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鱼类种群繁衍离不开优质卵子的产出。卵子质量问题限制了许多海洋和淡水鱼类养殖业的发展。卵子质量主要受卵黄形成与卵母细胞发育的影响。亲本营养、管理以及其他内源或外源因素可能会影响卵黄组成与卵泡发育。与哺乳动物相比, 鱼类卵母细胞发育与调控机制的研究尚不清晰。本文分析了鱼类卵子发育特点, 探讨了亲本来源、育龄、环境因子以及营养等因素对鱼类卵子发生、发育与受精后仔鱼成活率的影响及其生理适应策略; 又从基因、miRNA 与蛋白表达等分子层面阐述了影响卵母细胞发育的分子调控机制; 解析了闭锁与过熟是卵泡发育的重要现象。本文在总结已有卵母细胞发育研究进展的基础上, 提出了闭锁卵泡的形成与调控可能的影响因素, 以期为深入理解卵泡闭锁在鱼类繁育生物学中的作用与其调控机制的研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

母源免疫是提高养殖动物幼体抗病能力的有效途径之一,在病害防控方面,具有防御在先、操作便利、安全环保等优点,对养殖产业持续健康发展具有重要意义。本文就鱼类母源免疫的研究现状进行了概括及评析,阐述了母源抗体动态传递、代谢变化规律、保护效力、抗体分子特征和空间分布,以及补体、凝集素、溶菌酶等多种母源免疫因子的研究进展,同时对今后鱼类母源免疫研究中需解决的关键问题进行了展望,旨在为进一步深化鱼类母源免疫机理和应用研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

养殖银鲳卵巢发育的组织学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
每月定时取人工养殖子代银鲳(Pampus argenteus)样本,采用常规石蜡切片技术对样本卵巢发育情况进行周年观察。期间共采集到雌性银鲳样本92尾,叉长范围为113.1~185.7 mm,体质量33.6~187.5 g。按照各个时相形态特征和卵巢周年变化情况,养殖银鲳卵子发生分为6个时相,卵巢发育分为6个时期。研究表明,养殖条件下的银鲳群体与野生群体卵巢发育的组织学结构无明显差异,且繁殖季节基本一致,但养殖群体卵巢成熟系数明显低于野生群体。推测养殖过程中温度、光照和营养等因素对银鲳性腺发育和成熟具有较大的影响。本研究旨在为银鲳人工繁育研究提供基础科学支持。  相似文献   

李肖霞  齐志涛  迟爽  乔帼 《水产学报》2023,47(4):049401-049401
鳃为鱼类重要的呼吸器官,是鱼类进行离子交换、酸碱调节和含氮废物排泄的重要结构基础,也是鱼类重要的外周黏膜免疫器官之一,在抵御病原微生物侵染过程中发挥重要的免疫屏障作用。当前,硬骨鱼类鳃黏膜免疫反应是研究热点之一。本文首先对硬骨鱼类鳃的结构和特点进行分析,之后综述了抗菌肽、干扰素、白细胞介素、Toll样受体、补体等先天性免疫相关分子以及T细胞受体和免疫球蛋白等适应性免疫相关分子在硬骨鱼类鳃黏膜中的表达规律、分子功能,最后探讨了化学因素(重金属、杀虫剂等)、生物因素(细菌、病毒、真菌、和寄生虫等)以及营养物质和疫苗等对硬骨鱼类鳃黏膜结构的影响,以期为深入研究鳃在鱼类黏膜免疫反应中的角色和应答机制提供指导,为硬骨鱼类病原性疾病的免疫防控策略的制定提供理论基础。  相似文献   

养殖鱼类肉质改良与评价的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前养殖鱼类的肉质改良主要采用遗传选育、养殖环境及饲料营养调控等技术,而鱼类肉质主要考虑外观特征、肌肉生化组成、感官评分结合质构特性及肌纤维组织学特征等方面。本文对养殖鱼类肉质改良技术及评价方法的研究概况进行了初步的综述,以期为今后养殖鱼类肉质改良技术的创新及评价标准的建立提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

