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国内外河流生态修复研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着社会的高速发展,人类活动对河流生态系统造成的不利影响逐渐显现,河流生态修复的理念应运而生.介绍国外河流生态修复理念和工程技术的发展历程,20世纪30年代-20世纪50年代是以污水处理和河流水质保护为主的生态修复理论雏形阶段,20世纪50年代-20世纪80年代是以“近自然河道治理工程学”为主要理论基础的生态修复理论形成阶段,20世纪80年代后河流生态修复的重点拓展为河流生态系统恢复,相关修复实践全面展开.阐述我国河流生态修复的现状及实践,自20世纪90年代我国开始河流生态修复技术的探索,目前在水质净化、生态河堤建设、生态景观设计和新材料应用等科研领域取得了大量成果.提出应该从河流特点、生态学过程、河流流域等方面综合考虑,开展河流生态修复研究.  相似文献   

渔业生态系统是整个长江流域生态系统的重要组成部分,对于维持该流域经济、社会的可持续发展和生态战略安全具有重要意义.本文在分析长江流域渔业生态系统变化趋势基础上指出,渔业生态补偿制度是遏制该流域渔业生态系统继续恶化的客观需求及重要制度安排;对于渔业生态系统多功能性及其价值、补偿主体及客体等理论认识的不足、利益相关者众多、制度建设不完善等是在该流域实施渔业生态补偿制度的主要障碍因素.鉴于此,提出了应加强长江流域渔业生态补偿的主体、补偿的客体、补偿的标准、补偿的方式、补偿的资金来源等相关问题的理论研究,并充分关注长江流域渔业生态补偿的特殊要求、确立全局及系统观点,将渔业生态补偿纳入长江流域生态补偿大框架,最终建立以纵向宏观调控为主、以横向市场机制为辅的长江流域渔业生态补偿机制.  相似文献   

苏萌 《水产学报》2015,39(8):1264-1272
考虑到生态系统状态对渔业的重要影响,渔业生态系统方法(Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries,EAF)把对生态的关注加入渔业管理框架中,并以生态系统管理和渔业管理2个理论为基础,扩展了传统渔业管理的框架:以生态系统健康与人类福利的依存关系为基础,关注多物种管理,均衡生态、人文和制度3个维度的目标,实现渔业的可持续发展。本研究介绍了EAF的由来、定义、基本原则以及功能要素,概述了EAF的实践基础和模型构建的技术路径,对比了EAF与EBFM的异同。虽然EAF的理论和实践仍处于完善和发展阶段,但确为渔业管理的发展方向,介绍EAF对促进我国渔业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

工程建设和经济发展通过栖息地均质化、生境碎片化等累积效应对长江生态系统产生深远影响,作为反馈,生物多样性的降低正在危及生态稳定的可持续性和生态系统的服务功能,从而威胁人类自身安全。为实现“碳中和”目标,未来8年内长江上游的水电工程将迎来大规模建设期,由于长江生物多样性密集分布区与水能资源丰富区高度重叠,生态恢复面临的挑战将更加复杂严峻。“生态修复”与“碳中和”是中国的两大可持续发展目标,协同水生态安全与长江经济带绿色发展是近年来政府努力的目标,研究实现途径成为亟待解决的科学问题。本研究通过综述基础生态学、河流工程学、保护生态学、生态恢复动力学等领域在水生生物栖息地修复中的研究进展,提出了实施长江生态系统修复的“连通性恢复(Reconnection)、微生境修复(Restoration)、物种池构建(Rehabitation)、功能性恢复(Recovery)、生态再平衡(Rebalance)”的5R路径,为精准开展全流域、多尺度的科技创新和成果应用提供参考。  相似文献   

太湖苕溪流域河流生态修复体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
太湖苕溪流域河流密布,湖泊众多,随着城市化水平的提高,城镇建设不断与河争地,河流中大量末端河道被封堵或填埋,河流水系自然形态结构受到影响,河流调蓄功能锐减,河流生态系统的健康状况受到严重的威胁,河流生态修复追在眉睫.以河流生态修复理论为基础,就如何建立合理的太湖苕溪流域河流生态修复体系展开研究,以期为区域河流生态修复提供参考依据.  相似文献   

