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1材料与方法1.1育苗海水的处理育苗用海水在大潮期间纳水,沉淀池在育苗前用漂白粉彻底消毒,沉淀池水深在2.5 m左右,沉淀池分一级沉淀池2.67 hm~2(40亩),二级沉淀池0.87 hm~2(13亩),三级沉淀池0.33 hm~2(5亩),育苗用水在三级沉淀池经砂滤处理后进入室内,室内进水口处用300目筛绢网扎口过滤后进人池内。同时用EDTA二钠2~3mg,L处理水中重金属离子。  相似文献   

以原淡、海水浮游生物网为原型,根据其使用中存在的优势与不足,设计了一种采集1个水柱水样浮游生物定性定量采集器。它由网门、网具、集水3部分组成,全长141cm,网口有效进水直径37cm,面积0.1m^2,过滤网为正锥形,用筛绢制作,用于过滤浮游生物;过滤后浓缩的水样可用作浮游生物定性定量分析。它既能用于查明浮游生物的分布水层,又可直接称取1个水柱浮游生物的生物量,以便直接用于鱼产潜力评估。经过2004-2005年使用,查明和取得千岛湖各水层浮游生物的种类组成和浮游动物的重量。  相似文献   

黄富钦 《科学养鱼》2000,(12):30-30
漳州市水技站在 1997~ 1999年采用浓缩海水兑淡养殖斑节对虾、刀额新对虾获得成功的基础上,今年又推广了浓缩海水兑淡养殖南美白对虾的技术,推广养殖面积 350亩,最高产量达 200多公斤,平均亩产量 100多公斤,亩产值 7000多元,亩纯利 3000多元。现将主要方法和技术介绍如下:   一、池塘条件   1.池塘选择:池塘应选择长方形,面积以 3~ 5亩为宜,泥沙底质,保水性能好,水深 1.3~ 1.8米,水质无污染,进水口设 60目筛绢网过滤,严防敌害生物进入。   2.池塘准备:①清塘消毒:老池塘应清除塘内沉积淤泥,充分曝晒池底,并用…  相似文献   

日本某研究所用循环式水槽高密度养殖牙鲆获得成功。试验装置有热泵、80升的海水养殖槽、水质净化循环槽,各装置间由管路相接,水温保持在20℃,饲育水边净化边循环。试验用鱼体长约20cm、重300g的两龄鱼,夏季也不换水,未发现病情,养殖密度达到60kg/m^2,经7个月养殖,  相似文献   

李明锋 《内陆水产》1997,22(8):20-20
3青虾的养殖技术3·1池塘养殖青虾3·1·1池塘条件一般成鱼池和鱼种地均可养青虾,要求地塘里长方形,面积0.33—1hm2,水深1.5-2m,池塘埂坡比1。3,不渗漏,要有充足、良好的水源。池底淤泥维持在20-30cm,池底中间开一条集虾沟,宽3-4m,向排水口倾斜,浅水处深20cm,排水口深40cm,便于下塘时捕虾。放养前10d用生石灰消毒,每667m2用生石灰75kg化水全池泼洒。清塘后向池塘注水50-70cm,注入水一定要经过40目筛绢网过滤,严防野杂鱼虾进入池中。放养前一星期施大型浮游动物和底栖生物作虾苗早期饵料。为便于青虾栖息、蜕皮时有隐蔽…  相似文献   

一、材料和方法1.夏花鱼种来源试验用的翘嘴红夏花鱼种由湖州南太湖农业生物工程技术研究所鱼苗繁育基地自繁自育,规格3~5厘米/尾,体质健壮,活力强。2.培育池塘条件试验池塘为普通的养鱼池塘,面积650~1500米2,水深1.2米,放养鱼种前按常规方法用生石灰清塘消毒。鱼池水源水质较好,进排水方便,进水口用60目筛绢过滤,以防止敌害生物或杂鱼侵入。3.培育方法及鱼种放养翘嘴红大规格冬片鱼种的培育方法采用专养方式,鱼种放养紧接夏花鱼种出池进行,为2002年7月25~28日,具体放养情况见表1。表1培育…  相似文献   