近年来,随着中国鲟鱼人工养殖业的不断发展,达氏鳇人工养殖也是一片欣欣向荣。从1999年达氏鳇人工繁殖在抚远县水产技术推广站取得成功至今,其人工养殖历经十多年。在这期间,达氏鳇人工养殖健康有序发展,并取得一些成绩。如人工养殖达氏鳇在2006年首次生产鱼子酱,并成功出口欧美多国;在2008年对养殖达氏鳇性成熟亲鱼进行人工催产试验,并取得成功。在人工养殖达氏鳇过程中,成果与问题共存。达氏鳇苗种成活率低下是其人工养殖中存在的主要问题之一。当然,苗种成活率低下原因是多方面的,有客观上的原因,也有主观方面的原因。客观原因是遗传因素造成的,包括卵子质量、精子质量及受精卵质量等。卵子和精子质量直接影响苗种成活率,在通常情况下,人们偏重于卵子质量,而忽视精子质量,这种观念是不对的。从遗传及养殖等方面来讲,精子质量和卵子质量同等重要,精子质量的好坏直接决定受精率和孵化率的高低及人工养殖苗种成活率。在进行达氏鳇人工繁殖时使用优质精液能大大提高受精率、孵化率及苗种成活率。  相似文献   

镨对青虾卵子孵化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了镨(Pr)对青虾(Macrobrachiumnipponense)卵子孵化出Sou状幼体的影响,结果表明:Pr^3 的最佳质量浓度为0.4-1.6mg/L,可孵化离12.4%-20.3%。青虾卵子对Pr^3的饱和吸收量为9.2μg/粒,饱和吸收率为36.8%。  相似文献   

盐度对黑鲷胚胎和早期仔鱼发育影响的初步观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黑鲷 Sparus macrocephalus Basilewsky 肉味鲜美,营养价值较高,是很受欢迎的高档海产经济鱼类之一。近年来,我国沿海正在开展黑鲷的人工繁殖与养殖的试验。关于盐度对硬骨鱼类胚胎发育的影响实验,国内、国外均有报道。但盐度对鲷科鱼类发育的影响至今尚无系统资料。本实验是用人工配制的不同盐度海水培养黑鲷受精卵,对其胚胎发育、仔鱼孵化和卵黄囊消失等方面进行了观察研究,为鲷科鱼类的人工育苗积累了一些参数。  相似文献   

一、前言青鱼是我国著名的四大家鱼之一,在水产养殖业上占有重要的地位。我国继草鱼,鲢鱼和鳙鱼的人工繁殖成功以来,广大水产科技工作者对青鱼的有关繁殖生物学和人工繁殖进行了大量的工作,并取得了根本的突破。有关青鱼的性腺发生发展规律和受精生物学,刘筠等(1975、1981)已进行了详尽的观察研究。而有关鱼类人工催情后游离的卵子能保持多久的有效受精时间,一直是水产工作者较为关注的问题之一。关于鱼类卵子成熟程度与受精关系的研究,已有朱洗等(1960)对金鱼、鳊鱼和鲤鱼;薛家骅等(1980)对草鱼;朱林庚等(1963)对鲢鱼以及朱光定  相似文献   

