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为了进一步探讨中华乌塘鳢[Bostrichthys sinensis(Lacépède)]感受性信息素(17α-P和17α,20β-P)的作用机制,以免疫细胞化学(SABC)法进行中华乌塘鳢嗅觉系统孕酮受体的免疫定位和数量分析。结果显示,孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞在性成熟中华乌塘鳢的嗅上皮、嗅神经和嗅球上均有分布,免疫阳性细胞数量由高到低依次为:嗅上皮、嗅球、嗅神经。半定量分析结果表明,中华乌塘鳢嗅觉系统的孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞的数量与其性腺发育程度有关。性成熟雄鱼和雌鱼嗅上皮的免疫阳性细胞数量分别显著或极显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)高于性未成熟雄鱼和雌鱼;性未成熟鱼嗅神经上未发现孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞;性成熟雌鱼嗅球上的免疫阳性细胞数量显著高于性未成熟雌鱼(P<0.05)。本研究证实了硬骨鱼类嗅觉系统中存在孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞。  相似文献   

应用酶消化和机械吹打相结合的方法,快速分离出中华乌塘鳢(Bostrychys sinensis)嗅囊中纤毛嗅觉感受神经元。再应用全细胞膜片钳技术记录中华乌塘鳢纤毛嗅觉感受神经元的静息电位、动作电位及电压门控离子通道电流等电生理学特征。结果表明,中华乌塘鳢纤毛嗅觉感受神经元具有典型的双级神经元结构特征,包括细胞体,轴突,树突以及树突顶端的嗅结和纤毛。嗅觉感受神经元静息电位为(57±6.37)mV,动作电位峰值为(38.30±0.95)mV。在60~+80 mV的阶梯去极化脉冲刺激中,内向电流在60~40 mV激活,20~0 mV达到最大值,内向电流峰值为(69.08±44.15)pA。外向电流在+40 mV时达最大值,峰值为(267.55±73.67)pA。本研究结果为纤毛嗅觉感受神经元上性信息素受体感受性信息素的电生理机制以及性信息素的应用提供了方法和理论基础。  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢(Bostrichys sinesls)俗称鲲鱼,属于塘鳢科塘鳢属。中华乌塘鳢营养丰富,肉味鲜美,并具有使伤口加快愈合的功效,另外,该鱼最大特点为离水在阴湿条件下可保持一星期不死亡,是一种活运远销和出口创汇的良好海鲜品种之一。  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢Bostrichthys sinensis隶属塘鳢科塘鳢属,为近岸暖水、小型、动物食性鱼类、营穴居生活,喜钻洞栖息于中低潮区浅海滩涂的咸淡水水域中。乌塘鳢肉质细腻,营养丰富,是经济价值甚高的地方性养殖品种。中华乌塘鳢的人工育苗已进入商品化生产阶段,李慧梅首先进行乌塘鳢胚胎及仔稚鱼发育的观察,陈兴乾、张维翥、钟田仁、苏跃中、陈波、肖东江等均先后进行人工育苗试验,  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢Bostrichthys sinesis(Lace Pede),为塘鳢科、乌塘鳢属的近内海暖水牲小型鱼类,营穴居生活,喜钻洞栖息于中低潮区滩涂,其肉富含蛋白,质细嫩,为名贵滋补鱼类。且生命力旺盛,耐干性强,长途运输易于保活,鲜活鱼出口畅销于港澳市场。乌塘鳢适应性广,抗病力强.易于养殖,饲料成本低,经济效益高。因此发展乌塘鳢增养殖业前景广阔,  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢精子的生物学特性及其超低温保存   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
江世贵 《水产学报》2000,24(2):119-122
对中华乌塘鳢精子激活的生理生态学进行了研究,探讨了中华乌塘鳢精子超低温保存方法,中华乌塘鳢精子激活的适宜盐度为5-15;其精子的激活不仅与激活溶溶盐度有关,而且与激活溶液的离子成份有关,激活溶液中K^+的存在一定程度上对精子的活动有抑帛和;中华乌塘鳢精子对PH的适应性强,在PH5.5-9.5范围内,激活率均在709%以上,尤以中性及弱酸性条件下的激活率最高,在PH6.0时精子活力最好。使用筛选出的  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢俗称鲟虎、土鱼、鲳鱼,是我国东南沿海的一种暖水性浅海咸淡水鱼类。其肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、营养价值高,是宾馆、酒楼和出口创汇的名贵鱼类。由于市场对中华乌塘鳢的需求量不断增加,市场价格达70~80元/千克,且供不应求。因此,开展中华乌塘鳢人工养殖,对优化养殖品种结构,增加产量,提高养殖效益,增加农民收入具有重要意义。现笔者结合近几年来我县养殖实践将中华乌塘鳢养殖技术作如下简要介绍,供广大养殖户参考。一、池塘条件中华乌塘鳢是一种广盐性鱼类,对盐度适应范围广,但最佳生长发育的盐度范围为5‰~15…  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢高产高效养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中华乌塘鳢属鲈形目、塘鳢科、塘鳢属,俗称土鱼、鲲鱼,为近内海暖水一性小型鱼类,广泛分布在我国南方沿海海水比重低的河口浅水域,喜钻洞,有穴居的习惯。中华乌塘鳢的表皮有丰富的血管,可以作为辅助呼吸器官,因而离水后,只要保持皮肤湿润,仍可存活十多天,是一种适合活运输远销的养殖品种。  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢Bostrichihys sinensis隶属于虾虎鱼科,塘鳢属。在我国南海和东海均有分布,以广东、广西较多,广东俗称乌鱼、泥鱼,广西多称汶鱼。主要栖息于河口或淡水内,喜居石缝或洞穴中。个体较小,一般在50克以下,以动物食性为主,是比较凶猛的鱼类。其经济价值很高,多数产品出口港澳,但资源贫乏。目前已有一些个体经营者进行小规模养殖,为适应形势的发展,  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢人工养殖技术中华乌塘鳢俗称虾虎、涂鱼、涂鳗、月亮鱼,为虎鱼科,分布于长江以南的暖水性小型鱼类,多生长于浅海滩涂的洞穴中,其肉质鲜美,营养价值颇高,具有多种药用功能,属高档食用鱼。并有较强的耐于性,易于长途运输。目前,市场价格昂贵,供不应求,...  相似文献   

