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转变增长方式是我国水产养殖持续发展的必由之路   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水产养殖业是渔业中的重要产业之一,已经成为我国水产品市场供给的主要来源。在回顾我国水产养殖业取得伟大成就的同时,也认识到水产养殖业的发展面临着诸如水资源严重缺乏、耕地资源不断被压缩、水产养殖良种覆盖率水平不高、饲料原料短缺、劳动力不足、水产疫苗和药物发展滞后、质量安全和水产品品质安全等问题。认为唯有转变水产养殖的增长方式才是我国水产养殖持续发展的必由之路,如通过转变现有养殖模式,提高单位水体的产量;转变饲料投喂模式,普及高效环保饲料,开发替代鱼粉的新蛋白源;提高优良品种选育与普及水平;加强疫苗创制能力,扩大其应用范围;转变消费习惯,提升加工与流通领域发展水平等措施。水产养殖产品是我国乃至全世界经济社会可持续发展的刚性需求,政府应从战略高度认识到通过转变增长方式实现我国水产养殖业可持续发展的重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>工厂化循环水养殖,是集水产养殖技术与现代工业及信息化技术于一体的高度集约化养殖模式,可以实现生产效率最高、生态环境保持最佳、动物福利得到加强的目标,绿色、生态、循环、高效,代表着未来水产养殖业发展方向,符合当前我国提倡的节能减排、转变经济发展模式的需求。随着我国渔业现代化水平不断提高,新技术新材料不断出现,  相似文献   

为提高廊坊市水产养殖效益,主要分析了廊坊水产养殖业的发展定位、现状及在发展中存在的问题。针对目前廊坊水产品养殖以普通淡水鱼品种为主,经济产出值相对较低;休闲渔业的发展受地域限制明显,游客多以本市居民为主;高技术水产养殖模式没有形成产业规模等问题,提出了今后廊坊水产养殖业的发展对策,即调整水产养殖结构,推广高效养殖节能技术,大力发展休闲渔业等。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,在水产科技不断突破的有力支撑下,我国水产养殖业实现了快速增长,产量不断攀升,2011年水产品养殖产量达到4023.26万吨,占水产品总产量的71.80%,产业结构持续优化,发展方式逐渐开始由"量"向"质"转变,水产业在保障国家粮食安全和改善人民生活方面发挥着越来越重要的作用.伴随着水产养殖业快速发展,水产品市场和贸易持续扩大,水产品市场成为国内农副产品市场蓬勃发展的主要推动力之一.与此同时,近年来水产养殖成本持续增加,水产品价格总体持续增长,特别是高档水产品价格上涨过快,水产养殖市场风险不断推高,逐渐成为制约产业发展的重要因素.因此,深入分析水产品市场规律,合理规避市场风险,成为当前促进水产养殖业健康发展的重要命题.  相似文献   

海水养殖是我国海洋渔业的重要组成部分,工程化池塘、开放式流水养殖工厂、深水网箱和循环水养殖则是我国当前集约化养殖的主要生产模式,其中陆基工厂化循化水养殖具有资源节约、环境友好和产品安全等特点,是世界水产养殖业的重要发展方向之一,也是实现水产养殖与环境和谐发展的重要途径。介绍了在国家鲆鲽类产业技术体系支持下对我国沿海工厂化养殖产业营运情况调研结果;围绕我国海水鱼类陆基工厂化养殖的发展现状,分析了循环水养殖产区分布、发展趋势、技术模式、运营效率以及运营成本构成等关键问题,探讨了产业发展过程中凸显的主要问题,对产业发展机遇进行了展望,并提出了下一步的发展思路。  相似文献   

《水产养殖业增长方式转变行动实施方案》提出了“三个转变方向”:一是推行水产健康养殖方式,促进水产养殖向资源节约、环境友好的方向转变;二是推广水产良种和渔业科技,促进水产养殖向效益型增长方式转变;三是实施水产养殖生产全程的质量监控,促进水产养殖业发展由数量型向质量型转变。实现这三个目标,需要指导思想上的根本转变,需要管理理念上的根本转变,需要产业发展理念上的根本转变。那么如何引领转变?如何正确树立我国渔业发展的价值取向?为此本刊特约中国水产科学研究院院长张合成撰文。  相似文献   