刺参人工育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1育苗设施6立方米水体的水泥地两个;1立方米水体的玻璃钢水槽12个.其规格为:上口1.2米×1米.下底1米×0.8米.高1米;4万毫升的白瓷盆两只;环形冲气机一台(0.9千瓦);黑暗沉淀池两个,共100立方米;磨浆机一台;参苗附着基若干。育苗用水经沉淀5天以上,由120~156目筛绢过滤使用。单细胞藻类培育用水经陶瓷过滤器过滤后使用。2亲参的采捕与暂养1986年6月7日在连云港前王岛海区来捕9头。当时海区水温22℃。运回时排脏一头.其余8头暂养于水泥地内.后移人瓷盆中暂养。其中两头萎缩,可能是在海区产空。1987年5月28日从前三岛采捕35…  相似文献   

一年两茬在池塘中主养青虾,配放适量肥水鱼,经科学管理,亩鱼池可产青虾肥一100kg,比原单一养鱼亩增收600~800元。现将养殖技术简述如下。1虾池条件面积2-5亩,水深1.2-1.5米。虾池长宽比2-3:1,池埂坡比1:3-4o池底淤泥0.15米左右为好。中央开宽1米,深0.5米虾沟1条,并在排水口处挖面积10平方米深0.8米的集虾坑。池内配增氧机一台。当池塘清整消毒后尽早在四周种(移)植水草,其面积占总面积25%左右。进水口用80目过滤筛绢封牢,排水口用双层防逃装置。2放养前准备放养前15天,虾池必须干地用2XIc-6-3X10’五氯酚钠或…  相似文献   

网箱真空活鱼起捕机的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用真空负压原理,利用负压抽吸与零压排放交替起捕的方法,研制了由真空泵、耐压集鱼罐和全自动控制电路等组成的网箱活鱼起捕机。起捕试验结果表明,在1:1的鱼水比例时,该机的活鱼起捕量可达(15~20)t/h,且对鱼体无伤害,其设备技术性能稳定可靠、自动化程度高,可广泛应用于网箱养殖生产。  相似文献   

通过对帆式我模型水池试验,研究了帆式张网网中部分网衣结构对网具性能的影响。试验表明:(1)背腹网网口网农弧形剪后,背腹网网衣受力均匀程度明显改善,网具阻力平均下降3.5%,网口垂直扩张平均增加4.7%,水平扩张平均增加7.2%。(2)背腹、侧网网口网衣剪成弧形后,网具阻力平均下降24.2%。水平扩张低速时有所下降,但高速时开始增加,平均增幅为3.5%,侧网网口网衣弧形剪对网口垂直扩张影响不大。  相似文献   

桁拖网作业中鱼虾分隔的初步试验研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
孙满昌  姚来富 《海洋渔业》1998,20(3):111-115
1996年末,我们在浙江渔场进行了桁拖网作业的鱼虾分隔试验,如同我们过去对这类渔具所作的放大网目以释放鱼、虾幼体;伸长吊纲,提高网口以增加对三疣梭子蟹的捕捞产量(季星辉等,1984)一样,本次试验也是这类网具选择性研究的内容之一,目标是改善桁拖网的选择性。在提高这种作业经济效益的同时,充分兼顾保护渔业资源和海洋生态环境的社会效益。 试验工作是在现有多囊捕虾桁拖网上,选择其中一个囊网,用一片目大为100mm的网片进行分隔,使鱼进入原囊网下方增设的盛鱼囊袋,而虾因其遇惊会弹跳的习性,穿过分隔网片进入原囊网。实践证明,分隔的效果是明显的,虾的分隔率达到55~68%,鱼的分隔率达到95%。现有的试验是初步的,我们将创造条件继续下去。  相似文献   

