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从1986年起,我区有些地方便着手进行了长毛对虾人工越冬试验。但几年来,收效甚微。人工越冬亲虾成活率在30%左右,性腺成熟率只有1.5%,远远无法满足对虾人工育苗的需要。长期以来,长毛对虾人工育苗的亲虾来源主要依靠自然海区捕捞解决,  相似文献   

日本对虾(Penaens Japonicus Bate)亲虾主要来源于自然海区的海捕对虾,我国主要分布在东海和南海.北方地区进行工厂化人工培育日本对虾苗种,亲虾的长途运输极为重要,没有亲虾或亲虾质量不好,苗种生产即无从谈起.近几年,我们从广东、福建等沿海地区运输日本对虾亲虾,成活率平均达到89.8%.现总结如下.   ……  相似文献   

随着日本对虾在苏鲁两省沿海地区养殖的迅速发展,对日本对虾虾苗的需求不断增加,不少当地育苗企业开展了日本对虾虾苗的生产。由于本地海区没有日本对虾亲虾,育苗所用亲虾主要来源为台湾海峡海区,即我国福建沿海和台湾地区,以台湾地区为主要出产地。近几年来亲虾的产量逐年下降,福建沿海已很少有亲虾供应,亲虾基本来源于台湾地区,因需求趋于旺盛,亲虾价格不断攀升;因此对于育苗企业来说如何搞好日本对虾亲虾培育及受精卵的孵化非常关键,  相似文献   

对日本对虾亲虾运输,消毒暂养,催熟,幼体培育,养成,捕捞和活虾运输等全程技术进行了开发。1996年500m^3育苗水体育出对虾苗4500万尾,获得利80余万元;800亩精养池产虾1万kg,获利50余万元,经济效益可观。  相似文献   

漳浦县水产开发中心与福建省水产研究所的科技人员协力攻关,将捕白海区性腺半成熟的长毛对虾,放在室内越冬池里催熟,培育出虾苗8千2百万尾。海捕长毛对虾亲虾暂养育苗在国内首次获得成功,为保护和充分利用海区亲虾资源、扩大对虾育苗开拓了一条新路子。  相似文献   

随着日本对虾在苏鲁2省沿海地区养殖的迅速发展,使得日本对虾虾苗的需求不断增加,不少当地育苗企业开展了日本对虾虾苗的生产。由于本地海区没有日本对虾亲虾,育苗所用亲虾主要来源于台湾海峡海区,即福建沿海和台湾地区,以台湾地区为主要出产地。对于育苗企业来说如何搞好日本对虾亲虾及无节幼体的培育非常关键,它不仅影响到企业的效益,也影响到日本对虾虾苗的生产和日本对虾的养殖。  相似文献   

日本对虾人工育苗已进入工厂化生产阶段,但目前生产不稳定。要取得日本对虾育苗的高产稳产,一定要抓好亲虾、水质、饵料三大技术环节。1 亲虾 亲虾的好坏,关系到产卵的质量和数量,也影响孵化率和幼体培育。因此,首先要把好亲虾质量关。目前亲虾有两个来源:一是从广东省购进;二是本省海区捕捞。现阶段育苗所用亲虾均为自然海区捕获已交配的体格健壮、附肢完整、无寄生物、个体较大、性腺较饱满的个体,但应注意不能选用“电捕  相似文献   

一、亲虾选择与培育1.亲虾的来源为了减少人为因素对亲虾品质的影响,育苗用亲虾使用直接采捕于临近自然海区对虾产卵场的对虾。于4月上旬,自然海区亲虾卵巢成熟度较  相似文献   

张东  黄宁宇 《海洋渔业》1989,11(5):205-206
<正> 近年来,关于长毛对虾(Penaeus penicillatus Alock)育苗技术的研究已有大量报道,但在人工条件下的性成熟,除Liao(1973)的工作外,报道极少.到目前,长毛对虾苗种生产所需亲虾皆来自海区,有限的资源限制了养殖生产的发展,因此,人工培育亲虾的研究具有积极意义.本文对养殖长毛对虾在室外土池中的卵巢发育进行了初步探索,并用成熟亲虾进行了生产性育苗.  相似文献   

