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2006、2007两年从浙江省苍南县引进藻体长为8~10cm的细基江蓠繁枝变种种苗共16t,在海州湾渔场近岸基岩岛屿附近海域开展浅海浮筏式栽培试验,通过采取补苗、挂袋施肥、调整水层、定期洗刷淤泥、清除敌害与附生生物、调整浮绠的长度、安全生产等措施,当年共收获鲜品江蓠580t,销售收入116万元。  相似文献   

江蓠与新对虾、青蟹混养试验   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
细基江蓠繁枝变种与新对虾,青蟹混养试验结果表明:(1)细基江蓠繁枝变种生长的最适温,盐度分别为17-30℃和17-29‰,这一温,盐度范围也适合新对虾和青蟹的生长;鱼塘海水的温,盐度变化与沿海不同,因此,移植野生江蓠到鱼塘养殖时要考虑这一特点。(2)江蓠在不同的生长季节的最适生长水层是不同的。(3)江蓠的主要有效氮是NH4^+,而新对虾,青蟹的排泄物可分解出大量的NH4^+。这样,江蓠与新对虾,青  相似文献   

引进台湾海区生长的粗江篱养殖种苗,在罗源湾岗屿海域,采用浮筏式开展浅海养殖试验。经过一年的养殖生产实践表明,在生产过程中要定期清除沉积在藻体上的浮泥,改善其光合作用条件,季节不同水温变化较大,必须调节养殖水层,一般养殖海区营养盐都不能满足生长需要,故需要定期挂袋追肥,以促使藻体快速生长。对养殖海域的水温、盐度、pH值,光照筹环境因子也进行初步探索。  相似文献   

本文报道了长心卡帕藻在不同海水温度、海水比重、营养盐、栽培水层及栽培密度(棵距)下的生长实验,其结果表明:长心卡帕藻生长的适宜温度为20~35℃,最适宜生长的温度是25~30℃;长心卡帕藻在1.000~1.010的海水比重时不仅没有生长,而且出现藻体发白、变软和腐烂现象,在海水比重为1.015、1.020、1.025、1.030时都有不同程度的生长,在1.020和1.025的海水比重中生长较快;长心卡帕藻在栽培水层为50cm时,生长速度最快,其次为在30cm和70cm的栽培水层,而在10cm和90cm栽培水层中生长速度缓慢;长心卡帕藻在不同栽培密度下的生长速度依次是棵距为:50cm、40cm、30cm、20cm和10cm;在施用6种营养盐中,碳酸氢铵效果最好,硫酸铵、氯化铵和尿素次之,而硝酸钠和硝酸钾效果不明显。  相似文献   

研究了南方藻种脆江蓠移植北方后进行的池塘栽培试验,试验设置了5种不同的脆江蓠池塘栽培模式,重点观测了池塘水温、盐度、pH和光照强度对脆江蓠生长的影响。结果表明,池塘水温的变化和光照强度的强弱对脆江蓠生长影响明显,本试验条件下的盐度和pH变化对脆江蓠生长影响较小。试验显示,水温20~30℃、光照强度<3000lx、64h池水循环1次、池塘水深3m处底播栽培最适宜脆江蓠生长,并且栽培期间定期分苗的藻体生长速率显著高于未定期分苗的藻体。  相似文献   

由台湾引进粗江蓠种,在罗源湾海区采用浮筏式开展养殖试验,对养殖海区的水温、盐度、pH值、光照等环境因子适宜条件,进行初步的探索,并取得阶段性成果。  相似文献   

张起信 《齐鲁渔业》1995,12(3):10-11
海带正常生长所需光照强度为14000-2200Lx,合理受光水层深度基本与海水透明度相当。采用“海带苗绳绑漂技术”,可使海带增42%以上。专家鉴定认为:本技术是海带养殖生产技术上的一项突破,为国内首创。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲沿海池塘健康养殖刺参,池塘水环境的控制技术非常重要。池塘水环境的控制包括水层环境和底栖环境,控制的主要内容为盐度、溶氧和底栖硅藻等饵料生物的生长。如果池水清新,参礁能够得到阳光,底栖硅藻可以光合作用,在生长自身的同时放出氧气,这在春、秋季节很有利于海参生长。但有时池塘浮游植物多,透明度只有50cm左右,参礁几乎不见光线,这时氧气主要靠浮游植物制造,浮游植物制造的氧气主要在水的中上层,  相似文献   