挪威水电开发与生态环境保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
挪威水电开发历史悠久,在长期的发展过程中,积累了丰富的水电开发技术和管理经验,形成了成熟完善的管理制度和法律体系,保障了水电开发科学有序进行.为减缓水电开发对生态环境的不利影响,挪威通过设定严格的环境影响评价和许可论证制度、建立环境保护基金、规定最小河流流量等措施维护河流生态健康,促进了水资源的可持续发展.挪威以本国廉价的水电资源开发促进了高耗能工业的发展,获得了强有力的国际市场竞争能力,为国内经济发展奠定了稳定基础.总结了挪威水电开发过程中生态环境保护方面所取得的经验,以期对我国水电的建设和发展提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

河流生态系统结构功能模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了河流生态系统结构功能模型的研究进展,介绍了多种重要的概念和模型.在此基础上,提出了河流生态系统结构功能整体模型,它是由河流流态-生态结构功能4维连续体模型、水文情势-河流生态过程耦合模型、地貌景观空间异质性-生物群落多样性耦合模型3个子模型组成.整体模型建立了河流流态、水文情势和地貌景观这3大类生境因子与河流生态系统结构功能和生态过程的相关关系,基本上抽象概括了河流生态系统的主要特征.在模型中除了考虑自然力因素以外,还考虑了水利水电工程设施的干扰作用.  相似文献   

基于流域生物资源保护的水库生态调度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
阐述了流域水电开发对流域生物资源的影响途径:通道阻隔、水库淹没、径流调节、水温变化等,探讨了流域水电开发对河流连续性、河道洪枯过程、库区生境等生态功能的影响方式.结合三峡水利枢纽工程实例,针对宜昌断面基于流域生物资源保护的流量要求,建立了以水电站发电效益最大为目标的长期优化调度模型,并采用差分进化法进行优化求解,获得了相应的水电站水库调度出流过程,并在此基础上采取人造洪峰、提高下泄水温等生态修复方式保护流域生物资源.建议水库运行调度应在考虑工程功能的同时,兼顾下游及水库的生态功能,以达到流域水资源开发与保护流域健康的生态系统相协调的目的.  相似文献   

本文分析了国内外采用鱼类完整性评价河流生态系统的方法,提出确定河流生态评价的系统完整性与生物多样性的保护目标;按自然河流受人为因素胁迫产生的问题与结果,将河流分为原始生态河流、次生生态河流、演替生态河流、片断生态河流、人工生态河流、衰竭生态河道等生态类型。研究提出以鱼类为指示生物,综合鱼类物种濒危程度、优势种群残存状况以及关键生境和生境要素情况,确定河流生态评价标准。研究基于2003年呼玛河自然保护区综合考察报告和2014年鱼类与水生态保护调查资料,确定呼玛河为次生生态河流类型,主要特征为指示鱼类种群比较齐全,但处于衰退或濒危状态,优势鱼类种群发生变化,生物多样性已处于普遍性受到胁迫状态,干支流水系和产卵场等关键生境保持完整,污染、非法捕捞、挖沙等零星工程是呼玛河生态胁迫的主要因素。为保护呼玛河生态系统完整性、生物与生态类型多样性,划定了呼玛河保护生态红线,提出了抢救性的保护对策。  相似文献   

本刊讯 为加强长江流域水生生物保护和管理,维护生物多样性,保障流域生态安全,2021年12月21日,农业农村部修订发布《长江水生生物保护管理规定》(中华人民共和国农业农村部令2021年第5号,以下简称"《规定》").该《规定》全面落实《长江保护法》等现行法律要求,重构了长江水生生物保护管理体系.  相似文献   

