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In this study, we describe an abnormal ectopically mineralized structure (EMS) that was found inside the skull of a juvenile Sparus aurata that also showed a bilateral opercular deformation. The overall phenotype and tissue composition were studied using micro‐CT scanning and histological analyses. The ectopic structure occupies a large volume of the brain cavity, partially extruding into the gill cavity. It shows a dense mineralization and an extracellular matrix‐rich phenotype, with variation in both the morphology and size of the cell lacunae, combined with an irregular fibre organization inside the matrix. This study is the first to report such an EMS in a juvenile teleost fish, where the tissue does not resemble any other connective tissue type described in bony fish so far. The tissue phenotype seems to rule out that the EMS corresponds to a tumorous cartilage. Yet, it is rather reminiscent of a highly mineralized structure found in cartilaginous fish, where it is suggested to be associated with damage repair.  相似文献   

Opercular anomalies are very frequent in reared gilthead sea bream and these can negatively influence the product value. Field observations have suggested that opercular malformations can recover over time. In order to verify this hypothesis, 140-day-old gilthead sea bream with monolateral opercular anomalies were divided into three groups, according to the type and increasing seriousness of the opercular malformations, and another group was composed of fish with bilateral opercular anomalies. All groups were monitored for 16 months. In the group with monolateral anomalies, the opercular recovery process was documented by morphological (stereomicroscope) and morphometric analysis. For the latter analysis, two relevant areas, A and T, were identified in the cephalic region. The ratio (T - A)/T, tending to 1, represents the recovery index (RI) of anatomical integrity and quantifies the recovery level of opercular complex anomalies. Results suggested that the recovery process was considerable over the 16 months of investigation but should not be considered complete. At the end of the study, 61% of the gilthead sea bream population with monolateral opercular defects recovered external integrity, whereas the population with bilateral defects showed a poorer recovery capability.  相似文献   

Ozone (O3) dissolved in seawater (ODS) was evaluated, as an egg disinfectant, on the spawn of captive gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, brood stock. Four contact times (CT) were tested (0.6, 1.2, 2.4 and 4.8 mg min L−1) where CT was calculated by multiplying the dissolved O3 concentration (0.3 mg L−1) by different exposure periods (2, 4, 8, 16 min). There was also a disinfected seawater treatment that contained no O3 or derived compounds (CT 0) and an untreated seawater control. All ODS treatments reduced egg surface bacterial counts to zero, which was significantly (P<0.05) lower than the CT 0 and the control groups (194 and 1320 plate−1 respectively). Nevertheless, the hatching rate was high in the control and the CT treatments 0, 0.6 and 1.2 (88.7%, 87.3%, 89.5% and 83.7% respectively) while eggs exposed to a CT 2.4 and 4.8 hatched poorly (36.5% and 20.4% respectively), which was likely due, at least in part, to larvae unable to break the egg chorion successfully. Swim‐bladder inflation was significantly higher in the ODS groups (>97%) compared with the control and CT 0 treatments (ca. 70%). The results suggest that a 2‐min exposure of eggs to 0.3 mg O3 L−1 of ODS (CT 0.6) would improve current protocols in marine larviculture.  相似文献   