林兴忠 《水产科技》1992,(3):20-20,26
细江蓠学名为细基江蓠繁枝变型(Gracilaria tenuistipitata f Iiui),是生长在潮间带的经济红藻,含胶量为15%,是制造琼胶的主要原料之一。近年来,在大搞开发性农业热潮中,我县利用沿海滩涂及浅水虾池进行细江蓠人工栽培,获得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。1991年全县栽培细江蓠1800亩,其中池塘栽培1050亩,年产干品450吨,  相似文献   

江蓠的人工栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何京 《齐鲁渔业》2004,21(4):13-14
1 生活习性。我国养殖的江蓠属于温带性海藻,一般生长在潮问带或低潮线附近,在风平浪静,潮流通畅,地势平坦,水质肥沃的内湾海区生长尤为旺盛。大多数附在石块、砂、砾、珊瑚及贝壳上。江蓠喜阳光,因此筏式养殖时,在水面附近生长的比水深处生长的好。江蓠对海水密度的适应性较大,但最适密度范围是1.010~1.020kg/m^3。有河水或淡水经常流入的海区,生长很繁盛。  相似文献   

江蓠的光合作用研究——不同光照强度对光合作用的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了用氧电极法测定广东沿海大量生产的细基江蓠、海南岛水池产江蓠、江蓠和海丰产江蓠生态种的光合活性同光强关系的结果。试验结果表明:初夏时,四种江蓠的光补偿点为1000米烛光,光饱和点为4000-7000米烛光;12月和翌年2月,江蓠和细基江蓠的光饱和点为12,000和14,000米烛光。12月和翌年2月两次测定的结果相同,但和初夏时比较相差悬殊。初夏时江蓠的净光合速率较低,12月和翌年2月时较高。1983年初夏时,发现海南岛水池产江蓠分枝的净光合速率大于主枝,这现象在1984年2月对江蓠和细基江蓠的测定中亦得到证实。细基江蓠孢子体顶端部净光合速率大于中部和基部,而中部和基部的净光合速率无明显差异。这些研究结果,为江蓠人工栽培,和江蓠“切割增产”提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Native oyster spat set on scallop shells in a hatchery showed seasonal growth and reached a mean shell length of 78.7 mm, 2 years after being suspended from a raft at North West Bay, Tasmania.Growth varied with suspension depth and to a lesser extent between ropes on the raft. Average dry weight condition index at harvest (115.6) indicated that the oysters were in very good condition although 42.7% died during the 2-year trial.  相似文献   

In Chile the integration of Gracilaria chilensis with salmon culture has shown high potential. Seaweed integrated aquaculture is of great interest as it allows waste recycling within fed cage aquaculture. The development of economically feasible suspended methods of seaweed cultivation is therefore of high importance. Hence, production and performance of two suspended Gracilaria cultivation methods, spore inoculated ropes and ropes with twined field collected seaweed, were studied in open water. The production from spore-seeded ropes was comparable to that of twined ropes for the first month of culture. Thereafter, the twined ropes had a significantly higher productivity. Fish farm wastes had no significant fertilizing effect upon Gracilaria growth rate. In addition, spore-originated thalli and field collected thalli were compared under laboratory conditions and in suspended culture using the same cultivation method. Spore-originated thalli had a 50% lower growth rate than the field collected thalli under laboratory conditions; however, no significant differences were detected in the field. Also, the occurrence of spore coalescence growth enhancement was not significant on the spore-seeded ropes. It was concluded that spore-originated cultivation techniques could be of interest for an integrated open seawater aquaculture system due to the high levels of Gracilaria polymorphism. This would result in greater adaptability to environmental variations, and a continuous supply of restocking material.  相似文献   