Our previous studies suggested that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is a putative sex pheromone in Chinese black sleeper Bostrichthys sinensis, a fish species that inhabits intertidal zones and mates and spawns inside a muddy burrow. We found immunoreactivities of PGE2 receptor subtypes (Ep1–3) expressed in the olfactory sac, but only Ep1 presented higher density of immunoreactivity in mature fish than that in immature fish in both sexes. To gain a better understanding of the underlying molecular mechanism for the detection of PGE2 in the olfactory system, we cloned an ep 1 cDNA from the adult olfactory sac. The open-reading frame of the ep 1 consisted of 1,134-bp nucleotides that encoded a 378-amino acid-long protein with a seven-transmembrane domain, typical for the G protein-coupled receptors superfamily. Expression of ep 1 mRNA was observed in all tissues examined, with higher levels obtained in the olfactory sacs and testes. The expression of ep 1 mRNA in the olfactory sacs and gonads was significantly higher in both sexes of mature fish than in those of immature ones. Taken together, our results suggested that Ep1, which is highly expressed in the olfactory sacs and gonads of mature fish, is important for the control of reproduction and may be involved in PGE2-initiated spawning behavior in B. sinensis.  相似文献   

Anatomical studies showed that all collected feral fish of Chinese black sleepers (Bostrichthys sinensis L.) were gonochoristic. In contrast, an average of 12.4% of cultured fish appeared to be hermaphroditic. The shape of the genital papilla of hermaphroditic specimens resembled that of gonochoristic males. The gonadosomatic index (IG) of hermaphroditic fish varied from 0.24 to 4.48%, while that of gonochoristic conspecifics varied from 6.1 to 12.2% for females and 0.11 to 0.14% for males. Histological studies revealed that the sex organs of hermaphrodites consisted of ovarian, testicular, and seminal vesicle tissues, located in the central, peripheral, and caudal region of the gonads, respectively. During the spawning season, ovarian tissue contained poorly developed oocytes, that is, hydrated oocytes were absent and only a few degenerated vitellogenic oocytes were present. Testicular tissue, however, contained fully developed spermatozoa. The fertilization rate of these spermatozoa was significantly lower than those of gonochoristic conspecifics. It is concluded that part of the cultured stock of Chinese black sleeper became hermaphroditic during culture and that the hermaphrodites are able to function as males. The lowered fertilization rate, however, indicates that hermaphroditism in cultured fish of this species is disadvantageous to reproduction.  相似文献   

中华乌塘鳢人工苗种的养成试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘振勇 《海洋渔业》1996,18(3):111-113
中华乌塘鳢人工苗种的养成试验通过采取一定的技术措施把平均体长2.0cm的人工鱼苗培育、养成商品规格的鱼。  相似文献   

  1. The European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) is a strictly protected, threatened fish species, endemic to the River Danube and Dniester basins. Population decreases have been observed for several decades, primarily due to habitat loss, but, recently, the adverse impact of invasive species, including the Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii), has also been implicated in its decline.
  2. The correspondence in the disappearance of the European mudminnow and the appearance of the Amur sleeper has been observed in some waters, but the mechanism by which the invader has an impact has remained speculative until now.
  3. As both species have similar dietary preferences and habitat requirements, competitive interactions between them for the same limited food resource (gammarids) in the same space (aquarium with artificial plants) were investigated experimentally. The foraging of two‐species and single‐species pairs and single individuals was tested.
  4. Feeding rates and prey capture efficiency were similar in both species, but the Amur sleeper was a superior competitor compared with the European mudminnow; it negatively influenced the foraging efficiency of the latter, preventing its access to prey through aggressive interactions. In the presence of the alien competitor, the feeding rate of European mudminnow decreased to one third of that observed in single‐species or single‐individual treatments.
  5. These results demonstrate that interference competition for food may be the mechanism explaining the rapid decline of this threatened species. We conclude that the invasion of the Amur sleeper will accelerate the extinction of the European mudminnow, especially in isolated, small, shallow water bodies.
  6. The study illustrates that monitoring the Amur sleeper invasion is essential for the active conservation of the European mudminnow. For reintroduction attempts, special care must be taken to avoid invaded water bodies. Moreover, prevention of the introduction of the Amur sleeper, especially in waters occupied by the European mudminnow, must be pursued.

