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Biotelemetry, ichthyoplankton and genetic data can provide detailed information about the migratory dynamics and reproductive cycle of freshwater fishes. However, few studies have combined these techniques in Neotropical systems. The objective of this study was to examine the migratory and reproductive dynamics of Prochilodus costatus in the São Francisco River watershed, south‐east Brazil, by comparing the ecological importance of two rivers to the species, an undammed segment of the São Francisco River and a dammed segment of one of its main tributaries, the Pará River. In total, 215 fish were radio‐tagged over three years (2014–16). Eggs and larvae were sampled at seven locations and analysed by PCR to identify Prochilodus spp. ichthyoplankton. Most radio‐tagged individuals (97%) used the undammed segment of the São Francisco River as spawning migration route, even those captured and released in the Pará River. Fish migrated to spawn from late September to late November with the arrival of the rains and returned to feeding sites from December to May after spawning. The highest densities of fish eggs and larvae were recorded in the upper reaches of the São Francisco River during months of peak river discharge. Returning fish showed high fidelity to sites occupied before spawning migration. Fish spent roughly 71% of the year at feeding sites, 25% at spawning sites and 4% moving between them. This study provides novel information about the migratory dynamics of Neotropical fishes and underscores the key role of undammed river segments for the conservation of Neotropical migratory fish species.  相似文献   

Neotropical freshwater fishes are the most diverse on the planet (>5,500 species), although nations in Latin America have been negligent regarding their conservation. National policies have historically encouraged unsustainable practices, and recent decades have witnessed a sharp increase in harmful activities. Our aim with this review was to expose this situation and illustrate how national policies constitute the main threat to freshwater fish biodiversity. We explain that the most devastating, pervasive and systemic threats are rooted in official policies, particularly unsustainable activities (e.g. hydropower, water diversion, mining, aquaculture, agriculture and fishing), poor management/conservation (e.g. fish stocking and passages) and harmful legislation (e.g. poor licensing, non‐native species). We provide a broad portrait of the Neotropical scenario, where unsustainable policies have caused considerable damage to freshwater ecosystems, and focus on major examples from Brazil, where development projects have caused large‐scale losses to fish biodiversity. Such modus operandi of human development is incompatible with the persistence of biodiversity, and no simple solution is available to correct or minimize its effects. The current situation demands a profound behavioural shift towards better practices and policies, or these multiple high‐impact activities will continue eroding freshwater fish biodiversity and impairing essential ecosystem services.  相似文献   

鱼类性别决定的遗传基础研究概况   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
童金苟 《水产学报》2003,27(2):169-176
动物从受精卵发育到具有不同性别特征的个体是一个奇妙而又严谨的过程,是人类长期以来试图揭示的自然现象。上世纪90年代初在人类Y染色体上发现了性别决定基因SRY[1],进而发现了一个新的Sox基因家族[2]。上述基因的发现,促进了以哺乳类为代表的动物性别决定和分化机制研究。由于鱼类在脊椎动物中的特殊进化地位、庞大的种类数量以及显著的社会经济价值,鱼类的性别决定研究一直受到遗传和发育学者的重视。尽管离最终阐明鱼类性别决定的机制还有距离,但近20多年来鱼类性别决定的遗传基础研究已取得不少重要进展。本文试图根据现有文献资料,…  相似文献   

Ancestry and amphidromy in island freshwater fish faunas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amphidromy is a frequent attribute of fish faunas of remote islands, where the presence of freshwater fishes creates perplexity as to how such remote places came to have ‘freshwater fish’. Not infrequently, the fact that amphidromous species spend part of their lives in the sea is invoked as indicating that such species have marine ancestries, and this is the implied explanation for presence of freshwater fishes on islands. However, examination of the ranges of some amphidromous species, and of the distributions of genera to which amphidromous fishes belong, strongly suggests that amphidromy, especially in the gobies of the subfamily Sicydiinae, is a widespread, probably ancestral trait. Rather than such amphidromous fish having a marine ancestry, their marine life stages are themselves the likely key element in explaining their distributions.  相似文献   