渗透压调节与鱼类生命活动密切相关。近年来,广盐性鱼类复杂的渗透压调节机制逐渐成为国内外鱼类生理学研究热点之一。然而,国际上对硬骨鱼类盐度调控的相关研究更多的偏重于渗透压调节机理,研究层次虽广,但深度不够。暗纹东方鲀(Takifugu fasciatus)作为典型的广盐性鱼类,也是我国重要的养殖鱼类之一。本文从渗透压调节分子(离子转运体如Na~+,K~+-ATPase)、细胞(氯细胞)、组织器官(鳃、肾、肠)、系统的水平上总结了近年来有关暗纹东方鲀渗透压调节方面的研究成果,并在此基础上对下一步的重点研究方向进行了展望。本综述可为全面了解暗纹东方鲀渗透压调节的研究进展及对广盐性鱼类渗透压调节机制的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The long-term sustainability of the marine ornamental industry is being threatened by environmental pressures that are severely degrading the health of coral reef ecosystems. There is now a compelling need to practice resource conservation through the development of 'reef friendly' aquaculture technologies as an alternative to wild collection practices and to restore degraded wild populations. The commercial culture of marine ornamental finfish is very much in its infancy, but advances can be made more rapidly using insights from years of research and development with marine foodfish species. Many of the bottlenecks and constraints to developing marine ornamental fish culture are those now being addressed with the more challenging species of foodfish being attempted. The two key bottlenecks that currently limit expansion of the marine ornamental industry are the control of captive maturation and spawning and the identification of appropriate first-feed items for marine ornamental fish larvae. This paper highlights basic principles and recent achievements in marine foodfish culture that might be applicable to rapid development of controlled reproduction and propagation techniques for marine ornamental finfish.  相似文献   

Both egg and larvae are different between freshwater and marine fish species. Freshwater fish species have generally larger and fewer eggs than marine species. Most freshwater fish species have demersal eggs that develop stuck to various substrata, such as plants or gravels, while eggs of most marine fish species develop in the water column. These differences have consequences for both the evaluation of the quality and the incubation of eggs of freshwater fish species compared with marine species. The larvae of many freshwater fish species are larger and more developed at hatching than their marine counterparts: thus, larval feeding regimes could be different and cannibalism may emerge sooner in certain freshwater fish species. The main differences of egg and larvae between freshwater and marine species are highlighted and the possible implications for aquaculture practices are discussed.  相似文献   

深水网箱养鱼业的现状与发展趋势   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
徐君卓 《海洋渔业》2004,26(3):225-230
深水网箱是指设置在相对较深海域,养殖容量较大,具有较强的抗风浪、流性能的海上养殖设施。它在拓展养殖海域、减轻沿岸环境压力、提高养殖鱼的质量、增加养殖效益等方面已显示出明显的优势。由于它是新兴的一种设施渔业,能包容的高新技术多,涉及材料、机械、电子、苗种、饲料、环境等诸多方面,当前仍有不少技术问题需要解决。建议今后对此产业加强宏观管理和指导,改进设施,改善管理,加强科技投入,提高业者素质,扩大经营规模,提高产品质量,借鉴世界上渔业发达国家的经验,使这一产业健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

The commercial culture of several important species of fish has long been associated with productivity problems generally attributable to fertilisation rates, hatching rates, and embryonic development. Our present knowledge of the molecular processes accompanying fertilisation in fish is scant at best. Here, we examine how new findings about the molecular mechanisms underlying reproduction in other animal groups may help advance our understanding of how egg activation takes place in fish. A better understanding of egg activation in fish is likely to make a highly valuable contribution to future growth of the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

大菱鲆"温室大棚+深井海水"工厂化养殖模式   总被引:22,自引:12,他引:22  
大菱鲆Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus)的引进一方面为我国北方沿海工厂化养鱼增加了一个新的品种,另一方面又创立了“温室大棚+深井海水”工厂化养殖的新模式,大大丰富了工厂化养鱼的内容,有效的推动了我国海水养殖“第四次浪潮”的形成与发展。本文综述了大菱鲆温室大棚式工厂化养殖模式的养殖技术,以促进大菱鲆养殖业的健康、持续、稳定发展。  相似文献   