上海地处长江口,海水比重仅为1.001~1.008间。八十年代初开创了中国对虾低盐度养殖。随着养殖规模的发展,苗种自给的要求亦日趋迫切。但是,从低盐度环境中选留亲虾越冬,其交配效果、性腺成熟程度如何,以及在此特定环境下的特定越冬管理技术等,均未见报道。为此,上海市奉贤对虾育苗场于1986年冬从本场养殖虾塘中自留亲虾,经室外暂养和室内越冬试验后,结果成活雌虾1184尾,成活率39.1%,并获育苗成功,经跟踪养成效果良好,实属低盐度地区自留亲虾越冬成功首例。本文就自留亲虾的室外暂养和室内越冬试验作重点介绍。  相似文献   

Shrimps of all sizes are obtained by direct purchasing from independent farms then sorted and sold by size. Shrimp that has not been sold is kept in cold storage, a heavy burden for shrimp processors. In this paper, a mathematical model and a heuristic model based on the dynamic programming are developed to facilitate harvesting decisions for shrimp processors. The objective function of the proposed model is to minimize the cost related to by-size inventory. The effectiveness of the heuristic model is evaluated under a combination of scenarios with various parameters. The results demonstrate that the heuristic model is quite effective and practical in solving the problem.  相似文献   

碎、小虾仁重组大虾仁工艺初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虾仁加工过程中,在出产完整虾仁同时,不可避免地出现10%~15%的破碎虾仁,还有大量捕捞小虾虾仁。完整大虾仁经济价值高,可供出口创汇,市场价40元/公斤左右,而碎虾仁和小虾仁,商业价值不大,销售价仅只有10元/公斤左右,有的仅作为动物饲料或腐烂丢弃,这将带来不小的经济损失,甚至造成环境污染。许多出产虾仁厂家呼吁尽快进行碎、小虾仁制成大虾仁技术研究。 美国北卡罗利纳州立大学食品科学系的H.A.Andonie等学者使用冷粘合剂对碎小虾仁进行重组,他们将碎、小虾仁和粘合剂混合后,在温度7℃下保持12小…  相似文献   

本文通过PVP-Ⅰ养殖高效水体消毒剂(聚乙烯吡咯烷酮碘,含有效碘5%)与常规福尔马林、抗生素在对虾育苗和养成中对比试验,证明了PVP-Ⅰ在不同品种育苗和养虾过程中对病毒、弧菌、真菌等有较强的杀灭及抑制作用.  相似文献   

对虾作为水产业中的支柱品种,一直深受广大消费者的喜爱,也是水产品中出口量较多的品种之一.针对目前对虾养殖过程中施用禁用药物、可用药物用量过多、成虾体内有害物质残留超标等问题,海南省水产研究所于2003年进行了"南美白对虾无公害养殖技术研究"项目,并在项目实施过程中采用了SPF南美白对虾苗种,养殖过程中不投放抗生素等禁用渔药,利用有益微生物改善与优化水质以降低水体中有害物质在虾体内的残留,再结合温性中草药的合理利用来防治虾病,结果表明,养殖对虾各项指标均符合我国无公害对虾标准,达到国内出口与国外进口食品标准,而且产量高,经济效益好.  相似文献   

