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姜礼燔  朱伟 《内陆水产》2007,32(4):31-31
小瓜虫病是我国淡水养殖中最常见的体表寄生虫病之一,其病原为纤毛类原虫之膜口亚目、凹口科、小瓜虫属的多子小瓜虫。此虫流行广,遍及全国各地水域。流行期全年皆可出现,尤其在水温低于20℃时,它以胞囊方式寄生为主。  相似文献   

邓永强  黄小丽 《水利渔业》2005,25(4):90-91,109
小瓜虫病是淡水鱼类和观赏鱼类的一种常见寄生虫病。鱼感染小瓜虫后,在血清和体表黏液中产生抗体,这种抗体主要是鱼受到小瓜虫体细胞表面膜蛋白的刺激,通过血液和体表黏液中淋巴细胞产生出来的,以阻止小瓜虫的运动并杀死虫体。目前还没有正式用于生产的小瓜虫疫苗,但实验室疫苗已研制成功,包括经冷冻和福尔马林处理后的死疫苗、小瓜虫活疫茁以及小瓜虫基因疫苗等。综述了,多年来小瓜虫病的免疫研究概况、鱼类对小瓜虫免疫反应类型、反应机制以及抗小瓜虫疫苗等。  相似文献   

孙硕 《中国水产》2010,(11):51-52
<正>小瓜虫病是淡水鱼类普遍流行的一种寄生虫性原虫病,在所有的淡水养殖鱼类中都有发生,常引起鱼苗鱼种大批死亡,给养殖生产造成惨重经济损失。淡水小瓜虫病的病原是多子小瓜虫,因为病鱼体表或鳃上呈现白色小点病变,故又称"白点病"。该病对淡水养殖  相似文献   

2008年农业部兽医局委托动物流行病学中组织专家编写动物疲病释义,为便于解读水生动物的疫病,本刊现将《一、二、三类动物疫病病种名录》中水生动物疫病种类的分类及各病的释义分期进行刊登。  相似文献   

对鲶苗(种)的肤孢虫病与小瓜虫病作了比较研究。结果表明:小瓜虫仅在鲶体表形成孢囊,而肤孢虫则可深入皮下及肌间组织,并伴有明显的出血症状。  相似文献   

匙吻鲟小瓜虫病的观察与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匙吻鲟Polyodonspathula隶属于匙吻鲟科Polyodon tidae,主要分布于美洲北部,我国从1990年开始从美国引进。通过10多年的引进与推广,在受精卵孵化、仔鱼培育、苗种培育等方面取得一定的进展,不少地方已开展了人工养殖。但在匙吻鲟苗种培育过程中,有些地方发生了小瓜虫病,致使苗种大量死亡,造成严重损失。现将我们1998年和2000年进行的小瓜虫病的观察与防治总结如下。1 基本情况匙吻鲟苗种系从美国引进受精卵,在实验室内经孵化、仔幼鱼培育而成。养殖容器为长方形(90cm×50cm×70cm)和圆形(直径135c…  相似文献   

金鳟幼鱼小瓜虫病治疗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多子小瓜虫病又称白点病。治疗小瓜虫病单纯使用福尔马林杀体表的虫体效果不理想;辣椒和生姜合剂以及中草药等对小瓜虫的效果又太缓慢;福尔马林、盐和瓜虫灵按一定比例混合后杀灭小瓜虫的效果较好。  相似文献   

小瓜虫病是全球性淡水鱼类普遍流行的一种常见疾病,在我国传统和名优养殖鱼类中时有发生,并易引起大批死亡,造成经济损失惨重。 一、病原 为多子小瓜虫(Ichthyo-phthirius multifiliis)。寄生于鱼的皮肤、鳍条和鳃等部位。成虫球形,个体较大,大小为(0.3~0.8)毫米×(0.3~0.5)毫米,全身密布短而均匀的纤毛,体上有纵向纤毛线,前端腹面有一近似圆形胞口,并有大、小核,大  相似文献   

小瓜虫病是淡水养殖常见的寄生虫病,尤其以水质清瘦、养殖密度高的环境下发生最为严重,广泛危害淡水养殖品种的苗种和成鱼.目前,小瓜虫病的病原种类被认为只有1种,即多子小瓜虫(Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fou-quet,1876);不同地区和养殖品种感染的虫株间可能存在一定的血清和遗传多样性.  相似文献   

小瓜虫是一种严重危害食用鱼和观赏鱼养殖的寄生虫,国外鱼病工作者非常重视小瓜虫病的研究。本文作者搜索了大量的文献,对国外小瓜虫病的药物治疗、感染机理、体外培养、免疫反应及疫苗试验等方面的研究动态作扼要介绍。  相似文献   