Abstract.– The effects of culture rope density (high and low), position (inside, middle. and outside), and depth (1, 3, and 5 m) on growth rates, expressed as mean shell length increase (mm) per day, were quantified in raft-cultured blue mussels Mytilus trossulus in northern Puget Sound during the fall of 1993. Growth rates differed by as much as 20% after the 90-d experimental period, and varied significantly according to culture rope position, but not according to culture rope density or depth. Furthermore, a three-way analysis of variance revealed a significant first-order interaction effect, culture rope density × depth. The significant culture rope position effect was due to the higher growth rate (mean ± SEM) of mussels on outside culture ropes (0.199 ± 0.009 mm/d) compared to inside culture ropes (0.168 ± 0.007 mm/d). The interaction effect was due to the significantly higher growth rates of mussels at I and 3 m (0.197 ± 0.009 and 0.204 ± 0.011 mm/d, respectively) compared to 5 m (0.162 ± 0.014 mm/d) under low culture rope density conditions, and the significantly higher growth rate of mussels at 3 m under low culture rope density conditions (0.204 ± 0.011 mm/d) compared to high culture rope density conditions (0.168 ± 0.012 mm/d). Practical raft management is affected by such variation in growth. Commercial mussel growers may find it necessary to alter their culture methods to insure a more uniform product from seed to harvest.  相似文献   

比较了低CO_2浓度(充无CO_2空气,low CO_2,简称LC)、正常CO_2浓度(充正常空气,normal CO_2,简称NC)、高CO_2浓度(充正常空气+0.2%CO_2,high CO_2,简称HC)3种条件下细基江蓠繁枝变型(Gracilaria tenuistipitata var.liui Zhang et Xia)的特定生长率、光合色素含量、光合放氧速率和叶绿素荧光参数。结果表明:培养6 d后,与NC组相比,LC组细基江蓠繁枝变型特定生长率(SGR)、100μmol·(m~2·s)~(-1)光强净光合放氧速率及PSII最大光量子产率(Fv/Fm)均显著降低(P0.05);类胡萝卜素含量显著增加(P0.05);而藻红素、叶绿素a含量、PSII实际光量子产率(Fv/Fo)、快速光响应曲线初始斜率(α)、最大电子传递效率(ETR_(max))及半饱和光强(I_k)均无显著差异(P0.05)。与NC组相比,HC组细基江蓠繁枝变型的SGR、Fv/Fm及α显著增加(P0.05),藻红素含量显著下降(P0.05),而叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素含量、600μmol·(m~2·s)~(-1)光强净光合放氧速率、Fv/Fo、α、ETR_(max)及I_k均无显著差异(P0.05)。与LC组相比,HC组细基江蓠繁枝变型的100μmol·(m~2·s)~(-1)光强净光合放氧速率、SGR、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、α均显著增加(P0.05),而藻红素、叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素含量却显著下降(P0.05),600μmol·(m~2·s)~(-1)光强净光合放氧速率、ETR_(max)、I_k无显著变化(P0.05)。对于细基江蓠繁枝变型,CO_2浓度升高降低了光合色素含量,同时提高了光系统光能转换效率,而对藻体饱和光强下净光合放氧速率的促进作用不显著。但是CO_2浓度升高却仍然可能通过降低无机碳利用的能量消耗及提高营养盐吸收利用而显著促进藻体的生长。比较不同CO_2浓度下细基江蓠繁枝变型生长和光合特性的差异,有助于初步揭示其对大气CO_2浓度变化的响应特征。  相似文献   

