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河鲀鱼泛指硬骨鱼纲、鲀形目、鲀科的各属鱼类,因体形似豚,常在河口捕获,故江浙一带俗称"河豚".河鲀鱼在世界各地分布较广,品种较多,现初步查明有43种,其中在我国就有35种,大部分是东方鲀属,分布在东海、黄海、渤海.我国是河鲀鱼生产量最多的国家,年产量约在3~4万T,占世界河鲀鱼产量的70%左右.近年来几种主要东方鲀品种的人工繁殖和苗种培育的成功,加速推进了我国河鲀人工养殖的发展,产量、外销量不断增加.目前主要养殖区域分布在辽宁、河北、山东、福建和江苏等地.主要养殖品种有红鳍东方鲀、假睛东方鲀、暗纹东方鲀等.在淡水中养殖的河鲀鱼主要为暗纹东方鲀,近年来养殖规模逐年扩大,已成为一个新的较有发展前途的淡水名特优养殖品种.随着人们对河鲀鱼认识的逐步深入,其身价与日剧增,市场需求不断扩大.  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是河鲀的主要生产国,1988年就达4000吨,占世界河鲀总产量的70%.日本人最爱吃河鲀,我国的河鲀大约有95%销往日本等国.随着几种河鲀鱼人工繁殖技术的相继突破,我国人工养殖河鲀的发展也相当迅速,产量和外销量不断增加,主要养殖区已由原来的辽宁、河北、山东推进到了福建、浙江、江苏、上海、四川等省市,养殖品种有红鳍东方鲀、假睛东方鲀和暗纹东方鲀等数种,它们均是鲀形目、鲀科、东方鲀属的鱼类,都被俗称为河鲀或河豚.  相似文献   

张洁 《河北渔业》2008,(4):19-23
唐海县河鲀鱼养殖已有十多年的历史,是本县的支柱产业和特色产业之一,所养规格达600g河鲀鱼商品鱼以冰鲜的方式主要经海运出口日、韩。为纯正红鳍东方鲀品种,走自繁、自育、自养之路,本县组织省内外专家进行“红鳍东方鲀人工育苗养成攻关”项目并获得成功,苗种培育成活率80%以上,同时完善了东方鲀温室大棚越冬新工艺,越冬成活率达到95%以上。下面就本县河鲀鱼全人工养殖技术总结如下。  相似文献   

正农业部办公厅、国家食品药品监督管理总局联合发布了《关于有条件放开养殖红鳍东方鲀和养殖暗纹东方鲀加工经营的通知》,自1990年起不得流入市场的河鲀(俗称河豚)可以有条件"合法化"食用了。根据通知要求,中国渔业协会开展了2016年养殖河鲀鱼源基地备案工作,共有大连天正等12家单位的16个养殖河鲀鱼源基地符合要求。预计2016年11月底,首批16个养殖河鲀鱼源基地出  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀又名河鲀、街鱼,是一种经济价值较高的鱼类,具有肉质洁白、细嫩,味道鲜美,被居为长江"三鲜"中的第一鲜,是目前沿海、内地水产养殖业很好的养殖品种,江苏沿江、福建、广东等地发展很快.近年来由于养殖产量的不断增加,市场价格不断下降,特别201 1年以来河鲀鱼市场价格低于养殖成本价格.如何提高河鲀鱼养殖效益,增强河鲀鱼养殖的抗风险能力,是河鲀鱼养殖者研究的课题.2010-2011年开展了河鲀鱼一年养成高效新模式的研究,取得了当年暗纹东方鲀一年养成商品规格,667 m2效益5 800元的效果.  相似文献   

河鲀,俗称“鸡抱”。在珠江口捕获的河鲀,均属东方鲀,有黄鳍东方鲀、双斑东方鲀、圆斑东方鲀和弓斑东方鲀等几种。  相似文献   

广东地区暗纹东方鲀小规格商品鱼的池塘养殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
暗纹东方鲀(Fugu obscurus)俗称河鲀鱼,自古以来有"鱼中之王"的美称,为筵席上的美味佳肴,经济价值很高.暗纹东方鲀的小规格商品鱼又称小巴鱼、宾鱼等,体重75~250 g,销售不受季节限制,需求量大.  相似文献   