多子小瓜虫(Ichthyophthirius multifilis)是淡水寄生性原生动物,分布广泛,对寄主无严格选择性,几乎能感染所有的淡水鱼类,常常给水产养殖业和观赏鱼业造成极大的损失,因此小瓜虫病一直是全球研究的热点。目前,针对小瓜虫病的研究大多从治疗方法上入手,而忽视了对多子小瓜虫的基础研究,本文就多子小瓜虫的生态特性、病理学特征与致病机理研究进展作一综述分析,旨在为国内小瓜虫病的研究提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

在进行翘嘴红鱼白鱼苗铒料配方的筛选实验中 ,实验鱼感染了小瓜虫 ,分别采用如下方法进行治疗 :1 .5ppm的亚甲蓝浸泡 4天 ;2 .3%的食盐溶液浸泡 3min ;3 .0 5ppm的福尔马林溶液浸泡 3min。 4 .0 1ppm的硝酸亚汞溶液长期浸泡 (1星期以上)。结果为 :亚甲蓝浸泡 4天 ,患病鱼无好转 ,第 3天开始逐渐死亡 ,4天内全部死亡 ;用食盐和福尔马林溶液浸泡 3min,患病鱼即全部死亡。对用以上 3种药物处理后的鱼体进行镜检 ,发现鱼体上的小瓜虫体无明显减少。用硝酸亚汞浸泡的鱼 ,治疗期间死亡 2尾 ,镜检鱼体上无虫体。结论是 :患小瓜虫病的翘嘴红鱼白 ,不宜用亚甲蓝、食盐或福尔马林 ,采用 0 1ppm的硝酸亚汞溶液长期浸泡较为有效  相似文献   

用硫酸铜防治鱼类小瓜虫病的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对硫酸铜防治小瓜虫病的效果众说不一。有人认为,用硫酸铜杀灭小瓜虫不但无效,反而促使其繁殖。作者认为,造成这种情况的主要原因是用药量未达到小瓜虫的致死浓度(Min.LC88≥0.288mgCu++L-1),其次是硫酸铜的药物浓度往往受到环境(水的温度、硬度、pH值、有机物含量)的影响,从而导致药效减弱。因此,在实际使用时须作必要的计算,以求得合理的用药量。采用螯合铜或复配增效剂是提高铜盐杀虫效果的好办法  相似文献   


Fingerling channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus were exposed to Ichthyophthirius multifiliis-infested fish until immature trophonts developed. The fish were transferred to individual static fiberglass tanks filled with 600 L of pond water (total alkalinity and total hardness was 220 mg/L and 101 mg/L, respectively) and were treated with 0, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, or 4.4 mg/L copper sulfate (CuSO4 · 5H2O) every other day for four treatments to evaluate its effectiveness to control mortality associated with ichthyophthiriasis. Water temperature was maintained at 18 ± 1°C. Fish were observed for ten days post-treatment and mortalities were recorded. Results indicate that half of the recommended dose (1.1 mg/L CuSO4) is needed to effectively control an occurrence of ichthyophthiriasis under the conditions of this study. However, fish culturists should be aware that effective CuSO4 treatment of ichthyophthiriasis on channel catfish raised in ponds may be influenced by water chemistry characteristics and suspended materials such as pond sediments.  相似文献   

Abstract. The host-parasite relationship between O-group carp and the ciliatc Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet was investigated, with the specific aim of characterizing the fate of parasites encountering immunized fish. Carp were immunized by repeated controlled infections; immunized fish and control fish naive to I. multifiliis were then infected in the caudal fin epidermis by a single controlled exposure to theronts, which were applied in a droplet suspension to the tail surface. The number of parasites present within the caudal fin was monitored over a subsequent 5-day period by means of in situ parasite mapping. Results indicated that, contrary to previous reports, theronts penetrated the skin of immunized fish in numbers comparable to those of fish receiving a primary infection. However, the majority of parasites which penetrated immune skin did not complete normal development; 79% of the parasites which had initially penetrated the immune skin were not relocated within 2h of exposure, and since no parasite material was detected at penetration sites, it was concluded that these parasites had prematurely exited the skin rather than been killed in situ. Subsequently, these sites became populated by leucocytes, predominantly macrophages, and the infiltrations continued for up to 5 days after the initial exposure. In contrast, at sites where mature trophonts had exited the skin of fish following a primary infection, more diffuse leucocytic infiltrations were recorded, and these were predominated by neutrophils. Differences in the response to parasite exit from immunized and previously unexposed control fish skin are discussed, with particular reference to the mode of protection and the fate of parasites encountering immune fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. The occurrence of the ciliated protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis on Atlantic salmon yearlings at a hatchery in northern Finland is described. During August 1978 a severe epizootic occurred in two earth ponds resulting in mortality of over 50%. Water temperature at this time was about 15°C. Fish were treated with a 1:4000 formalin bath administered every 3 days. Parasites disappeared from the fish by October after which they were refractory to further infection. The parasite occurred in other stocks in 1979 but was successfully controlled with formalin. Some aspects of the ecology of I, multifiliis are discussed.  相似文献   

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