科学有效地界定河湖水生态系统服务价值评估体系与评估指标,促进河湖水生态的可持续发展、合理制定水资源价格、为河湖水生态系统服务价值评估提供参考,同时也为河湖水资源纳入国民经济核算体系提供借鉴,为绿色经济核算提供有力的依据。从河湖水生态系统服务功能、评估体系和评估方法等方面总结了国内外研究进展,分析了现有河湖水生态系统服务体系和评估方法的优缺点。优化后的河湖水生态系统服务评估体系包括供给服务、调节服务、文化服务和支持服务4大类以及水资源供给、水质净化、科研教育和固碳能力等19项指标,优化了水资源供给、提供水产品、水质净化、防洪减灾、休闲娱乐、生物多样性保护等6个指标的评估方法。下一步要制订GEP核算技术标准,建设市场化、多元化的生态产品交易体系,将水资源开发、利用及保护情况、水资源管理生态环境效益等指标纳入审计范围,建立以水生态系统为整体、以维护河湖生态系统健康为总目标、以定量评判和可操作性为抓手的新的河湖长制考核体系。  相似文献   

董传举  赵镔 《水产学报》2023,47(2):029319-029319
长江流域生物多样性保护在我国生态文明建设战略布局中居于重心地位。但多种因素,尤其是法律规制的长期空位和缺失,导致长江流域生物多样性遭受严重破坏。《长江保护法》作为我国第一部流域专门法,为实现长江流域生态环境高水平保护和社会经济高质量发展提供了法制保障。《长江保护法》在流域生物多样性保护方面注重目标导向,并就搭建全流域统筹协调机制、建立水生生物完整性指数评价体系、构筑生态修复和生态保护补偿制度、开展生物多样性调查与生物资源监测以及深入推进禁渔工作等方面进行了明确规定和系统部署,为我国长江流域生物多样性保护提供了坚实的法律基础。但需指出的是,长江流域生物多样性保护制度构建仍处于探索阶段,生物多样性保护依旧存在配套制度迟滞影响实效、迁地保护作用发挥不突出、多重执法主体造成状态混乱、外来入侵物种防控制度缺位等现实问题。本文针对上述问题,提出加快配套制度和管理体制改革进程、重视迁地与就地双重保护作用、完善长江流域综合执法体系、填补外来入侵物种防控漏洞等完善建议,以期为长江流域生物多样性有效保护和高效管理提供参考。  相似文献   

  • 1. The coral reefs across the international border between Kenya and Tanzania, where historical differences in government policy and socio‐economic conditions created two different management systems, were examined: a large permanent closed area and a collaborative fisheries management project that used gear management and small voluntarily and temporary closed areas, respectively. The diversity and ecology of the reefs in these two management systems were compared spanning a seven‐year period to evaluate the effectiveness of the management and to assess the ecological response to a large‐scale water‐temperature anomaly in 1998.
  • 2. Comparisons of rates of predation on sea urchins and of herbivory, using a seagrass assay, were made along with measures of benthic cover and fish abundance and diversity.
  • 3. The collaborative fisheries management system was successful in increasing fish stocks, reducing erect algae, and maintaining ecological diversity and stability across the thermal anomaly. This management system, however, was not successful in protecting the expected full biodiversity of fish, predation rates on sea urchins, or the sensitive, branching coral species. Management of the fishery also increased fish stocks in the adjacent, large, permanently closed area, compared to Kenyan parks without this management.
  • 4. The large, permanently closed area in the other system maintained high diversity, high predation rates on sea urchins and high herbivory rates, which maintained erect algae abundance and diversity at low levels. The temperature anomaly was destructive to a number of the dominant delicate branching coral species, but overall coral cover and diversity were maintained, although dominance switched from branching Porites spp. to Seriatopora spp. over this period. The large closed area system protected the undisturbed ecology of these reefs and associated ecological processes, and the full diversity of fish and coral, including sensitive species such as branching corals and slow‐growing fish.
  • 5. Collaborative fisheries and large permanent closed area management have different attributes that, when combined, should achieve the multiple purposes of sustainable fisheries, ecosystem functions and protection of fishing‐sensitive species.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fishing impacts and the degradation or loss of habitat structure   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The wider effects of fishing on marine ecosystems have become the focus of growing concern among scientists, fisheries managers and the fishing industry. The present review examines the role of habitat structure and habitat heterogeneity in marine ecosystems, and the effects of fishing (i.e. trawling and dredging) on these two components of habitat complexity. Three examples from New Zealand and Australia are considered, where available evidence suggests that fishing has been associated with the degradation or loss of habitat structure through the removal of large epibenthic organisms, with concomitant effects on fish species which occupy these habitats. With ever-increasing demands on fish-stocks and the need for sustainable use of fisheries resources, new approaches to fisheries management are needed. Fisheries management needs to address the sustainability of fish-stocks while minimizing the direct and indirect impacts of fishing on other components of the ecosystem. Two long-term management tools for mitigating degradation or loss of habitat structure while maintaining healthy sustainable fisheries which are increasingly considered by fisheries scientists and managers are: (1) protective habitat management, which involves the designation of protected marine and coastal areas which are afforded some level of protection from fishing; and (2) habitat restoration, whereby important habitat and ecological functions are restored following the loss of habitat and/or resources. Nevertheless, the protection of marine and coastal areas, and habitat restoration should not be seen as solutions replacing conventional management approaches, but need to be components of an integrated programme of coastal zone and fisheries management. A number of recent international fisheries agreements have specifically identified the need to provide for habitat protection and restoration to ensure long-term sustainability of fisheries. The protection and restoration of habitat are also common components of fisheries management programs under national fisheries law and policy.  相似文献   