Assigning individual fish to populations using microsatellite DNA markers   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
New statistical developments combined with the use of highly polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers enable the determination of the population of origin of single fish, resulting in numerous new research possibilities and applications in practical management of fish populations. We first describe three main categories of methods available, i.e. (i) assignment tests and related methods, (ii) discriminant function analysis and (iii) artificial neural networks. In all these, individuals can be assigned to the population from which their multilocus genotypes are most likely to be derived. Assignment tests are based on calculations of the likelihood of multilocus genotypes in populations, based on allele frequencies. Discriminant function analysis is based on multivariate statistics, whereas artificial neural networks formulate predictions through exposure to correct solutions. Assignment tests are the methods of choice when considering genetic data alone, whereas discriminant function analysis and artificial neural networks may be useful when genetic data are combined with, for instance, morphological and ecological data. Assignment tests can be used to assess the genetic distinctness of populations, for discriminating among closely related species and to directly identify immigrants or individuals of immigrant ancestry, and thereby study patterns of dispersal among populations, including sex‐biased dispersal. In a conservation context, assignment tests can be used to assess the genetic impact of domesticated fish on wild populations and for determining if extant fish populations are in fact indigenous or descendants from stocked fish or strayers, and they can be applied in forensics, for instance to reveal poaching. Assignment tests are at present most useful for studies of freshwater and anadromous fishes owing to stronger genetic differentiation among populations than in marine fishes. However, some genetically divergent populations of marine fishes have been discovered, which could be used as natural laboratories for studying dispersal and gene flow. It is foreseen that ongoing developments in statistical methods, combined with improved techniques for screening large numbers of loci, will permit assignment methods to become standard tools in studies on the biology of fishes.  相似文献   

Both egg and larvae are different between freshwater and marine fish species. Freshwater fish species have generally larger and fewer eggs than marine species. Most freshwater fish species have demersal eggs that develop stuck to various substrata, such as plants or gravels, while eggs of most marine fish species develop in the water column. These differences have consequences for both the evaluation of the quality and the incubation of eggs of freshwater fish species compared with marine species. The larvae of many freshwater fish species are larger and more developed at hatching than their marine counterparts: thus, larval feeding regimes could be different and cannibalism may emerge sooner in certain freshwater fish species. The main differences of egg and larvae between freshwater and marine species are highlighted and the possible implications for aquaculture practices are discussed.  相似文献   

鱼类染色体核型分析在种质资源保护、遗传图谱构建、鱼类分类和育种等方面发挥着重要作用。黄带拟鲹 (Pseudocaranx dentex, Bloch & Schneider, 1801)是具有较高经济价值和遗传育种价值的水产资源物种, 目前与该物种遗传背景相关的研究尚属空白。本研究采用热滴片法制备了黄带拟鲹鳃和鳍条组织的染色体标本, 经 Giemsa 染液染色, 观察其染色体核型特征。分析了 4 尾黄带拟鲹幼鱼的 106 个中期细胞染色体核型, 经统计二倍体染色体数目为 48 条的中期细胞分裂相占所观察细胞分裂相的 86.79%, 48 条染色体均为端部着丝粒染色体, 核型公式为 2n=48t, 染色体臂数 NF=48; 染色体相对长度最大为 5.921±0.276, 最小为 2.052±0.210; 未观察到异型性染色体, 也未观察到随体和次缢痕。与已报道的其他 14 属 33 种鲹科鱼类染色体核型特征比较, 认为黄带拟鲹为鯵科鱼类系统进化中的高位类群。本研究结果不仅丰富了鲹科鱼类染色体核型数据库, 也为系统开展黄带拟鲹细胞遗传学研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic fishes of Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Africa has provided many fossil fishes from sediments laid down over a 400 million year period. The large array of fossil fishes come from diverse localities throughout the continent, representing a variety of environments. The marine fossil fishes of Africa have not been reviewed as a whole, while the freshwater Cenozoic fishes of Africa were last reviewed over 25 years ago. Since that time, many new finds have increased our knowledge of the history of African fishes. This paper summarizes the known fish fossils, excluding otoliths, from marine and freshwater deposits throughout Africa from the Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and first part of the Cenozoic (Palaeogene). Much new work is ongoing, in areas such as Mali and South Africa, from which more information on the ichthyofaunas should come to light. New information presented here includes the Eocene site of Mahenge, Tanzania, from which have come the oldest known members of the family Cichlidae.  相似文献   