选择胰蛋白酶、弹性蛋白酶、枯草杆菌蛋白酶、胰凝乳蛋白酶及其特异底物,建立比色法检测,对沙塘鳢、鲫鱼、草鱼、乌鳢鱼卵的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制活性进行了比较。试验结果表明,胰蛋白酶抑制活性依次为乌鳢草鱼沙塘鳢鲫鱼;弹性蛋白酶抑制活性依次为沙塘鳢鲫鱼草鱼乌鳢;枯草杆菌蛋白酶抑制活性依次为沙塘鳢鲫鱼草鱼乌鳢,胰凝乳蛋白酶活性只受乌鳢抑制。研究表明这可能与抑制剂P1位点的残基种类有关。此外还对鱼卵中的抑制剂成分进行热稳定性与酸碱稳定性的检测,结果表明其具有很强的热稳定与酸碱稳定性。  相似文献   

The bigmouth sleeper Gobiomorus dormitor, a popular sport fish within its native range, offers a management alternative to exotic species currently managed for recreational fishing. Hatchery production and stocking are needed to create reservoir sport fisheries because this species usually requires access to marine environments for recruitment. Bigmouth sleepers have not been spawned previously in a hatchery, and hence we used natural, artificial and semi‐natural spawning techniques. No egg deposition or propagation resulted from natural pond spawning. Artificial spawning techniques using Ovaprim® and Chorulon® injections followed by hand stripping were more successful. Semi‐natural (hormone injections plus volitional spawning) spawning trials using Ovaprim® and Chorulon® displayed the greatest potential, and three consecutive evening injections (1.0 mL kg?1) of Chorulon® appeared most conducive. High‐fecundity spawning was achieved by injecting bigmouth sleeper pairs and allowing volitional spawning in aquaria with spawning cavities. Initial success in 2007–2008 was isolated to wild‐caught fish, but captive broodstock were spawned using these techniques in 2009. Eggs hatched in <20 h at 23–24 °C. The resulting larvae, 1.0–1.5 mm in length, displayed large yolk sacs, unpigmented eyes and no apparent mouth. These hatchery propagation efforts suggest that hormone‐induced semi‐natural spawning has the greatest potential for bigmouth sleeper propagation.  相似文献   

采用组织切片技术系统观察和描述了葛氏鲈塘鱧(Perccottus glenii Dybowski)卵巢各时相卵母细胞的形态结构、特征及变化。卵巢切面显示:卵母细胞发育分为6个时相:第Ⅰ时相卵母细胞由处于原始分化阶段的卵原细胞构成;第Ⅱ时相卵母细胞进入滤泡细胞期,胞外形成滤泡细胞膜:第Ⅲ时相卵母细胞由质膜向核膜逐渐积累皮质液泡:第Ⅳ时相卵母细胞主要形成卵黄颗粒:第Ⅴ时相卵母细胞为成熟的卵子,胞内含有丰富的卵黄;第Ⅵ时相卵母细胞是未排出的处于退化吸收阶段的卵细胞,卵膜破裂,卵黄被吸收。根据卵巢切片及性腺系数变化推测葛氏鲈塘鱧属于一次产卵类型。  相似文献   

塘鳢是淡水小型经济鱼类,江浙沪一带将其视为名菜,为发展特种小水产品,作者于1992~1995年进行了塘鳢养殖试验工作,取得了人工繁殖,苗种培育及成鱼饲养的成套经验,人工繁殖和苗种培育在20m^2的网箱中进行,鱼孵化率和苗种(夏花)成活率分别达到59.71%和71.03%,成鱼饲养采取池塘混养方式,在267m^2的池塘中经170天养成尾重20g以上的商品鱼18.25kg,成鱼饲养成活率为64.5%  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the structure and performance of Chinese integrated pond fish farming systems, based on analysis of survey data for 1013 ponds on 101 farms in eight Chinese provinces. A province-by-province examination of gross and net fish yields supports the traditional Chinese classification of provinces into high, medium and low productivity classes according to fish farm output: average net fish yields for surveyed ponds in each class were 7958,4981 and 3321 kg ha?1 year?1 respectively. The paper includes summaries and analyses of data on fish stocking and harvesting, use of feeds and fertilizers, fish-animal integration, capital inputs, and the overall cost and revenue structure in each productivity class. In addition to variations in aggregate input and output levels, a key difference between productivity classes is seen to lie in the stocking model utilized: filter-feeding fish dominate in poorer areas, while ‘feeding fish’ (grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes), black carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus (Richardson), and omnivorous carps) dominate in high-productivity provinces. These results are examined in light of regional differences in culturing tradition, socio-economics, infrastructure, climate and geographical factors.  相似文献   

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