The drainage basin, including the coastal zone, may be seen as a large-scale system of interlinked natural resources and ecosystem services which support human activities on land and in the sea. Social and economic activities in the drainage basin have to be consistent with the hydrological and ecological needs for human well-being. Proper attention must also be paid to the impacts of these factors on ecosystems further downstream. A macro-scale ecosystem approach to a basin has to consider: (1) direct uses of water both instream and after extraction when pollutants may be added to the return flow; and (2) indirect use of water for agriculture and forestry where the river may be depleted as a result of evapotranspiration from land surface, crops and trees. Both uses have repercussions on the quantitative flow and quality of water, which may damage water-based instream ecosystem services. The present paper addresses relationships between different types of human intervention in a drainage basin and their consequences. Two analytical models are introduced: (1) a conceptual model which distinguishes between urban and rural water uses, and their respective tools; and (2) a conceptual model for handling spatially ordered land/water use segments subject to different types of interference. Finally, the present paper comments on the need to develop methodologies for cross-disciplinary dialogue, and for balancing water needs, land use and fishery protection.  相似文献   

探讨流域地区生态系统服务价值变化及权衡协同关系,为流域优化土地利用提供科学依据,并为博斯腾湖流域生态系统服务管理优化提供依据。利用1995、2005、2010、2018年4期土地利用类型数据,利用生态系统服务价值表、生态系统服务价值评估模型以及生态系统服务功能权衡协同度(ESTD)模型,评估博斯腾湖流域生态系统服务价值,并分析该流域生态系统服务价值时空变化及权衡协同关系。结果表明:研究区生态系统服务价值总体上呈下降趋势,生态系统服务价值总量由1995年的557.428 ×108元减少到2018年的551.893 ×108元。空间上,生态系统服务价值呈现西南高东北低的特征,较高区域主要分布在中间靠北的山地及南部湖泊,较低区域主要分布在东南部未利用地。权衡协同度模型表明协同关系逐渐成为流域生态系统服务之间的主导关系。土地利用类型变化影响流域内权衡协同情况,应着重处理好流域经济发展与生态保护之间的关系。  相似文献   

