯虾幼虾生长和消化酶活力具有一定负面影响,体内蛋白、脂肪、葡萄糖和尿素氮等物质的含量也随着养殖密度的增大而发生变化。  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the influence of artificial light at night (ALAN) of different intensities (0, 1, 10, 100 lx) and different colours (blue, green, red) on the daily melatonin rhythm and mRNA expression of gonadotropins in roach Rutilus rutilus, a ubiquitous cyprinid, which occur in standing and moderately flowing freshwater habitats of central Europe. Melatonin concentrations were significantly lowered under nocturnal white light already at 1 lx. Low intensity blue, green and red ALAN lowered the melatonin levels significantly in comparison to a dark control. We conclude that ALAN can disturb melatonin rhythms in roach at very low intensities and at different wavelengths and thus light pollution in urban waters has the potential to impact biological rhythms in fish. However, mRNA expression of gonadotropins was not affected by ALAN during the period of the experiments. Thus, suspected implications of ALAN on reproduction of roach could not be substantiated.  相似文献   


实验所用仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)红色系和青色系体质量分别为 (6.28±0.02) g (6.34 ± 0.04) g。实验设定5个光强处理组(503001 0002 0003 500 lx) 和对照组(0 lx)。光照强度通过调节灯泡功率、数量以及灯源距离获得, 光照周期为12L12D,  养殖水温16~17。结果表明, 两种色系仿刺参生长速度与光强呈负相关, 弱光照时(50 lx)时生长速度最快。黑暗(0 lx)时两种色系仿刺参生长较弱光时(50 lx)略慢(P>0.05)。过强光照   (3 500 lx)抑制仿刺参的摄食率(P<0.05), 降低其食物转化效率(P<0.05)。两种色系仿刺参的耗氧率随光照强度增强而逐渐增大。各处理组两种色系间仿刺参生长速率不存在显著差异(P>0.05)。仿刺参生长能(G/C)7%, 粪便能(F/C)和呼吸能所占比重超过90%。强光(3 500 lx)下仿刺参排便能损失的比例增至59%, 而生长能降至2%。从提高能量分配和饵料利用效率看, 两种色系仿刺参生长速度较适宜光强为弱光(50 lx)。本研究旨在通过分析光照强度对生长、摄食、耗氧率和能量分配影响, 并以青色系仿刺参作为对比, 为红色系仿刺参在中国近海养殖提供基础参数。


Abalones were reared in a laboratory to determine the percentage response rate, response time, average crawling speed and the time taken to recover an upright posture under nine light‐emitting diode light quality treatments (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, white and grey) and a dark environment. Animals were placed in the centre of an experimental device, and the tropism of each animal was continuously monitored by video. The highest percentage response rate (80% in dark adapted abalones, 60% in light adapted abalones) was observed in the dark environment, followed by red and orange light (27% and 30% in dark adapted abalones, respectively, 22% and 24% in light adapted abalones). Two induction materials (substrate and brown algae Laminaria japonica) were used to assess the effect of light quality on the tropism of abalones, with the highest percentage response rate (76% in the L. japonica treatment, 22% in the substrate treatment) also observed in the dark environment, followed by red and orange light (both 25% in the L. japonica treatment, and 26% and 32%, respectively, in the substrate treatment). The tropism order of the abalones under dark, red, orange and yellow light was as follows: dark > orange > red, yellow, but fewer abalones chose to stay in blue, green, cyan and purple light. The response time (about 700 s) in the dark environment was significantly longer than for the other light quality treatments. Compared with the average crawling speed in the other light quality treatments, abalones were relatively slower (about 3.8 mm s?1) in red and orange light, and the dark environment. The mean time required for the recovery of an upright posture in red light and the dark environment was longer than in the other light quality treatments, with the average recovery time reaching a maximum of 60 s in the dark environment. The results demonstrate the phototaxis and locomotion behaviour of abalones, as well as confirming the necessity of a dark, orange or red environment for their management and aquaculture.  相似文献   