李振  周德庆 《渔业现代化》2006,(5):38-40,44
河鲀鱼泛指硬骨鱼纲、鲀形目、鲀科的各属鱼类。因体形与豚相似,常在河口捕获,故江浙一带俗称其“河豚”。河鲀鱼在世界各地分布较广,品种较多,约有200余种,其中在我国就有40余种,大部分属东方鲀属,主要分布在黄海、渤海、东海、南海以及近海江河中,是江海洄游习性的底栖鱼类。  相似文献   

<正> 日本西海岸延绳钓河鲀渔业发展于1955年。1965年后,在东海和黄海开辟了新渔场。这里介绍日本在东、黄海的两种主要河鲀鱼:红鳍东方鲀和假  相似文献   

金乃康  朱迪 《内陆水产》2005,30(9):17-17
暗纹东方鲀俗称河鲀鱼.鲜嫩可口,被誉为“鱼中之王”.深受消费者的喜爱。为探索其池塘养殖的技术.笔者进行了暗纹东方鲀的引进试养研究,取得较好的经济效益。现将养殖试验情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

在哈尔滨市新发乡幸福鱼场进行了以投喂鸡粪为主,少量投喂农家饲料的节粮型养殖模式试验,一种是以鲤鱼为主,另一种是以鲫鱼为主的养殖模式,以鲤鱼为主养的池塘,鲤鱼鱼种体重平均为68.33g,鲫鱼鱼种体重平均为103.33g,饵料系数0.64,平均亩产226.8Kg,亩盈利498元,以鲫鱼为主养的池塘,鲫鱼鱼种体重平均为65g,鲤鱼鱼种体重平均为116.67g,饵料系数0.54,平均亩产278.6Kg,亩盈利528元。  相似文献   

A novel method for increasing fry yield in guppy breeding tanks was tested in the laboratory and commercial farms. It is based on lighting the fry collecting net baskets to attract newborn guppies into these safe refuges, which in turn reduces their exposure to cannibalism. A laboratory experiment revealed a significantly higher fry yield (by 30.2%) using illuminated net baskets than baskets without light. No significant effect of the timing of fry collection (08:00, 12:00 or 16:00) was found. Under commercial culture conditions in two farms, fry yields significantly increased by 13–28% in various guppy strains, using illuminated baskets. Overall, the results of this study demonstrated the efficacy and high economic potential of the proposed method in increasing fry yield in commercial-size breeding tanks.  相似文献   

Substantial loss of fry to cannibalism by brood-fish occurs in live-bearing ornamental fish farms. Previous results demonstrated that fry yields in breeding tanks of the guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) can be increased by attracting the newborns by a light stimulus into net baskets from which they are collected. In the present study the effects of the number of daily collections and timing of lighting on fry yield in breeding tanks in the laboratory were tested. No difference in fry yield was found between one and two daily collections, and no effect of the timing of lighting (lighting during the day versus during the night). Contrasting of the morning and afternoon collections within the two-collection treatment under day lighting versus night lighting revealed that more fry were collected when the collection followed the lighting period than the no-lighting period. Experiments conducted in commercial farms revealed no difference in fry yields between one and two daily collections when the baskets were illuminated, concurring with the laboratory results. The farm experiments demonstrated that without illumination there is an advantage for two collections over one collection. Taken together, the results showed that the novel method of using light to attract newborn guppies into mesh baskets have a double benefit; it increases fry yields and concurrently lessens the labor required to harvest maximal fry yields in guppy breeding tanks.  相似文献   

采用由美国的野生美洲鲥亲本人工繁育而来的子一代亲本进行苗种绿色生产试验,孵化育苗用水经过严格的消毒、过滤等处理,尾水通过水循环系统净化后排放,开口饵料以自行扩培的方式生产,并在种鱼养殖和苗种培育过程中使用经绿色生产资料认证的饲料。试验结果显示:养殖和育苗用水符合NY/T 391—2013《绿色食品产地环境质量》,排放水符合SC/T 9101—2007《淡水池塘养殖水排放要求》,孵化育苗过程顺利,获得美洲鲥苗种4.67万尾,苗种符合NY/T 842—2012《绿色食品鱼》的要求。  相似文献   

利用体重1~4kg的怀仔黑亲鱼56尾,完全人工控制弱光,长流水、自然水温培育,共产仔272万尾。布池后,根据不同日龄投喂轮虫、卤虫无节幼体、配饵和糠虾,控制光照,调节水质,防病治病,及时疏稀,420m~3水体育出平均全长28.8mm的黑苗77.6万尾,总成活率30%。认为,全人工控制光源蓄养亲鱼,溢水法布池,夜间开灯少量投饵,效果较好。  相似文献   