渤、黄、东海海洋初级生产力的遥感估算   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
官文江 《水产学报》2005,29(3):367-372
通过对多年的东海、黄海南部实测海洋初级生产力与环境数据的分析,采用非线性最小二乘法,得到海洋初级生产力的遥感估算模型。利用从2000年1月-12月的SeaWiFS数据反演得到的叶绿素a浓度、透明度、辐照度数据,以及同期的NOAA数据反演得到的海表水温数据,通过该模型,提取出我国海区的海洋初级生产力的时空分布信息。结果表明,在东海、黄海和渤海初级生产力季节变化明显,在东海,最大初级生产力的月份为5月,最小月份为2月。而在黄海和渤海,最大初级生产力的月份为8月,最小月份为2月。在大洋区,初级生产力的季节变化相对较小。与相关的文献资料比较该模型能较好地反映渤、黄、东海的海洋初级生产力的时空分布信息及其变化情况。由于我国海区大部分是二类水体,水光学、水文特性比较复杂,叶绿素浓度等遥感产品的精度有待进一步的提高,叶绿素浓度及其剖面分布估算不准,对整个模式的精度影响很大。同时由于所用的实测数据及其分布区域、时间的限制,以及没有同步数据,对该模型的结果还要经过进一步的检验。  相似文献   

While large grazers can often be excluded effectively from algal aquaculture operations, smaller herbivores such as small crustaceans and gastropods may be more difficult to control. The susceptibility of three Gracilaria species to herbivores was evaluated in multiple-choice experiments with the amphipod Ampithoe ramondi and the crab Acanthonyx lunulatus. Both mesograzers are common along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. When given a choice, the amphipod preferred to consume Gracilaria lemaneiformis significantly more than either G. conferta or G. cornea. The crab, however, consumed equivalent amounts of G. lemaneiformis and G. conferta, but did not consume G. cornea. Organic content of these algae, an important feeding cue for some mesograzers, could not account for these differences. We further assessed the susceptibility of a candidate species for aquaculture, G. lemaneiformis, against local algae, including common epiphytes. When given a choice of four algae, amphipods preferred the green alga Ulva lactuca over Jania rubens. However, consumption of U. lactuca was equivalent to those of G. lemaneiformis and Padina pavonica. In contrast, the crab showed a marked and significant preference for G. lemaneiformis above any of the other three algae offered. Our results suggest that G. cornea is more resistant to herbivory from common mesograzers and that, contrary to expectations, mixed cultures or epiphyte growth on G. lemaneiformis cannot reduce damage to this commercially appealing alga if small herbivores are capable of recruiting into culture ponds. Mixed cultures may be beneficial when culturing other Gracilaria species.  相似文献   

菲律宾蛤仔幼虫食料和食性的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文叙述了菲律宾蛤仔面盘幼虫初期对饵料大小和活动能力有明显选择性。培养时,能及时投放个体小、幼虫生长快的单胞藻为饵料,可缩短幼虫培养周期和使幼虫变态更一致。试验表明,湛江叉鞭金藻、角毛藻和三角褐指藻是幼虫较理想的饵料。  相似文献   

The parasite Mytilicola intestinalis, found in Mytilus edulis, has been studied in the Rías de Galicia, an area of intensive raft cultivation of mussels. Levels of infection have increased since the only previous survey, but a significant effect on condition index was found in only a few samples, and only on one occasion in cultivated mussels. Reproduction of the parasite was continuous throughout the year, but with a slight increase in numbers of embryo-bearing females in the spring and summer. Infestation increased with host size and with the depth from the surface on cultivation ropes.  相似文献   

采用改良后的黑白瓶法测定了蛋白核小球藻和裸甲藻在低温下的光合放氧和呼吸耗氧速率。研究结果表明,低温条件下蛋白核小球藻和裸甲藻仍具有一定的光合放氧能力。在光照度为2100lx,温度为-1℃时,蛋白核小球藻和裸甲藻叶绿素a光合放氧速率分别为(30.78±2.18)μmol/(mg·h)和(11.92±0.97)μmol/(mg·h);呼吸耗氧速率分别为(2.30±1.49)μmol/(mg·h)和(2.34±0.85)μmol/(mg·h)。在-1~4℃,2种单胞藻的净光合放氧速率和呼吸耗氧速率随温度变化的曲线基本相似,均随温度升高呈指数增长,但其增长幅度随种类不同而有较大差异。  相似文献   

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