The effects of light intensity on feeding incidence and prey consumption at first feeding of spotted sand bass larvae (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus Steindachner), using four light intensity treatments (0, 100, 400, and 700 lx) were evaluated. Specimens were fed the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis at a density of 3 rotifers mL?1. One hour after the addition of prey, 30±3 (mean±SEM) larvae were sampled from each treatment aquarium. Feeding incidence was evaluated as the percentage of larvae with prey in the digestive tract. Feeding intensity was measured as the number of prey in the digestive tract of the larvae. Histological analysis was carried out to describe the eye structure at the time of first feeding. Larvae fed in darkness (0 lx) had a significantly lower (P<0.05) feeding incidence (1.2±2.2%) and intensity (0.4±0.7 rotifers larvae?1) than those larvae fed at 100 (28±11%, 1.8±0.2 rotifers larvae?1), 400 (48±10%, 2.4±0.3 rotifers larvae?1), and 700 lx (52±4%, 2.4±0.1 rotifers larvae?1). Feeding incidence of the spotted sand bass larvae increased with light intensity while the feeding intensity showed no significant difference (P>0.05) between light treatments. Histological analysis of the eye structure showed that first feeding larvae had well‐formed lens along with a retina composed of pure single cones as photoreceptors.  相似文献   

本研究采用国标方法分析了温州市珊溪水库鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)肌肉的基本营养成分(水分、粗脂肪、粗蛋白质和灰分)、氨基酸、脂肪酸及矿物质等含量。研究表明4龄和6龄温州市珊溪水库鳙肌肉中(鲜样)水分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪和灰分的含量分别为(78.74±0.98)%和(78.84±1.16)%、(16.87±0.86)%和(16.50±0.80)%、(1.35±0.66)%和(1.36±0.83)%、(1.65±0.82)%和(1.76±1.47)%。鳙肌肉中18种氨基酸总量分别为(17.90±1.50)%和(16.87±0.86)%,其中,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸比值分别为41.38%和41.46%,4种鲜味氨基酸总量分别为8.24%和7.75%。温州市珊溪水库鳙肌肉的氨基酸种类齐全,比例适宜,第一限制性氨基酸为色氨酸。温州市珊溪水库鳙肌肉中检测出23种脂肪酸,多不饱和脂肪酸含量较其他淡水鱼丰富,EPA+DHA含量在22.69%和22.24%之间。本研究可为温州市珊溪水库鳙的营养价值进行了全面评估并对人类合理膳食营养提供参考。  相似文献   

The effects of aquarium background colour and feed colour on survival, growth rates and feed utilization efficiency of thinlip mullet (Liza ramada) larvae (0.035 g) were investigated in two experiments. In the aquarium background colour trial, 50 larvae were stocked in duplicates in 120 L glass aquaria filled with dechlorinated tap water. The outside walls and bottoms of each pair of the aquaria were covered with coloured paper sheets to achieve one of six colours (white, black, red, green, yellow and blue), while noncoloured aquaria served as a control. The fish were fed an experimental diet (35% crude protein) at a daily rate of 5% of their body weight (BW), twice a day for 8 weeks. The best growth rates, feed efficiency and survival were achieved in larvae reared in light‐coloured aquaria (white, noncoloured and yellow). Fish performance was significantly retarded in larvae reared in dark‐coloured aquaria (red, green, black and blue). Body composition was not significantly affected by aquarium colour. In a feed colour trial, duplicate groups of larvae (0.035 g) were stocked at 50 fish per 120 L aquarium and fed a test diet (35% crude protein) with six different colours [dark blue, red, yellow, light brown (control), light green and dark brown] at a daily rate of 5% BW, twice a day for 8 weeks. The best performance and survival were achieved in fish fed on dark‐coloured diets (red, dark blue and dark brown). Light‐coloured diets (yellow, light green and light brown) resulted in inferior performance. Body composition was not significantly affected by feed colour. These results suggest that light‐coloured tanks should be used for rearing thinlip mullet, L. ramada larvae, while dark‐coloured diets are more preferable to light‐coloured diets.  相似文献   