鱼类应激应对策略及其在抗逆育种中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吕为群  桂建芳 《水产学报》2020,44(3):505-513
发展现代水产种业,引领水产养殖绿色发展,成为未来水产养殖业可持续发展的保障。应鼓励产业选育推广优质、高效、多抗、安全的水产养殖新品种,由单纯高产品种转向适宜生态化、集约化养殖模式的优质高效、节料节药、抗逆性强、适应性广的品种。本文分析了当前水产种业存在的一些问题,剖析了优质、高效、多抗水产养殖品种的耐应激本质,围绕应激反应、应激恢复、应激应对方式在畜禽种业中的应用案例等,提出了环境限制育种理念和未来综合性抗逆育种技术发展方向,助推水产养殖业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

刘宝祥 《现代渔业信息》2006,21(12):28-30,33
根据当前我国内陆水产养殖业的发展形势,本文针对炎热的夏季北方精养鱼池养殖鱼类易浮头死亡的现象。简要概述了精养鱼池中影响鱼类生长的水质指标、造成鱼类易浮头死亡的原因、水质调控技术与日常管理等方面应该把握的主要问题。旨在为推进我国北方淡水水产养殖业的发展提供技术保障,以促进淡水水产养殖向科技型高效渔业方向发展,为我国水产养殖业高产高效打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国社会经济的快速发展,生态环境问题日益突出,这给我国的水产养殖业带来了十分不利的影响。再加之传统水产养殖业的基础设施比较落后,并且养殖病害也在不断增加,严重制约了水产养殖也的发展。因此,我们应积极探索水产生态养殖模式,推动水产养殖业的可持续发展。本文分析了目前我国水产养殖业存在的问题,并就水产生态养殖与新养殖模式的发展战略进行探究,仅供大家参考。  相似文献   

王施龙  胡红浪  熊雪梅  高泽霞 《水产学报》2023,47(1):019603-019603
随着全球水产品养殖产量快速增长,水产养殖业在近二十年间正快速替代捕捞业,成为满足人类对优质蛋白需求极具潜力的生产活动。世界水产品消费量近几十年来快速增长,水产品在人类食物系统中具有越来越重要的地位。遗传改良作为发展水产养殖业的关键环节而备受关注,长期以来,以选择育种和杂交育种为主要的育种方法,以生长速度、成活率等经济性状为主要改良的目标性状,对世界水产养殖业的发展发挥了基础性、先导性和战略性作用。随着人们对优质蛋白需求的不断增加以及“大食物观”概念的广泛普及,将水产品打造为更加高效的食物生产系统是大势所趋。但纵观全球,水产养殖业存在遗传改良种类不多、覆盖面不广、改良性状滞后于产业发展需求等问题,需要加强水产育种技术创新和品种培育,培育更多的遗传改良种,推进水产养殖业高质量发展。本文基于已有研究结果,结合渔业各类统计数据,对世界水产养殖业发展概况、重要养殖种遗传改良情况、水产育种技术应用、目标性状改良以及部分主要人工改良种产量数据进行整理概述,总结发展状况,分析存在问题,以期为水产种业研究以及产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of balanced, nonpersuasive information related to safety, healthiness, and sustainability of aquaculture on the image of farmed fish among European consumers. It was demonstrated that there is neither positive nor negative influence of this type of information on the predominantly positive image of fish from aquaculture. Consumers who were exposed to information related to the EU origin and aquaculture related guarantee reported a more positive image of farmed fish. These results provide valuable input for transparent communication about fish farming practices which might increase consumer trust and will not harm the image of fish from aquaculture. Increasing consumers' knowledge about aquaculture and its positive effects on the image of farmed fish is also discussed as a pathway for maintaining and improving aquaculture's positive image in the future.  相似文献   