Seabream (Sparus aurata) production is growing in theMediterranean and the evaluation of its quality concerns both producers andconsumers alike. In this area, most of the sea bream culture is carried out incages but there is also production in land-based facilities. The culturesystem,and specifically its degree of intensity, greatly influences final productquality, through management during production, harvest and marketing processes.In this respect, land-based technology is more likely to affect final quality,both in a positive and in a negative way. In the present work the effects onseabream (Sparus aurata) of three inland culture systems arestudied. The quality of wild fish is also studied and taken as standard becauseit is the quality better known to the consumers. Different aspects related tobiometry, sensorial evaluation, degree of freshness (pH and water holdingcapacity) and chemical composition of muscle are assessed. The influence ofpost-harvest management on the sensorial quality of cultured and fishery caughtfish is also studied when they arrive at the market. According to the resultsall parameters, i.e. sensorial, freshness and biometric measures, show somesignificant differences according to the culture system. A super-intensiveculture system significantly affects the appearance of the fish, producing morecompact fish without the characteristic colour pattern of the species. Thefish cultured in two different semi-intensive systems show more similaritieswith the wild fish, both in colour and appearance. Some differences in thefreshness indices are also found, with the super-intensive cultured fish theones showing the lowest results. When evaluating the influence of post-harvestmanagement on semi-intensive cultured fish and wild fish, all freshness indicesexcept gills are affected, but both groups of fish tolerate the process in asimilar way.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of oxolinic acid in gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the first study on the pharmacokinetic parameters of oxolinic acid (OA) in gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L. The kinetic profile of OA was studied after a single intravascular injection (20 mg kg−1) in 100 g fish at 20 °C. The distribution half-life ( t 1/2α) and the elimination half-life ( t 1/2β) of the drug were found to be short (0.51 and 12.60 h, respectively). The drug penetration from the plasma to the tissues was adequate as the apparent volume of distribution of the drug at steady-state ( V d(ss)) was found to be 2.11 L kg−1. The mean residence time ( MRT ) of OA was short (14.25 h) and the total clearance rate ( Cl T) of the drug was low (0.15 L kg−1 h−1). The bioavailability ( F %) of OA following oral administration (30 mg kg−1) was also low (14%). Maximum values were observed for muscle at 0.5 h after injection, with levels declining as with subsequent sampling. At the first two time points (0.5 and 1 h) plasma levels of OA were higher than muscle, however, the reverse was evident for subsequent samples. Following oral administration, highest muscle levels were found at 16 h and, with the exception of the 24-h sampling, muscle OA concentrations were higher than plasma at all time points. The fast elimination of OA suggests short withdrawal times with reference to human consumption of treated fish.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the influence of dietary phospholipid (PL) levels on survival and development of first feeding gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Larvae were fed from day 4 to 23 posthatching with an isoproteic and isolipidic formulated diet with graded levels of PL from 90–150 g kg?1 dry matter (DM). A dietary PL content of more than 90 g kg?1 DM seems to be necessary for sustaining growth of first feeding sea bream larvae. The survival rates of larvae fed the formulated diets (31–40% at day 23) were similar to those generally observed in marine aquaculture hatcheries with live prey feeding sequence. However, this high survival rate was not associated with high growth and the larvae showed, at the end of the study, a high proportion of individuals with abnormal liver and calculi in the urinary bladder. It is concluded that although the diets used here cannot be used in total replacement of live preys, they constitute a solid starting point for further nutritional studies with first feeding gilthead sea bream larvae.  相似文献   

Juvenile gilthead sea bream with a mean initial body weight of 5 g were fed for 12 weeks with experimental diets containing 10% and 20% fishmeal protein (sole protein source in the control diet) replaced by processed pea seed meals. The processed pea seed meals were dehulled, defibred, extruded and microground pea seed meal (PSM1) or whole pea treated by infrared radiation and ground (PSM2). Apparent digestibility coefficients of the experimental diets were determined in a separate trial. At the end of the growth trial there were no significant differences in growth performance, feed utilization or whole-body composition among experimental groups. There were no differences in apparent protein digestibility among experimental groups (except for fish fed PSM1 at the lowest inclusion level). Both dry matter and energy digestibility of the diets, including PSM2 and with the highest inclusion level of PSM1, were significantly lower than those of the control diet. The results of this study suggest that pea seed meal may replace up to 20% fishmeal protein in diets for gilthead sea bream juveniles without affecting fish performance. Further studies should focus on technological treatments to increase utilization of pea seed meal carbohydrate, as both apparent dry matter and energy digestibility were affected by dietary inclusion level and by pea seed meal processing method.  相似文献   

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