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Over 3 years, 32,444 age‐0 group Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr tagged with passive integrated transponder tags throughout the River Frome catchment were assigned to one of three groups, nonmigrants, autumn migrants and spring smolts, depending on the detection and the timing of detection at downstream tag readers (situated 8.6 km above the tidal limit). We examined the effect of density at the time of tagging (n·m?2), distance upstream from the tidal limit (km), fish length (mm), Fulton condition index, habitat type (divided into two types, main river and carrier), days after 1 September that each fish was tagged and year (replication) on the proportions of fish in each of the migration groups. Distance upstream from tidal limit was strongly negatively related to the proportion of autumn migrants and positively related to the proportion of spring smolts. Nonmigrants had a lower average body size than migrants, although there were no differences in the sizes of autumn migrants and spring smolts in September prior to migration. Fish density had no effect on migration strategy. A lower proportion of fish migrated as autumn migrants from the smaller carrier habitats than the main river channel. There is some evidence that those parr destined to become autumn migrants underwent a lower mortality rate during September before tagging than those destined to become spring migrants indicating possible physiological or behavioural differences between these two groups of fish at that time. More research into the factors responsible for initiating the autumn migration is required.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated that juvenile (glass) eels used a specific substrate (eel tiles) to circumvent a model Crump weir under an experimental setting. Upstream passage efficiency was 0 and 67% for the unmodified (no studded eel tiles on the downstream face; control) and modified (with studded eel tiles on the downstream face; treatment) set‐ups, respectively, and was greater for a small (59%) compared to large (41%) stud configuration. Eels were active and motivated to ascend the weir during both control and treatment set‐ups. Approach and attempt rates were elevated during the first few minutes of the treatment compared to control trials. Eels were edge‐oriented under both set‐ups and ascended the weir through the tiles during single burst swimming events (reaching estimated speeds of 68.5 cm·s−1). Eel tiles may provide a cost‐effective solution for mitigating impacts of anthropogenic barriers to juvenile eel migration. Further research is required to determine passage efficiencies under higher flows, for a greater size range of eel, and for other migratory anguilliform fish (e.g. lamprey, Lampretra spp. and Petromyzon marinus L.). The performance of eel tiles should be validated through robust field studies.  相似文献   

  • 1. The purpose of this report is to determine the concentrations of tributyltin in sediments that would be protective against adverse effects on prey species of salmonids listed under the US Endangered Species Act.
  • 2. Two approaches for determining adverse sediment concentrations due to tributyltin (TBT) contamination are presented here. The first is the equilibrium partitioning (EqP) approach, which relies on a sediment‐water partition coefficient and toxicological data for water exposures. The EqP approach utilizes the large water quality database that has been generated over the last two decades for TBT and provides strong evidence for adverse effects at low exposure concentrations.
  • 3. The second approach involves determination of a TBT tissue residue that is considered harmful for most species, which is then used to predict the sediment concentration that would likely produce this adverse tissue concentration.
  • 4. Both approaches are presented here because they generally support each other but based on the information presented below, and the inherent difficulty in measuring porewater concentrations, the tissue residue approach is the recommended method for determining adverse sediment concentrations.
  • 5. Using this analysis, the protective sediment concentration for TBT proposed here is 6000 ng g?1organic carbon. Direct effects are not expected on salmonids at this sediment concentration because of their relatively short residence time in the estuary, general lack of interaction with sediment, and relatively high metabolic capacity. This concentration may ensure adequate abundance of salmonid prey species; however, it may not be low enough for the protection of sensitive benthic species.
Published in 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Electronic tagging provides unprecedented information on the habitat use and behaviour of highly migratory marine predators, but few analyses have developed quantitative links between animal behaviour and their oceanographic context. In this paper we use archival tag data from juvenile southern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus maccoyii , SBT) to (i) develop a novel approach characterising the oceanographic habitats used throughout an annual migration cycle on the basis of water column structure (i.e., temperature-at-depth data from tags), and (ii) model how the vertical behaviour of SBT altered in relation to habitat type and other factors. Using this approach, we identified eight habitat types occupied by juvenile SBT between the southern margin of the subtropical gyre and the northern edge of the Subantarctic Front in the south Indian Ocean. Although a high degree of variability was evident both within and between fish, mixed-effect models identified consistent behavioural responses to habitat, lunar phase, migration status and diel period. Our results indicate SBT do not act to maintain preferred depth or temperature ranges, but rather show highly plastic behaviours in response to changes in their environment. This plasticity is discussed in terms of the potential proximate causes (physiological, ecological) and with reference to the challenges posed for habitat-based standardisation of fishery data used in stock assessments.  相似文献   