多维视角下的新时代水产养殖业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
董双林 《水产学报》2019,43(1):105-115
由于经济因素的驱动,我国水产养殖规模和集约化水平在快速扩大和提高,同时,土地、淡水和鱼粉等资源制约日趋明显,氮磷排放、碳足迹、生态足迹在迅速增大,因此,我国水产养殖业需要生态集约化发展。从多维和可持续发展的视角可以推知,内陆大水域未来仅适于发展不投饲的养殖种类或称净水渔业,近岸(10 m以浅、距岸2 km以内或有遮蔽的海域)可发展不投饵的贝、藻养殖和增殖,离岸(距岸2 km以外、水深10~50 m)应增殖、养殖并举,深远海养殖(50 m以深、高海况开放海域和12 n mile以外的专属经济区海域)大有可为,陆基池塘生态集约化改造和陆基循环水养殖的阳光工厂化改造任重道远。  相似文献   

The current status of the farming of Macrobrachium species in China is presented, including the scale of production and with an emphasis on its farming technology. The problems faced and research needed for the further development of freshwater prawn farming of China is also reviewed. Finally, this paper discusses the prospects and future expansion in this sector of national aquaculture.  相似文献   

我国离岸水产养殖设施装备发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国人口的增多和生活水平的不断提高,人们对优质海洋食品需求也在不断增加。我国拥有近300万km2的海洋国土面积,目前还未得到充分的利用,因此拓展海洋蓝色资源的利用范围,发展离岸养殖,尤其是深远海养殖,缓解粮食安全保障压力,成为今后养殖发展的重点。而这就需要通过采用现代新技术,大力发展离岸水产养殖设施装备。文章重点介绍了"十二五"期间我国筏式养殖设施装备、网箱养殖设施装备和深远海养殖设施装备的发展状况、存在的主要问题和需求、国外发展现状等,并对今后的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

依据排放成因,初步建立了海水鱼养殖中二氧化碳排放负荷和排放强度的测算方法;依据竹内俊郎法并综合考虑生物滤池处理效率,初步建立了海水鱼养殖的氮、磷排放负荷和排放强度以及排放总量的测算方法;依据海上生活污水排放标准,初步建立了氮、磷瞬时排放浓度的测算方法;利用浓度限值法测算了黄海冷水团区域氮、磷的环境容量。以大西洋鲑养殖数据为基础,测算了6种养殖模式的碳、氮、磷排放负荷和排放强度,并将测算的氮、磷年排放量、瞬时排放浓度的结果与黄海冷水团区域的环境容量进行比较分析,初步评估了养殖活动对环境的影响。结果显示,网箱养殖模式的二氧化碳排放负荷和排放强度均显著低于其他模式,循环水养殖模式的氮排放负荷和排放强度均显著低于全流水养殖模式,而6种养殖模式之间,磷排放负荷和排放强度的差异不显著,磷排放是制约扩大养殖规模的主要因素。  相似文献   

The annual increase in farmed freshwater prawn production in the world during the decade ending 2001 has been estimated as 29% and that during 1999–2001 as 48%, the production in 2001 being about 300 000 mt (all Macrobrachium species). Between 1999 and 2003 the annual increase in farmed Macrobrachium rosenbergii production in India was about 80%, production reaching 30 450 mt in 2002–2003. This log phase of production followed the rise and fall of shrimp farming in the country. Several shrimp farming ventures collapsed in the 1990s, owing to degraded environment and diseases, abetted by lack of awareness and inadequacy of information on the culture systems and their interactions with other human endeavours. This shrimp farming experience has made the aquafarmer and other stakeholders aware that while aquaculture has a high potential in ensuring food and nutritional security and livelihood, besides profit to the farmer and socio‐economic benefits to local communities, it is likely to slip from sustainable development pathways if adequate understanding, improved management practices, governmental policies and plans for implementation and regulation to ensure sustainability are not in place. The lessons learned from shrimp farming can help in steering the development of sustainable freshwater prawn aquaculture in India and elsewhere.  相似文献   