Water quality and phytoplankton communities were studied in 20 intensive shrimp culture ponds and in the inlet and drainage canals at Kung Krabaen Bay, Eastern Thailand during the first shrimp crop of 1992. The grow-out ponds were categorized into two groups: low stocking density (<60 PL/m2) and high stocking density (>60 PL/m2). The results showed that there were no significant differences in water quality between the two stocking density groups. Phytoplankton collected using a 60-μm mesh net consisted of 79 genera with concentrations ranging from 1,822 to 72,527 cells/L from the first month up to the time of shrimp harvesting. Water quality deteriorated in high and low stocking density shrimp ponds, which had an influence on abundance and diversity of net phytoplankton communities. Biochemical oxygen demand and ammonia-nitrogen were most closely related to abundance of net phytoplankton communities during the shrimp grow-out period. Salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen appeared to play an important role in phytoplankton community variation in inlet and drainage canals. Phytoplankton community structure in drainage canals showed more variation than in ponds. The management implications of the results and recommendations for further studies are also considered.  相似文献   

针对中国对虾育苗用水处理关键技术,结合育苗生产单位实际条件,设计3种不同育苗用水处理模式:(1)天然海水三级沉淀净化(简称肥水),(2)沉淀海水再消毒砂滤净化(筒称清水),(3)高盐水兑淡水,应用产卵高峰同批优质受精卵开展育苗对比实验研究.结果表明:清水育苗效果最好,肥水育苗效果其次,高盐水兑淡水育苗效果最差.为中国对...  相似文献   

Four 14-day field experiments were conducted to determine the densities of postlarval white shrimp and blue crab megelopae moving into a tidal inlet along the south-eastern United States. Certain winds directions were statistically associated with peaks in abundance, a result which motivated us to use a high resolution finite-element numerical model to simulate passive larval transport under a variety of wind directions into the inlet. The passive particles were initially distributed uniformly in a zone of the continental shelf which extended 20 km offshore and 20 km alongshore in either direction. Each simulation was conducted for five tidal cycles (2.5 days) under constant wind stress. These simulations indicated that larvae are withdrawn from the continental shelf into the inlet from a narrow zone parallel to the shoreline but extending less that 5 km offshore. The withdrawal zone changed to one directly offshore of the inlet mouth only for a wind direction that pointed directly toward the inlet mouth. Under downwelling-favourable winds, particles originating in the surface accumulate along the downwind boundary and drift shoreward with time thus causing a 'pooling' of larvae along the coast. This scenario is repeated with less efficiency for upwelling-favourable winds with particles originating near bottom. The 'pooling' process occurs over the scale of the particle domain. A second and smaller scale is indicated by the relatively few particles which are withdrawn into the inlet as they pass inside the 7-m isobath (within 5 km of the coast). Those that do pass become available for inlets farther downstream.  相似文献   

An automatic, submersible fish cage system using air control was developed and a set of model experiments were conducted to examine the automatic submerging characteristics of the cage. The components of the fish cage consist of a rigid frame assembly with 6 variable ballast tanks and 6 fixed ballast tanks. The variable ballast tanks were used to change the buoyancy characteristics of the system by air control so that the fish cage can either be placed at the surface or submerged. The cage is free to move vertically within a water column by adjusting the weight and the buoyancy with an air control system. The model of this system, with dimensions of 2.20 m in diameter and length and 1.04 m in net cage depth, was constructed to be 1/10 the size of the full-scale system. In the model experiments, the submerging and surfacing characteristics of the cage were regulated with measurements from a water-pressure gauge and a gyroscope incorporated into the automatic control system. Model tests were performed in a still water tank and a large wave tank to develop the algorithm required to control the cage system and to verify the ability of the automatic submersion mechanism to function. The control system was designed so that when the variable ballast tanks were flooded with water, the model descended. To raise the system, compressed air is injected into the tanks by opening the main evacuation valve on the manifold. After the required amount of compressed air is supplied, the main evacuation valves can be shut and as a result, the fish cage becomes buoyant. Measured performance results in a still water tank are then compared with calculations from a previously developed numerical technique. The submerging and surfacing characteristics of the fish cage were relatively similar to the measurements obtained with the physical model experiments using air control. The cage was submerged to a target depth when incidence wave heights were higher than the critical wave height and raised when little wave actions were detected in a wave tank. On the other hand, the cage was placed at the surface when incidence wave heights were the same as the critical wave height or lower.  相似文献   