罗非鱼链球菌病研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
卢迈新 《南方水产》2010,6(1):75-79
链球菌(Streptococcus spp.)是一种广泛分布于自然界的革兰氏阳性菌,是人类的重要病原之一,也是其他多种脊椎动物包括猪、牛、鱼等的重要病原菌。目前已有多个国家报道了鱼类链球菌病的暴发与流行,受感染的鱼类包括多种海水和淡水鱼类,以温水性鱼类最为严重。近年中国罗非鱼链球菌感染的报道也呈现增加趋势,尤其在2009年,广东、海南、福建和广西地区养殖罗非鱼的链球病发病率为20%~50%,死亡率达50%~70%,甚至更高。链球菌病已严重危害着中国罗非鱼养殖业的健康发展。文章对罗非鱼链球菌病的病原、流行及防治方法作一综述,以期为今后开展罗非鱼链球菌病防控研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Cell lines provide an important biological tool for carrying out investigations into physiology, virology, toxicology, carcinogenesis and transgenics. Teleost fish cell lines have been developed from a broad range of tissues such as ovary, fin, swim bladder, heart, spleen, liver, eye muscle, vertebrae, brain, skin. One hundred and twenty-four new fish cell lines from different fish species ranging from grouper to eel have been reported since the last review by Fryer and Lannan (J Tissue Culture Methods 16: 87–94, 1994). Among the cell lines listed, more than 60% were established from species from Asia, which contributes more than 80% of total fish production. This includes 59 cell lines from 19 freshwater, 54 from 22 marine and 11 from 3 brackish water fishes. Presently, about 283 cell lines have been established from finfish around the world. In addition to the listing and a scientific update on new cell lines, the importance of authentication, applications, cross-contamination and implications of overpassaged cell lines has also been discussed in this comprehensive review. The authors feel that the review will serve an updated database for beginners and established researchers in the field of fish cell line research and development.  相似文献   

鱼类遗传改良研究综述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
本文对全世界范围内鱼类遗传改良研究的概况及其有关问题进行了全面的介绍和评述,从选择育种、杂交育种、性别控制、多倍体诱导、细胞核移植和细胞融合、低温保存技术、DNA分子标记育种、转基因技术等方面系统介绍了鱼类遗传改良的方法、在水产养殖中的应用和已取得的成就,并对鱼类遗传改良今后的发展趋势进行了展望,旨在为今后进一步开展鱼类遗传改良研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解凤鲚(Coilia mystus)染色体数量和核型结构,以上海市临港近岸的1~2龄性成熟凤鲚为材料,采用鳃丝细胞进行短期离体培养方法制备染色体标本,对凤鲚染色体核型进行了研究。结果表明,凤鲚雌雄染色体数量存在差异,雌性染色体数目为2n=47,雄性染色体数目为2n=48;核型公式为2n(♀)=47 t,2n(♂)=48 t;雌性染色体臂数(NF)=47,雄性NF=48。雄性凤鲚染色体相对长度范围为(2.66±0.27)5.54±0.25,雌性凤鲚染色体相对长度范围为(2.83±0.32)5.70±0.38,雌雄凤鲚的染色体相对长度不存在显著差异(P>0.05),各相邻两对染色体之间相对长度无明显差异(P>0.05)。在凤鲚的染色体中,最长的一对染色体上存在随体,次缢痕。凤鲚存在性染色体,其性染色体类型为ZO/ZZ型。  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying the social structure of free‐ranging fish shoals have received little attention in comparison to functional studies on shoaling. Recently, however, a number of investigations, both in the marine and in the freshwater environment, have begun to address the underlying mechanisms by concentrating on interactions between free‐ranging shoals. The rates of shoal encounters can influence the opportunities for individual assortment by phenotype and selection of shoal size; act as a constraint on the observed patterns of shoal structure by restricting individual choice behaviour and were found to be high in several small freshwater species (where intershoal distances were small), but lower in marine species where shoals were more dispersed. The duration of encounters may play a role in that it affects both the time available for assessment (of the encountered shoal) as well as that for exchange of individuals. Scarce published information on the outcome of shoal encounters suggests that the outcome of shoal encounters is influenced by shoal composition but not by shoal size. Individual behaviour may have evolved to maintain shoal size when shoals encounter, but when fish populations are depleted by fishing, this trait can exacerbate range and stock collapse. Furthermore, an understanding of the dynamics of shoal encounters has important consequences for the evolution of reciprocal altruism and the transmission of information through social learning within populations. Finally, information on encounter rates between shoals and the number of individuals that are exchanged on such occasions could be important for making predictions about the spread of disease through fish populations.  相似文献   