To study the absorption characteristics of rhodopsin, a dim-light photoreceptor, in chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) and the relationship between light wavelengths on the photoresponse, the rod opsin gene was cloned into an expression vector, pMT4. Recombinant opsin was transiently expressed in COS-1 cells and reconstituted with 11-cis-retinal. Cells containing the regenerated rhodopsin were solubilized and subjected to UV/Vis spectroscopic analysis in the dark and upon illumination. Difference spectra from the lysates indicated an absorption maximum of mackerel rhodopsin around 500 nm. Four types of light-emitting diode (LED) modules with different wavelengths (red, peak 627 nm; cyan, 505 nm; blue, 442 nm; white, 447 + 560 nm) were constructed to examine their effects on the photoresponse in chub mackerel. Behavioral responses of the mackerels, including speed and frequencies acclimated in the dark and upon LED illumination, were analyzed using an underwater acoustic camera. Compared to an average speed of 22.25 ± 1.57 cm/s of mackerel movement in the dark, speed increased to 22.97 ± 0.29, 24.66 ± 1.06, 26.28 ± 2.28, and 25.19 ± 1.91 cm/s upon exposure to red, blue, cyan, and white LEDs, respectively. There were increases of 103.48 ± 1.58, 109.37 ± 5.29, 118.48 ± 10.82, and 109.43 ± 3.92 %, respectively, in the relative speed of the fishes upon illumination with red, blue, cyan, and white LEDs compared with that in the dark (set at 100 %). Similar rate of wavelength-dependent responses was observed in a frequency analysis. These results indicate that an LED emitting a peak wavelength close to an absorption maximum of rhodopsin is more effective at eliciting a response to light.  相似文献   

为了提高河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)资源量,增加经济效益,2014年12月以鲢、鳙为混养对象,在洪泽湖用网围增殖法进行了河蚬的增殖实验,于2015年5月(春)、8月(夏)、11月(秋)和2016年2月(冬)对网围区和自然水域的河蚬的生长以及水体的总氮、总磷进行了比较分析,估算了增殖区鲢、鳙、蚬的经济效益,从而对河蚬网围增殖效果进行评估。结果显示:监测期间除春季,网围增殖区河蚬的生物量、密度、形态指标和重量均显著大于自然水域,增殖区水体的总磷值(0.017~0.067 mg/L)小于自然水域(0.056~0.109 mg/L),网围增殖区每公顷的经济效益达34 597元。分析表明,该网围增殖法既能保护水体环境质量,又能提高产品质量和经济效益,是一种较为理想的湖泊网围增殖法。  相似文献   

Eight light‐intensity treatments (natural light, continuous darkness, and 15, 30, 60, 125, 250 and 500 lx under LD 12:12 cycle) were used to investigate the effects of light intensity on the daily activity of 30.27±3.08 g sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka). Cyclic nocturnal activity patterns of behaviour were observed at different light intensities in the range of 15–500 lx under LD 12:12 cycle. And an ongoing nocturnal cycle persisted in DD cycle for up to 8 days, but longer feeding time and less marked rhythm occurred at continuous darkness. Under poor light conditions (I<5.18 lx), the daily activity rhythm of A. japonicus was governed by an innate biological clock and the effect of light intensity was not significant among different treatments. And more individuals tended to retreat to shelters (from 56.04% to 91.83%) with the increase of light intensity within the weak light condition (from 5.18 to 278 lx). However, the daily behaviours of A. japonicus were influenced under strong light conditions (>278 lx). Less than 8.17% individuals kept actively feeding and the proportion was not decreased with the increase of light intensity.  相似文献   

为探讨光照对纤细裸藻的生长以及光合色素含量的影响,将纤细裸藻分别置于不同光照度(0、1500、3000、4500、6000 lx)、光照周期(16L∶8D、14L∶10D、12L∶12D、10L∶14D、8L∶16D)、光质(绿光495~530 nm、蓝光450~480 nm、红光615~650 nm、白光450~465 nm、黄光580~595 nm)条件下于恒温光照培养箱中静置培养,进行细胞密度以及色素含量的测定。试验结果显示,光照度、光照周期和光质对纤细裸藻生长及光合色素质量浓度有显著影响( P <0.05)。光照度1500、3000、4500 lx对纤细裸藻的生长均有积极作用,其中3000 lx光照度作用最为显著,细胞生长状态良好,光合色素质量浓度也高于1500、4500 lx;光照周期16L∶8D、14L∶10D和12L∶12D对纤细裸藻的生长有促进作用,其中14L∶10D组生长状况和光合色素质量浓度均优于其他处理组,8L∶16D组使纤细裸藻的生长受到抑制,其色素质量浓度也显著低于其他处理组( P <0.05);蓝光与白光组对纤细裸藻生长有显著促进作用( P <0.05),蓝光条件下色素质量浓度达到最高,更利于光合色素的积累。试验结果表明,适宜纤细裸藻生长及光合色素积累的光照条件为:光照度3000 lx,光照周期14L∶10D,蓝光培养。  相似文献   

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