胡艺萱  刘鹰  任效忠  李猛  毕春伟 《水产学报》2023,47(5):059516-059516
为研究进水系统优化对方形圆弧角养殖池内流场特性的影响,实验运用计算流体动力学仿真技术(CFD)构建方形圆弧角养殖池的三维数值湍流模型,单管进水系统设置在养殖池弧壁的中间位置(以下称弧壁单管),并主要对不同进径比(参数C/B,射流管中心位置到养殖池壁的水平距离C与养殖池短边边长B之比)和不同射流角度对养殖池系统内的流场特性开展研究。结果显示,不同进径比条件下,随射流角度增加养殖池水体平均速度均呈现先增大后减小的趋势,且最优射流角度不同。进径比为0.01且射流角度为45°时,养殖池内部流场平均流速最高。进径比为0.03时,最优射流角度为30°。当C/B=0.05~0.13时且射流角度为25°时,水体平均速度最高且流场均匀性较好。进径比C/B=0.07~0.09、射流角度为25°时,养殖池内部流态总体上优于其他工况。研究表明,养殖池流场特性与进水系统进径比和射流角度密切相关。研究结果可为工厂化循环水养殖进水系统设计和优化养殖池系统的流场特性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

陆源污染物对龙江入海口水域环境质量的影响评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
祝立 《福建水产》2006,(2):24-28
福清龙江近几年水质严重恶化,携带大量污染物进入福清湾。本文利用2004~2005年对龙江入海口及其邻近水域的监测结果进行陆源污染物对龙江入海口环境质量的影响评价。结果表明,龙江入海口海水中的粪大肠菌群、磷酸盐、石油类、BOD5、无机氮、COD的含量均超过第二类海水水质标准,磷酸盐、无机氮、COD、BOD5甚至超过第四类海水水质标准。水中的重金属汞和铅阶段性的超标。龙江水经过邻近海域的海水稀释之后污染物浓度虽有所降低,但是到了福清湾顶平均污染指数仍然高达3.2。表层沉积物的几种污染物中只有邻近海域的石油类的含量超标,其他项目均符合海洋沉积物质量标准的要求。由于龙江入海口海域与福清湾是水产养殖区,受到污染的养殖环境会影响该养殖区水产品的质量,龙江污染的治理势在必行。  相似文献   

Drag force acting on biofouled net panels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurements were made to assess the increase in drag on aquaculture cage netting due to biofouling. Drag force was obtained by towing net panels, perpendicular to the incident flow, in experiments conducted in a tow tank and in the field. The net panels were fabricated from netting stretched within a 1 m2 pipe frame. They were towed at various speeds, and drag force was measured using a bridle-pulley arrangement terminating in a load cell. The frame without netting was also drag tested so that net-only results could be obtained by subtracting out the frame contribution. Measurements of drag force and velocity were processed to yield drag coefficients.

Clean nets were drag tested in the University of New Hampshire (UNH) 36.5 m long tow tank. Nets were then exposed to biofouling during the summer of 2004 at the UNH open ocean aquaculture demonstration site 1.6 km south of the Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire, U.S.A. Nine net panels were recovered on 6 October 2004 and immediately drag tested at sea to minimize disturbing the fouling communities. The majority of the growth was skeleton shrimp (Caprella sp.) with some colonial hydroids (Tubularia sp.), blue mussels (Mytilus edulus) and rock borer clams (Hiatella actica). Since the deployment depth was 15 m (commensurate with submerged cages at the site), no algae were present. The net panels had been subject to several different antifouling treatments, so the extent of growth varied amongst the panels. Drag force measurements were made using a bridle-pulley-load cell configuration similar to that employed in the tow tank. Fixtures and instruments were mounted on an unpowered catamaran that was towed alongside a workboat. Thus, the catamaran served as the “carriage” for field measurements.

Increases in net-only drag coefficient varied from 6 to 240% of the clean net values. The maximum biofouled net drag coefficient was 0.599 based on net outline area. Biofouled drag coefficients generally increased with solidity (projected area of blockage divided by outline area) and volume of growth. There was, however, considerable scatter attributed in part to different mixes of species present.  相似文献   

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