我国是当今世界水产品产量最高的国家,渔业呈现地区发展不平衡、不充分的格局,内陆地区渔业发展水平总体上远低于沿海地区。在当前“碳达峰”和“碳中和”双碳战略背景下,渔业迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战尤其是对于内陆淡水渔业,碳汇渔业将成为未来的一个重要发展方向。该文主要根据《中国水产统计资料》和《中国渔业统计年鉴》,以贵州省为例,结合贵州地区近年来的渔业发展现状,估算了贵州省近五年(2016—2020年)的渔业碳汇强度,分析了贵州地区发展碳汇渔业的潜力。渔业碳汇强度估算结果显示,2016—2020年贵州省渔业碳移出量在1.4 t到1.7 t之间,平均碳移出量为1.5 t。贵州省渔业发展相对落后,水产品捕捞产量和养殖产量均远低于全国平均水平,但贵州省近年来大力推广稻渔综合种养和湖库养殖等生态渔业模式,到2020年稻田养殖和湖库养殖面积分别占全省水产养植总面积的74.2%和19.2%,二者产量达到全省总产量的一半以上,远高于全国平均水平。稻渔综合种养和湖库养殖等生态渔业成为贵州省水产养殖业的重要养殖模式,未来这类具备碳汇功能的生态渔业规模将会进一步扩大,是贵州地区扭转渔业养殖模式和渔业经济增长方式的机遇,对碳汇渔业的全面推广和渔业的可持续发展具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Norway leads the world aquaculture production of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and farmed Norwegian Atlantic salmon is currently consumed around the globe. However, sea lice infestation is a major problem faced by the salmon aquaculture industry in Norway and elsewhere. The use of wild-caught cleaner fish, mainly wrasses, has been recommended over the other available methods as the most economical and environmentally friendly option to control sea lice infestation in salmon farming. Here, we review the development of the Norwegian wrasse fishery and the use of wrasses as cleaner fish. In this document, we address the sea lice problem and introduce the main wrasse species employed as cleaner fish, document the cleaning behaviour of wrasses, present the development of a new wrasse fishery associated with the salmon aquaculture industry, and finally, we identify the main challenges associated with the intensive use of wild-caught cleaner wrasses and provide some insight for future directions of the wrasse fishery and further development of aquaculture techniques to supply salmon facilities with domesticated cleaner fish.  相似文献   

Tench, Tinca tinca (L.) was introduced as a new species to Chinese aquaculture in 1998. Biological characteristics of tench are studied, and propagation techniques are improved at the Hubei Province Fisheries Institute with co-operation with the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology in Czech Republic and Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The first successful artificial propagation of tench in China was made in 2000. The number of produced tench larvae increased from 5 millions in 2001 to 20 millions in 2002, and to 200 millions in 2003. The number of juveniles >5 cm reached 12 millions in 2002 and 120 millions in 2003. Total area of ponds with tench culture was 1400 ha in 2002 and 5400 ha in 2003. Main problems that hinder development of tench culture in China are identified, and future prospects of tench farming in China are highlighted. Abundant water bodies for aquaculture and cheap man-power make the export of tench from China to Europe, USA, Australia and Korea a promising activity.  相似文献   

《Journal of fish diseases》2017,40(5):703-715
Freshwater fish farming contributes to more than two‐thirds of global aquaculture production. Parasitic ciliates are one of the largest causes of production loss in freshwater farmed fishes, with species from the genus Chilodonella being particularly problematic. While Chilodonella spp. include ‘free‐living’ fauna, some species are involved in mortality events of fish, particularly in high‐density aquaculture. Indeed, chilodonellosis causes major productivity losses in over 16 species of farmed freshwater fishes in more than 14 countries. Traditionally, Chilodonella species are identified based on morphological features; however, the genus comprises yet uncharacterized cryptic species, which indicates the necessity for molecular diagnostic methods. This review synthesizes current knowledge on the biology, ecology and geographic distribution of harmful Chilodonella spp. and examines pathological signs, diagnostic methods and treatments. Recent advances in molecular diagnostics and the ability to culture Chilodonella spp. in vitro will enable the development of preventative management practices and sustained freshwater fish aquaculture production.  相似文献   

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