董芳  方冬冬  张辉  危起伟 《水产学报》2023,47(2):029318-029318
长江是我国鱼类多样性最高的河流,同时也是我国最重要的淡水渔业资源产区。然而,近几十年来受水域污染、水工程建设、湖泊围垦、航运发展、过度捕捞和外来种入侵等多重因素的影响,长江流域生态系统面临着逐渐衰退的困境,主要表现为鱼类种类数减少、鱼类濒危物种程度加剧、鱼类资源小型化趋势明显、鱼类资源呈衰退趋势和外来物种种类增多等。长江十年禁渔,对恢复长江水生态环境和保护水域生物多样性提供了重要的机遇。作者建议统筹协调长江生态保护与渔业发展的关系,创新流域管理体制与机制,根据长江水生态系统结构与功能变化,适时调整服务目标,其目的旨在实现对长江流域水生态环境的保护和渔业资源的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

海洋渔业资源的可持续开发和利用已成为全球海洋渔业资源管理的重心。预警原则作为一种新颖的环境资源管理手段,其在海洋渔业资源养护方面的有效性已为国际社会所认可。目前,我国海洋渔业资源养护现状不容乐观,而且随着我国与周边国家专属经济区的逐步确定,近海渔业资源管理压力将进一步加大,因而我国有必要在现有海洋渔业资源管理基础上引入预警原则,以扭转我国海洋渔业资源养护不力的状况。  相似文献   

摘要:电解锰行业较聚集的松桃河流域锰污染问题突出,但其水生生态系统的风险尚不明确。本文根据现场调研和监测,了解了松桃河主要藻类的分布和生长情况,并对松桃河的水质指标、底泥和藻类的金属含量进行了研究和数据分析。结果发现:松桃河有藻类聚集生长的区域较少,主要在部分河水流速较缓、周边有居民区的受污染河段发现了附着在河底石块上生长茂盛的水绵属(Spirogyra)和刚毛藻属(Cladophora)丝状藻群落;松桃河水体中的主要污染物为氨氮和锰,流经锰聚集区的河段超标情况明显,丝状藻和底泥的Mn含量均较高且呈现出明显的空间差异,但两者的金属元素含量特征存在明显的差异,丝状藻呈现出对金属离子选择性的累积,特别是对Mn的累积能力较强,同时水绵属丝状藻和刚毛藻属丝状藻也展现出对金属元素累积能力的差异性;丝状藻中的Mn等金属元素主要来自底泥,其次来自河流,丝状藻的锰含量比较综合的反映了河流的锰污染水平和累积情况;松桃河的活体丝状藻对Mn的富集系数达到2.6以上,显示了超强的锰富集和耐受能力,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

  • 1. The history of river conservation has largely focused on preservation of the physical and structural properties of lotic ecosystems in an attempt to ensure safe and potable water supplies for human consumption. Such strategies are increasingly being implemented at the catchment or basin scale.
  • 2. Although these reflect positive developments in the conceptualization of conservation issues pertaining to lotic systems and provide the logical economic, sociological and/or political units for management, we question whether they represent the appropriate scale for the protection of lotic biodiversity and biological processes. We argue that this requires considerations that extend beyond the protection of physical habitat to ensure protection of population processes.
  • 3. Although many species can be successfully conserved using the catchment as the basic management unit, many others cannot. We review evidence from genetic studies of aquatic populations to examine movement in relation to catchments, recognizing that organisms with poor dispersal characteristics during their life cycles exhibit a high degree of genetic structure, whilst organisms with robust dispersal characteristics typically exhibit a homogeneous genetic structure.
  • 4. Species with poor dispersal characteristics are more easily conserved at the catchment level, whereas those with high dispersal characteristics can only be safely conserved at bio‐regional supra‐catchment levels.
  • 5. Modern technological advances aimed at redistributing water from areas with perceived surpluses to those with perceived deficits (inter‐basin water transfers), demonstrated to transfer organisms between historically isolated catchments, pose a potential threat to the conservation of biodiversity by mixing genetically distinct populations and hence altering evolutionary processes and pathways.
  • 6. If our arguments hold, then it appears that conservation authorities need to reappraise the current dominant paradigm of the catchment as the basic unit for conservation and management, and incorporate broader, strategic landscape planning in water resource management.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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