海水观赏鱼贸易是海洋水族馆贸易行业的重要部分,是一项价值十几亿美元的产业,每年交易量达数百万尾,且需求量逐年上升,但由于严重依赖野生资源捕捞而使该行业饱受争议。目前,90%~95%的海水观赏鱼由野生捕捞获得,在已知的数千种珊瑚礁鱼类中,有一半以上在缺乏或无监测情况下进行贸易,自然资源面临严重威胁。观赏性水产从业者和消费者有责任保护野生捕获物种的可持续发展,海水观赏鱼的养殖被认为是一种保护野生资源的有效手段,但仍有许多技术问题阻碍其发展。文章结合相关数据和文献,概述了国际海水观赏鱼产业现状及最新研究进展,讨论了海水观赏鱼产业中存在的问题,并提出了一些可行的解决方案,旨在为中国海水观赏鱼产业发展提供一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

海水鱼类亲体必需脂肪酸营养的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脂肪酸营养特别是其中的必需脂肪酸在海水鱼类生殖调控方面具有重要的生理作用。饲料中二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)以及花生四烯酸(ARA)含量在调控海水鱼类性腺发育、排卵、孵化率及仔鱼质量等方面作用显著。本文主要从必需脂肪酸需求量、对繁殖性能影响、对机体脂肪酸存储影响及对内分泌调控作用4个方面归纳总结了海水鱼类亲体脂肪酸营养的研究概况,并重点分析探讨了在内分泌调控方面的研究进展,同时对后续的研究重点提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Egg quality, those characteristics of the egg that determine its capacity to survive, is a significant problem for many species of fish currently being farmed. Little is known about the determinants of egg quality and there is little agreement regarding reliable methods for its assessment. To be of practical benefit, assessments should be simple to perform and should be carried out as early in development as is possible. Fertilization rates are often used as measures of quality. For the Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus, fertilization rate and assessments of cell symmetry at early cleavage stages provide reasonable indicators of quality. Regardless of assessment method, it is strongly recommended that performance data from all batches of each broodfish be examined when surveying the overall quality of a stock. The misleading effects of pooling such information are demonstrated for a rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss broodstock. Although a large number of factors have been implicated as possible determinants of egg quality, only 1) bacterial colonization of the eggs, 2) nutritional status of the broodfish and, 3) overripening, the process of aging that occurs when eggs are retained within the broodfish after ovulation, have been clearly shown to affect egg quality. The effect of overripening on fish egg quality is discussed in detail. Species-specific differences in the time scale of overripening are pointed out and related to spawning strategy and water temperature. Rainbow trout eggs and those of other salmonids should be fertilized within approximately one week of ovulation. Overripening proceeds much more rapidly in warm water species, e.g., tilapia eggs must be fertilized within an hour or so of ovulation. Egg viability also decreases rapidly for batch spawning species. Fertilization data are presented for Atlantic halibut demonstrating that egg quality decreases 4–6 h after ovulation. The rate of overripening was comparable for eggs held in vitro in ovarian fluid to those retained within the ovarian lumen. These halibut data, combined with information from other marine and freshwater fish, indicate that overripening is a significant determinant of egg quality for many if not all fish.  相似文献   

Ornamental fishes endemic to Hawaii's reefs are a valued resource and a staple of the marine aquarium trade, worldwide. At present, the market for Hawaiian ornamental reef fish is supplied entirely by the export of wild-captured animals, but the long-term sustainability of this practice is debatable. The success of breeders of ornamental fishes elsewhere, and concerns about overexploitation of wild fishes have stimulated interest in the development of an industry based on the captive propagation and rearing of Hawaiian ornamental fishes. Initial attempts to spawn and rear the larvae of various marine ornamental fishes in Hawaii were carried out in the early 1970s. The results of these culture efforts, conducted primarily at the Oceanic Institute and the University of Hawaii's Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology on Oahu, have varied in success. For the most part, these results have appeared previously only in dissertations or in reports distributed locally. Technological improvements in marine aquarium husbandry and in the culture of edible marine fishes have both benefited practitioners of ornamental reef fish culture, and promise to do so in the future. Our objective in this paper is to review the progress that has been made in the captive cultivation of ornamental marine fishes and to provide an overview of the status of the marine aquarium industry in Hawaii.  相似文献   

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