  • 1. Under the Endangered Species Act, the National Marine Fisheries Service has authority to protect listed species from any adverse actions that may jeopardize the population's ability to recover and increase to sustainable levels. Listed salmon species in the northwest United States are known to travel through urban areas in their migration from river to ocean. Species such as the chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) often spend several weeks in these urban estuaries where they can be highly exposed to urban‐related contaminants that reside in the sediments and accumulate in their prey species. The concern is that these contaminants are bioaccumulated to levels that may impact the ability of individual salmon to grow and mature normally. This paper provides a framework for determining the tissue and sediment concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that are likely protective against adverse effects in listed salmonid species.
  • 2. The relevant ecotoxicological literature was examined and 15 studies were selected that met the pre‐established criteria outlined here. For each study, the lowest tissue concentration (residue) of total PCBs associated with a biological response was selected. The tissue concentration associated with the 10th percentile of these 15 studies was chosen to represent the residue effect threshold (RET) above which wild juvenile salmonids would be expected to exhibit adverse sublethal effects from accumulated PCBs. This value (2.4 μg PCBs g?1 lipid) is expressed in terms of the lipid‐normalized concentration because of the large effect lipid can have on the expressed toxicity and the substantial variability in lipid content observed in salmonids over their life cycle.
  • 3. A sediment concentration that is expected to produce the RET was then determined using the biota‐sediment accumulation factor approach. The sediment effect threshold, which varies with the total organic carbon content in sediment, is the level above which adverse effects may be expected in juvenile salmonids due to accumulation of PCBs from environmental exposure. Bioaccumulation of PCBs was examined in one river system as a model for determining an appropriate bioaccumulation factor for wild juvenile chinook salmon.
  • 4. Evaluation of exposure to potentially deleterious concentrations of PCBs based on tissue residues is the preferred approach; however, the sediment effect threshold may also be used in cases where bioaccumulation has been characterized in an estuary. The threshold values presented here are intended as interim guidelines that should be modified as more data become available. Additionally, because of the uncertainty around many of the factors and assumptions that comprise the single threshold effect values, it is recommended that future studies be employed to help determine a range of acceptable values that would afford protection under various environmental and biological conditions.
Published in 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The European eel, Anguilla anguilla, is a catadromous and migratory species of commercial importance. Its complex life cycle results in its exposure to many risk factors, which have resulted in stock declines across all life stages since the 1970s.
  2. The temporal recruitment dynamics of juvenile eels (glass eels and elvers) were investigated in a small Mediterranean estuary (Sardinia, Italy). The composition of the population and the monthly and seasonal variations in the abundances of juvenile eels was assessed over 78 sampling events (from February 2017 to February 2018). Furthermore, the effects of abiotic variables on the abundances of glass eels and elvers were investigated using generalized additive models (GAMs).
  3. Glass eels had the greatest abundance during the winter months, whereas elvers had the greatest abundance during spring. Modelling revealed that the abundance of glass eels was mostly explained by the combined effects of water temperature (12.3–14.5 °C), tidal coefficient (40–110 cm), moon phase, season, and river mouth condition, whereas the abundance of elvers was associated with water temperature (14–21 °C), dissolved oxygen content (>7 mg/L), and season. These results suggest that the annual recruitment of juvenile eels occurs throughout the year, with clear seasonal migration dynamics.
  4. The use of multiple statistical approaches allowed us to identify the importance of several environmental variables in regulating the recruitment dynamics, providing useful information for conserving eel stocks through the restoration of the natural flow regime and the connectivity between freshwater habitats and the sea.

Abstract – This article extends the logic of a habitat selection model (Hughes, Ecology , 1998) to make predictions about the way body size will influence the probability that fish will make a long distance interannual movement, from the feeding position it occupies in one summer to the position it occupies the next. The model predicts that the probability of this kind of movement will fall as fish grow and reach zero for the largest fish in the population. I tested these predictions using data on Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus in the lower 140 km of a 260-km-long interior Alaskan river. Both predictions of the model were well supported by the data. As expected, the probability a fish will make a long-distance interannual movement decreased with fish size, and the largest fish in the population had a movement probability of zero. NOTE  相似文献   

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