引进红鳍东方钝受精卵苗种培育技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996-2000年,先后4次5批从日本引进红鳍东方tun受精卵5.2kg(约302万粒)进行苗种培育试验,其中3次获得成功,引进成功率为755,共培育出体长25-30mm的幼鱼60万尾,受粗卵孵化率分别为50%,0%,70%和40%,经过42-50d的培育,幼鱼培育成活率分别为64.7%,0%,43.9%和51.7%,孵化水温为16-18℃,幼鱼培育水温为17-22℃,试验结果表明,引进红鳍东方tun受精卵进行苗种培育在技术上可行的。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎的循环水养殖模式及经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年3月至10月进行了半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossuss semilaevis Guanther)生产性养殖试验,期间对一套循环水养殖系统的水处理效果及半滑舌鳎养殖模式进行了深入的研究。养殖水体经系统处理后,养殖池内水温18~21℃,pH 7.0~8.0,DO≥6.6 mg/L,养殖池进水氨氮0.017~0.178 mg/L,亚硝酸氮0.012~0.064mg/L。文中详细阐述了放苗前养殖车间消毒、苗种选择与运输、生物滤池的培养、苗种投放、养殖过程中系统的日常维护、饵料投喂、光照控制、水质因子控制等内容,并对养殖半滑舌鳎8个月的经济效益进行了分析。以期为国内工厂化循环水养殖半滑舌鳎提供技术支持和经济效益分析方面的参考。  相似文献   

苗种是水产养殖生产的基础资料,苗种科技创新与推广的有效程度直接影响到产业可持续发展。以作为我国海水鱼类代表的鲆鲽类养殖业为例,基于养殖生产者的技术需求调研结果,提出了该产业苗种技术创新与推广的策略,即以市场为导向,始终将苗种科技创新作为重要的产业发展战略;密切结合产业发展转型战略,有效对接产业差别化需求,有差别地重点推进快速生长苗种、强抗逆性苗种以及全雌化优质苗种的培育与推广;因地制宜推进特色品种苗种培育,为塑造区域性鲆鲽类产品品牌提供支撑;认真做好战略储备性品种的苗种培育,切实推进产业的梯度发展;密切关注我国近海渔业资源修复之需求,培育适于增殖放流的鲆鲽类苗种。  相似文献   

付卓 《河北渔业》2010,(4):12-14
欧洲丁(Tincatinca)引种北方控温繁育与规范化养殖技术研究项目,由锦州市海洋与渔业科学研究所于2006-2009年完成。控温繁育催产率达95%,孵化率70%,鱼苗成活率90%。共计生产丁水花鱼苗6 000万尾,鱼种10万kg,产值847万元,效益535.42万元。应用推广试验点辐射辽宁省7个市区,商品鱼养成面积135 hm2,产值2 118万元,利润850万元,推广技术养成效益明显。  相似文献   

The effect of selection for greater growth rate in the GIFT strain on traits related to female reproduction (weight at spawning, number of eggs, number of fry, total weight of fry and number of dead fry) was studied. Available records comprised 10 generations of data from a total of 935 breeding females with known pedigree. Female body weight at spawning was 255 g, whereas the averages for number of eggs, number of live fry at hatching, number of dead fry and total fry weight per spawning were 1444, 908, 64.90, and 7.24 g respectively. Heritabilities for reproductive traits were low to moderate (0.20 for number of eggs, 0.16 for number of hatched fry and 0.11 for fry weight per female at spawning). The genetic correlations between female body weight at spawning and reproductive traits were very low to low (0.01 to 0.31) and not significantly different from zero. The genetic correlations among reproductive traits (i.e. number of eggs, number of hatched fry and fry weight) were high (0.75 to 0.92). Phenotypic correlations were consistent with the genetic correlations, ranging from 0.56 to 0.85. Correlated responses in reproductive traits measured as differences in least squares means between Selection and Control lines were positive and significant (except for the number of dead fry) when age of females at spawning was fitted as a covariate. However, there were no significant differences in all studied traits when body weight of the female at spawning was fitted as a covariate within lines. This indicates that the greater reproductive rate was due to the greater size of females in the Selection line, but the efficiency of reproduction per unit weight of female did not change as a consequence of selection for growth.  相似文献   

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