The latitudinal extension of southern South America imposes a thermal gradient that affects the structure of marine and freshwater fish assemblages and the biology of the species through direct exposure to the temperature gradients or by means of a web of historical and ecological relationships. We have reviewed biological and ecological data of marine and freshwater fishes from the southern Neotropics, including Patagonia, and report several examples of dependence on temperature, from glacial times to today’s climate change. We were able to identify historic and present effects on the diversity of fish assemblages, isolation, southern limits for the distribution of species, and morphological variation among populations. There is a wide range of characteristics that exemplify an adaptation to low temperatures, including biochemical peculiarities, physiological adjustments, and alternative life history patterns, and these appear in both freshwater and marine, and native and exotic fishes. The consequences of stable temperature regimes in both the ocean and thermal streams deserve special mention as these shape specialists under conditions of low selective pressure. At present, habitat use and interactions among species are being subject to changes as consequences of water temperature, and some of these are already evident in the northern and southern hemispheres.  相似文献   

Fishes are characterized by their capacity to occupy all aquatic environments and by their amazing range of size and morphology. While it is known that habitat influenced the diversity dynamics of fish clades, studies on environmental colonization events through the evolutionary history of ray‐finned fishes have yielded conflicting results as to the origin of modern clades and preferential directions of shifts. The effects of habitat over morphological evolution such as body size remain poorly known in vertebrates. However, body size evolution is more frequently addressed in terms of variation through time and numerous studies have demonstrated that successive taxa within a clade tend to increase in size through time (Cope's or Depéret's rule). We use phylogenetic comparative methods on a genus‐level actinopterygian super‐tree based on extant and fossil data covering the Late Jurassic‐Paleogene interval. Results indicate marine ancestry for freshwater lineages and a dominance of colonizations from marine clades towards other habitats. Similar trends in environment occupancy among different ray‐finned clades are explored. Three main trends affecting non‐closely‐related clades are recognized: (i) the freshwater invaders, (ii) the predominantly marine dwellers and (iii) the environmentally labile fishes. Habitat effects on body size evolution are not statistically supported, but most actinopterygian subclades originate from small‐sized ancestors and tend to increase in size in the course of their evolutionary history. This trend is clear for lineages restricted for long periods of time in the same environments, either marine or freshwater, but it is not observed in environmentally labile fish lineages.  相似文献   

Spatial behaviour of fishes in fresh and brackish water ranges in temporal scales between localized diel movements, often associated with foraging and predator evasion, to seasonal or life‐cycle related events involving movements between freshwater habitats or freshwater and marine biotopes. Recent technological advances have resulted in dramatic improvements in the range of techniques available for the study of spatial behaviour of freshwater fishes in the natural environment, and broadly may be divided into two categories: capture dependent and capture independent. The former incorporates those methods that rely on sampling marked fish (mark–recapture) or unmarked fish (density estimates, catch per unit effort) over defined scales of time and space in order to derive information on distribution and movement. Captured fish may also be tagged with transmitters that radiate energy, enabling the fish to be tracked and/or environmental data to be gathered. Biochemical analysis of samples from fish, requiring non‐destructive sampling (genetic analysis and scale microchemistry) or destructive sampling (otolith microchemistry) may also provide information on migration and ontogenetic processes. Capture independent techniques include visual observation and video techniques, hydroacoustics and automated fish counting. Catch per unit effort and mark–recapture techniques are most efficient where long‐term fishery or monitoring studies are in place and data on crude spatial and temporal scales are acceptable. They also have the advantages of low technical requirements and low equipment costs. Where specific management or ecological questions are pertinent, recapture independent techniques may be more appropriate. Telemetric methods can provide high resolution information at the individual level, while hydroacoustics is increasingly providing information at the population level in large lake and river environments. Biochemical methods are becoming increasingly useful in determining the extent of population segregation, where DNA analysis is used, and in the study of migration and ontogenetic changes in behaviour, where otolith microchemistry and stable isotope analysis is used.  相似文献   

Fish introductions, particularly in areas of high biological diversity and endemism, represent a major threat for biodiversity. In the Balkan Peninsula, 60 fish species have been introduced to date, of which 36 have become naturalized in inland waters. Since the Balkans are one of the world's 35 biodiversity hot spots, this large presence of alien fish species poses a serious threat for the stability of freshwater ecosystems and the survival of the native ichthyofauna and of aquatic biodiversity in general. The motivation for the introductions, and the historical timeline, varies among the Balkan states. Despite recent attempts to implement and align legislation aimed at preventing the introduction of potentially invasive species, and the implementation of rigorous controls of introductions and increased protection of open waters, the majority of current introductions remain intentional, primarily via aquaculture. This review article provides a historical overview of freshwater fish introductions, the motivation behind them and the current distribution of alien freshwater fishes in the Balkans. The ecological implications and future perspectives concerning alien fish species in the region are also discussed.  相似文献   