Nitrogenous wastes are major concerns in shrimp production and as a component of total farm wastes that impact the aquatic environment. This study describes a simulation model of the role of heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria on nitrogen dynamics in intensive Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) culture systems using different feeds and feeding strategies. The model represents: (i) use and remineralization by heterotrophic bacteria of nitrogen wastes and ammonia excreted by shrimp; and (ii) nitrification. The model was quantified using published and unpublished information. The model is multivariate, deterministic and uses a compartment model structure based on difference equations. Evaluation of the model consisted of simulating two indoor and one outdoor experiment that examined the effects of different feeds and feeding levels on nitrogen dynamics. In summary, the model is capable of qualitatively following inorganic nitrogen dynamics. Simulations investigating the effect of heterotrophic remineralization on total inorganic nitrogen suggested that this process may contribute up to 97% of the inorganic nitrogen in the system. This indicates that strategies to increase production, such as increases in feed protein levels or feeding rates, should be carefully evaluated before they are implemented. Future studies need to address bacterial community role in these systems and inorganic nitrogen toxicity mechanisms.  相似文献   

Socio-economic impacts of shrimp culture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Farmed shrimp contributed 27% of total world shrimp production in 1995 with a volume of 712 000 tonnes. Undoubtedly, the shrimp culture industry earns valuable foreign exchange for developing countries and generates jobs across the industry from fry gatherers to growers and processors. However, grave socio-economic consequences – including conversion, expropriation and privatization of mangroves and other lands; salinization of water and soil; decline in food security; marginalization of coastal communities, unemployment and urban migration; and social conflicts – have followed in the wake of, shrimp farm development in the Philippines and other tropical countries. The paper focuses on mangrove ecosystems: the valuation and cost-benefit analysis of their goods and services, and the mangrove-offshore fisheries connection. Research gaps in these areas and the need to internalize the ecological and socio-economic costs (‘externalities’) of shrimp farming are highlighted. Other recommendations include mangrove conservation and rehabilitation, enforcement of existing legislation, and introduction of environment-friendly aquaculture within the broader framework of community-based, integrated coastal area management, e.g. the traditional, extensive polyculture ponds in Indonesia.  相似文献   

青虾养殖技术之四早稻田轮养青虾技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽省芜湖县陶幸镇濒临长江水系,水源充沛,水质清新且无污染,池塘单季或双季青虾养殖和双季两茬水稻在当地农业生产中都很具传统和特色,有“江南鱼米之乡”的美誉。近年来,在芜湖县陶幸镇兴起了一种新型的农业生产模式,即早稻田轮养青虾,生产效果显著,在当地青壮劳力不足的情况下促进了农业增产和农民增收。稻虾轮作种养模式是利用4月上旬至7月中旬生产一季早稻,8月初至春节前后养殖一季青虾,亩均增产商品青虾53kg,现将经验总结如下。  相似文献   

阳澄湖青虾是昆山市地方传统名贵水产品,深受广大消费者的青睐,随着青虾养殖时间的推移,近亲繁育后种质退化,养殖规格变小,影响青虾的养殖效益。为改变这一状况,笔者开展“大规格青虾池塘生态养殖技术研究”,取得较好的效果,现将主要养殖技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

Multi-stage penaeid shrimp grow-out systems have considerable advantage over conventional single-stage grow-out systems. A multi-stage shrimp grow-out system has more than one production stage wherein the shrimp stocking density changes as the shrimp grow in size and are moved from one production stage to the next. The shrimp stocking density (shrimp/m2) is at its highest when the shrimp post larvae enter the first production stage and is reduced each time the shrimp are transferred to subsequent stages. The use of multi-stage instead of single-stage production systems has been considered by numerous authors. This paper presents a methodology by which to select the optimum number of stages for a production system and, using available data, demonstrates that optimum efficiency can be achieved, in most cases, by using a two-stage production system consisting of a prolonged nursery stage followed by a grow-out stage.  相似文献   

一、短途运输:可用一个0.1T容量的敞口帆布桶,桶内装入过滤海水30cm~35cm,加入1.5ppm的抗菌素,不充气,可装体长0.8cm的虾苗8万尾~10万尾,如果充气可以装30万尾~40万尾虾苗,水温保持在20℃~30℃,用车运输10小时,虾苗成活率可达到98%以上.  相似文献   

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