  1. Mediterranean climate regions are globally recognized as hotspots of endemism in fishes; however, these unique assemblages are increasingly threatened by human mediated impacts including water abstraction, damming and non‐native species introductions.
  2. The Cape Fold aquatic ecoregion (CFR) of South Africa supports an assemblage of range‐restricted endemic freshwater fishes, the majority of which are conservation priorities because they are under severe threat of extinction. Effective conservation and management are constrained by the lack of readily available information on this imperilled group of fishes because research efforts over the last century have been temporally disjointed and relatively uncoordinated.
  3. This review provides an exhaustive appraisal of published literature on the taxonomy, biogeography, life history, ecology and physiology of freshwater fishes in the CFR, and the human impacts that affect them. Its aim is to direct future research needs for effective management and conservation of this imperilled group.
  4. Only 103 peer‐reviewed articles on CFR fishes were recorded and the majority of available research is on taxonomy and biogeography (40.8%), followed by ecological investigations (22.3%), conservation (19.4%) and human impacts (17.5%).
  5. Despite a plethora of studies on taxonomy and biogeography, recent genetic evidence suggests that fish diversity in the CFR has been severely underestimated and requires urgent attention. Human impacts severely threaten the existence of many native CFR fishes and require further study. Information on the biology and ecology of CFR fishes is limited to studies on selected species; of particular note is the lack of physiological information which is particularly pertinent given projected climate change scenarios.

  1. The Amazon basin hosts the Earth's highest diversity of freshwater fish. Fish species have adapted to the basin's size and seasonal dynamics by displaying a broad range of migratory behaviour, but they are under increasing threats; however, no study to date has assessed threats and conservation of Amazonian migratory fishes.
  2. Here, the available knowledge on the diversity of migratory behaviour in Amazonian fishes is synthesized, including the geographical scales at which they occur, their drivers and timing, and life stage at which they are performed.
  3. Migratory fishes are integral components of Amazonian society. They contribute about 93% (range 77–99%) of the fisheries landings in the basin, amounting to ~US$436 million annually.
  4. These valuable fish populations are mainly threatened by growing trends of overexploitation, deforestation, climate change, and hydroelectric dam development. Most Amazonian migratory fish have key ecological roles as apex predators, ecological engineers, or seed-dispersal species. Reducing their population sizes could induce cascading effects with implications for ecosystem stability and associated services.
  5. Conserving Amazonian migratory fishes requires a broad portfolio of research, management, and conservation actions, within an ecosystem-based management framework at the basin scale. This would require trans-frontier coordination and recognition of the crucial importance of freshwater ecosystems and their connectivity.
  6. Existing areas where fishing is allowed could be coupled with a chain of freshwater protected areas. Management of commercial and subsistence species also needs fisheries activities to be monitored in the Amazonian cities and in the floodplain communities to allow assessments of the status of target species, and the identification of management units or stocks. Ensuring that existing and future fisheries management rules are effective implies the voluntary participation of fishers, which can be achieved by increasing the effectiveness and coverage of adaptive community-based management schemes.

《Journal of fish diseases》2017,40(5):703-715
Freshwater fish farming contributes to more than two‐thirds of global aquaculture production. Parasitic ciliates are one of the largest causes of production loss in freshwater farmed fishes, with species from the genus Chilodonella being particularly problematic. While Chilodonella spp. include ‘free‐living’ fauna, some species are involved in mortality events of fish, particularly in high‐density aquaculture. Indeed, chilodonellosis causes major productivity losses in over 16 species of farmed freshwater fishes in more than 14 countries. Traditionally, Chilodonella species are identified based on morphological features; however, the genus comprises yet uncharacterized cryptic species, which indicates the necessity for molecular diagnostic methods. This review synthesizes current knowledge on the biology, ecology and geographic distribution of harmful Chilodonella spp. and examines pathological signs, diagnostic methods and treatments. Recent advances in molecular diagnostics and the ability to culture Chilodonella spp. in vitro will enable the development of preventative management practices and sustained freshwater fish aquaculture production.  相似文献   

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